Drink Lemon Water Instead Of Pills If You Have One Of These 13 Problems

Having a glass of warm lemon water is one of the healthiest morning rituals. Lemon juice is a mighty antioxidant. It is packed with vitamins B and C, potassium, carbohydrates, volatile oils, and other healthy components.

Regular consumption of lemon juice provides a powerful immunity boost, enhances digestion, reduces cravings, stimulates healthy weight loss, and enables a proper pH balance in the body.

Use lemon juice to relieve the following ailments:

1. Acne treatment

Lemon water prevents the occurrence, and reduces acidic effects.

Gently rub your face with a squeezed lemon. It is a nice cleansing technique.

2. Kidney stones

Potassium increases citrate levels in urine, which prevents the formation of oxalates.

3. Immunity boost

Lemon water enhances the lymphatic function, which helps the immune system to detect and eliminate pathogens.

4. Suppress appetite and lose weight

Vitamins in lemons regulate blood sugar. The citrus fruit is also rich in pectin, a fiber that aids in controlling hunger.

Lemon juice also enhances digestion. It stimulates bile production, and your body uses it to break down food.

5. Gallbladder ache

Drink lemon water with your meals to deal with this aching condition.

6. Cold and flu

Vitamin C in lemons acts as a natural antioxidant. It provides strong antibacterial properties, which is why it should be used in the treatment of flu and colds.

7. Gastroesophaegal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Stay away from your TUMS, and drink lemon water instead. You should notice some improvement within 2 weeks.

8. Finger nails

Lemon juice strengthens nails, and eliminates white spots.

9. Food-borne diseases

Drink lemon water when travelling. This will keep you safe from food poisoning.

10. Fibromyalgia

Lemon water and yoga stretches will help you deal with exhaustion caused by fibromyalgia.

11. Inflammation

Thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties, lemons neutralize acidity. As you already know, inflammations are more likely to occur in acidic bodies.

12. Sore muscles after workout

Drink lemon water after heavy workout to relieve the pain.

13. Joint swelling and pain

Lemon juice reduces uric acid buildups in the joints, and thus prevent inflammation and arthritis.

Keep Reading: How to use lemon to remove the spots from your face and have a glowing skin

Benefits That Will Happen To Your Body Of Soaking Okra Overnight In a Glass Of Water And Eating It On An Empty Stomach

Okra or otherwise called Lady’s finger is a plant that many individuals neglect to appreciate it because of its disgusting surface. It has a special taste and due to it many individuals, particularly youngsters would prefer not to expend it.

Be that as it may, okra offers a lot of medical advantages. It is pressed with vitamins A, B, C, E, and minerals including potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. In addition, okra is high in adhesive fiber.

To acquire the most extreme advantages of okra, you ought to expend it early in the day and at night. Additionally, it is vital to expend the okra and drink the water in the meantime.

Health Benefits of Okra:

Digestive Health

Adding okra to your diet can increase your total fiber consumption. Okra contains mucilaginous fiber that can help in moving food through the digestive tract. It regulates bowel movements and reduces gastrointestinal problems, such as bloating, cramping, constipation, and gas. What is more, it prevents diarrhea and eliminates the high cholesterol.

Immune System

Due to its high antioxidant content, okra can fight free radicals. Moreover, it is rich in vitamin C known for its ability to boost the immune system. It stimulates the immune system to produce white blood cells which can fight foreign pathogens and material inside the body that can damage the immune system.

Blood Pressure and Heart Health

Okra is packed with vitamins and minerals such as potassium which is essential for your general health. Potassium helps in balancing the sodium and can maintain proper fluid balance. In addition, it relaxes the blood vessels and arteries, which in turn reduces the blood pressure and the strain on the cardiovascular system.

Vision Booster

Okra is an excellent source of vitamin A and antioxidant components such as lutein, xanthene, and beta carotenes.

Antioxidants can destroy and neutralize free radicals which can degrade the cells in the body, including those responsible for vision. The regular consumption of okra can protect your vision and prevent macular degeneration and cataracts.

Skin Health

Okra promotes faster healing and improves the health of your skin. It can reduce the appearance of scars, acne and eliminate wrinkles. This is due to the high content of antioxidants which can neutralize the free radicals responsible for the damaged skin cells.

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Why Our Grandparents Didn’t Have Food Allergies, But We Do

Did your grandparents have food allergies? Mine sure didn’t. A stark comparison to the growing epidemic of food allergies, worsening with every generation.  According to a study released in 2013 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, food allergies among children increased approximately 50% between 1997 and 2011.

Although it can be argued that food allergy and/or food sensitivity testing wasn’t really around back in the day and that there was much less of a focus on these concerns as a whole, there is clearly an increase of documented food allergy cases happening today.

So what could be some of the reasons that your grandparents didn’t have food allergies?

7 Reasons Why Your Grandparents Didn’t Have Food Allergies

1) They ate real seasonal food.

Food came from farms and small markets in the early 1900′s, and because food preservatives were not widely used yet, the food was fresh. Because of the lack of processed food, their diets were nutrient dense allowing them to get the nutrition they needed from their food.

For babies, breast milk was valued, and it was always in season.

2) They didn’t diet and play restrictive games with their body and metabolism. They ate food when food was available.

Our grandparents did not fall victim to fad diets, food marketing, calorie counting, and other detrimental dieting habits that are popular today (in part because the marketing infrastructure didn’t exist yet). Because of this they had a healthy metabolism and ate according to their body’s needs and cravings.

3) They cooked food at home, using traditional preparation methods from scratch.

Buying processed food was not an option, and eating out was a rare luxury. Lucky for our grandparents these habits actually increased their health.

4) They didn’t eat GMO’s, food additives, stabilizers, and thickeners.

The food was not yet treated with additives, antibiotics, and hormones to help preserve shelf life and pad the pockets of food producers in the early 1900′s at the expense of the consumer’s health.

5) They ate the whole animal that included mineral rich bone broths and organ meats.

Animal bones were saved or bought to make broths and soups, and organ meats always had a special place at the dinner table. These foods were valued for their medicinal properties, and never went to waste.

6) They didn’t go to the doctor when they felt sick or take prescription medications.

Doctor visits were saved for accidental injuries and life-threatening illness.

When they got a fever, they waited it out. When they felt sick, they ate soups, broths and got lots of rest. They did not have their doctor or nurse on speed dial and trusted the body’s natural healing process a whole lot more than we do today. Their food was medicine, whether they realized it or not.

7) They spent lots of time outside.

Our grandparents didn’t have the choice to stay inside and play on their phones, computers, and gaming systems.

They played on the original play-station: bikes, swing sets, and good ol’ mother nature!

What Do These Things Have To Do With Food Allergies?

Nutrition affects EVERY cell in our body. The health of our cells is dependent on diet and lifestyle. Cells create tissues; tissues create organs, and we are made up of a system of organs. If your nutrition is inadequate, the integrity of each cell, tissue, and organ in your body will suffer. Thus you may be MORE sensitive to certain foods.

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Retired Chief Of a Pharmacy Said: “The World Needs To Know, That Alkaline Water Kills Cancer”… Here Is How To Prepare It!

There are various illnesses and illnesses in the world that need proper treatment, many of which are so effective that doctors and pharmaceutical companies prefer to keep them secret, to take care of their business.

This time we want to let you know the benefits you can get by consuming alkaline water, a very effective way to reduce free radicals in the body, prevent a series of invasive diseases such as cancer.

There is a pharmacist who has retired and shared with the world, many secrets that he learned in his area of work and that keep hidden from the general public knowledge.

He has let us know the best way to use alkaline water, how to prepare it and why. We want to share this information with you.


Alkaline water is one of the most potent antioxidants, which purifies the body of toxins. By its consumption, it can strengthen the immune system, and eliminate acids.

These acids usually produce some adverse effects in the body such as fatigue, poor digestion, weight gain and increased presence of diseases.

You can avoid any of these effects with the help of alkaline water and eat vegetables that balance the acid and alkaline levels of the system. The things that we consume are those that determine the level of pH in the body and in this way our level of alkalinity is defined.

Dr. Otto Warburg was a Nobel Prize winner and determined that at least 95% of the known cancers have been developed in acidic environments.

In the same way, it showed that cancer can not progress in an organism with an alkaline system at a pH level greater than or equal to 7.36.

In this way, it relates the acidity with this disease and some other chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, among others.

Knowing all this information, we want to help you with a recipe that will strengthen the alkaline value in your body naturally, very quickly.


-A lemon

-Half medium cucumber

-A quarter of whole ginger root

-Half a cup of fresh mint leaves


You must wash and cut each of the ingredients, make sure to peel the ginger before.

Add it to a small jug of water and let it sit overnight. The next morning, proceed to strain and drink the glass on an empty stomach and the rest of the treatment, throughout the day.

This effective medicine has properties that will not fail you. Remember to share it with your acquaintances through social networks.

Keep Reading: If Chemotherapy Fails 97% Of The Time, Why Do Doctors Recommend It?

I’m Angry With My Doctor Because He Never Told Me This Leaf Makes You Stop Smoking

One of the habits that are becoming increasingly stronger in people around the world is to consume tobacco. Many people claim not to be able to spend a single day without smoking at least one cigarette. For them, this has become part of their lives and they can not help it.

However, many others would like to be able to give up the vice of tobacco use. Many people who have been willing to quit have achieved it. If they could, surely you can do it too.

However, they themselves have recognized that the way to stop smoking is not easy. This is even more difficult for those who have become addicted to nicotine. Above all, to stop smoking, a great sense of commitment on the part of the smoker is needed.

It is normal to hear that many people before quitting have had to try again and again. Therefore, do not be discouraged if you fall into one of the attempts, the important thing is to never give up and try again. Only those who try again and again are those who can emerge victoriously and win the battle to the vice of snuff.

Most people find it helpful to think about the consequences of smoking. The vice of tobacco can cause cardiovascular problems, damage our lungs, cause dependence on cigarettes, cause respiratory diseases and even cancer. It is enough to consume 1 single cigarette to have negative effects on our skin, nails, stomach, genitals and even get fat.

Something that can help you stop smoking is to know the different natural plants that can help you achieve it. For the most part, they lack side effects, so they are a good help in this regard. These herbs remove the desire to smoke and help us lose weight. Next, we will talk about one of them.

A plant that can help us give up the habit of consuming tobacco is Stevia. This herb comes from the family of chrysanthemums, from Paraguay. This plant was used for many centuries as a natural sweetener. The advantage of it is that we can consume it as much in powder as in juice or tea.

Use of Stevia

This plant has the ability to block the brain’s anxiety signals, so you will not want to smoke. Just a couple of drops of Stevia to help you get it. You just have to put the drops on your tongue when you have a craving for smoking. This simple trick will make your desire to smoke disappear instantly.

Both the liquid Stevia and powder can be easily found in any supermarket. For this, you should look for it in the aisle of baking products or healthy foods. You can also buy it at health food stores.

Stevia is also highly recommended for those looking to lose weight quickly. Even those who want to regulate their blood pressure can use it in the same way. Even diabetics benefit from using Stevia to improve their health. But without a doubt, its greatest virtue is to eliminate the desire to consume nicotine.

If you want to eat their leaves, it is important that the plant be adult and the leaves have a large size. It is recommended to consume 3 or 4 leaves in the morning and another 3 or 4 leaves in the afternoon. But in general, what we mean is that you eat them especially when you feel like smoking. If it is necessary to eat more than 8 leaves a day, there is no problem.

Other benefits of Stevia

-Improves digestion by suppressing candidiasis

-Prevents the growth of bacteria

-Helps upset stomach and calms acidity

-If we use it to wash our hair, it prevents dandruff

-Increase energy and provide a sense of well-being

This plant does not require special conditions. You can cultivate it yourself in the patio of your house. You just have to take one, plant it and give it the same care you give your flowers. Then, you just have to let it grow and take advantage of its virtues to help you give up the vice of tobacco. If you know someone who wants to quit smoking, share this information with him.


7 Most Dangerous Drugs in the World! Are You Using Them?

Ladies and gentlemen, can I ask you something?! Well, I’ll do it anyways – did you know that prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death in the world?

The answer is YES and we can easily say that the pharmaceutical industry is committing a silent holocaust around the globe.

How this works?! Well, people are getting sick because they are not getting the proper nutrients. Then they are covering up their sickness with prescription drugs. But, UNFORTUNATELY, this “healing method” can cause serious side effects, leading their doctors to prescribe more pills to conceal those side effects.

These 7 prescription drugs are very dangerous for you and your health.

1. Vaccine against chicken: did you know that this vaccine has caused cancer in a large proportion of people who have received it? Well yes and it has crippled millions of children in India for life.

2. Vaccine against mumps, rubella and measles: This vaccine can cause serious disorders in our neurological system, especially in children. It’s very dangerous for you and your health.

3. Antibiotics: Antibiotics can destroy the good bacteria in your body and weaken your immune system.

4. Antidepressant drugs: this type of drugs might destroy serotonin (happiness hormone) and cause suicidal thoughts and increasing depression.

5. Flu shot: This vaccine contains high amounts of mercury and aluminum, and it’s capable of causing miscarriage.

6. HPV vaccines: Many adolescents who have received this vaccine have gone into shock or even coma.

7. Chemotherapy: This treatment is responsible for gradually destroying the immune system, causing the formation of new types of cancer in the organism, particularly leukemia.

Read More: Herb That Is 100 Times Stronger Than Chemo Drugs And Kills Cancer!

You Will Be Surprised To Know a Product That Although It Is Delicious, and Is Highly Toxic

The product we are talking about has reached sales records; It is widely distributed throughout the world and why not say it; we all love it Frequently, they are used as snacks at parties and social gatherings. Its delicious flavor and crispy texture make it impossible to stop eating them. Today you will know a product that although it is delicious, it is highly toxic.

We are talking about the famous potato chips: Pringles. These potato chips have become one of the most popular snacks in the world. Today we will explain to you why we say that this product is highly toxic; like other similar brands in the market.

Highly toxic and carcinogenic, do not let your children eat them

Actually, if we knew what we are eating, it would not seem so delicious, much less we would give it to our children.

To know why we make this statement we will explain how these chips are made. Keep reading so you can find out why this product is highly toxic.

How are the famous Pringles made?

Initially, the base ingredients such as rice, wheat, corn and potatoes mix and form a kind of pasta or dough. This paste is spread in very thin layers that are placed on a conveyor belt, where they are pressed with the molds that give them their characteristic shape, to be then passed through boiling oil.

Once they are cooked, they are blown with industrial devices to remove and dry excess fat; and finally, they are sprinkled with the powders of the flavors that we know: cheese, bacon, BBQ, and others.

Why is it a highly toxic product?

It could be thought that since its origin is vegetable there is nothing wrong with it. The problem is that it has been shown that starches, when passed through boiling oil, can generate a large number of toxic substances.

According to a report prepared by the EU, it was demonstrated that the cooking at high temperatures of the potatoes, generates more than 800 different substances; of which 52 are highly carcinogenic. In particular, a compound called Acrylamide was detected that is generated during the cooking of the Pringles.

Acrylamide is a toxic chemical component that is produced by cooking high-starch foods at high temperatures. In addition to being a neurotoxin, this component can cause male infertility, genetic malformations in babies and cancer.

It has been proven that in certain doses, Acrylamide can affect the nervous system of animals and humans. The doses of Acrylamide contained in Pringle’s potatoes exceed the safe amounts.

In 2005, the state of California sued the manufacturers of potato chips for not warning consumers of the risks that can lead to consuming the acrylamide present in their products.

After knowing this interesting fact, do not they seem so delicious? This information motivates us to be more alert regarding the consumption of chemically processed products. We always choose to consume healthy snacks and educate our children in a conscious way about the damages that these products can cause to the organism.

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If Chemotherapy Fails 97% Of The Time, Why Do Doctors Recommend It?

Two doctors reveal the truth about chemotherapy.

Doctors have spoken separately about the truth behind chemotherapy – that 97% of the time it doesn’t even work.

Chemotherapy and indeed the pharmaceutical industry, in general, is big business. Drug companies are among the richest in the world, they sell the idea of ‘health’ too sick people much in the same way a diet soda is sold to people in the hope that it will help them lose weight.

Cancer is very much a disease of ‘our time’, and most doctors will tell you that one of the easiest ways to avoid it is by holding a good diet and a healthy lifestyle.

For the unfortunate ones who develop cancer, when visiting a doctor there are only limited options available to them.

They usually cut cancer out – good news, cancer in that part of the body has gone, but the body has previously been a cancer-creating environment. The root cause of cancer must be realized before the person can be cured.

But instead of thinking about the cause of cancer, the doctors are all too happy to sell patients cancer drugs that turn them a profit.

In the video, Peter Glidden, BS, ND talks about how low the success rates for chemotherapy are, and the insanity in which this medicine is not working for the patients, but instead making money for the doctors.

Glidden says:

“Why is it still used? There’s one reason, and one reason only,”


He outlines that for most drugs, the doctors prescribing them don’t get a cut of any sales they make, but chemotherapy drugs are different.

There has never to this day been one decided upon ‘cure’ for cancer, but there are many testimonies of people who claim they cured their cancer by changing their diet and their lifestyle. These holistic stories are ridiculed by doctors even though of course, they make perfect sense. The doctors do not want people treating themselves.

Glidden says:

“Chemotherapeutic drugs are the only classification of drugs that the prescribing doctor gets a direct cut off,”

“The only reason chemotherapy is used is because doctors make money from it — period. It doesn’t work 97 percent of the time. If Ford Motor Company made an automobile that exploded 97 percent of the time, would they still be in business?” “No.”

In another video, a different doctor has a similar tale to tell. Naturopathic doctor Leonard Coldwell talks about the destructive nature of chemotherapy and that patients appear ‘cured’ of their cancer, because not only did the radiation kill cancer, it also scorched a bunch of otherwise healthy cells in its destructive path.

He says:

“You killed basically every bioelectrical and biochemical function in the body,”

“Since nothing works anymore, for three years, you have no cancer, you’re cured. You’re just dead in five years.”

He then goes on to mention the cynical way in which doctors are forced to treat cancer patients and the problems within the medical profession.

He says:

“You go into the medical profession, the first year, the first two years, you’re really excited, you’re really in it, you’re giving your all until you find out no matter what you do the patient gets worse, or they cure themselves.”

Keep Reading: SHOCKING: People Do Not Die of Cancer! People Die of Chemotherapy and in Terrible Pain

What happens to your kidneys when you ingest baking soda?

Sodium bicarbonate, commonly known as baking soda, is a chemical compound typically found in the form of a fine powder.

It has salty and alkaline taste and a wide range of uses, from shampoo, deodorant, cleaning agent, and toothpaste to medical practices.

This fine powder had been used by ancient Egyptians to create a pain for their hieroglyphics while the real factory developing baking soda was established in 1846 by two eminent bakers from New York.

Medical Uses

– Baking soda raises pH levels

– Paste made with baking soda and water treats allergic reactions from ivy poison

– Baking soda helps remove splinters

– Solution made with baking soda and water creates a potent antacid

– Baking soda inhibits the progression of kidney failure

Being produced by the pancreas in order to protect the kidneys, sodium bicarbonate is critical for our health. When these organs lack bicarbonate production, acid accumulates in our bodies, requiring a treatment to remove this acid build-up.

How to Repair Your Kidneys Naturally Using Baking Soda (and why you should)

On the first day, you should dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda under the tongue. The following day, mix half a teaspoon of baking soda and half a teaspoon of salt into 1.5 liter of water. Drink this solution daily over the course of two to three days.

According to Dr. Thomas P. Kennedy,
“Substituting a sodium bicarbonate solution for saline infusion prior to administration of radiocontrast material seems to reduce the incidence of nephropathy.”

Nearly 3 million people suffer from chronic kidney disease in U.K alone. While only an estimate, nearly 38,000 of these patients need renal replacement therapy which costs $45,165 (£30,000) annually.

The first controlled test was done at the Whitechapel hospital in Royal London, showing that baking soda can drastically slow down the effects of kidney disease.  As stated by the team leader, a Professor of Renal Medicine named Magdi Yaqoob,

‘It’s amazing.’

‘This is the first randomized controlled study of its kind.’

‘A simple remedy like sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), when used appropriately, can be very effective.’

The study involved 134 participants with advanced kidney disease and a randomly picked group was given a sodium bicarbonate tablet on a daily basis for a year.

This group noted a 2/3 slower decline of health when compared to the untreated group and they were less likely to need dialysis. Only 9 percent of the treated group had a rapid progression compared to 45 percent of the untreated group who experienced rapid progression.

According to Professor Magdi Yaqoob,

‘This study shows baking soda can be useful for people with kidney failure. That is, as long as the dose is regulated and under supervision.’

‘What happens is the inflammation of kidney is prevented by baking soda because a chemical reaction takes place limiting ammonia production in the kidney.’

‘This cheap and simple strategy also improves patients’ nutritional well-being and has the potential to improve quality of life and of course a clinical outcome that can remove the need for dialysis.’

‘Baking soda is not classed as a drug so this study has never been tried before.’

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The All-Natural Spray That Effectively Removes Household Mold

A quick question – do you want to get rid of unwanted mold festering in your home without the use of chemical filled products? If YES, then please read on!

First of all, you should know that mold is a type of fungi that can be found in the air and all around us. Naturally, mold breaks down dead materials and can be found on decaying food and plants or growing in soil.

You probably already know that moisture is the key to mold growth, which is the main reason why mold is attracted to damp and wet spaces. So, it’s pretty normal if you find it in the bathroom! Mold loves to grow in previously flooded spaces, as the conditions provide the three things it needs to prosper:

Effects of Mold on Your Health

Ladies and gentlemen, don’t get us wrong – not all mold you may come into contact with is dangerous to your health.

But still, you should be very careful, because certain types of household mold can cause problems. The experts warn that overexposure can affect your health in many different ways; ranging from allergies and respiratory infections to tumor growth and cancer.

Well, this means that if you are exposed to mold on a regular basis because of your job or where you live, then you may have to wear a clinical mask to help filter the air you are taking in regularly.

Even if you aren’t being overexposed to mold on a regular basis, they can still be toxic to your health.

According to the American Industrial Hygiene Association, even smaller amounts of exposure to toxins in the mold can be detrimental to your health. One of the main side effects of mold which is widely debated is whether it can give you asthma or actually worsen asthma that is already there.

Douwes and Pierce said that a recent large European multicenter study in adults showed not only a significant homogeneous association across centers between self-reported mold exposures and asthma symptoms.’

A recent study, conducted by the EPA and Berkeley National Laboratory, has revealed that:

“Of the 21.8 million people reported to have asthma in the U.S., approximately 4.6 million cases are estimated to be attributable to dampness and mold exposure in the home.”

How to Spot Household Mold?

Here’s what you need to know – if you see dark green/ black colored mold growing in your house- don’t panic!

WHY? Well, because not all black mold is poisonous to your health. And, in order to determine whether it is the more dangerous variety you will need a professional.

There are also testing kits that you can order online or buy from most hardware stores; some sample the air and others sample surfaces, however, you should only use kits that are shipped to a lab to be tested.

This is very important for you to remember – household molds are classified into categories A, B and C. Category A molds are the biggest health risks, and they should be removed by professionals immediately.

Examples include Aspergillus and Stachybotrys (widely referred to as “black mold”). Category B molds aren’t toxic, but they pose an allergy risk to many. They include Cladosporium, Penicillium, and Alternaria. Category C molds aren’t usually an allergy risk, but they can still damage items in your house. An example is Ulocladium.

As we mentioned before, in this article we’re going to show you how to make the best remedy, which will help you get rid of that non-toxic household mold effectively and naturally.

And, now you probably ask yourselves – what’s the secret ingredient? Tea tree oil. Tea Tree oil has been used for centuries and has many modern day uses. Tea tree oil can be used for acne, athlete’s foot, dandruff, toothache and even helps cure a cold!

You’ll need the following ingredients:

– 2 Teaspoons of Tea Tree Oil

– 2 Cups of water

– A cotton Cloth

– An empty spray bottle


It’s very simple – just our 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil and two cups of water into the empty spray bottle, put the lid back on and shake.

How to use it – you should spray the solution over any mold affected areas in the house and leave to settle for a few hours. Using the cotton cloth go around the sprayed areas and dry very thoroughly! That’s it!

Related: Here’s How To Identify And Remove Black Mold From Your Walls