This recipe has been used for many years by a number of generations, and it is still used as it is a solution to a current and a frequent problem. Numerous people praise this recipe.

The secret to its effectiveness is the presence of raisins, as well as berries which contain arginine that is an essential nutrient when it comes to treating of erectile dysfunction.

If a man consumes this remedy, he increases his chances of getting a woman pregnant drastically. This is due to the fact that this remedy improves the quality of sperm in men.

Moreover, this remedy increases the energy in general. This recipe originates from India and it contains raisins, milk, and a little saffron.

The recipe and the way of consumption:

Take 30 grams of raisins and wash them well. Then, cook them in an undamaged enamel vessel with 200 ml of milk, adding a little saffron in the end. Start consuming this remedy three times a day, dividing this amount in three parts. Then, increase the amount of raisins and start using 50 grams. Very soon, you will notice the incredible results and all your sexual problems will disappear.


Miracle Magnesium Drink: NO ANXIETY in 1 Week

One of the best natural cures for anxiety is magnesium, a mineral that participates in more than 300 biochemical reactions occurring in the body.

Mark Hyman, M.D., author of The Ultra-Metabolism Cookbook and The Ultra-Mind Solution, says:

“I find it funny that more doctors aren’t clued into the benefits of magnesium because we use it all the time in conventional medicine.”

Magnesium is needed to stabilize blood sugar levels, regulate the heartbeat, strengthen the bones, strengthen the immune system, boost energy levels, and much more.

It fights inflammation in the brain, normalizes the function of the neurotransmitters, suppresses the stress response, and soothes the sympathetic nervous system, that acts in synergy with the parasympathetic nervous system, and is responsible for anxiety.

According to Carolyn Dean, M.D., author of The Magnesium Miracle,

“Simply taking a good magnesium supplement could pull you out of a downward spiral.”

Numerous experts have linked magnesium deficiency and anxiety, and studies have shown that magnesium supplements reduce subjective measures of anxiety in “moderately anxious individuals.”

Mona Dan, an herbalist and the owner of Vie Healing acupuncture in Beverly Hills, adds:

“Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer, which immensely helps with anxiety. It’s a nervous system relaxant and mineral that assists with fear, irritability, and restlessness. We hold on to so much tension within our muscles, and this is a super healthy and easy way to create calmness.”

Edison de Mello, MD, Ph.D., a board-certified integrative medicine physician and founder of probiotics line ActivatedYou; and the Care/of the scientific advisory team, says:

“Some would call this the first-ever ‘chill pill’ because it’s been used to ease anxiety for centuries. It stabilizes the mood and promotes feelings of calm and well-being. Just make sure to take a supplement that contains both magnesium and calcium, since they’re interdependent. Taking one without the other won’t do you much good.”

Unfortunately, magnesium deficiency is very common these days. While the recommended daily intake is between 320 and 400 milligrams, an average American adult consumes less than 250 milligrams of magnesium. 

According to Dr.Mercola:

“According to 2011 data,2 45 percent of American adults do not get the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) amount of magnesium from their diet, and teen statistics3 published in 2014 suggests nearly 92 percent of teenagers between 14 to 18 do not meet the estimated average requirement for magnesium from food alone. The most likely reason for this is because they do not eat fresh vegetables on a regular basis.”

These are the most common signs of magnesium deficiency:

-Anxiety, depression, restlessness

-Trouble sleeping/Insomnia

-Sore muscles, spasms, twitches, tremors

-Fragile bones, osteoporosis

-Irritability (for no reason)

-Sensitivity to noise

These are the richest foods in magnesium you can consume:

-Dark leafy greens, 1 cup: 100-160 mg

-Pumpkin seeds, 1 ounce: 150 mg

-Black beans, 1 cup: 120 mg

-Salmon, 1 fillet: 106 mg

-Cashews, 1 ounce: 82 mg

-Whole grains, 1 ounce: 50-70 mg

-Dark chocolate 1 ounce: 65 mg

-Avocado, 1 medium: 59 mg

-Tofu, 3.5 ounces: 53 mg

-Bananas, 1 large: 37 mg

Try out the following miraculous anti-anxiety drink with magnesium-rich foods and you will be surprised by its effects:

Miracle magnesium anti-anxiety drink


-1 cup kale/spinach (157 milligrams)

-1 banana (32 milligrams)

-1 tsp agave nectar/organic honey (1 milligram)

-1 cup unsweetened almond milk (17 milligrams)

-1 scoop protein powder

-1 tbsp raw cacao powder (27 milligrams)


Mix the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Enjoy!

Maca Powder: The Perfect Food For Hormone Imbalance, Anxiety, Energy, Sleep, And Libido

Maca comes from the brassica (mustard) family, similar to turnip, cabbage, and watercress. This superfood was first used by the Incans who grew this hearty plant high in the Andes Mountains of Peru.

The Incans valued maca, which they commonly called Peruvian ginseng, for its incredible sources of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, tannins and amino acids, as well as a number of complex alkaloids and up to 20 essential fatty acids, along with numerous other phytochemicals.

I really think that you’ll be amazed when we tell you that the Incan imperial warriors regularly ate maca prior to battle to help increase their “fighting spirit,” strength, stamina, and libido. Although relatively small, this vegetable was so potent that its use was restricted mainly to royalty and their court. Incans respected the value of this plant so much they even used it as a form of payment.

Even today, many athletes and even bodybuilders still use maca to help build their strength, stamina and overall performance.

But, ladies and gentlemen, you should know that maca has another, lesser known benefit that researchers are only beginning to understand. This potent vegetable has the ability to balance hormones, which makes it invaluable for both men and women in various stages of life.

According to the experts, maca is especially good for women during menopause. Take a look at the article below and find out more about this.

Maca for Women

1. Regulates Hormonal Imbalances

First of all, you should know that maca is considered to be an endocrine adaptogen. Maca doesn’t contain any hormones, but it does contain the necessary nutrients to support normal hormone production within your body.

One of these nutrients is DIM (Diindolylmethane), a phytochemical that is found in many cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cabbage. DIM has been found in numerous studies to greatly improve hormone balance (both estrogen and testosterone) in both men and women.

Maca is also effective against some forms of cancer. A recent study has revealed that maca can help to normalize hormone levels by working with your endocrine system.

For women, maca can be a lifesaver, especially when most conventional options typically involve synthetic forms of hormones that are proven to be dangerous, even causing such things as ovarian cancer, stroke, and asthma, among other things.

Bottom line – maca provides the nutrients your body needs to naturally produce its own hormones to effectively restore balance. The conventional hormone treatments introduce synthetically made chemicals that can wreak havoc on your endocrine system. Hormone regulation is vital as these substances are responsible for virtually every process in your body.

2. Reduces Symptoms of Menopause

As we said, maca can help you balance your hormones, which means that it’s extremely helpful for women to reduce the typical symptoms associated with menopause.

A recent study has discovered that maca can help to alleviate the negative physiological and psychological symptoms experienced by women in perimenopause, such as the frequency of hot flashes, the incidence of night sweats, interrupted sleep, nervousness, depression, and heart palpitations.

The lead researcher said:

“It appears that Maca-GO may act as a toner of hormonal processes, leading to alleviation of discomfort felt by perimenopausal women, hence, its potential use as non-hormonal alternative to HRT program.”

Another study revealed that for women, maca is able to successfully restore hormone balance. The researchers have concluded that the changes in hormone levels was accompanied by a substantially-reduced feeling of discomfort associated with menopause.

Unfortunately, many women complain of “brain fog” during menopause, which has been linked to fluctuating hormones levels. Maca can improve this type of memory loss and it’s a potent neuroprotective agent, which makes it a potential treatment to help prevent or slow disease, and possibly, even in the case of injury, halt or at least slow, the loss of neurons.

3. Lowers Cholesterol Levels

You should know that maca is loaded with plant sterols, including sitosterol, campestrol, ergosterol, brassicasterol, and ergostadienol. According to the experts, these chemicals are essentially the equivalent of the cholesterol found your body.

These sterols help to form the cell membranes in plants. YES, there are different types of plant sterols, but they all have a similar chemical structure and have been shown by researchers to help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol in humans as well as combat three of the most common types of cancer.

4. Lowers Glucose Levels

Study has revealed that after just two weeks, subjects who took maca experienced significantly improved glucose tolerance, and lowered levels of glucose in their blood.

5. Reduces High Blood Pressure

Study confirms – maca can significantly inhibit the hypertension relevant angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE).

Maca for Women… And Men?

– Reduces Prostate Size

As we said, this super healthy powder is very beneficial for men as well. Study – a specific type of maca (red maca) can suppress prostatic growth and even reduce prostate size, which makes it a valuable tool for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a problem older men often face.

A group of experts have revealed that maca may be as potent as finasteride (a popular drug used to treat BPH) in reducing prostate size.

– Increases Fertility

Maca can also be a potential treatment for male infertility, especially if it is a result of lead exposure. Maca can effectively improve sperm production and motility.


After Reading This You Will Start Consuming Apple Cider Vinegar Every Morning!

Do you want to improve your overall health? –I think that this is silly question because there is no person that will say no to this question, am I right? Well you can do that with only consuming one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in the morning after waking up and before breakfast.

We all know that apple cider vinegar has numerous benefits and that is why this will improve your overall health.

Besides that if you want to lose weight this will be of a great help to achieve the weight of your dreams. This article will show you couple of reasons why to use ACV:

1. Like we said it will help you with weight loss process.

2. ACV is increasing the insulin concentration and this is very important to regulate the blood pressure and blood sugar. That means that ACV will help you to regulate your blood pressure and blood sugar.

3. You will eliminate toxins from your body with ACV because it has antioxidant properties.

4. Your hair will be shiny and voluminous like never before. All you will have to do is to wash your hair with ACV once every week after shampooing.

5. Suffering from a skin condition? Use ACV. Want to get rid of blemishes? Use ACV. Just apply ACV with cotton ball on the affected area and let it like that during the night.

6. It can be really hot during the summer and that is why many people are getting sunburns on the skin. Just drench a towel in ACV and then put on the affected area.

7. It strengthens and whitens your teeth. Just rinse your teeth with ACV.

8. It can be really helpful in the case of many diseases because it can break up the mucus in the body and it can reduce allergies.

9. It balances pH levels because it contains acetic and malice acid.

10. Potassium is of a big importance for the growth, proper build of muscles, transmission of nerve impulses and normal heart activity. ACV is high source of potassium.


Study: Drinking Wine is More Important than Exercise to Living Past 90

Living long enough to see your children and grandchildren grow is priceless.  Unfortunately, not many people are lucky enough for this to happen.

Living Longer With…Wine?

Although medicine has significantly progressed over time and has done great jumps in keeping us healthy, this is not the only thing keeping us going.

So, what`s the secret? A study named 90+ Study started in 2003 with the goal of analyzing the oldest-old which is turning into the fastest growing age group worldwide.  The participants in this study were initially part of another study named The Leisure World Cohort Study (LWCS) which started in 1981.

Utilizing the information from these participants, the team of researchers working on the 90+ Study were able to ask, ‘What allows people to live to age 90 and beyond?’

The goals of the study were to:

– Determine factors associated with longevity

– Determining modifiable risk factors for mortality and dementia

– Examine rates of cognitive and functional decline in the oldest-old

– Examine the epidemiology of dementia in the oldest-old

– Examine clinical pathological correlations in the oldest-old

The participants in the study are visited two times annually for neurophysiological and neurological tests.

By The Glass Or By The Bottle?

Drinking wine can help, but this doesn’t mean that you should drink a whole bottle with dinner.  Moderation is the key! According to Mayo Clinic, for healthy adults older than 65, moderation is one drink.  For those under 65, it is two drinks. A standard drink is 12 fluid ounces of beer, 5 fluid ounces of wine, or 1.5 fluid ounces of distilled spirits.

It was shown that moderate alcohol consumption provides the following benefits:

– Lower chances of ischemic stroke

– Possible reduction of your risk of diabetes

– Reduced risk of developing or dying from heart disease

A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine looked at how physical activity can counteract the negative effects of drinking. Senior author of the study, Dr. Emmanuel Stamatakis studied data gathered from heath surveys from England and Scotland and then divided their 36, 370 participants in three groups.

The groups were divided into those weren’t very active, those with moderate amount of exercise, and those who exercised on a regular basis. Then, the team of researchers looked at how much alcohol the people in each group consumed, respectively.

Calculating 5,735 total deaths over a follow-up period of 10 years per person, the researchers found that compared with lifelong abstinence from alcohol, hazardous drinking was associated with an increased risk of death from all causes. They also noted that the more drinks had weekly, the greater the risk of death from cancer.

When they compared the weekly recommended amount of exercise for adults, they discovered that it “appeared to wipe off completely” the risk of cancer deaths due to alcohol.

11 Reasons Why You Should Consume Beetroot Every Day!

Beetroot is one of the healthiest vegetables in the world. It’s a nutrient-dense super-food packed with essential nutrients. It’s a good source of vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, potassium, manganese, fiber, copper, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. It’s also packed with powerful antioxidants like flavonoids, phenolic acids, carotenoids, betalain, and anthocyanin.

Although available all year round, this root vegetable is sweetest and most tender during its peak season, from June to October. It should be consumed raw and uncooked as cooking might destroy most of its nutrients.

11 Reasons Why You Should Consume Beetroot Every Day:

– It may help dilate and relax your blood vessels

The naturally-occurring salt called nitrate found in beetroot is converted to nitric oxide in your body. Nitric oxide may help dilate and relax your blood vessels, boosting your blood flow. The amino acid called betaine found in this vegetable may help prevent the build-up of homocysteine in your blood, preventing circulation problems.

– It may help improve your skin health

Beetroot contains folate, which’s one of the B vitamins important for skin health. It may help stimulate re-pigmentation of white skin patches of vitiligo and prevent skin cancer. Beetroot is also a great source of vitamin C that may help clear your blemishes, even out your skin tone and give it a natural glow.

– It may help enhance your liver health

Beetroot is a unique source of betalains – a kind of phytonutrient, which has potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxification properties. This root vegetable acts as an excellent liver cleanser and may help support proper liver function. With the help of compounds like glycine and methionine, it may help prevent fatty acids from building up in your liver and improve your liver health.

– It might help prevent cancerous tumor formation or reduce cancerous cell proliferation

The betanin (a form of betalain) found in beetroot might help prevent cancerous tumor formation and reduce cancerous cell proliferation. It might have the power to prevent the formation of prostate, skin, lung and breast cancer. Beetroot juice, when consumed along with carrot extract, might aid in the treatment of leukemia.

– It may help relieve constipation

This root vegetable is high in dietary fiber that may help stimulate the nerves in your intestines and improve your body’s ability to digest food. The high dietary fiber content may add bulk to your stool and relieve constipation.

– It may help alleviate menstrual pain and menopause symptoms

Menopause and menstruation are known to cause an influx of hormones. But, the phytochemicals found in beetroot may help balance your hormones and stimulate the production of estrogen, minimizing your monthly rollercoaster.

This super-food is also packed with iron, which may help prevent iron deficiency, reduce irritability and fatigue. Also, it is a good source of folate (vitamin B9), which may help regulate menstrual periods.

– It may help boost your mood and improve your mental health

Beetroot possesses tryptophan, an amino acid that may help promote feelings of relaxation and well-being. The betaine found in this root vegetable may help induce the metabolization of body chemical SAM-e that’s a natural anti-depressant. Beetroot may help improve blood flow to your brain, enhance cognitive function, and prevent dementia.

– It may help enhance your muscle strength and boost your endurance and stamina

Beetroot may feed your muscles with increased iron-rich blood flow, magnesium and nitrites. The nitrate content found in this vegetable turns into nitric oxide, reducing the oxygen cost of low-intensity exercise while improving the stamina for high-intensity exercise. This means that drinking beet juice may help increase your muscle strength and boost your endurance during a workout.

– It may help prevent oxidative stress-induced changes, decrease your glucose levels, and elevate your insulin sensitivity

The antioxidant called alpha-lipoic acid found in beetroot may help prevent oxidative stress-induced changes, decrease your glucose levels, and elevate your insulin sensitivity. The alpha-lipoic acid may also help alleviate the symptoms of autonomic neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy.

– It may help improve your respiratory health

This vegetable is packed with vitamin C, which’s a potent antioxidant that may help boost your immune system.

Vitamin C may help support proper function of your white blood cells that are your body’s primary line of defense against foreign bodies, improving your respiratory health.

– It may help reduce your blood pressure

Beetroot juice may help reduce both your diastolic and systolic blood pressure. The nitrates found in beetroot may help dilate and relax your blood vessels, increase your blood flow, and reduce your blood pressure.

Wrap Your Feet With Cabbage Leaves In Order To Relieve Joint Pain

Cabbage is a vegetable from the Brassica family that offers a wide range of health benefits. The vegetable has an oval shape, with white and green leaves. It is full of essential vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants which can significantly improve your overall health.

Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, potassium and iron, and has been used in folk medicine in Europe for thousands of years. It can help you in cases of blemished, purify your blood and detoxify the liver as well.

Consuming cabbage will make you look younger, but when applied on affected skin areas, it can reduce the inflammation and redness and treat skin problems such as eczema, acne, psoriasis and minor wounds. As we already mentioned, the vegetable contains a lot of vitamin C which can slow down the aging process and keep your skin glowing.

Plus, it also contains vitamins A and D which can protect your cells from damage and prevent the deterioration of your skin cells. Furthermore, cabbage is rich in fiber which will boost your digestion and help you lose weight.

Cabbage has many types, each one with its own characteristics.

Green cabbage

Green cabbage is the most common type of cabbage. It contains a variety of vitamins and minerals and can be eaten in a salad or added to soups, stews and various meals.

Red cabbage

The purple (red) cabbage is much thicker than the green one and has a tangier taste. Just like the green cabbage, it is full of essential nutrients.

Savoy cabbage

The Savoy cabbage has bigger and darker leaves which are ideal as a wrap for different fillings.

Bok Choy

Bok Choy (Chinese cabbage) has an oval shape, green leaves with white veins and is full of essential vitamins and minerals.

In Europe, cabbage was used as a folk remedy against joint pain. Here’s how:


– Red cabbage

– Gauze

– Aluminum foil


Take out the top cabbage layer of leaves and wash it with water well, then let it dry before removing the stem. Now, use a rolling pin on it to let the cabbage juice out, and wrap the leaf in aluminum foil. Warm it up in an oven, then apply it on the painful area and secure with a gauze or bandage. Leave the cabbage to work for at least an hour, and repeat the process 2-3 times a day for best results. If you want a cold compress, put the leaf in the fridge for an hour.

Meet the Kid Who’s Never Eaten a Gram of Refined Sugar in Her Life- Here’s What She Looks Like Today

Sugar addiction is a global problem, and our children are raised believing that sugar and sweets are a reward for being good or a way to celebrate a special occasion.

Thus, the birthday cakes are the most important thing on a birthday party, our holiday tables are full of sweets and just think about the entire celebration of Easter, with the chocolate bunnies, or Halloween, and Trick-or-treating.

Yet, the mother of a two-and-a-half-year-old girl, Grace Cooper, decided to omit refined sugar, dairy, grains, and processed foods from her diet, and follow the Paleo diet.

Her breakfast contains carrots, roasted sweet potatoes, eggs in coconut oil, steamed broccoli, a quarter of an avocado, and a spoonful of sauerkraut, while her dinner consists of organic chicken and vegetables.

Shan, the mother of Grace, claims that her daughter’s immune system is extremely strong, so she has only had one cold so far. Yet, she maintains that even though she will still guide Grace, when she is older, she will not force her to follow this diet.

Despite sugar, baby food is full of chemicals, sodium, preservatives, lead, and fluoride, all of which can have disastrous effects on the health of children and toddlers.

On the other hand, as the taste buds of babies are developing and sensitive, there is no need of eating refined foods, since they can be perfectly satisfied with some organic source of sugar.

Numerous baby foods are extremely high in sugar, even though their labels are deceiving. Namely, the vegetables and fruits are processed using ultra-high heat and shipped to baby food manufactures, which boil them down, eliminating most of the nutrients, and leaving only the high sugar levels. 

For instance, take a look at the nutritional values of two 71- gram servings of commercial banana purees and an actual mashed banana:

Mashed banana

*Sugar: 8.7 grams (naturally occurring )

Sodium: < 1 milligram

Fiber: 1.8 grams

Earth’s Best 1st Bananas

*Sugar: 12 grams

 Sodium: 20 milligrams

Fiber: 1 gram

*4 grams = 1 teaspoon of sugar

Gerber 1st Foods Banana Purée

*Sugar: 13 grams

Sodium: 5 milligrams

Fiber: < 1 gram

When it comes to the safe amount of sugar our children can consume, according to Dr. Svetlana Pomerantes, MD:

“Let’s start by looking at American Heart Association (AHA) recommendations. The new guidelines call for less than 25 grams (6 teaspoons) of sugar per day for children ages 2 to 18 years. That includes no more than 8 ounces of sugar-sweetened drinks per week. I advise parents to read food labels, find ‘sugar,’ and do the math — every 4 grams of sugar equals 1 teaspoon. “

She continues:

“The worst sugars are in processed foods, sports drinks, pop, desserts, and fruit juice. Don’t rush to introduce fruit juice — it has no nutritional value.”

Similarly,  Dr. Edward Gaydos, DO, says:

“Children younger than 2 years should have no sugar at all”, and adds that “eating brings joy, but that joy should be geared toward the process of satisfying hunger and spending time with family. Children can’t choose a well-balanced diet. But adults can, and should — right from the beginning.”

Sugar is highly addictive and leads to obesity and type-2 diabetes, you should work hard to lower your child’s consumption of refined sugars, and here are some useful tips:

-Lower your sugar intake to set an example

-Try to eat at home as often as possible

-Try to explain the benefits of healthy foods and make sure you have food rules when going out

-Avoid keeping sugar-rich foods at home

-Explain your goals to other members of your family, so they can support you

-Do not reward your children with candy

Yet, if you have a sweet tooth, do not despair, as you do not need to forget about desserts if you decide to ditch refined sugar from your diet, since there are perfectly healthy alternatives you can use instead, like honey and pure maple syrup.

You can see all photos from the kid here: Meet the Kid Who’s Never Eaten a Gram of Refined Sugar in Her Life- Here’s What She Looks Like Today

8 Effective Natural Home Remedies To Treat A Strep Throat Infection

Natural remedies are just as effective as any medication when treating a disease. They’ve been used as medicine for centuries and have helped people treat a variety of diseases and conditions. The best thing about them is that they work without any side-effects which are pretty common when taking medications.

In the past, people relied on natural remedies to treat simple and complex health problems. They used them for bacterial infections for example, but natural remedies were also used against cancer and similar diseases. One of the most common conditions people used natural remedies against was strep throat. Many people still rely on nature to fight this unpleasant infection even today.

Strep throat is a bacterial infection of the throat that is caused by the A. Streptococcus bacterium. It manifests through inflammation, swelling, and pain in the throat. The infection can affect everyone from children to adults and is easily spread through sneezing and coughing.

The severity of the symptoms may be mild in the beginning, but it will get worse if left untreated. The most common way of resolving the infection is with antibiotics and other medications, but you should know that strep throat is treatable with the help of natural remedies.

It’s not just one – in fact, there are many natural remedies that can defeat the bacterium and relieve your symptoms naturally and without side-effects. We compiled a combination of natural remedies that work great against strep throat as well as other bacterial infections – see them below.

Ginger Tea

What’s the simplest way of defeating any kind of infection? Ginger tea. The root has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and fever-reducing properties that can crush infections in mere days. Just brew some homemade ginger tea, sweeten it with honey, and drink a few cups per day – it’s all you need to get your throat sorted out.


ACV is probably the most widespread natural remedy of all times. It has been used for everything from infections to serious diseases, so strep throat is not a big challenge for it. Add 1 teaspoon of ACV in ½ a cup of warm water, then gargle the mixture 2-3 times per day for best results.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper works great against bacterial infections such as strep throat. Just mix some with a bit of honey in a cup of warm water, then drink the mix to relieve the pain in your throat.

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root contains a mucus-like substance that can soothe the irritation in your throat and reduce the swelling and pain. All you need to do is add a bit of dry marshmallow root to a cup of warm water and drink the remedy – it will do wonders for your throat.

Matcha Tea

Thanks to the presence of powerful antioxidants, matcha tea will reinforce your immune system and help your body fight the infection. Drinking a few cups of this tea per day is also a good way to prevent infections.

Slippery Elm

Just like marshmallow root, slippery elm will coat your throat in a thin layer of a soothing substance that will protect it from irritation. You can buy slippery elm supplements in the form of capsules in any health store. Just pop them in a glass of warm water and drink the mix – it’s a perfect way to relieve the symptoms of the infection.

Licorice Root

Add some licorice root in a cup of warm water and drink the tea – it will soothe your swollen throat and help defeat the infection away.

Honey and Pepper

It doesn’t get any easier than this. Mix some honey and black pepper in a glass of warm water and drink the mixture to get the infection under control and bring some much-needed relief to your throat.

Extra Tips for Treating Strep Throat

Steam inhalation works great for strep throat as well. We suggest using a few drops of some powerful essential oil for best results. Just inhale the steam and you’ll feel much better soon.

Of course, it goes without saying that you should avoid drinking and smoking during the infection. Both alcohol and tobacco will irritate your throat and make it harder for you to breathe, so it’s best to stay away from them.

Additionally, make sure you get plenty of rest. The body needs rest while it’s healing with the help of the aforementioned remedies, so sleep well and take things easy until the infection is gone.

25 Tips To Have A Happy & Fulfilling Life

Life can be beautiful besides the many difficulties and struggles we need to deal with. But, it depends on our focus. When you have a beautiful life, you feel filled with inspiration, creativity, and you are simply feeling alive.

In this article, we offer you 25 tips that can help you have an amazing life.

1. Take Walks

Make sure to find 10 or 30 minutes each day to go for a walk while you are in a good mood. When you have a smile on your face it can serve you as a natural antidepressant.

2. Silence

No matter how busy is your life, you need to find at least 10 minutes in a day to sit and relax in complete silence.

3. Pray

Each morning after waking up pray to God and ask for guidance in order to achieve your aim for the day.

4. No Manufactured Foods

Try eating more natural foods, and stay away from processed foods.

5. Eat Healthy Foods

You should drink green tea and a lot of water. Also, eat broccoli, almonds, and blueberries.

6. Make Others Happy

Life is better when we make other people happy. So, put a smile on at least three people’s faces each day.

7. Don’t Waste Your Energy

Do not waste your time or energy on gossiping, energy vampires, negative thinking, and problems from your past. It is always better to focus on the presence.

8. The Good Old Rule

You should eat your breakfast alone, eat your lunch with a friend, and give the dinner to your enemy.

9. No Hate

Since life is short you would not like to spend it on hating others.

10. Accept Life

Even though sometimes life is not fair, it is good. No matter how hard things are, there is always a better day.

11. Relax

There are not many people who take life seriously. Just relax.

12. Agree to Disagree

You will feel calmer when you accept that you cannot and you should not win every argument. Sometimes you just need to agree to disagree.

13. No Comparisons

Never waste time or energy on comparing your life to others. Each life is unique and special in its own way. We all have different journeys filled with happiness and sorrow.

14. No Past Regrets

Do not waste time on thinking about what happened in the past, just focus on your present.

15. You Are in Control

You should not blame other people for your unhappiness. No matter what happens, life is in your own hands, and you are the one in control. It is your decision if you are going to listen to the positive thoughts or the negative ones.

16. Disasters Need to be Finished

We all have disasters in our lives, but they should be finished in about 5 years.

17. Offer Help

When we are helping others we are helping ourselves too. Being able to give without expecting anything in return is a great trait.

18. Other Opinions Are Not Important

Do not pay attention to what people think of you. Also, you need to accept that not everyone is going to like you.

19. You Need Time

No matter what happens, you need to keep in mind that time will heal you.

20. Situations Change

In our life nothing is permanent. No matter how good or bad something is, it is going to change sooner or later.

21. Stay in Touch With Family and Friends

Of course, you should work, but do not forget about your beloved ones because once you are sick they will be there for you, not your job.

22. Do Not be Jealous

Jealousy will never get you anywhere. Do not waste your time envying others for what they have.

23. Be Thankful

Each day you need to think of the things you are grateful for. Do this before going to be.

24. No Stress

Whenever you feel stressed, make sure to find a way in which you will relax.

25. Share

Make other people happy by telling them what you have learned about how to have a great life.
