Biosensing Tattoo Changes Color When Your Blood Sugar Levels Change

Having type 1 or 2 diabetes requires a person to always know what their blood sugar levels are. This normally takes time and can be quite invasive – normally people prick their finger with a special device and place a small drop of blood on a testing strip. Others have a device implanted just under their skin that continuously measures their blood sugar levels and sends the information to an external device.

A team of researchers at Harvard and MIT have now come up with a rather curious alternative. Using a specialized ink, they have come up with a biosensing tattoo, one that will change color depending on your blood sugar levels.

Known as DermalAbyss ink – currently still in the proof-of-concept stage and not available to the general public – it is able to track pH levels, as well as sodium and glucose concentrations within your bloodstream.

Too much glucose and the ink becomes brown. Too much sodium and it becomes green (under UV light, at least). Purples and pinks indicate a changing pH level.

“The DermalAbyss ink presents a novel approach to biointerfaces in which the body’s surface is rendered as an interactive display,” the team explain in a promotional video.

The dynamic ink isn’t directly hooked up to your bloodstream, to be fair; it’s actually monitoring your interstitial fluid, a substance that surrounds the tissue cells of animals. Water, ions and small solutes – including salts, sugars, fatty and amino acids and hormones – are constantly making their way through this fluid across the walls of your capillaries.

At present, it’s only been tested on pig skin, which is very similar to our own. However, it definitely works – but human trials are still required to see if it’s workable with patients. Are there any allergic reactions that people may have to the ink? Will the technology break down over time?

Still, it’s safe to say that this is a rather novel and elegant solution to a problem that hasn’t really been addressed for some time. Only time will tell if it catches on. It’s still invasive, of course – but only at first, whereupon it then just becomes a part of your biology.

The researchers point out that the tattoo can take any shape or form you like, so each persons will be unique to them – much like conventional tattoos.

“We envision new participation between the biotech companies and skin professionals…in order to embrace the idea of human device symbiosis,” they conclude.

[H/T: CBS News]

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6 Brilliant Tips on How To Select The Perfect Watermelon

Watermelons are undoubtedly ones of the most refreshing, delicious, and healthy fruits we can consume during the summer season, and their distinctive taste is popular among all generations.

However, it can be a bit tricky when you go to purchase watermelons, and you might come home and realize it is bland and dry after you have carried the load of 10 pounds.

Yet, this is no longer a serious issue, as we will give you several useful tips on how to spot the perfect watermelon:

1.Observe the bum

Watermelons do not ripen after being pulled off the vine, and while farmers hurry to supply the market with their fruits, some of them might be plucked too early. Therefore, make sure your watermelon has a big and dark creamy patch at the bottom.

2. Shape and shine

Avoid watermelons which have lumps and bumps, as they should be oval and uniform. If it has even color and shape, it means that it has ripened adequately. Moreover, shine shows that it isn’t completely ripe.

3. The color

Light watermelons have not ripened long on the vine, so always choose darker green ones, with lighter stripes.

4. Lift a few

Watermelons are mostly made of water, so if your fruit is light when you lift it, it is probably dry. Therefore, always pick the ones which are heavier than expected.

5. Avoid stems

You should never buy watermelons with stems, as they have been gathered before being completely ripe. Try to find ones that have a slightly indented end, which shows that the melon fell off the wine on its own.

6. Knocking

Some believe the habit of knocking on the watermelon is pointless, but White On Rice disagrees, maintaining that you can pick the right watermelon by holding it and tapping to feel the vibrations in the bottom hand.

Continue Reading: Did You Know That Watermelon Rinds Are Actually Very Beneficial To Your Health?

12 Ways Your Body Tries To Tell You That Your Liver Is Being Damaged

The liver which is located in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen is the largest solid organ in your body. It is protected by the ribs and responsible for many function in your body system. Simply put, you cannot live without your liver.

With that being said, it is important for you to take care of your liver the best way you can. Another thing you also need to know is the early symptoms of liver damage so you can prevent a more advance health issue.

12 Early Symptoms of Liver Damage

When it comes the liver, there are many different kinds of disease that can affect the health of your liver. Each of it has its out signs. Some of those disease are hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, fatty liver disease, and cirrhosis of the liver. Unfortunately, the early symptoms of liver disease are non-specific and tend to be easily overlooked. If you experience any of the symptoms below, the best option for you is to visit your medical expertise and ask for further examination.

So here are some common early symptoms of liver damage:

1. Disruption in the Stomach

Nausea and nausea can be a symptoms of various disease including food poisoning, migraines, motion sickness, vertigo, early pregnancy and depression. It can also be a sign of kidney problems and also liver damage. People who suffer from early liver damage may feel nauseous continuously. It can happen due to the decrement in liver’s ability to cleanse the body from toxins.

Another two factor that can also cause this condition are ongoing metabolism and changes in digestion. If this condition still remain after a few days and you cannot figure out the reason, then you better go visit your doctor.

2.Feeling Fatigue and Weak Most of the Time

While feeling tired and weak may be caused by lack of sleep and rest, it can also be a sign of liver damage. The damage in your liver will require the body to work harder which also mean you will need to have more rest.

When the function of your liver got disrupted, its ability to remove toxins from your body will decrease and cause the increment of toxins in your bloodstream. So if your fatigue doesn’t go away after you have enough rest, you definitely need to seek medical advice as soon as you can.

3.Loss of Appetite

Damage in the liver will cause a reduction in the bile production. Bile responsible to help fat digestion and when your food isn’t digested properly, it may resulted in loss of appetite and a drop in body weight. If this condition happened for a long time, consult to your doctor to get further examination.

4.Problems with Digestion

Liver plays an important role in digestion process because it produce bile. The bile helps the small intestine to process and absorb nutrients better. Damage in the live can lead to dyspepsia and diarrhea.

Some other digestion problem that may occur when the bile is not produced properly are fatty food intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal bloating, alcohol intolerance, constipation and gallstones.

5.Changes in Color of Your Urine

Normally, when you drink enough water the color of your urine should be bright and more transparent. However, if your urine is still dark in color after your drink enough water, then it may be the early sign of liver damage.

The elevated level of bilirubin in the bloodstream can cause the urine to look brown, amber or orange in color. The amount of bilirubin in the bloodstream may raise because liver is unable to get rid of the bilirubin so it is excreted through the kidneys.

So, though dark color in your urine may also be a result of dehydration, taking B vitamin supplements, side effects of antibiotics, enzyme deficiencies, urinary tract infection, or kidney abnormalities, you better consult to your doctor if the problem remain after some period of time.

6.Alteration in Stool Coloration

Malfunction in the liver will make the amount of bile becomes insufficient and cause alteration in stool coloration. If the color of your stool usually brown, it may turn into clay colored, pale yellow, or gray. If this only happens occasionally, there is nothing you should be worry about. However, if you experience it more than a few times, then you need to consult to your doctor.


Jaundice is a yellow coloration to the skin, tongue, fingertips, and eyes as the result of increasing bilirubin in the bloodstream and bodily tissue which normally will be excreted in the bile. This condition cause the skin becomes yellow. Jaundice can also be a sing of problem in the pancreas or gallbladder. If you experience it, you need to consult to your doctor immediately.

8.Changes in the Abdomen

The feeling of pain, cramping, or bloating in the lower part of the abdomen can mean that you have ascites and malfunction in your liver. Ascites is the condition where fluid has built up inside the abdominal cavity. This may happen when there is damage to the liver of liver cirrhosis.

Liver disease may cause high blood pressure in the arteries and veins of the abdomen. Visit your doctor immediately once you notice this symptom.

9.Retention of Fluid

Damage in the liver can lead to retention of fluid, especially in the ankles and feet. This condition is similar to ascites, the difference is the fluid buildup in the outer tissues in the lower extremities. Fluid retention can also be a sign of hormonal imbalance, kidney problems, heart failure, and lymphatic disease.

10.Problems with The Skin

Liver deficiency can cause the skin to be more sensitive, itches, flakes and becomes hypersensitive to touch. You may see some bruises on your skin and notice that your veins become more visible. If the problems with your skin happens because of the liver damage, then you need to identify the problem get proper treatment. Because moisturizing your skin will not help unless the actual issue has treated.

11.Pain in the Abdomen

You may feel pain in the right upper quadrant of the rib cage where the liver is located. When the liver is malfunctioning, the affected area may fell painful and tender.

12.Diarrhea, Constipation, or Intestinal Bleeding

The liver plays an important role in the production of the clotting factors. So when the liver damaged, you may suffer from bleeding of intestines which is associated with diarrhea or constipation.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you need to seek for medical advice immediately. However, please remember that this is not a full list of liver damage symptoms. Some other signs like imbalance sex hormone where men can develop breast, and both men and women suffer from loss of libido may also occur.

Don’t forget to adopt health eating habit since what you eat can greatly affect the health of your liver.

32 Signs You Immediately Need More Magnesium (And How To Get It)

Who would have thought that the lack of only one nutrient can have an enormous impact on the overall health?

The American diet has drastically changed over the years, which has resulted in a constant rise in health issues which used to be rarely seen earlier. Deficiencies in certain nutrients have become very common, out of which magnesium is definitely the most common one.

While only an estimate, up to 80% of Americans fail to get enough magnesium! Another research reveals that about 25% of American are getting the RDA of 310-320 milligrams for women and 400-420 for men.

Nowadays, it has become much more difficult to get magnesium from food sources, which is really bad if we take into consideration the fact that Magnesium is a key mineral in the human metabolism.

It is found in over 300 enzymes in the body and has a significant role in body`s detoxification processes, which makes it a mineral of utmost importance in terms of preventing damage from heavy metals, toxins, and environmental chemicals.

Additionally, it is also needed for creating energy by activating ATP; helping digest carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; activating muscles and nerves; acting as a precursor for serotonin,  and serving as a building block for DNA and RNA synthesis.


Earlier, it has been much simpler to get the recommended dosage of magnesium on a daily basis. In fact, the consumption of produce was enough to supply you with the magnesium you needed. Unlike today, magnesium was prevalent in the soil years ago. The erosion and modern farming practices take their toll, leaving tiny amounts of magnesium in the soil.

Another reason for magnesium deficiency is the fact that people consume unhealthy diets and rarely eat foods like beans, seeds, mackerel, nuts, and dark leafy greens, all of which are excellent sources of magnesium.


1.  Anxiety

2. Asthma

3. Blood clots

4. Bowel disease

5. Calcium deficiency

6. Confusion

7. Constipation

8. Cystitis

9. Depression

10. Difficulty swallowing

11. Dizziness

12. Fatigue

13.  Fertility/childbearing issues: Getting or staying pregnant, preeclampsia, preterm labor

14.  High blood pressure

15.  Heart issues

16.  Hypertension

17.  Hypoglycemia

18.  Insomnia

19.  Liver and kidney disease

20.  Memory loss

21.  Migraines

22.  Muscle cramps

23.  Nausea

24.  Osteoporosis

25.  Personality changes: often similar to symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders

26.  Potassium deficiency: may cause extreme thirst, fluid retention, and irritability

27.  Raynaud’s syndrome: may cause cold fingers or toes, color changes in skin due to temperature changes, and numbness in extremities

28.  Respiratory difficulties

29.  Seizures

30.  Tooth decay

31.  Tremors

32.  Type II diabetes


As mentioned above, magnesium is a key factor in the human metabolism and it is used it over 300 bodily processes and chemical reactions. Therefore, deficiency in magnesium negatively affects the overall health.

The best way to boost your magnesium intake is by consuming more magnesium-rich foods, such as the ones listed above. However, you may still experience magnesium deficiency and not get the recommended daily value.

For that reason, you should also take supplement products with magnesium (one capsule per day is enough). Yet, it is of utmost importance to be cautious, because there are numerous supplements that contain fillers (like gluten, preservatives, sugar, wheat) with no nutritional value.

Many people recommend Women’s MULTIpro, as it meets other nutritional needs as well, such as iodine, biotin, zinc, chromium, vitamin B1, and vitamin A.


Here’s What The Color of Your Pee Says About Your Health

Urinating isn’t just a way to remove harmful toxins and excess fluids from the body.

In fact, the color of the urine, as well as its density and smell, can tell a lot about your health. Here are a few things you should keep an eye on regarding your urine.



This is sign that your body have large amount of water. You are drinking a lot of water you must lower the amount you drink.


This is normal color of the urine. You are healthy and well hydrated. Keep up this balance.


This condition is perfect. Your health balance is perfect, keep it that way!


Normal condition except your body is need hydration. It is good to drink some fluids or water.


This color of urine is sign that your body is exhausted and is in urgent need of water or some liquids. You must drink water immediately because your body will dehydrate and you don’t want that.


According lot researches this color shows that you have problem with liver. It may be liver disease or your body is dehydrated.


Have you eaten beets, blueberries or rhubarb recently? If not, you may have blood in your urine. It could be nothing. Or it could be a sign of kidney disease, tumors, urinary tract infections, prostate problems or something else. Maybe even lead or mercury poisoning.


You may not be drinking enough water. Or you could have a liver or bile duct condition. Or it could be food dye.


Okay, this is different. There is a rare genetic disease that can turn your urine blue or green. Also certain bacteria can infect the urinary tract. But it’s probably a food dye in something you ate, or a medication. You won’t die from it, but see your doctor if it persists.


It is probably harmless hydraulic effect, if occasional, but could indicate excess protein in your diet or a kidney problem. See a doctor if foaming happens all the time.