9 Things You Are Doing That are Killing Your Kidneys That You Need to Stop Doing Immediately

The MILLION-DOLLAR question – how drink choices AFFECT kidney health?!

First of all, you should know that the main role of your kidneys is to filter your bloodstream and remove toxins, waste, dead cells, and excess water. Once properly filtered, waste leave the body in your urine.

According to the experts, your input of fluids affects your output of fluids. And, this is the main reason why urine tests are the most common way doctors diagnose kidney injuries, damage or other diseases.

Drink plenty of water every day! You’ve probably heard that one before, right?! Well yes, it’s always been known that dehydration correlates to low kidney function however until recently, it was thought that rehydrating would fully restore kidney function. A recent study has revealed that recurring dehydration can lead to chronic kidney disease.

And, now when you know that dehydration hurts your kidneys, you may be tempted to turn to soft drinks as a source of more fluids. But, be careful, because drinking fructose-glucose-rich soda, and the additives in diet soda can actually damage your kidneys.

A recent study has confirmed that patients who consumed naturally sweetened soft drinks showed an increased risk of chronic kidney disease.

Lifestyle Habits That Damage your Kidneys

1. Smoking 

The experts warn that using cigarettes and other products, such as smokeless tobacco, reduce kidney function.

2. Over the counter medications

This is also very important for you to remember – some OTC drugs have been linked to kidney damage, such as Aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen.

3. Extreme exercise

Extreme exercises can cause severe kidney damage. So, make sure you speak with your medical practitioner about the safety of your fitness habits.

4. Poor sleep

Study CONFIRMS – people who sleep less than six hours a night, or more than ten hours including naps, experienced renal hyperfiltration, an early warning sign of kidney disease.

5. Too much protein

Renal hyperfiltration can also be caused by a high-protein diet, especially after meat-heavy meals. Remember, a key factor in any health plan is moderation.

6. Too much sugar

You should also know that eating a high-sugar diet can lead to the same problems. This means that you should stay away from too much candy, chocolate, and desserts, for kidney’s sake.

7. Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium has many roles to play in your body’s proper functioning.

Kidney Health Myths

Two common kidney health myths are circulating that have been refuted by scientific study:

– Alcohol vs Kidney Damage

Some experts think that drinking alcohol causes kidney damage. In a 2015 study, researchers found the opposite is true: the more participants reported drinking, the lower their risk of chronic kidney disease.

– Coffee vs Kidney Damage

A 2017 study confirmed no association between coffee consumption and risk of kidney disease.

Read More: How To Take Out All The Stones Lodged In Your Kidneys In 8 Days

32 Signs You Immediately Need More Magnesium (And How To Get It)

Who would have thought that the lack of only one nutrient can have an enormous impact on the overall health?

The American diet has drastically changed over the years, which has resulted in a constant rise in health issues which used to be rarely seen earlier. Deficiencies in certain nutrients have become very common, out of which magnesium is definitely the most common one.

While only an estimate, up to 80% of Americans fail to get enough magnesium! Another research reveals that about 25% of American are getting the RDA of 310-320 milligrams for women and 400-420 for men.

Nowadays, it has become much more difficult to get magnesium from food sources, which is really bad if we take into consideration the fact that Magnesium is a key mineral in the human metabolism.

It is found in over 300 enzymes in the body and has a significant role in body`s detoxification processes, which makes it a mineral of utmost importance in terms of preventing damage from heavy metals, toxins, and environmental chemicals.

Additionally, it is also needed for creating energy by activating ATP; helping digest carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; activating muscles and nerves; acting as a precursor for serotonin,  and serving as a building block for DNA and RNA synthesis.


Earlier, it has been much simpler to get the recommended dosage of magnesium on a daily basis. In fact, the consumption of produce was enough to supply you with the magnesium you needed. Unlike today, magnesium was prevalent in the soil years ago. The erosion and modern farming practices take their toll, leaving tiny amounts of magnesium in the soil.

Another reason for magnesium deficiency is the fact that people consume unhealthy diets and rarely eat foods like beans, seeds, mackerel, nuts, and dark leafy greens, all of which are excellent sources of magnesium.


1.  Anxiety

2. Asthma

3. Blood clots

4. Bowel disease

5. Calcium deficiency

6. Confusion

7. Constipation

8. Cystitis

9. Depression

10. Difficulty swallowing

11. Dizziness

12. Fatigue

13.  Fertility/childbearing issues: Getting or staying pregnant, preeclampsia, preterm labor

14.  High blood pressure

15.  Heart issues

16.  Hypertension

17.  Hypoglycemia

18.  Insomnia

19.  Liver and kidney disease

20.  Memory loss

21.  Migraines

22.  Muscle cramps

23.  Nausea

24.  Osteoporosis

25.  Personality changes: often similar to symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders

26.  Potassium deficiency: may cause extreme thirst, fluid retention, and irritability

27.  Raynaud’s syndrome: may cause cold fingers or toes, color changes in skin due to temperature changes, and numbness in extremities

28.  Respiratory difficulties

29.  Seizures

30.  Tooth decay

31.  Tremors

32.  Type II diabetes


As mentioned above, magnesium is a key factor in the human metabolism and it is used it over 300 bodily processes and chemical reactions. Therefore, deficiency in magnesium negatively affects the overall health.

The best way to boost your magnesium intake is by consuming more magnesium-rich foods, such as the ones listed above. However, you may still experience magnesium deficiency and not get the recommended daily value.

For that reason, you should also take supplement products with magnesium (one capsule per day is enough). Yet, it is of utmost importance to be cautious, because there are numerous supplements that contain fillers (like gluten, preservatives, sugar, wheat) with no nutritional value.

Many people recommend Women’s MULTIpro, as it meets other nutritional needs as well, such as iodine, biotin, zinc, chromium, vitamin B1, and vitamin A.

Source: www.InTheHouseOfHealth.info

Vitamin D Deficiency Causes Headaches, High Blood Pressure, and even Cancer. Here are the signs

Vitamin D is often called the “sunshine vitamin” as it is produced in the skin in response to sunlight. It is a fat soluble vitamin whose family of compounds includes vitamin D1, D2, and D3.

This vitamin is of utmost importance because it may impact up to 2,000 genes in the body.

Some of its major functions include aiding absorption of nutrients like phosphorus and calcium, which in turn ensures strong immunity and strong bones. Here are the major benefits of vitamin D:

1. Vitamin D Fights Disease

According to a 2006 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, vitamin D lowers the risk of multiple sclerosis.

Another study has found that it reduces the risk of developing heart disease as well.  Ultimately, a 2010 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that it helps reduce the change of developing the flu.

3. Vitamin D Reduces Depression

It has been scientifically shown that vitamin D plays a role in regulation mood and preventing depression.

One particular study found that those with depression who received vitamin D supplementation experienced a notable improvement in their condition.

Another study found that vitamin D deficiency is more common in people with depression and anxiety.

3. Vitamin D Boosts Weight Loss

According to one study, regular vitamin D supplementation helped people improve their heart disease risk factors.

Another study found that those taking vitamin D supplements and calcium lost more weight compared to those taking placebo supplements.  As explained by the researchers, vitamin D and calcium had appetite- suppressing effect.

Vitamin D Deficiency

The major symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include constipation or diarrhea, bladder problems, general fatigue, muscle cramps, restless sleep, muscle pain or weakness, joint pain, headaches, and inability to concentrate.

As noted by Michael F. Holick, a leading vitamin D expert, muscle weakness typically stems from vitamin D deficiency as this vitamin is needed for the skeletal muscles to function optimally.

Vitamin D and Sunlight Exposure

Vitamin D is produced in response to sunlight, meaning that putting chemically-loaded sunscreens basically depletes us of this precious nutrient.

Sunscreens are designed to block UVB rays which are directly included in the production of vitamin D by our bodies.

UVB rays have the ability to penetrate the outer layers of the skin and the cholesterol in the tissue skin then absorbs it to make vitamin D.

On the other hand, sunscreens allow UVA rays which are associated with DNA damage and onset of most skin cancers.

But, vitamin D3 cannot get into the bloodstream right away! It takes time for it to be absorbed from the skin into the blood.

Therefore, washing the skin after sun exposure has to be delay as you can wash the skin`s oil which have initiated the vitamin D process.

Unfortunately, science dictates us to use sunscreens that are packed with cancer-causing substances and avoid the sun which actually protects against skin cancer. What a shame!

How To Make Sure You’re Getting Enough Vitamin D

UVB rays are strongest during summer and are at their peak during mid day. It has been scientifically proven that 8,000 to 10,000 IU in dosages are generally safe for everyone.

Person`s ability to produce D3 heavily depends on the skin color. Light skinned individuals need to be exposed to full sun from 10 to 45 minutes while dark skinned individuals from 2 to 2.5 hours.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms That Most People Ignore

Unfortunately, we often neglect the signs our bodies send to indicate some kind of internal imbalance, so nutrient deficiencies are often left untreated, and might be the main cause of our health issues.

One of the most important vitamins for our overall health is B12, as it plays a role in the red blood cell production, nerve health, and the bonding process of nucleic acids to proteins.

Thus, its insufficient amounts in the body often lead to severe adverse effects, like irreversible nerve damage.

Therefore, it is of high importance to know the most common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency:

– Vision loss

– Shortness of breath and heart palpitations

– Weakness, fatigue, vertigo or lightheadedness

– Pale or yellowing skin tone

– Muscle weakness, a pins and needles sensation, numbness, and walking difficulties

– A smooth tongue

– Digestive issues like diarrhea, constipation, appetite and taste loss, frequent gas

– Poor mental health such as memory loss, depression, mood swings

Additionally, the following are at the highest risk of vitamin B12 deficiency:

Vegans and vegetarians

This vitamin is found in animal proteins, so if you follow a plant-based diet, you might be at an increased risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, so consider optimizing its levels via supplementation.

Those age 50 or older

Over the year, the body loses its ability to absorb vitamins from food, so people older than 50 should take vitamin B12 supplements.

Perimenopausal, pregnant or lactating women

The symptoms of perimenopause are similar to the ones of a B12 deficiency, and the lack of this vitamin in the case of pregnancy has negative effects on the baby.

Also, lactating women, in particular, vegan breastfeeding mothers, need to optimize the levels of B12 as its deficiency might lead to negative effects on the baby, such as anemia, developmental delays and even failure to thrive.

Patients with disorders such as Graves’ disease or Lupus

The cells in the body in the case of autoimmune disorders attack the tissues of the body instead of foreign bodies, and this reduces the ability of the body to absorb essential vitamins.

People wits compromised absorptive ability of the digestive system

People who take acid-reducing medications, whose with a bacterial growth or parasites, heavy drinkers, the ones who take acid-reducing drugs, and patients with pernicious anemia, atrophic gastritis, a thinned stomach lining, Crohn’s disease, or Celiac disease are at a high risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Natural prevention of vitamin B12 deficiency 

This deficiency can be prevented by following a well-balanced diet rich in poultry, eggs, seafood, dairy, and meat. Vegans or vegetarians should focus on vitamin B12-fortified grains, and take natural B12 supplements.

This will boost the vitamin B12 levels in the body and prevent serious health issues and ailments.