Do You Get Enough Sun? Researchers Explain How It Affects Your Health


Our planet has been around for nearly 4.6 billion years. Human beings evolved alongside the bright star. In fact, the wondrous Sun is what allows and advances life on Earth.

“Dr. Robert Stern, chair of the Department of Dermatology at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, calls them “solar-phobes”: people so concerned about getting so cancer that they stay inside or cover every bit of skin.” – Harvard Health Publications: “Benefits of moderate sun exposure”

But do you know what is dangerous? Human ignorance about two key things:

First, not understanding the sun’s effects on us as individuals. Without this information, we can’t know what level of exposure is safe or unsafe.

Second, not taking preventative measures to counteract underexposure or overexposure. Underexposure, or lack of sunshine, is just as dangerous as overexposure.

The Sun is Healthy – in Moderation

Gee, how many times have we been told something is good for us “in moderation?” Alcohol, dark chocolate, dairy, sleeping, exercising… all best done “in moderation.”

Provided that there’s an accurate measure that defines moderation for an activity (e.g. one-two drinks, 7-9 hours), it can be excellent advice! We can then implement this advice to improve and maintain our health – or abstain from things that may be harmful.

This same moderation concept applies to the sun.

Health Benefits of Sunshine

(Note: As with anything health-related, it’s important to be aware of any existing medical condition(s). If you’re unsure, please speak with your doctor.

This article’s contents are not intended to replace professional medical advice.)



In some medical circles, vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” and sun exposure can help produce this crucial nutrient. Vitamin D is also available in certain foods and supplements.

Vitamin D serves many important functions within the body, which include:

– Maintaining normal calcium and phosphate levels

– Promoting bone and cell growth

– Promoting calcium absorption

– Reducing inflammation


In a groundbreaking study conducted by Dr. Richard Weller and his colleagues at the University of Edinburg, researchers found a chemical important for reducing blood pressure in sunlight.

Nitric oxide is released into the blood vessels when sunlight touches the skin. This decreases BP.

According to Dr. Weller, the benefits of sun exposure – including a healthier and longer life – “far outweigh the risk of getting skin cancer.”


In a study undertaken by neuroscientists at the University of Cambridge, Dr. David Llewellyn and his colleagues measured the Vitamin D levels of 1,700 adults aged 65 and over.

After analyzing the results, the research team noticed higher rates of cognitive deficiencies in people low in Vitamin D.

Additional studies claim that sunlight also hastens the growth of brain cells within the hippocampus; the brain region responsible for forming, organizing, and storing memories.


Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, “is a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons – SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year.” SAD is informally known as the “winter blues” disorder.

Psychologists, psychiatrists, and other medical professionals have linked the low availability of sunlight during certain periods of the year (most notably, fall and winter) to the disorder.

Ever wondered why sunny days perk you up while gray skies don’t?

Because the brain produces more of the neurotransmitter serotonin (“the happy chemical”) on sunny days than on overcast days.


Skin cancer is perhaps the one biggest knock against the big bright star. Skin cancer caused by Melanoma is “the most dangerous form of skin cancer, (when) these cancerous growths develop (and trigger) mutations that lead the skin cells to multiply rapidly and form malignant tumors.”

Per the Skin Cancer Foundation, “If melanoma is recognized and treated early, it is almost always curable.”

Let’s put what we just read in context. (1) Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. (2) If we pay attention and seek treatment, it’s curable just about every time.

In spite of oft-cited hyperbole about skin cancer, the sun helps heal skin disorders at a far greater rate than it causes them. 

Just a few of the conditions the sun helps include acne, eczema, jaundice, and psoriasis.

Protecting Yourself

Per the United States Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), there are three key elements of skin protection: genetic and lifestyle traits, monthly examinations, and blocking UV rays.

Genetic and lifestyle characteristics:

a) Do you spend a lot of time outdoors?

b) Do you get sunburnt easily?

c) Do you have any of the following?

– Large, numerous, or irregularly-shaped moles

– Blond, red, or light brown hair

– Freckles

– Fair skin (‘pale’)

If you meet any of the above criteria, consult with your doctor about how much time you should spend in the sun.

Monthly examinations:

– As skin cancers detected early can easily be cured, it is essential that you examine your skin monthly.

– The “most important sign,” per OSHA, “is a spot on the skin that is changing in size shape, or color during a period of 1 month to 1 or 2 years.”

Skin cancers often appear in one of four ways:

– Pale, waxy, and shiny lumps

– Red, scaly, and sharply-outlined patches

– Sores that do not heal

– Small, mole-like growths (melanoma)

Blocking UV Rays

– Limit your exposure: “UV rays are most intense between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.”

– Cover up: “Wear tightly-woven clothing that blocks out light.”

– Use sunscreen: “A sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 blocks 93 percent of U.V. rays … Be sure to follow application instructions on the bottle.”

– Wear a hat: “A wide brim hat is ideal because it protects the neck, ears, eyes, forehead, nose, and scalp.”

– Wear UV-absorbent shades: “Sunglasses don’t have to be expensive, but they should block 99 to 100 percent of UVA and UVB radiation.”

Do You Have Warts? We Have The Remedy You Need To Eliminate Them In 5 Days

Did you look in the mirror today and find that you had warts on your neck? We imagine your face of disgust. No one likes to have this skin condition that is unattractive and often bothersome and painful.

But how did the wart originate? The causes that cause the appearance of warts can be varied: obesity, a genetic predisposition and even diabetes can cause the appearance of these harmless skin conditions but that we should definitely eliminate.

They also usually appear during pregnancy because of the hormonal changes that occur in the body.

Usually they appear in the adult age and in very specific zones where the pink skin with the own skin, like for example, the armpits, the English, the neck, the chest and the eyelids.

The methods that dermatologists use to remove warts can be painful and costly and that is why today we want to help you eliminate these annoying warts from your skin in an economical, simple and effective way.

You’re just going to need some apple cider vinegar, some cotton and a swab.

Simply take the hyssop, cover one end with a piece of cotton equivalent to the surface of the wart you want to remove and soak it in apple cider vinegar.

Drain the excess vinegar and apply the cotton on the wart for a few moments and then let it dry.

Repeat this procedure a couple of times a day for every day until the wart turns dark and after five days or a week it peels off the skin.

If there is some type of rest attached, do not worry because it will surely disappear in the following days.

It is important to note that this treatment should not be used on warts on the eyelids of the eyes as it could cause irritation.

Do This at Least Once a Week and Your Face Will be 10 Years Younger!

Japanese women are undoubtedly the most beautiful young-looking women throughout the world as their face looks like porcelain without any wrinkles because of age and worries.

This is not due to “beauty gene” but is rather due to the amazing elixir which assists them stay young forever.

We will reveal the secret of Asian women that preserves the beauty and vitality of their skin.

You will finally don’t have to waste fortunes on expensive beauty salon treatments because the main ingredient in rice.

Rice provides amazing results on the skin as it rejuvenates it and only the Japanese know this.

Follow this rice-based mask which will soften your wrinkles and will make your skin glow.


– 3 tbsp. of rice;

– 1 tbsp. of honey;

– 1 tbsp. of milk.

How to prepare it: boil the rice and strain it, putting aside the water in which the rice boiled. Add a spoon of heated milk in the rice and mix them well.

After this, add honey. Apply the mask on a clean and dry skin and let it dry.

After some time, take the mask off and wash your face with the rice water you have previously stored aside. The water provides antioxidant and healing properties which will help you moisturize your skin and also improve circulation, avoid spots related to age, and ease inflammation.

You will have clear, healthy, and moisturized skin and you will have a mild sun protection.

Repeat this procedure once a week and have a skin which will look 10 years younger.

Don’t Throw Away Your Tea Bags – Here are 17 Things You Can Do Instead!

A cup of hot tea is my cup of tea! This healthy beverage is an incredibly delicious way to reduce stress and start or end the day.

Yet, if you are a tea-lover too, you probably do the same mistake as me, and throw the tea bag immediately after steeping. Well, apparently, there are numerous wiser ways to use the tea bags than just throwing them in the garbage.

Here are 17 excellent ways in which you can use them:

1. Keep Hands Smelling Fresh

After meals that leave a strong smell on your hands, like some spices, fish, garlic, or crabs, rub them with a moist tea, as it will absorb the scent and leave them smelling fresh.

Your best choice: You can use any kind, but tea bags with stronger scents, like peppermint, give the best results.

2. Compost Them

To nurture the soil with nutrients and deter pests, compost tea bags or even water the plants with a brew made from the leftover tea. Yet, you should get rid of the staples before throwing them in the compost pile.

Your best choice: Any used tea bags will be beneficial.

3. Quick Mouthwash

Soak an old tea bag in warm water and use it as a mouthwash to freshen your breath.

Your best choice: Sage and rosemary tea bags, as well as unused peppermint and spearmint tea bags.

4. Treat Infections

You can effectively treat topical afflictions, fever blisters, canker sores, and pink eye, by applying warm used tea bags on the place.

Your best choice: Any tea type can serve the cause, but herbal ones will provide stronger antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Eliminate bad smells

Tea leaves absorb odors and are perfect for absorbing the bad smell from the fridge, carpet, kitty litter, trash can, and more.

Fridge: Keep old used tea bags in the fridge.

Carpet: You should sprinkle dried tea leaves from your tea bags over the rugs and carpets, leave them a bit, and the vacuum them up.

Cat litter: To prevent the spread of the odor, mix the dried tea leaves directly in the kitty litter.

Trash: put the tea bags in the trash container.

Your best choice: Any kind will provide great effects.

6. Soothe Razor Burn

Moisten several tea bags up with warm water, and apply them as a compress on the razor burn to soothe the skin and diminish the rash.

Your best choice: Calming herbs like lavender and chamomile tea bags.

7. Hair Rinse

Old tea bags can be used as an incredibly nutritious hair rinse which will soften the hair, condition it, and provide lustrous shine.

Prepare a weak tea and rinse the hair with it after shampooing the hair.

Your best choice: Any tea bags will provide amazing effects.

8. A Portable Custom Air Freshener

Tie a tea bag in the car to give it a pleasant scent, or you can even add a few drops of some essential oil and hang it up in it to get a natural, non-toxic car freshener.

Your best choice: Lavender, mint, or jasmine tea bags.

9. Prevent Grease from Sticking to Your Dishes

The used tea bags break the grease and burned-on foods from the dishes and pots. Just soak a few of them in the dish, and wash it off in the morning.

Your best choice: Any used tea bags will give excellent effects.

10. Enrich Your Tub

You should just leave the bath water run over the used tea bag, or leave them to soak in the bath.

Your best choice: Rosemary, green, jasmine, chamomile, lavender, white, calendula, and peppermint are all great for the cause.

11. Keep Mice at bay

Mice, ants, and spiders detest the smell of mint, so you can use the old mint tea bag as a natural repellent. Just place it by the door, in the cabinets, in corners, and near mouse holes to keep them at bay.

Your best choice: Peppermint and spearmint tea bags.

12. Relaxation and Anti-inflammatory Properties

Tea bags have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, so they relax the body and treat toothaches, tired eyes, blisters, sunburn, bruises, bug bites, and more.

A toothache: To soothe a toothache, just put a warm teabag over the area on the outside.

Tired or puffy eyes: Moisten two old tea bags, and place them on the eyes to act for a few minutes.

Blister: You can use a warm teabag to help treat the blister.

Sunburn: Apply a few moistened tea bags over the affected area.

Bruises: To accelerate the healing of the bruises, moisten the tea bag with warm water and place it over the affected area.

Bug bites: Apply a moistened tea bag over the affected area to take the sting out of a bug bite and soothe the itching.

Your best choice: peppermint, calendula, lavender, and chamomile tea bags.

13. Healthier Plants

To boost the growth of your plants, put several used tea bags in the bottom of the flower pots, just at the draining site. This will supply nutrients and keep the soil moist.

Your best choice: Plants hate caffeine, so you should use herbal tea bags.

14. Treat Warts

Warts are unattractive and annoying, and plantar warts can also be painful, but the old tea bags will be of great here as well.  Moisten up an old tea bag with warm water and leave it on the wart to act at least once daily.

Your best choice: Green tea is one of the best choices.

15. A Homemade Dye

Steep old tea bags and use them to highlight the hair, and get brown, orange, and green tones. Moreover, they can also be used to dye cards, cloth, homemade crafts, paper for gifts, and more.

Old tea bags are the perfect non-toxic dye for kids! You can even use old tea bags to stain wood or dye your hair.

Your best choice: Hibiscus will give you reddish and pinkish highlight, black tea will give you brown color, and green tea provides a light green shade.

16. Prepare Gourmet Dishes

The old teabags can add flavor to your dishes, such as rice, pasta, and quinoa. Place an old tea bag in a pot with boiling water, and remove it after a while.

Your best choice: Cinnamon, jasmine, chai, and green tea.

17.Stop Poison Ivy

If you got poison ivy or got a blister from the rash on your skin, apply an old tea bag to the affected area to absorb the oil. Also, you can warm that tea bag up with a bit of warm water and then apply it on the site.

Your best choice: Peppermint soothes the skin and relieves the itching.

Storing old tea bags

To ensure that your old tea bags will provide the desired effects, you need to store them properly for the time you will need them. Therefore, keep them at room temperature for up to 24 hours, and afterward, refrigerate them. Their scent will indicate the time when you need to throw them away.

Therefore, these 17 ways to creatively use the old tea bags undoubtedly open new perspectives!

Why don’t you try them immediately after you have your cup of tea today?