EVERY WOMAN MUST Know These Tricks on How to Get Smooth and Perfect Feet

The years of wearing inadequate or narrow footwear can lead to formation of nodules and calluses that sometimes can be pretty painful. Take a look at the following ways which will show you how you can treat this problem:

Natural feet

This is how the undamaged, soft, smooth, and ready-to-show feet look like.

The long winter is a real punishment for your feet

After hours of wearing shoes, your feet can sometimes get calluses. This can be pretty unpleasant experience, and it often causes pain.

Calluses are a natural shield made by the skin

The callus is formed on the foot area that has been exposed to the greatest amount of pressure. This skin thickening represents a system of protection from further skin damage.

However, calluses can represent a huge problem

Calluses that become swollen can represent a real problem. They are bigger and more convex, which means that they cause a greater pain when touched by your shoes when you walk.

Find the remedy in your home!

A lot of ingredients that everyone has in their home can be used for the elimination of this problem.


Take a piece of bread, soak it into some white vinegar, and apply the bread onto the callus and wrap a bandage around it. Leave it overnight so that it has enough time to work. Repeat the process several days later, and you will be amazed by the results you are going to get.

Apple cider vinegar

Add a cup of apple cider vinegar to a container of warm water and soak your feet in the solution. All nodules on your feet are going to soften to the extent that you will be able to remove them using pumice stone.

Rub gently

Whenever you use pumice stone for your heels, rub your feet very gently, because if you do it aggressively, you will only make the situation worse.

Castor oil

When you soak your feet in a mix of water and vinegar, you can apply some castor oil onto the nodules. Do this every day for at least ten days.

Apply vitamin A or vitamin E directly onto the skin

Take a vitamin pill, crack it, and apply the pill content directly onto your skin. This is a process you should do each night before you go to bed.

Onion during the night

Soak an onion slice into some white vinegar and place it onto your foot, put a sock on and leave it overnight. The onion will work wonders for your feet.

Lemon peel

Take a lemon peel and apply it onto the nodule, wrap a bandage around and leave it overnight. This process is supposed to be repeated until the nodule disappears completely.


Take a couple of aspirins, powder them, and add some water and apple cider vinegar so that you make a paste. Apply the paste onto the damaged skin parts and wrap a bandage around them.

Happy feet!

After the application of the above-mentioned recipes, your feet will become renewed, healthy, and pretty enough so that you are not ashamed to walk around barefoot or wear open footwear.

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Wrap Your Feet With Cabbage Leaves In Order To Relieve Joint Pain

Cabbage is a vegetable from the Brassica family that offers a wide range of health benefits. The vegetable has an oval shape, with white and green leaves. It is full of essential vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants which can significantly improve your overall health.

Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, potassium and iron, and has been used in folk medicine in Europe for thousands of years. It can help you in cases of blemished, purify your blood and detoxify the liver as well.

Consuming cabbage will make you look younger, but when applied on affected skin areas, it can reduce the inflammation and redness and treat skin problems such as eczema, acne, psoriasis and minor wounds. As we already mentioned, the vegetable contains a lot of vitamin C which can slow down the aging process and keep your skin glowing.

Plus, it also contains vitamins A and D which can protect your cells from damage and prevent the deterioration of your skin cells. Furthermore, cabbage is rich in fiber which will boost your digestion and help you lose weight.

Cabbage has many types, each one with its own characteristics.

Green cabbage

Green cabbage is the most common type of cabbage. It contains a variety of vitamins and minerals and can be eaten in a salad or added to soups, stews and various meals.

Red cabbage

The purple (red) cabbage is much thicker than the green one and has a tangier taste. Just like the green cabbage, it is full of essential nutrients.

Savoy cabbage

The Savoy cabbage has bigger and darker leaves which are ideal as a wrap for different fillings.

Bok Choy

Bok Choy (Chinese cabbage) has an oval shape, green leaves with white veins and is full of essential vitamins and minerals.

In Europe, cabbage was used as a folk remedy against joint pain. Here’s how:


– Red cabbage

– Gauze

– Aluminum foil


Take out the top cabbage layer of leaves and wash it with water well, then let it dry before removing the stem. Now, use a rolling pin on it to let the cabbage juice out, and wrap the leaf in aluminum foil. Warm it up in an oven, then apply it on the painful area and secure with a gauze or bandage. Leave the cabbage to work for at least an hour, and repeat the process 2-3 times a day for best results. If you want a cold compress, put the leaf in the fridge for an hour.

This Is Why You Need To Put Essential Oils On Your Feet Every Night Before Bed

In case you love essential oils, and have some, you already know that they are extremely beneficial for health and have intense relaxing and calming properties.

These oils despite being amazing for aromatherapy, also offer other benefits as well.

Essential oils can be applied to the feet at bedtime and ensure you get a healthy sleep during the night, according to reflexologists.

In fact the soles of the feet have 5 skin layers and no hair follicles. The pores are absorbent and quickly absorb the essential oil into the bloodstream.

It was shown that as soon as the essential oil is applied to the foot, its traces can be found throughout the body in less than 20 minutes.

The palms and soles are the only body areas without sebaceous glands and these glands produce sebum, which is an oily substance that protects and weakens the skin’s ability to absorb foreign materials.

When the soles and palms lack these glands, they can easily absorb essential oils.

Important is that the feet have 72,000 nerve endings each, which is more per square centimeter than any other body part. According to this to this fact, the East Asian medicine has treated various diseases and illnesses by stimulating certain foot points.

It is believed that body organs and systems are linked through meridians of energy that end in the feet, hands, ears and face. This healing tradition is known as reflexology.

According to reflexology the application of essential oils on the feet helps the properties of the oil to reach the body organs and systems and assist healing.

These oils are too concentrated to be applied directly on the body, so you need to dilute them with water or coconut oil to lower the risk of swelling or irritations.

The feet skin is the least sensitive, so you can freely apply any kind of essential oil on the soles.

If you use of essential oils topically it helps the active compounds to directly enter the bloodstream, instead of going through the digestive system and the liver, when ingested.

Consult a naturopath about the most beneficial essential oil to use in order to treat your health issue and gain most health benefits. Apply it on your feet and experience quick health improvements!

Soak your feet in vinegar once a week,and you will see how all your diseases disappear

Apple cider vinegar, in addition to its very characteristic aroma, has substances that are biologically active, with which it is possible to eliminate bacteria and germs that can be very harmful to our organism.

This product will bring you incredible benefits just by using it once a week on your feet, yes, on your feet even if it sounds very strange.

Although its smell is a little uncomfortable for many, even if it is a stranger it turns out that this product will help you eliminate the bacteria and germs that can affect you.

To eliminate the calluses you should only soak your feet in a mixture with equal parts of vinegar and water. for 45 minutes (preferably warm water), and then exfoliate with your pumice stone, you will see how quickly the calluses are falling and your skin is becoming very soft.

If you want to know how to use it, keep reading this post that we bring to you today and find out about its benefits. We hope you like.


The protagonist in this recipe is nothing more and nothing less than the well-known apple cider vinegar. This foot soaking treatment in apple cider vinegar is called a foot bath.

Surely you have already heard about this technique and it has been used for many years in all parts of the world, and this thanks to the benefits it brings.

The vinegar as we can use it to fight against respiratory problems, digestive and even lose weight, it is wonderful to perform this natural treatment.

Depending on how we use it and with what we combine it, the results can be wonderful.

This foot bath is made with warm water to prevent our feet from suffering thermal shock, and the good thing is that if we prefer we can add herbs, spices or even aromatic salts.

The reasons for making a footbath with apple cider vinegar are that the feet are a place where a large part of the germs accumulate since they are not very exposed and lack a lot of oxygenation.

This type of germs or bacteria can cause these horrible calluses, dry feet, roughness and even infections.

When performing a foot bath your feet will be disinfected and you will be able to put an end to those fungi and microbes that cause the bad smell.


Heat the water, until it is lukewarm, between 15 to 18 degrees.

Not very hot, place this water in a tub or container where we can put our feet to soak and add a full glass of apple cider vinegar. If you prefer you can add a few drops of lavender essential oil to improve the smell and stimulate sleep.

Let soak for 30 minutes and you’re done.

Among other uses of apple cider vinegar we have that it helps us to fight dandruff, relieves a sore throat, eliminates bad smells from our home and reduces the bad smell of shoes.

Did You Know That You Are Able to Detox Your Body Through Your Feet?

Detoxing the body through the feet is a very effective treatment. It is believed that our feet have natural energy zones that are connected to important organ system. This means that through your feet you are able to detox your whole body.

Foot Detox Pads

If you want to detox your body, we recommend you a very simple method.

Before going to bed, put the foot detox pad. Remove the pad when you wake up. You are toxin-free if the pads are dark. Every health store has these pads.

Ionic Foot Bath

If you want to remove all of the toxins from the body, we recommend you to try ionic foot bath. Based on electrolysis, it makes chemical reaction using electrical current.

Salt is an anti-inflammatory astringent. Warm water is very essential since it is able to open your pores.

The detoxification is successful and you have eliminated the toxins when the water becomes black. This happens because you absorb the ions through your feet.

 We recommend you to try the following recipes:

1. Salt Detox Bath

Necessary Ingredients:

– 1 cup of sea salt

– Essential oil (depending on your taste)

– 1 cup of Epsom salt

– 2 cups of baking soda


In order to dissolve the ingredients, put them in boiling water. Add warm water and apple cider vinegar in a tub.

The next thing you need to do is to add salt and essential oil. You will have to let them sit for half an hour. Do not be surprised if you feel tired or weak after the bath. Besides soothing the skin irritation and detoxing the body, this recipe also increases the levels of magnesium.

2. Oxygen Detox Bath

Necessary Ingredients:

– 1 tablespoon of dried ginger powder

– 2 cups of hydrogen peroxide


Fill a tub with hot water and then add the dried ginger powder and hydrogen peroxide. Now, you need to relax your body in the tub for 30 minutes.

Besides making your skin smooth and flawless, this bath also helps you with allergies and irritations.

3. Clay Detox Bath

Necessary Ingredients:

– Essential oils (depending on your taste)

– ½ cup of bentonite clay

– ½ cup of Epsom oil


You need to dissolve the essential oils and the Epsom salt in hot water. Mix the clay by using small amounts of water. While doing this step, you should not use metal.

Add the clay in the hot tub. Soak for 20 minutes. Besides detoxing your whole body, this bath will also help you increase the levels of magnesium.

Here is how to detox your body through your feet

Foot detox methods have been used since the ancient Chinese Medicine as an excellent way to cleanse the body of toxins.

According to them, our feet have some energy points that are connected to all of the organs in our body.

When we stimulate these zones, we alleviate any health problem connected to those organs.

Here, we’re going to present you the best options for detoxification!

Ionic foot bath

This type of foot bath uses electrolysis to eliminate all of the harmful toxins. An electrical current causes a type of internal chemical reaction which can remove the toxins from our body through the feet.

These baths are usually made of warm water and salt. Just put your feet inside and leave them until the water becomes dark.

These are several examples:

Salt detox bath


– 2 cups of baking soda

– 1 cup of ACV

– 1 cup of Epsom salt

– 1 cup of sea salt

– 2-3 drops of an essential oil


Take a bowl of water and bowl it. Then, add the sea salts along with the Epsom salt inside and stir everything well. After this, fill your tub using hot water. Add the mixture inside.

After that, add the ACV with the essential oil Soak your feet in this for 30 minutes. You’ll manage to remove all of the toxins in a natural way!

Clay detox bath


– ½ a cup of Epsom salt

– 3-4 drops of an essential oil

– ½ a cup of bentonite clay


Boil some water. Then, put the Epsom salt inside and leave it to dissolve. Add the essential oil with the bentonite clay in the end. Leave your feet to soak in this mixture for half an hour to eliminate all of the toxins. You’ll also increase your levels of magnesium!

Oxygen detox bath


– 1 tablespoon of powdered ginger

– 2 cups of hydrogen peroxide


First, you have to have a tub filled with hot water. After that, add both of the ingredients. Soak your feet in this for 30 minutes. You’ll manage to fight allergies and skin irritation with this bath and at the same time extract all toxins from your body. 

Foot detox pads

These pads are amazing for the elimination of toxins. Most health stores have them. Just put them on your soles before you go to bed.

In the morning, you should take them out and they should be black. You can repeat this procedure every night so that it would have amazing results!

How to Detox Your Body Through Your Feet?

Do you know of this very effective treatment – detoxing the body through the feet? Apparently, our feet have natural energy zones that are connected to important organ system.

This means that you can remove your inner toxins and detox your whole body through your feet.

Foot Detox Pads

It is a very simple method that can help you detox your body. All you have to do is put the foot detox pad before you go to bed.

When you wake up, remove the pads, and if they are dark, that means you are toxin-free. You can purchase these pads in every health store.

Ionic Foot Bath

The ionic foot bath will actually remove all the toxins from your body. Based on electrolysis it makes chemical reaction using electrical current.

It is essential to use warm water to open your pores and salt as an anti-inflammatory astringent.

You absorb the ions through your feet, and if the water becomes dark, that means that the detoxification is successful and you have eliminated the toxins. There are a couple of recipes for this bath that you might want to try:

1. Salt Detox Bath


– Sea salt – 1 cup

– Essential oil (depending on your taste)

– Epsom Salt –  1 cup

– Baking soda – 2 cups


Put the ingredients in boiling water to dissolve. After that, in a tub add warm water together with apple cider vinegar.

Next, add salt and essential oils to the mixture and let them sit for half an hour. After the bath, don’t be surprised if you feel exhausted or weak. This recipe will raise the levels of magnesium, soothe skin irritation and detox the body.

2. Oxygen Detox Bath


– Dried ginger powder – 1 tbsp

– Hydrogen peroxide – 2 cups


Add the dried ginger powder and hydrogen peroxide to a tub full of hot water. Relax your body in the tub for 30 minutes. This bath can help you with allergies or irritations and at the same time will make your skin smooth and flawless.

3. Clay Detox Bath


– Essential oils (depending on your taste)

– Bentonite clay – 1/2 cup

– Epsom salt – 1/2 cup


In hot water put the essential oils and the Epsom salt and let them dissolve. Using small amounts of water mix the clay. It is of crucial importance not to use metal while doing this step.

After that add the clay in the hot tub and soak for 20 minutes. This bath will help you increase the levels of magnesium and in the same time detoxify your body.