Squeeze 1 Lemon With 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil And You Will Remember Me For The Rest Of Your Life

Natural medicine has been widely used in recent times, thanks to that with very little money it can cure many diseases and the risk of side effects. The body collects larger amounts of toxins every day.

The liver, kidneys, intestines – all of these organs, and not just these, fight for purification of toxins and filtering of harmful substances entering the body.

Olive oil and lemon are two main ingredients that will help you to detoxify the entire body daily and protect yourself against diseases, infections, inflammations, and other dangerous conditions.The mixture of olive oil and lemon stimulates the immune system and makes it resistant to external and internal seizures.

Separately, the oil and lemon have powerful properties. And imagine together! Protective mechanisms work with full force for the health of the body.


Preparation of the mixture is mild. Olive oil and fresh lemon juice mixed with a ratio of 1: 1. Mix very well. The mixture is rich whit minerals and vitamins.


Fights constipation

This combination helps to lubricate the digestive mucosa and also activates the bladder function. This mixture contains antioxidants that help us get rid of toxins and help in any case to properly digest food.

Cardioprotective effect

Because olive oil is rich in fatty acids, it helps control and improve blood circulation and also removes bad cholesterol, which helps in blood flow, and is also anti-inflammatory and provides many vitamins.

It maintains balanced liver and gallbladder

We know that when we feel swollen, heavy and tired, most often because our body is poisoned, so with this mixture help the liver to expel these toxins.

Articular or rheumatic pains

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, every morning a teaspoon of this mixture fights these annoying pains.

To strengthen skin, nails, and hair

To strengthen weak, fragile or fragmented nails, you should make a mixture of 1 tablespoon olive oil with 1 tbsp. lemon juice, where you will soak your nails 10 minutes before falling asleep, and you can also sleep in fine cotton gloves to allow a mixture of lemon and olive oil to penetrate the nails overnight.

Also if you want healthy, strong and shiny hair and to control dandruff, olive oil and lemon can help make it, and while antiseptic and astringent lemon qualities can help treat skin diseases.

What you need to do is mix and drink 1 tbsp. olive oil with freshly squeezed lemon juice to maintain a healthy body, shiny hair and smooth skin.

As you can see the effects of lemon and olive oil is excellent, we recommend that you immediately start using this mixture and take advantage of the health benefits it offers.

The Essential Oil That Promotes Hair Growth, Relieves Constipation & Fights Fungal Infections

The spikenard plant is native to the Himalayas, India, and China, and reaches 3 feet in height. It has pink, bell-shaped flowers and hairy spikes that shoot out from its roots.

This beneficial plant has a sweet, spicy, and heavy odor, and offers a myriad of health benefits. The spikenard essential oil is derived from this plant, and it cures digestive issues, insomnia, reduces stress, and more.

Here are 8 of its uses:

1. Boosts the Immune System

Spikenard essential oil acts as a natural antioxidant and strengthens the immune system and reduces oxidative stress. Moreover, it treats inflammation and lowers blood pressure by dilating the arteries.

2. Relieves Inflammation

Inflammation is the leading cause of most diseases and conditions. According to the findings of a 2010study, this essential oil reduces the severity of two inflammatory conditions, acute pancreatitis, and pancreatitis-associated lung injury. Spikenard essential oil treats inflammation throughout the body, and relieves asthma and arthritis symptoms.

3. Fights Bacteria and Fungus

This essential oil has powerful antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, which accelerate the healing of wounds and treat infections. Its topical application treats athlete’s foot and toenail fungus as well, and it is helpful in the treatment of food poisoning.

4. Protects the Uterus and Ovaries

The traditional Ayurvedic medicine used it as a stimulant to purify the uterus and promote menstruation. This oil cleanses the ovaries and uterus by stimulating the release of estrogen and progesterone. It also relieves PMS symptoms, like bloating and painful cramps.

5. Relieves Constipation

Spikenard essential oil has natural laxative properties which help digestion, relieve constipation, and treat all kinds of digestive distress, such as fatigue, bloating and gas.

6. Promotes Hair Growth

In 2011, researchers have found that this oil stimulates hair growth, and its beneficial compounds slow down the graying of hair and retain the natural color. To treat hair loss, apply it topically on the scalp or add 5-10 drops of this essential oil to your natural conditioner.

7. Relaxes the Body and Mind

Spikenard essential oil has potent sedative qualities and reduces stress, calms anger, aggression, and restlessness. Diffuse it at home and enjoy its mind and body relaxing properties.

8. Treats Insomnia

Its sedative properties treat insomnia and sleeping difficulties. Just diffuse it at bedtime and it will lower blood pressure, calm your mind and body, treat anxiety, and help you get a sound sleep.