How To Use Baking Soda To Wash Off 90% Of All Toxic Pesticides From Your Fruits And Vegetables

Baking soda is one of the most versatile products we can use, as it is highly practical and offers potent medicinal properties. It relieves your heartburn, boosts skin and hair health, whitens the teeth, acts as a powerful cleaning agent, and much more.

Apparently, it is also able to eliminate up to 90% of pesticides from fruit and vegetables.

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts have conducted a study on gala apples in order to test the efficacy of baking soda in cleaning the fruits.

They used two most common pesticides, thiabendazole, and phosmet, the first one being a fungicide that is able to penetrate apple peels, and the second is a popular insecticide.

Moreover, they used three different liquids to clean the contaminated apples: tap water, a one percent baking soda/water solution, and the most commonly used commercial bleach solution approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

They found that the baking soda solution eliminated more pesticides in 2 minutes when soaked in the bleach solutions, and when rinsed in the running tap water. Yet, they needed to soak in the baking soda for 12- 15 minutes to completely eliminate all pesticides.

Baking soda is an alkaline salt, so it is eco-friendly, and effective produce wash, that easily removes pesticide residue from hard0skinned fruits and vegetables.

All you have to do is to add a few tablespoons of it to a bowl of water and soak the veggies and fruits in it for several minutes. Then, rinse them with fresh cold water.

In the case of fruits like muskmelons, whose nooks and crannies in the rinds easily trap dirt and microbes, sprinkle baking soda over them, and scrub away with a produce brush.

Simple, but highly effective! Try it next time and be sure that your foods are free of pesticides!


If You Are Diabetic You Should Definitely Avoid These 20 Foods

Diabetic food should be well controlled if you really want to balance your blood sugar, if you have diabetes the secret in your diet lies in keeping you out of high sugar foods, however, there are certain drinks and foods that They seem healthy but they are the opposite. Here we will specify the 20 foods of which you must stay away in the end.

20 foods that must be kept out of diabetic food

1. Dry fruits: fiber and nutrients make some fruits dry and look like the healthiest option but you should consider it twice before consuming it if you suffer from diabetes 2 since the nuts have dehydration, which means that the sugars concentrate more. Substitute with strawberries or grapefruit.

2. White rice, bread and flour: low quality carbohydrates such as rice and those made with white flour, such as:

breads and pasta; they act in the same way as sugar, that is, they will interfere with glucose levels in your body just like sugar, it is preferable that you change them for whole grains like oats, barley, and brown rice.

3. Full-fat dairy: full-fat dairy contains fatter, increases bad cholesterol ( LDL ), the risk of heart disease and insulin resistance, so if you’re diabetic say goodbye to dairy products like creams , fat yogurt, ice cream and cream cheese.

4. Thick cuts of meat: fatty meats should be avoided at all costs for the same reason as dairy products since they are high in saturated fats that increase cholesterol and generate inflammation throughout the body at the same time that diabetics increase them. the risk of heart disease. Change meats for chicken without skin, turkey, pork loin, lean meat

5. Breakfast cakes: all baked goods such as cakes, muffins, donuts, cinnamon rolls contain high amounts of sodium and trans fats if you want to consume them, try to find the healthiest options, those without fat and without sugar. Without a doubt, the best option is to make them at home.

6. Fried foods: this kind of food is not good for those who suffer from diabetes 2, because they are soaked with large amounts of oil and in various cases are covered with flour to be breaded, which has more calories, you must be very careful with these foods.

7. Alcohol: alcohol interferes with blood sugar levels and if you have diabetes, you should consult before taking it with your doctor.

8. Fruit juice: the juices are full of fiber and healthy carbohydrates since fruits are always the best option when treating diabetics, however, when it comes to fruit juices you should be alert because even more nutritious than soda, the juices contain concentrated sugar that causes your sugar levels to increase.

9. Sugary foods: As explained above, they contain high amounts of sugar classified as low in carbohydrate quality, with a low nutritional value that generate high blood sugar jumps.

10. Cereals: it is usually one of the easiest and fastest options when breakfast is concerned but most cereals contain a lot of sugar.

11. Energy bars: they are not so bad but for diabetics yes, they should be more careful about what they choose to eat, both carbohydrates and sugars are two main sources of energy for the body as long as you choose those that contain minimum.

12. Bananas and melons: some fruits are more sugary than others and are just the most sugary ones that you must avoid in order not to increase your sugar levels, bananas, melons, and peaches contain a lot of sugar.

13. Mixed coffees: mixed coffees are very popular but they have syrup, sugar and whipped creams that are heavy in sugar and fat, always choose coffee without sugar and with little milk to satiate your impulses of caffeine.

14. Processed meat: processed meats are full of sodium and high salt diets are associated with double risk of heart attacks, strokes in diabetics, so reducing their intake is vital.

15. Smoothies purchased: they are marketed as the healthiest drinks on the market, however, they are far from being that way because they have a lot of sugar and are served in extra large portions.

16. Chinese food: it is high in calories, fat, sodium, and carbohydrates, increases blood sugar levels and keep it high for a long time.

17. Flavored waters: just like smoothies are sold as healthy but that’s not the case because containing flavor means more sugar than normal.

18. Frozen / commercial pizza: they are preferred for speed and convenience, especially in America but they are not convenient for health, they are high in calories and they add to your diet large portions of fat.

19. Nachos: preferred by many people without being aware of the high-calorie content they possess, a regular order of classic chili nachos contributes 830 calories, 59 grams of fat and 39 of carbohydrates, so they are far from healthy for the diabetics.

20. Hamburger restaurants: they are certainly tempting and delicious but they are loaded with saturated fats, responsible for raising cholesterol, it is far from being suitable as food for diabetics.

We wanted to dedicate a space to diabetic food because we know how difficult it is for them to have and live a normal life but once you learn to know and control everything you can and can not do, administering your blood sugar will be a matter to eat and listen to your body well.


The Dangers of Nightshades: Why Eating The Wrong Fruits And Vegetables Could Make Pain Worse

Nightshades are a specific group of plants, which belongs to the Solanaceae family and involves more than 2,000 species, such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, and all pepper types.

Blueberries, goji berries, huckleberries, and ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng) are not real members of the group of nightshades, but they contain the same inflammation-inducing alkaloids.

Apparently, these plants lead to inflammation due to a specific chemical called solanine, believed to cause irritations of the gastrointestinal tract. As soon as it is absorbed into the bloodstream, it destroys the oxygen-carrying red blood cells.

Solanine is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, as it prevents the breakdown of this neurotransmitter, and causes its excessive accumulation in nerve receptor sites.

This constantly over-stimulates the Ach receptors, especially within the nervous system, by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. Yet, these chemicals are not broken down in the body, nor water soluble, so they must leave the body as alpha-solanine, a neurotoxin.

The consumption of nightshades can lead to aggravated arthritis symptoms, and some researchers even believe that this condition is often misdiagnosed in people who actually have a nightshade sensitivity.

Namely, alkaloids affect the calcium metabolism, eliminating it from the bones, so it is accumulated in the soft tissue, leading to arthritis. Therefore, researchers advise patients with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or other joint problems to avoid nightshade foods.

As Norman F. Childers, Ph.D.,  the founder of the Arthritis Nightshades Research Foundation, explains:

 “Diet appears to be a factor in the etiology of arthritis based on surveys of over 1400 volunteers during a 20-year period. Plants in the drug family, Solanaceae (nightshades) are an important causative factor in arthritis in sensitive people.”

Many people are sensitive to an alkaloid called tropane, which is the primary cause of such reactions.

Furthermore, the elimination of these plants from the diet provides beneficial effects in the case of reactive airways disease, leg weakness, knee pain, and arthritis-related diseases like lupus, rheumatism, and other musculoskeletal pain disorders.

Therefore, if you are one of these people, avoid the following:

  • Tomatoes (all varieties)
  • Peppers (all varieties, like paprika, cayenne, bell pepper, wax pepper, green & red peppers, chili peppers, etc)
  • Eggplant (aubergine)
  • Goji berries
  • Tomatillos (a Peruvian plum-like fruit)
  • Artichokes
  • Potatoes (all varieties, except for sweet potatoes or yams)
  • Okra
  • Sorrel
  • Gooseberries
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Tobacco
  • Paprika
  • Garden Huckleberry & Blueberries
  • Pepino Melon
  • The Homeopathic “Belladonna”
  • Soy sauce(GMO soybeans are cut from the nightshade plant Petunia)

Additionally, avoid the following products:

  • Edible flowers: Petunia, chalice vine, day jasmine, angel and devil’s trumpets
  • Vodka( its production involved potatoes)
  • Homeopathic remedies that contain Belladonna
  • Many baking powders contain potato starch
  • Prescription and over-the-counter medications containing potato starch as a filler, like sleeping pills, and muscle relaxing medications
  • Atropine and Scopolamine, used in sleeping pills
  • Topical pain and inflammation remedies that contain capsicum
  • Adhesives on many envelops contain potato starch, so do not lick them

Three Month Challenge

To check if nightshades have a negative influence on your health, you should take the three-month challenge, and avoid them for that time.

Note down all symptoms you experience, like headaches, energy loss, respiratory issues, stiffness, etc. After 3 months, reintroduce them, one at a time.