7 Most Dangerous Drugs in the World! Are You Using Them?

Ladies and gentlemen, can I ask you something?! Well, I’ll do it anyways – did you know that prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death in the world?

The answer is YES and we can easily say that the pharmaceutical industry is committing a silent holocaust around the globe.

How this works?! Well, people are getting sick because they are not getting the proper nutrients. Then they are covering up their sickness with prescription drugs. But, UNFORTUNATELY, this “healing method” can cause serious side effects, leading their doctors to prescribe more pills to conceal those side effects.

These 7 prescription drugs are very dangerous for you and your health.

1. Vaccine against chicken: did you know that this vaccine has caused cancer in a large proportion of people who have received it? Well yes and it has crippled millions of children in India for life.

2. Vaccine against mumps, rubella and measles: This vaccine can cause serious disorders in our neurological system, especially in children. It’s very dangerous for you and your health.

3. Antibiotics: Antibiotics can destroy the good bacteria in your body and weaken your immune system.

4. Antidepressant drugs: this type of drugs might destroy serotonin (happiness hormone) and cause suicidal thoughts and increasing depression.

5. Flu shot: This vaccine contains high amounts of mercury and aluminum, and it’s capable of causing miscarriage.

6. HPV vaccines: Many adolescents who have received this vaccine have gone into shock or even coma.

7. Chemotherapy: This treatment is responsible for gradually destroying the immune system, causing the formation of new types of cancer in the organism, particularly leukemia.

Read More: Herb That Is 100 Times Stronger Than Chemo Drugs And Kills Cancer!

If Chemotherapy Fails 97% Of The Time, Why Do Doctors Recommend It?

Two doctors reveal the truth about chemotherapy.

Doctors have spoken separately about the truth behind chemotherapy – that 97% of the time it doesn’t even work.

Chemotherapy and indeed the pharmaceutical industry, in general, is big business. Drug companies are among the richest in the world, they sell the idea of ‘health’ too sick people much in the same way a diet soda is sold to people in the hope that it will help them lose weight.

Cancer is very much a disease of ‘our time’, and most doctors will tell you that one of the easiest ways to avoid it is by holding a good diet and a healthy lifestyle.

For the unfortunate ones who develop cancer, when visiting a doctor there are only limited options available to them.

They usually cut cancer out – good news, cancer in that part of the body has gone, but the body has previously been a cancer-creating environment. The root cause of cancer must be realized before the person can be cured.

But instead of thinking about the cause of cancer, the doctors are all too happy to sell patients cancer drugs that turn them a profit.

In the video, Peter Glidden, BS, ND talks about how low the success rates for chemotherapy are, and the insanity in which this medicine is not working for the patients, but instead making money for the doctors.

Glidden says:

“Why is it still used? There’s one reason, and one reason only,”


He outlines that for most drugs, the doctors prescribing them don’t get a cut of any sales they make, but chemotherapy drugs are different.

There has never to this day been one decided upon ‘cure’ for cancer, but there are many testimonies of people who claim they cured their cancer by changing their diet and their lifestyle. These holistic stories are ridiculed by doctors even though of course, they make perfect sense. The doctors do not want people treating themselves.

Glidden says:

“Chemotherapeutic drugs are the only classification of drugs that the prescribing doctor gets a direct cut off,”

“The only reason chemotherapy is used is because doctors make money from it — period. It doesn’t work 97 percent of the time. If Ford Motor Company made an automobile that exploded 97 percent of the time, would they still be in business?” “No.”

In another video, a different doctor has a similar tale to tell. Naturopathic doctor Leonard Coldwell talks about the destructive nature of chemotherapy and that patients appear ‘cured’ of their cancer, because not only did the radiation kill cancer, it also scorched a bunch of otherwise healthy cells in its destructive path.

He says:

“You killed basically every bioelectrical and biochemical function in the body,”

“Since nothing works anymore, for three years, you have no cancer, you’re cured. You’re just dead in five years.”

He then goes on to mention the cynical way in which doctors are forced to treat cancer patients and the problems within the medical profession.

He says:

“You go into the medical profession, the first year, the first two years, you’re really excited, you’re really in it, you’re giving your all until you find out no matter what you do the patient gets worse, or they cure themselves.”

Keep Reading: SHOCKING: People Do Not Die of Cancer! People Die of Chemotherapy and in Terrible Pain

Sugar Industry Hid Evidence of Links to Cancer and Heart Disease For Half a Century

The sugar industry sat on health risk information for 50 years.

The rise of obesity in almost every country in the world has been attributed to a lack of understanding about the foods that we eat on a daily basis.

The blame however has shifted from high fat foods, which were once thought to be the worst, to sugar.

Many doctors now agree that sugar is worse for you than a high fat or high salt diet, and has been linked to many chronic, avoidable illnesses like diabetes and cancer.

New information has now surfaced which reveals that the sugar industry knew exactly how dangerous their products were in tests found back in 1967, but they buried the facts in order to keep their sugar train going for as long as possible.

Sugar has been found to be physically addictive and people have real and severe withdrawal symptoms when cutting it out of their diet.

Sugar has also been linked to cancer, tests have shown that cancer cells ‘feed’ off sugar and they thrive when in a body which has been fed with a high sugar diet.

The JAMA Internal Medicine have reported how the Sugar Research Foundation was set up in 1967 to test the effects of this new wonder-food.

In the post-war world, high sugar and high calories diets were a novelty, and were encouraged to give people as much energy as possible, something that had not been available to much of the world during the war years.

But the results of the studies conducted were not what the sugar industry wanted to hear.

As PLoS Biology have reported, The Sugar Research Foundation linked sugar to bladder cancerwhen tested on mice and suggested a link between sugar and coronary heart disease. The study was promptly stopped and the results were never published.