Drink Lemon Water Instead Of Pills If You Have One Of These 13 Problems

Having a glass of warm lemon water is one of the healthiest morning rituals. Lemon juice is a mighty antioxidant. It is packed with vitamins B and C, potassium, carbohydrates, volatile oils, and other healthy components.

Regular consumption of lemon juice provides a powerful immunity boost, enhances digestion, reduces cravings, stimulates healthy weight loss, and enables a proper pH balance in the body.

Use lemon juice to relieve the following ailments:

1. Acne treatment

Lemon water prevents the occurrence, and reduces acidic effects.

Gently rub your face with a squeezed lemon. It is a nice cleansing technique.

2. Kidney stones

Potassium increases citrate levels in urine, which prevents the formation of oxalates.

3. Immunity boost

Lemon water enhances the lymphatic function, which helps the immune system to detect and eliminate pathogens.

4. Suppress appetite and lose weight

Vitamins in lemons regulate blood sugar. The citrus fruit is also rich in pectin, a fiber that aids in controlling hunger.

Lemon juice also enhances digestion. It stimulates bile production, and your body uses it to break down food.

5. Gallbladder ache

Drink lemon water with your meals to deal with this aching condition.

6. Cold and flu

Vitamin C in lemons acts as a natural antioxidant. It provides strong antibacterial properties, which is why it should be used in the treatment of flu and colds.

7. Gastroesophaegal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Stay away from your TUMS, and drink lemon water instead. You should notice some improvement within 2 weeks.

8. Finger nails

Lemon juice strengthens nails, and eliminates white spots.

9. Food-borne diseases

Drink lemon water when travelling. This will keep you safe from food poisoning.

10. Fibromyalgia

Lemon water and yoga stretches will help you deal with exhaustion caused by fibromyalgia.

11. Inflammation

Thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties, lemons neutralize acidity. As you already know, inflammations are more likely to occur in acidic bodies.

12. Sore muscles after workout

Drink lemon water after heavy workout to relieve the pain.

13. Joint swelling and pain

Lemon juice reduces uric acid buildups in the joints, and thus prevent inflammation and arthritis.

Keep Reading: How to use lemon to remove the spots from your face and have a glowing skin

The Watermelon Can Be a Medicine. Read More on How to Use It That Way…

One of the best and most refreshing fruits, especially during the hot summer days is definitely the watermelon, but, did you know that it is a very healthy fruit too? The numerous benefits of this fruit come as a result of the presence of L-citruline, an amino acid that soothes muscles after workout.

A Spanish study has shown that the watermelon is excellent against post-workout pain. According to this study, this amino acid is able to accelerate the process of removing the excess lactic acid off the muscles and thus eliminate the soreness and itchiness after workout.

Watermelon contains this amino acid more than any other fruit does, with 150 mg in just 120 g of the fruit. It also contains vitamin A, B6, and C and thus improves the work of the kidneys and the health of the heart. It also normalizes the blood pressure.

The watermelon seeds are great for dissolving kidney stones

You should know that besides the fruit, the seeds of watermelon are also very healthy. The Chinese alternative medicine has used them for a long time now for removing kidney stones, as it contains minerals like magnesium and potassium. Take four watermelon seeds, crush them, and then boiled them in two liters of water for fifteen minutes. Use this water to eliminate kidney stones by drinking it.

The watermelon contains nearly no calories, and it is abundant in water, minerals, vitamins, and natural sugars.

Nutrition facts

Due to the fact that it contains almost just water, this fruit is great for cleansing and detoxification of the body. It is also rich in beta carotene, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and C vitamins, as well as calcium, iodine, manganese, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, malic acid, nitric acid, fiber, and a lot more. Watermelon is able to stop inflammation, heart issues, chronic stress, anxiety, and mental problems as well.

Moreover, watermelon is able to prevent anemia, arthritis, asthma, gallbladder issues, high body heat, bladder issues, cellulite, inflammation, kidney stones, acne, atherosclerosis, headaches, cholesterol, and bug bites. Due to the high amounts of water it contains, watermelon is a great diuretic, and it can also help you fight skin issues and burns. Watermelon also regulates the pH of the body, cleanses the blood vessels from excess fat, and thus prevents heart issues and reduces the risk of developing them.

However, in case that you suffer from diabetes or high triglyceride levels, you should be more moderate with this fruit.

The best way to eat this fruit

The best way to eat watermelon is to eat it cold. You can also combine the juice of watermelon with other natural juices and thus get the best of them. You can also add watermelon and watermelon juice to desserts. The watermelon is most delicious and nutritious in summer, which is also the best period to consume this fruit to replenish the nutrients you lose from the heat.

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Source: www.MakeYourLifeHealthier.com


Did you know that most shampoo is a chemical mixture of many toxic ingredients? These chemicals are very harmful to you and to the environment.

Even shampoos claiming they have “all-natural ingredients” aren’t safe and dangerous. Manufacturers of these still use things ammonium laurel sulphate. Doesn’t sound all-natural, right? My rule is – if you can’t eat it, then you shouldn’t put it on your body.

Here are the main toxic ingredient you’ll want to avoid in shampoo:

– Sulfates – Sodium lauryl and laureth sulfates are foaming agents and can be contaminated with 1,4 dioxane, a probable carcinogen.

– Certain preservatives – These preservatives including parabens are linked to breast cancer and hormone disruption. Parabens have been discovered in low concentrations in breast cancer tumors and have the ability to weakly mimic estrogen.

– Artificial fragrances – The term fragrance is a term for thousands of chemicals that include hormone disrupting phthalates, as well as skin irritants and allergens.

Petroleum products – Ingredients that come from non-renewable resources are not environmentally friendly.


If you are experiencing some health issues, the culprit may be your shampoo or other personal care products.

Ingredients in most shampoo brands can cause asthma symptoms, sinusitis, allergies, and could even lead to cancer.

Since your body can not recognize these ingredients, these chemicals wreak havoc with the immune system, causing viruses, colds, , and even fungal infections.


According to the  Environmental Working Group, the average newborn baby has 287 known toxins in his or her umbilical cord blood. Can you imagine how many chemicals and toxins you have been exposed to in your life?

The most effective and inexpensive way to detox your body is to take spirulina. According to many recent scientific studies, spirulina helps support healthy detoxification of  built up toxins from the body by binding to  them. Thus, these toxins are  carried out of the body through natural processes of elimination.


Continue Reading: 8 Cancer Causing Products to Remove From Your Home

32 Signs You Immediately Need More Magnesium (And How To Get It)

Who would have thought that the lack of only one nutrient can have an enormous impact on the overall health?

The American diet has drastically changed over the years, which has resulted in a constant rise in health issues which used to be rarely seen earlier. Deficiencies in certain nutrients have become very common, out of which magnesium is definitely the most common one.

While only an estimate, up to 80% of Americans fail to get enough magnesium! Another research reveals that about 25% of American are getting the RDA of 310-320 milligrams for women and 400-420 for men.

Nowadays, it has become much more difficult to get magnesium from food sources, which is really bad if we take into consideration the fact that Magnesium is a key mineral in the human metabolism.

It is found in over 300 enzymes in the body and has a significant role in body`s detoxification processes, which makes it a mineral of utmost importance in terms of preventing damage from heavy metals, toxins, and environmental chemicals.

Additionally, it is also needed for creating energy by activating ATP; helping digest carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; activating muscles and nerves; acting as a precursor for serotonin,  and serving as a building block for DNA and RNA synthesis.


Earlier, it has been much simpler to get the recommended dosage of magnesium on a daily basis. In fact, the consumption of produce was enough to supply you with the magnesium you needed. Unlike today, magnesium was prevalent in the soil years ago. The erosion and modern farming practices take their toll, leaving tiny amounts of magnesium in the soil.

Another reason for magnesium deficiency is the fact that people consume unhealthy diets and rarely eat foods like beans, seeds, mackerel, nuts, and dark leafy greens, all of which are excellent sources of magnesium.


1.  Anxiety

2. Asthma

3. Blood clots

4. Bowel disease

5. Calcium deficiency

6. Confusion

7. Constipation

8. Cystitis

9. Depression

10. Difficulty swallowing

11. Dizziness

12. Fatigue

13.  Fertility/childbearing issues: Getting or staying pregnant, preeclampsia, preterm labor

14.  High blood pressure

15.  Heart issues

16.  Hypertension

17.  Hypoglycemia

18.  Insomnia

19.  Liver and kidney disease

20.  Memory loss

21.  Migraines

22.  Muscle cramps

23.  Nausea

24.  Osteoporosis

25.  Personality changes: often similar to symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders

26.  Potassium deficiency: may cause extreme thirst, fluid retention, and irritability

27.  Raynaud’s syndrome: may cause cold fingers or toes, color changes in skin due to temperature changes, and numbness in extremities

28.  Respiratory difficulties

29.  Seizures

30.  Tooth decay

31.  Tremors

32.  Type II diabetes


As mentioned above, magnesium is a key factor in the human metabolism and it is used it over 300 bodily processes and chemical reactions. Therefore, deficiency in magnesium negatively affects the overall health.

The best way to boost your magnesium intake is by consuming more magnesium-rich foods, such as the ones listed above. However, you may still experience magnesium deficiency and not get the recommended daily value.

For that reason, you should also take supplement products with magnesium (one capsule per day is enough). Yet, it is of utmost importance to be cautious, because there are numerous supplements that contain fillers (like gluten, preservatives, sugar, wheat) with no nutritional value.

Many people recommend Women’s MULTIpro, as it meets other nutritional needs as well, such as iodine, biotin, zinc, chromium, vitamin B1, and vitamin A.

Source: www.InTheHouseOfHealth.info

Repair Your Kidneys with Only 1 Teaspoon of Baking Soda

Baking soda also known as sodium bicarbonate is a chemical substance which is solid crystalline, but it seems like a fine powder. Its taste is alkaline and salty.

The baking soda is essential for the health. Sodium bicarbonate is made in the body by the kidneys and pancreas to protect the kidneys.

In case there is a decline in the production of bicarbonate in these organs, there is build up of acids, and the body has problems to neutralize the build-up.

At this point, the cellular descent begins, and the body needs a treatment which is going to get rid of the acid build-ups and also supply an increase of oxygen, nutrients, and water.

You should know that the pancreas is a crucial component to the suitable digestion. It secretes digestive enzymes in the small intestines in order to aid in digesting food.

Diet high in sugar and fat might wreak havoc when it comes to your pancreas.

Over time, the ability of the pancreas to make digestive enzymes is compromised.

At the same time, the amount produced of sodium bicarbonate decreases greatly.

This is not good for the kidneys because they might get damaged.

That might happen because the blood to filter is highly acidic because the pancreas is not able to make the needed amounts of sodium bicarbonate.

Therefore, the kidneys will end up damaged. Once this happens, there is a lot of health complications that might occur. Among the most common medical procedure is dialysis that people with damaged kidneys need to have.

Dialysis aids purify the blood, something that the kidneys no longer can do effectively. Experts say that dialysis with the use of sodium bicarbonate is greatly effective regarding slowing the degeneration of the kidneys.

Baking Soda for Kidneys

The baking soda comes with different practical uses. Baking soda makes baked products fluffier; it absorbs bad odors effectively, it a natural household cleaner thanks to its deodorizing and antibacterial properties.

Also, many people use baking soda to clean their teeth. If you mix it with olive oil, you will get a facial mask. This mixture can eliminate excess dead skin cells and cause your complexion to look radiant.

It is known that a paste made of water and baking soda is efficient pimple buster. By now you are probably aware by now the baking soda is actually a versatile product.

Also, it is something which can aid in neutralizing excess acid in the blood and at the same time save the kidneys to do a lot of work.

You need to add one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of plain water and mix well. This is an effective home remedy for damaged kidneys.

Consult your doctor about the proper dosage and the right time when to  consume it.

In fact, if you want this remedy to work effectively there are few other things you should do. For example, you need to drink a lot of water to ease the removal of impurities in the blood.

Also, you need to lower the intake of foods which are loaded with sugar and fat.

At the same time, you need to stop consuming excessive amounts of alcohol and quit smoking. Also try to cut down on soda, tea, and coffee intake.

Consult your doctor, get the proper dosage and good luck. If you find this article useful, share it with your friends and family.