The Watermelon Can Be a Medicine. Read More on How to Use It That Way…

One of the best and most refreshing fruits, especially during the hot summer days is definitely the watermelon, but, did you know that it is a very healthy fruit too? The numerous benefits of this fruit come as a result of the presence of L-citruline, an amino acid that soothes muscles after workout.

A Spanish study has shown that the watermelon is excellent against post-workout pain. According to this study, this amino acid is able to accelerate the process of removing the excess lactic acid off the muscles and thus eliminate the soreness and itchiness after workout.

Watermelon contains this amino acid more than any other fruit does, with 150 mg in just 120 g of the fruit. It also contains vitamin A, B6, and C and thus improves the work of the kidneys and the health of the heart. It also normalizes the blood pressure.

The watermelon seeds are great for dissolving kidney stones

You should know that besides the fruit, the seeds of watermelon are also very healthy. The Chinese alternative medicine has used them for a long time now for removing kidney stones, as it contains minerals like magnesium and potassium. Take four watermelon seeds, crush them, and then boiled them in two liters of water for fifteen minutes. Use this water to eliminate kidney stones by drinking it.

The watermelon contains nearly no calories, and it is abundant in water, minerals, vitamins, and natural sugars.

Nutrition facts

Due to the fact that it contains almost just water, this fruit is great for cleansing and detoxification of the body. It is also rich in beta carotene, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and C vitamins, as well as calcium, iodine, manganese, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, malic acid, nitric acid, fiber, and a lot more. Watermelon is able to stop inflammation, heart issues, chronic stress, anxiety, and mental problems as well.

Moreover, watermelon is able to prevent anemia, arthritis, asthma, gallbladder issues, high body heat, bladder issues, cellulite, inflammation, kidney stones, acne, atherosclerosis, headaches, cholesterol, and bug bites. Due to the high amounts of water it contains, watermelon is a great diuretic, and it can also help you fight skin issues and burns. Watermelon also regulates the pH of the body, cleanses the blood vessels from excess fat, and thus prevents heart issues and reduces the risk of developing them.

However, in case that you suffer from diabetes or high triglyceride levels, you should be more moderate with this fruit.

The best way to eat this fruit

The best way to eat watermelon is to eat it cold. You can also combine the juice of watermelon with other natural juices and thus get the best of them. You can also add watermelon and watermelon juice to desserts. The watermelon is most delicious and nutritious in summer, which is also the best period to consume this fruit to replenish the nutrients you lose from the heat.

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11 Reasons Why You Should Consume Beetroot Every Day!

Beetroot is one of the healthiest vegetables in the world. It’s a nutrient-dense super-food packed with essential nutrients. It’s a good source of vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, potassium, manganese, fiber, copper, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. It’s also packed with powerful antioxidants like flavonoids, phenolic acids, carotenoids, betalain, and anthocyanin.

Although available all year round, this root vegetable is sweetest and most tender during its peak season, from June to October. It should be consumed raw and uncooked as cooking might destroy most of its nutrients.

11 Reasons Why You Should Consume Beetroot Every Day:

– It may help dilate and relax your blood vessels

The naturally-occurring salt called nitrate found in beetroot is converted to nitric oxide in your body. Nitric oxide may help dilate and relax your blood vessels, boosting your blood flow. The amino acid called betaine found in this vegetable may help prevent the build-up of homocysteine in your blood, preventing circulation problems.

– It may help improve your skin health

Beetroot contains folate, which’s one of the B vitamins important for skin health. It may help stimulate re-pigmentation of white skin patches of vitiligo and prevent skin cancer. Beetroot is also a great source of vitamin C that may help clear your blemishes, even out your skin tone and give it a natural glow.

– It may help enhance your liver health

Beetroot is a unique source of betalains – a kind of phytonutrient, which has potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxification properties. This root vegetable acts as an excellent liver cleanser and may help support proper liver function. With the help of compounds like glycine and methionine, it may help prevent fatty acids from building up in your liver and improve your liver health.

– It might help prevent cancerous tumor formation or reduce cancerous cell proliferation

The betanin (a form of betalain) found in beetroot might help prevent cancerous tumor formation and reduce cancerous cell proliferation. It might have the power to prevent the formation of prostate, skin, lung and breast cancer. Beetroot juice, when consumed along with carrot extract, might aid in the treatment of leukemia.

– It may help relieve constipation

This root vegetable is high in dietary fiber that may help stimulate the nerves in your intestines and improve your body’s ability to digest food. The high dietary fiber content may add bulk to your stool and relieve constipation.

– It may help alleviate menstrual pain and menopause symptoms

Menopause and menstruation are known to cause an influx of hormones. But, the phytochemicals found in beetroot may help balance your hormones and stimulate the production of estrogen, minimizing your monthly rollercoaster.

This super-food is also packed with iron, which may help prevent iron deficiency, reduce irritability and fatigue. Also, it is a good source of folate (vitamin B9), which may help regulate menstrual periods.

– It may help boost your mood and improve your mental health

Beetroot possesses tryptophan, an amino acid that may help promote feelings of relaxation and well-being. The betaine found in this root vegetable may help induce the metabolization of body chemical SAM-e that’s a natural anti-depressant. Beetroot may help improve blood flow to your brain, enhance cognitive function, and prevent dementia.

– It may help enhance your muscle strength and boost your endurance and stamina

Beetroot may feed your muscles with increased iron-rich blood flow, magnesium and nitrites. The nitrate content found in this vegetable turns into nitric oxide, reducing the oxygen cost of low-intensity exercise while improving the stamina for high-intensity exercise. This means that drinking beet juice may help increase your muscle strength and boost your endurance during a workout.

– It may help prevent oxidative stress-induced changes, decrease your glucose levels, and elevate your insulin sensitivity

The antioxidant called alpha-lipoic acid found in beetroot may help prevent oxidative stress-induced changes, decrease your glucose levels, and elevate your insulin sensitivity. The alpha-lipoic acid may also help alleviate the symptoms of autonomic neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy.

– It may help improve your respiratory health

This vegetable is packed with vitamin C, which’s a potent antioxidant that may help boost your immune system.

Vitamin C may help support proper function of your white blood cells that are your body’s primary line of defense against foreign bodies, improving your respiratory health.

– It may help reduce your blood pressure

Beetroot juice may help reduce both your diastolic and systolic blood pressure. The nitrates found in beetroot may help dilate and relax your blood vessels, increase your blood flow, and reduce your blood pressure.