Squeeze 1 Lemon With 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil And You Will Remember Me For The Rest Of Your Life

Natural medicine has been widely used in recent times, thanks to that with very little money it can cure many diseases and the risk of side effects. The body collects larger amounts of toxins every day.

The liver, kidneys, intestines – all of these organs, and not just these, fight for purification of toxins and filtering of harmful substances entering the body.

Olive oil and lemon are two main ingredients that will help you to detoxify the entire body daily and protect yourself against diseases, infections, inflammations, and other dangerous conditions.The mixture of olive oil and lemon stimulates the immune system and makes it resistant to external and internal seizures.

Separately, the oil and lemon have powerful properties. And imagine together! Protective mechanisms work with full force for the health of the body.


Preparation of the mixture is mild. Olive oil and fresh lemon juice mixed with a ratio of 1: 1. Mix very well. The mixture is rich whit minerals and vitamins.


Fights constipation

This combination helps to lubricate the digestive mucosa and also activates the bladder function. This mixture contains antioxidants that help us get rid of toxins and help in any case to properly digest food.

Cardioprotective effect

Because olive oil is rich in fatty acids, it helps control and improve blood circulation and also removes bad cholesterol, which helps in blood flow, and is also anti-inflammatory and provides many vitamins.

It maintains balanced liver and gallbladder

We know that when we feel swollen, heavy and tired, most often because our body is poisoned, so with this mixture help the liver to expel these toxins.

Articular or rheumatic pains

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, every morning a teaspoon of this mixture fights these annoying pains.

To strengthen skin, nails, and hair

To strengthen weak, fragile or fragmented nails, you should make a mixture of 1 tablespoon olive oil with 1 tbsp. lemon juice, where you will soak your nails 10 minutes before falling asleep, and you can also sleep in fine cotton gloves to allow a mixture of lemon and olive oil to penetrate the nails overnight.

Also if you want healthy, strong and shiny hair and to control dandruff, olive oil and lemon can help make it, and while antiseptic and astringent lemon qualities can help treat skin diseases.

What you need to do is mix and drink 1 tbsp. olive oil with freshly squeezed lemon juice to maintain a healthy body, shiny hair and smooth skin.

As you can see the effects of lemon and olive oil is excellent, we recommend that you immediately start using this mixture and take advantage of the health benefits it offers.

The Most Healing Water for Your Thyroid, Brain and Liver

People have recognized and valued the amazing healing properties of turmeric for centuries, and this powerful anti-inflammatory herb can boost health in numerous ways.

It has an impressive nutritional profile, and according to Dr.Axe:

“One tablespoon (seven grams) of ground turmeric contains about:

23.9 calories

4.4 grams carbohydrates

0.5-gram protein

0.7grams fat

1.4 grams fiber

0.5-milligram manganese (26 percent DV)

2.8 milligrams iron (16 percent DV)

0.1 milligram vitamin B6 (6 percent DV)

170 milligrams potassium (5 percent DV)

1.7 milligrams vitamin C (3 percent DV)

13 milligrams magnesium (3 percent DV)

Turmeric benefits come from these nutrients, along with its smaller amount of vitamin E, vitamin K, niacin, folate, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and copper.”

Turmeric water is one of the best ways to reap the benefits of this spice, and all you have to do is to add some turmeric to a glass of warm water. Stir and drink while warm.

Here are the effects of the regular consumption of this drink every morning:

Prevents liver damage

Turmeric prevents damage to the liver and even regenerates the damaged liver cells. It stimulates the natural production of bile and improves the function of the gallbladder.

Supports brain health

Turmeric is a rich source of antioxidants like curcuminoid which prevent damage to the brain cells and neutralize free radicals.

Relieves pain and fights inflammation

Chronic inflammation is the main cause of various ailments and diseases, and this spice effectively fights inflammation and soothes pain in the body.

Improves the function of the thyroid

Turmeric is of great help in the treatment of autoimmune thyroid conditions like Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, lowers high cholesterol, and lowers atrophy of the thyroid gland.


If you immediately make your bed with the sunrise, the tight sheets will trap millions of dust mites that live on your bed, feeding off your dead skin cells and sweat and potentially contributing to asthma and allergy problems.

An unmade and open bed, however, exposes the creatures to fresh air and light and will help dehydrate and kill them off.

Dr. Stephen Pretlove from Kingston University School of Architecture offers a simple explanation. When you make your bed, especially immediately after waking, you’re trapping your body heat, your skin cells, and most importantly, your sweat, all over the bed.

But leaving the bed unmade exposes the sheets to air and light, drying them out and thus, depleting the mites’ lifelines.

When we sleep, we sweat. The average person may sweat up to a liter of fluid per night. This creates an ideal breeding ground for the mites.

The reason behind this advice? Curbing the number of dust mites that live in your bed. (Try Eradicator dust mite spray)

Scientists estimate that there could be as many as 1.5 million dust mites living in the average bed, feeding on our old skin cells that we shed onto our sheets as we sleep.

It’s not so much their existence. Rather, what they leave behind is what poses problems for humans. Their excretions can irritate dust allergies and cause asthma flare-ups when inhaled.

Carolyn Forte, director of the cleaning lab at the Good Housekeeping Institute, told Good Housekeeping that since there are dust mites everywhere, leaving your bed unmade might not make much of a difference.

But she did say it’d be wise to leave your bed unmade for some time during the morning so the sheets have an opportunity to dry from your nighttime tosses and turns.

As we sleep during the night, we sweat and our skin flakes onto the sheets – providing a veritable feast for our bed’s dust mite inhabitants.

Forte said making your bed after you eat your breakfast and get ready for the day ahead is a good rule of thumb. Also, wash your sheets every one to two weeks — and don’t forget about those pillow cases.

“We know that mites can only survive by taking in water from the atmosphere using small glands on the outside of their body,” Dr. Stephen Pretlove of Kingston University’s School of Architecture said.

“Something as simple as leaving a bed unmade during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and mattress so the mites will dehydrate and eventually die,” he added.

So yes, experts have recommended leaving your bed unmade for the entire day – saving this chore for when you get home at night.

After a day’s exposure to fresh air and light, many of the dust mites in your bed will have died, leaving you to breathe a little easier, and a scientific excuse as to why you haven’t made your bed.

Take Your Daily ACV Shot as a Gummy!

Get your daily dose of ACV in these bite-sized apple cider vinegar gummies!

Apple cider vinegar is one of the healthiest things you can drink. It helps control blood sugar levels, lowers the risk of heart disease, and boosts your digestive health.

While taking it alone can be quite hard to swallow, try these apple cider vinegar gummies for a treat that even the kids will love!

To make these gummies, you’ll just need apple cider vinegar, apple juice, water, and grass-fed gelatin. Apple juice helps offset the bitterness of the ACV, creating a balanced sweet flavor.

As a plus, you also get the benefits of gelatin to improve your gut and skin health, while protecting your joints too!

Start by mixing the liquid ingredients together in a large skillet. Sprinkle the gelatin powder over the top and mix well, letting it hydrate for two minutes.

Then, switch on the heat to medium low and let it simmer, stirring with a wooden spoon for five minutes until the gelatin is fully dissolved.

Pour the mixture into silicone ice cube trays and let it solidify in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving.

Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies

Get your daily dose of ACV in these bite-sized apple cider vinegar gummies.

Recipe by: Felicia Lim

Total Time: 1 Hour 10 Minutes

Preparation time: 5 Minutes

Cook Time: 1 Hour 5 Minutes

Serves: 24


– Large saucepan

– Wooden spoon

– Silicone ice cube trays or molds


– 1 ½ cups organic apple juice

– ½ cup apple cider vinegar

– ½ cup water

– 5 tablespoons gelatin powder


1. Combine the apple juice, apple cider vinegar and water in a large saucepan (no heat) and stir well. Sprinkle the gelatin powder over the liquid and mix, letting it sit for two minutes.

2. Switch on the heat to medium low and stir with a wooden spoon for five minutes until the gelatin is fully dissolved.

3. Pour the gelatin mixture into ice cube trays and chill in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour before serving.

Tip: You can also make these gummies in any kind of silicone mold you prefer.

Or, pour the gelatin liquid mixture into a deep dish, and then slice into pieces once solid.

8 Cancer Causing Products to Remove From Your Home

As a parent and spouse, you try to ensure your family is healthy and happy, and you do everything within your power to keep them safe. It doesn’t cross your mind that the products that you are using to keep them safe may actually be placing them in harm’s way.

When you think of health and well-being, proper nutrition and supplementation are often on the top of the list of ways to keep your family safe. You don’t consider analyzing the products you use for cleaning purposes, for example.

The truth is that there are a number of known carcinogens in our homes lurking in the shower, the toilet, the kitchen cupboard, and the rest of the house that have the potential to substantially increase the risk of you or your family developing cancer.

Here is a list of potential dangers, from air-fresheners to shower curtains, which you can look out for to make your home safe again.

Air Fresheners

According to a report published by the Natural Resources Defense Council, many of the air-fresheners we use in our homes on a regular basis contain compounds with carcinogenic potential.

The vast majority of air-fresheners, even some marked “all-natural” or “unscented,” contain compounds called phthalates.

Different types of phthalates have different health consequences although the majority of them affect reproductive health. Many of them can exacerbate respiratory conditions like asthma.

Homemade air fresheners are one of the simplest products to make. Distilled water and a few drops of your favorite essential oils in a spritz bottle is all you need to keep your home smelling great.

Shake well before each use and mist the spray around your home whenever you want to freshen the air. Or you can use it in an aromatherapy diffuser.


The other possibly dangerous and toxic product in your home could be hidden within your favorite scented candles.

We all know that lead can be dangerous and lead poisoning can be disastrous for health, but when you see descriptions like essential oil and aromatherapy, you automatically assume that these products are healthy.

Although the US Consumer Council has banned the sale of candles containing lead wicks, it is still a good idea to check your candles to make sure they don’t contain this potentially dangerous substance.

Many scented products also contain dozens of harmful toxins and carcinogens. So check the chemicals used to create the scents of your products too.

A simple way to check your candles is to use a piece of paper. Holding the wick, try to draw a line on the paper. If there is no line, then the wick most likely does not contain lead.

You can also light the candle and hold the paper high above the flame. If a gray soot residue forms, your candles may contain lead.

Shower Curtains and Other Plastics

The next danger comes from the plastic toxins that seem to be all over the house. You may recognize polyvinyl chloride by its abbreviation: PVC. PVC is the third highest produced type of plastic in the world.

Although PVC may be harmless for certain applications, like sewer pipes for example, but when used in environments that can release the toxic carcinogenic compounds of PVC, this plastic polymer could become a ticking time bomb.

Shower curtains contain PVC and other toxic compounds that can be released as you shower. These toxins can affect the reproductive system, the respiratory system, and may be carcinogenic as well.

Some of the plastic products used to make children’s toys, containers, and other plastics may also be a health hazard .

Healthier alternatives for shower curtains include natural cotton curtains (like this one) or EVA curtains (EVA is a non-toxic alternative to PVC) like this one. Check your children’s toys and your plastic containers to make sure they are PVC free.

Carpet Cleaners and Fabric Shampoos

Many carpet shampoos and fabric cleaners that are designed to offer superior stain removal power use a product called perchloroethylene. Perchloroethylene, also called Tetrachlorethylene, has been linked to increased risks of developing lung cancer.

Carpet cleaners and fabric shampoos also sometimes contain a compound called naphthalene. Naphthalene is the main ingredient in mothballs, and naphthalene exposure is linked to an increased risk in developing throat and lung cancers.

Baking soda is a great odor remover and white vinegar is effective for removing dirt and stains. If you want to get rid of your carpet shampoo, sprinkle your carpets with baking soda, add vinegar to your water to shampoo, and then wait for your carpets to dry.

Sprinkle with baking soda again if necessary and then vacuum any powder that remains.

Steam cleaning is another healthy option for keeping your carpets clean without the chemicals in carpet shampoo.

Dry Cleaning Products

According to the American Cancer Society, another carcinogen hidden in your cupboards could be Tetrachlorethylene or Perchloroethylene that has been used on your dry-cleaned items. These chemicals are often included as solvents in products like dry cleaning products.

Wearing clothes that were dry-cleaned can unintentionally expose you to these harmful substances. Make sure your local cleaner doesn’t use perchlorethylene to clean your cloths.

Insecticides and Pesticides

The term family usually extends to our furry friends. One would think that the products promoted as pet friendly would indeed be pet and human friendly.

However, like your cleaning materials, there are a number of potentially carcinogenic chemicals in many of the tick, flea, and lice control products too.

Some tick and flea products contain organophosphate insecticides, permethrin, and carbamates. These products are listed as likely to be carcinogenic to humans.

Antibacterial Products

We are often fooled into thinking that certain products are automatically safe. This is particularly true of products like antibacterial products that are supposedly designed to make our environments safer.

Recent concerns about an ingredient used in many antibacterial products have led to a ban in the use of this product in areas like the EU.

Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal ingredient found in many cosmetics, soaps, detergents and even in this top selling toothpaste.

Evidence suggests that Triclosan may be carcinogenic. Although initial tests were only done on mice, there were enough concerns to ban the product in the EU.

Products like silver have been used for their antibacterial and antimicrobial properties (for example, advancing biotechnology incorporates ionizable silver into fabrics for clinical use to reduce the risk of infections), and the use of silver does not seem to pose any major danger to humans.


I’ve already mentioned that your deodorant may contain a harmful neurotoxin, but did you know that it can also cause cancer?

Dr. Philip Harvey, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Applied Toxicology looked into the ways cosmetics interact with your body. He says that wiping the chemicals found in deodorants under your arms and on the sides of your chest or breasts “could provide a route of almost direct exposure to underlying tissue containing estrogen receptors.”

This is concerning because, both parabens and aluminum, found in deodorants, are “estrogenic” chemicals-which means that they interact with your body’s hormones or cells in ways similar to estrogen.

According to the National Cancer Institute, excess estrogen plays a role in promoting the growth of cancer cells which is a great concern because of our daily exposure to deodorants.

Harvey says that his calculations suggest these cosmetic chemicals may “significantly add to estrogenic burdens.”

Don’t Take Safety for Granted

The above list of products is just a sampling of the potential dangers of the products we take for granted.

You need to take an active interest in the products you rely on to keep your family safe. Research the products you use regularly and search the ingredients.

This Plant In Your Home Works As A Magnet For Positive Energy And Wealth: Here Is How To Activate It!

Surely you remember some of the things your grandmother did for the welfare of the family. Among those things that the grandmothers always had in mind are the home remedies with them healing almost any disease that we had.

But that’s not all, since they always had an amulet of good luck. With him they counted so that the family always had sustenance and with what to cover one of these sacred objects for the grandmothers was the “plant of the currency”.

Although they moved several times from home, they always took that tree wherever they wanted. This bush was untouchable and whoever harmed it would see it with her. And the fact is that the faith he had in her made her see beyond what we can perceive.

Scientifically, this plant is known as “CrassulaOvata”. Many people have attributed to this tree magical powers that attract prosperity, money and positive energy.

This shrub is native to southern Africa, where it is known as “Jade” “plant of money”. From there it is from where it comes dragging its fame to attract the money.

In many homes they use it as a decorative plant either. And it is not for less, since it adapts very well to the environment of the interiors. In addition, its white roses with pink are quite attractive to those who observe it.


This small tree has a legend that is known to everyone who owns it, and perhaps that is why it has it. The legend says that a poor farmer worked tirelessly. All this was done just to have a better future.

One day while walking back home, he came across this plant and tripped over it. Then she decided to take her home, because her Jade-like leaves reminded her of the money. In addition, this plant has beautiful features.

Every day when he got up, he looked at that beautiful and radiant plant. Then he prayed to his god to give prosperity to him and his family.

Everything seems to indicate that his prayer was heard, because soon after he got a real fortune. At that moment he remembered the plant, which, for him, was responsible for his life change.

This story of faith, where dreams are pursued despite the fact that they seem impossible, has accompanied the plant. This became a kind of tradition where some give this plant to others and vice versa.

When they do, their intention is the desire to convey their feelings of finding a fortune and finding prosperity and positive energy.

Source: makeyourlifehealthier.com

15 Healing Plants to Clean Your Lungs, Asthma, Coughing, and Bronchitis

When used frequently, antibiotics increase the development of antibiotic resistance.

This being said, it is far healthier and safer to turn to healing plants that will prevent and treat infections and significantly boost the health of your lungs. If you have any problem related with your lungs, do not miss out the list we have prepared for you below.

The Best Natural Lung Remedies

Liquorice root

This is one of the most effective plants for the lungs and it has been long a part of traditional Chinese medicine. It has the capacity to lower throat irritation, to cleanse any mucous tissue, and it also has expectorant properties.

When regularly consumed, it will help you reduce bronchial spasms, it will block the radical cells causing the inflammation, and fight off lung infection successfully.


For smokers, it is not uncommon to suffer from irritated oral cavity. Luckily, this can be alleviated with the help of cannabis oil. Studies point out that this is one of the most beneficial anti-cancerous plants in the whole world. Inhaling it will significantly clean the sinuses and bronchus.

Oregano essential oil

This oil is abundant in vitamins and nutrients that will strengthen the immune system and also clear surplus nasal mucus and detoxify the respiratory tract.

Sage essential oil

This oil is highly recommendable against respiratory problems and sage tea has been long used to treat sore throat and coughing.

Mint oil

This oil is known to better the breathing, fight off colds, and it also has antioxidant properties.


This plant is common for the south west part of the U.S. and Indians have long benefited from it when it comes to lung detoxification because it is abundant in powerful antioxidants. The best option is to consume chaparral tea.

Lobaria pulmonaria

This lichen is highly beneficial for the lungs and what is even more interesting is that it has a visual resemblance to the lungs.

Verbascum Thapsus

The flowers and the leaves of this plant are used in a form of an extract which has the capacity to improve the health of the lungs. For optimal effects, drink tea made from 1 tbsp of the dried plant and a cup of boiling water.


This Australian plant is commonly used to cleanse the respiratory system due to having expectorant properties and properties that avert nasal congestion and irritated sinuses.

Inula helenium

Traditional Indian medicine has long recommended this plant as a natural antibacterial agent which has the capacity to decrease the risk of lung infections.

Lobelia extract

Also known as Indian tobacco, this extract can successfully treat some types of cancer and it also triggers the epinephrine secretion that is known to make the breathing easier. It is a common cure against common colds.


This herb is one of the most effective ones in removing bad bacteria and viruses.

Ligusticim porter

This traditional Indian natural lung remedy is abundant in camphor that is highly efficient in making the lungs stronger, bettering the lung circulation, and easing the breathing. It will also minimize the respiratory irritation as well.

Begin Eating Two Eggs Each Day And These 9 Things Will Happen To Your Body!

These days the actual healthy advantages of eggs are being doubted constantly. Because always a lot more people consumed this particular food.

In several ways, poultry eggs are distinctive in their structure. The optimal everyday dose is actually 2 to 3 eggs, in accordance with research.


For those who have eggs for breakfast, this will give you a just small amount of calories from fat and help you to definitely lose the surplus fat, US research came to the conclusion. If you eat this breakfast every day will keep anyone full for a long time of time as well as decrease the general food intake.


If you request people to choose from taking one tablespoon of fish oil or only consume 1 egg individuals will select the first choice. The best way to boost the vitamin D content in eggs only through feeding the actual chicken along with special add-ons. Vitamin D fortifies your teeth and bone fragments and also enhances the calcium mineral absorption.


Phospholipids are one of the most significant vitamins which comprise the mind. By usage of 2 eggs each day a person provides the body with the required amount of this particular nutrient. If that lacks, this leads memory space loss.


87 percent of women, 35 – 40 years old decreased wrinkles as well as skin scars due to consuming eggs, based on research within the Netherlands.


For your development of sex bodily hormones, B nutritional vitamins are of the great significance. Vitamin B9, or folic acid, offers power to assist in the development of nerve organs tube as well as red blood cells, therefore decreasing the risk of psychological retardation. One egg offers 7 micrograms of it.


Eggs are full of lutein, the substance which is accountable for razor-sharp and crystal clear vision, based on the latest studies. Lutein decrease vision to result in harmful issues.


Biotin, supplement B12, plus some other proteins are important for your skin as well as hair building up. Phospholipids present in eggs promote contaminant elimination through the liver.


Choline is definitely an essential component of the mind and decreases the possibility of cancer. Women that consumed eggs are much less likely to obtain breast cancer through 15%.


Cholesterol can be well balanced as a result of phosphatides, research supplies the fact. It is not bad for the health but it decreases cholesterol creation in your body.

They may be reducing the chance of cardiovascular disease simply because are full of omega three fatty acids that lower blood triglycerides.

Your Living Christmas Tree Is Most Likely Crawling With Bugs

When this time of the year comes, the euphoria and the Christmas spirit are boosted with the colorful Christmas trees in every single house, market, mall, and shops.

We all love them, but if you think about getting a live one and gather around it to open the presents, we advise you to think again.

Apparently, since the tree has been grown outdoors, it brings you guests to the Christmas party!


Mites most often live on douglas-fir, white pine, Fraser fir, and spruce trees, and prey on insect and mite eggs. They are small and difficult to notice, with a light color.

They become active once they are exposed to heat.  They are harmless, but if you notice an old bird’s nest in your Christmas tree, remove it to avoid these parasites.


This creature has 6 legs, no wings, and measures one-eighth of an inch. As soon as it enters your home on the tree, it mimics the conditions of springtime and activates their life cycle.

The most common variety is Cinara aphid, which lives in spruces, pines, balsam fir, Fraser fir, and white fir trees.


Spiders are harmless too, but most people find them creepy. Yet, they control the bug population of the tree under control. Most spiders die off not soon after being introduced to the indoors.

To keep insects at bay, especially over the holidays, you should carefully inspect the branches and trunk of the tree, in order to check for visible egg sacs or other infestations.

When you buy A Christmas tree, leave it in the garage for a day to give the bugs time to leave it. Then, spray some neem oil on it to destroy the ones who have remained. Avoid the use of pesticides, as they are flammable.

However, having a fake tree can be as festive, and is your best option if you want to be sure that your tree is bug-free.

Make Receding Gums Grow Again And Fast With These Natural Methods

Gum recession occurs when the margin of the gum tissue around the teeth wears away, or pulls back. Because of this the tooth is more visible.

Due to gum recession, “pockets” or gaps are formed between teeth which becomes suitable ground for bacteria to build up. Because most of the tooth is visible, it becomes sensitive and painful.

Also the bone structure and the supporting tissue can be damaged which often results in tooth loss.

Although this is a common problem, people do not notice it. This is due to the fact that this process is quite slow and develops gradually. So check you gums if you notice that your teeth are sensitive.

That is the first sign. Another warning sign is the tooth’s size. If it is larger than before then you must start with proper treatment as you have receding gums. Other symptoms are:

– Tooth pain/ache

– Tooth sensitivity

– Larger tooth than before

What causes receding gums?!

It can be caused by a gum disease but there are other reasons as well:

1. Periodontal diseases – bacterial infection of the gums. It can damage the supporting bone of the tooth as well as other problems.

2. Lack of oral hygiene- If you don’t wash your teeth regularly, plague can be deposited on the teeth. Calculus will be formed which is a hard substance that causes gum recession.

3. Aggressive brushing– If you brush your teeth aggressively then the enamel on your teeth will be damaged and this will cause receding gums.

4. You can blame the genes. In this case you don’t have a choice.

5. Hormone imbalance can cause receding gums. This is a big problem especially in women. Hormonal imbalance leads to more sensitive gums.

6. Smoking -Smoking is linked with many other diseases as lung disease and cancer, but it can also cause receding gums. Smokers can get sticky plague on their teeth more easily which causes receding gums.

7. Clenching and grinding your teeth can cause receding gums. If you bite the food with more force while you eat, may also cause the same problem.

8. This is a strange reason, but piercing your tongue or lips can be linked with receding gums.

How to treat receding gums

If the problem is noticed in its early stage, your dentist can treat them with root panning or tooth scaling. The dentist will remove the plague or calculus from the teeth and the area under the gum line.

But if you don’t notice the problem on time, you may have to undergo a surgery which may be to: regenerate of the lost tissue and tooth bone, soft tissue graft, depth reduction etc.

But if you want to avoid surgery you may want to try some homemade remedies mentioned below. But you must consult your dentist first in case you have severe gum infection.

In this case you mustn’t avoid surgery. If the problem is not so serious you should try these natural remedies. With their help and with proper oral hygiene the receding gums will grow back.

How can they grow back?

Gums are actually a soft tissue which makes the teeth to stay in their place and to cover the roots of the teeth. If you want to solve the problem you need to have proper oral hygiene and use some recipes as oil pulling.

Homemade recipes for growing back receding gums

Here are some homemade recipes that are made of only simple ingredients such as herbs and spices.

Green tea

Green tea is known by its health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants which fight the free radicals that can be the cause of periodontal disease. Green tea contains catechins, a powerful antioxidant which is proven to destroy any periodontal disease.

This antioxidant is able to strengthen the connection between the teeth and gums. Its anti-inflammatory properties will reduce the swelling of the gums which is linked with oral diseases.

How to use it:

Drink 1 cup of green tea every morning.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a well-known and extremely beneficial herb. It is especially used for skin care. This is because it contains numerous anti-inflammatory and repairing properties.

If you have receding gums, Aloe Vera will help you in the fight against inflammation and will repair the tissue. It will also prevent other infections as it has antibacterial properties.

How to use it:

There are two ways in which you can use Aloe Vera gel. First, you can use aloe Vera gel to rinse your mouth and for brushing your teeth.

After flossing and brushing, apply Aloe Vera gel and once again brush the gums and teeth. The treatment should last about 3-5 minutes. Then rinse your mouth well.

The other way is to use it as a mouthwash. After brushing your teeth take some aloe Vera gel and mixed it with water. Gargle with this mixture every day after brushing your teeth.

Oil pulling

Oil pulling is the most effective remedy against receding gums. It is also beneficial in the fight against other oral diseases but is mostly known for healing cavities. It also has other health benefits and anti- inflammatory properties.

It reduces plague deposits and toxins in mouth. The sesame oil  is able to form a protective layer over the teeth and in this way will reduce the plague build-up.

How to use it:

Warm the sesame oil but do not overheat it. Then after brushing your teeth rinse your mouth with this oil. Gargle it for a few minutes.

You can start with 30 sec. to 1 minute and once you get used to the taste prolong the time. The final goal is 15-20 minutes.

Other way of oil pulling

You can also use coconut oil. It will reduce the risk of infection which is the main cause of receding gums. It will also heal the cavity and prevent tooth decay.

How to use it:

Use organic oil if possible. After brushing your teeth, use coconut oil as mouthwash.  Start with 1-2 minutes and increase the time gradually. The final goal is to be able to rinse the mouth for 15-20 minutes.

It will help you to grow back receding gums as well as protect you from getting bacterial infection in your mouth.


Eucalyptus contains many health benefits. The essential oils are known to have even stronger effects than the herbs. The eucalyptus essential oil is able to destroy germs and bacteria found in your mouth.

Besides that, it will protect you from any oral disease. It is rich in anti- inflammatory properties and it also reduces the swelling of the gums.

But you must dilute the essential oil in water before you apply the treatment as it is extremely strong.

How to use it:

You will need 1 or 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 1 or 2 tablespoons of water. Dilute the essential oil in the water and soak your toothbrush or your finger in the oil. Then apply the mixture on the gums and massage gently.

This will prevent receding gums.


You will need the resin from the Myrrh tree. That resin is effective cure for treating different gum and mouth diseases. It will stop the gum recession and it will prevent additional damage.

How to use it:

You should use powdered myrrh.  If the myrrh is in form of resin, make powder by crushing it. Add water until you get paste.

Then apply on the gums and massage it well. The treatment should last for a few minutes and you can use the toothbrush to finish the massage.

Clove oil

Clove oil is often used against toothache. Many people are not familiar with the beneficial properties of this oil. It will act against the germs and bacteria in the mouth as well as against any other oral disease.

It contains anti-inflammatory properties and reduces swelling of the gums. If you want to fight periodontal disease you have to reduce inflammation.

You can even chew a clove after each meal as it can help in this way as well. Clove oil is effective against bad breath.

How to use it:

Massage your gums with 1 to 2 drops of clove oil. Use this method one to three times in a day.

Precaution: If you use medications against blood clots, please consult your doctor before you decide to apply this treatment.


Lemons are proven to have antiseptic and antibacterial properties. The lemon can stimulate the growth of receding gums and they also are effective against bad breath.

But do not exaggerate as the lemons are extremely acidic and can destroy the enamel on your teeth. Avoid using lemon oil every day. Use it once a week. You can also make homemade lemon oil.

Homemade lemon oil:

You will need:

– ¼ to ½ cup of olive oil

– ½ to 1 freshly squeezed lemon juice

Directions: After putting the olive oil in a jar, add the lemon juice. Cover and shake it well. Wait for a couple of weeks. You must shake the jar every day. After three to four weeks you can start with the treatment.

How to use it:

Just put some olive oil on the fingers and massage the gums for a couple of minutes. Do the procedure not more than twice a week.

Tips for preventing gum recession

The best tip is to prevent the problem rather than to cure it. You will also reduce the risk of other dental diseases as well.

Below you can find several useful tips which can help you to take better care of your gums and oral cavity.

Proper oral hygiene

It is very important to keep the oral diseases away.


– No aggressive brushing.

– Brush along your gym line, do not push the gums.

– Use gentle strokes and circular motion.

– Use a brush with small head and soft bristles.

– Dental Floss!!!

– The best way to keep your teeth healthy is to floss and brush your teeth after each meal. If you are cannot do that, after every meal use a mouthwash.

Mouthwash for a clean mouth

You will prevent bacteria and germ growth if you use mouthwash every day.

You can prepare homemade mouthwash if you don’t want to buy it in the stores. You will need some essential oils.

– Prepare a Mixture with 1 to 2 drops of essential oil, such as sage oil, peppermint, clove or tea tree oil and mix t with ¼ to ½ cups of water. Use this mixture every day.

– You can also use hydrogen peroxide against infections. As it is quite strong you must dilute it in water.

Mouthwash is very important. Wash your mouth 2 times every day: in the morning and in the evening.

Water, water and water

We are familiar with the fact that drinking a lot of water is very important for our overall health. But find out why water is important for keeping your gums healthy.

– The toxins will disappear from your mouth and your body. You will get rid of germs and bacteria in your mount and therefore you won’t have problems with receding gums.

–Your mouth clean will be clean. If you cannot brush your teeth after every meal you can use water which is stuck between your teeth and in your mouth. Swish it around in your mouth and if you cannot spit the water out you can swallow it.

Simple as that.

Eat healthy

Healthy food is rich in nutrients important for your overall health. It will also improve your immune system. On the other hand, junk food will cause bacteria growth in your mouth which can cause numerous infections.

-Consume many fruits and vegetables especially ones that are rich in vitamin C as this vitamin is extremely important for your gums. It can prevent inflammation and will regenerate the gums. So, consume oranges, asparagus, broccoli, pineapples, strawberries etc.

– Reduce the sugar intake and avoid carbonated drinks. They accelerate bacteria growth.

– Avoid consuming alcohol, caffeine, processed food, and anything that is made of white flour. They are bad for your overall health and for your oral cavity.

Consult with your doctor before taking any supplements

If you do not eat healthy food you will have problems with dental health and gum diseases. To prevent that, consult your doctor to find out if you should increase the intake of certain vitamins or some other important nutrients.

The supplements mentioned below can help you against receding gums:

– Calcium: it is very important for dental and bone health.

– Coenzume Q10: it will renew your cells and it will help you to grow back your receding gums.

– Ginkgo biloba: it will improve your blood circulation, which is crucial for having healthy gums.

– Vitamin C: it will boost your immune system and also has many anti-inflammatory properties.

– Zinc: it will boost your immune system and you will fight different bacteria that can cause infection and oral diseases.