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Mark Ruffalo has called out Monsanto on their practices.

The actor told Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant exactly what he thought of his company when the two met in a movie green room.

Monsanto have been openly criticized by many high profile figures and celebrity activists. Just last month, Serj Tankian took to his Facebook page to warn Armenians of accepting Monsanto into their country.

Ruffalo and Grant were sharing the same green room for the movie ‘Spotlight’ when Ruffalo seized the opportunity to tell Grant what he thought about his company and their morals.

Ruffalo said his outburst was encouraged by watch Grant being interviewed and give “slippery non-answer[s] to every question he was asked.” 

He said he felt he was watching a “guy who is responsible for so much misery and sickness throughout the world slime his way through his interview.

When he finally got his chance to address Grant he said: 

“You are wrong. You are engaged in monopolizing food.You are poisoning people. You are killing small farms. You are killing bees. What you are doing is dead wrong.” 

Grant retorted:

Well, what I think we are doing is good.” 

Since the exchange, Ruffalo has written a statement published by Ecowatch, in which he goes into further detail about his opinion on Monsanto.

He writes:

Hugh, it’s not your messaging that makes you and your company horrible. It’s the horrible stuff you guys do that makes you and your company horrible.

People don’t walk around making horrible stories up about good companies because they got nothing else better to do with their time.

People like you and your company are horrible because … you are horrible.

No matter how much jumping around you do on morning shows (where no one can really nail you down for the horrible stuff you do), you will still always be horrible and people will always greet you the way I did, when you go around trying to cover up the fact that you are horrible,”

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