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According to numerous studies, nutritional ketosis is the answer against a variety of ailments such as autism, depression and cancer.

A ketogenic diet will shift your metabolism from burning carbs to burning fats. The diet involves consumption of healthy fats and almost no carbs, so the body can burn fat for energy.

You can get most of the healthy fast from avocados, macadamia nuts, grass-fed meat, coconut oil and organic eggs.

When in ketosis, the body will produce compounds called ketones which it can later use as fuel.

The main goal is to make your body enter ketosis first – not through starvation, but through the removal of carbs from the diet.

Once you do this, the cells will use ketones as primary energy source, effectively burning your excess pounds.

Avoiding carbs is surely the best way of losing weight. A ketogenic diet forbids the consumption of carbohydrates and keeps the protein consumption at a moderate level.

The diet is mostly based on high-quality health fats, which stimulate the body it to burn fat and produce ketones which can then be used as a primary fuel source.

The fact that cancer cells feed on sugar has been known for a long time, which is why the ketogenic diet forbids the consumption of sugar and carbs.

The normal cells in our body can shift their metabolism to burn fat, but cancer cells can’t, which is why a keto diet is so effective against cancer.

According to one study, a keto diet is most effective against gastric, prostate and colon cancer.

Dr. Eugene Fine from the Einstein College of Medicine believes that ketone bodies fight cancer by changing the energy processes in the cells.

A preliminary study by Dr. Fine and his colleagues showed that the process of ketosis is directly responsible for partial remission and a more stable condition of the patients.

A ketogenic diet has also been linked to reducing numerous neurological disorders.

According to one research, ketogenic diets can neutralize the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, with the patients involved in the diet experiencing a 43% improvement of their symptoms after a month.

Some studies have even suggested that keto diets may be effective against autism.

As one expert explains, autism shares a few features with epilepsy, with many autistic children experiencing seizures whenever they’re too excited.

Studies have been done on this, and the children involved in them experienced significant improvements after following a keto diet for 6 months.

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