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When this time of the year comes, the euphoria and the Christmas spirit are boosted with the colorful Christmas trees in every single house, market, mall, and shops.

We all love them, but if you think about getting a live one and gather around it to open the presents, we advise you to think again.

Apparently, since the tree has been grown outdoors, it brings you guests to the Christmas party!


Mites most often live on douglas-fir, white pine, Fraser fir, and spruce trees, and prey on insect and mite eggs. They are small and difficult to notice, with a light color.

They become active once they are exposed to heat.  They are harmless, but if you notice an old bird’s nest in your Christmas tree, remove it to avoid these parasites.


This creature has 6 legs, no wings, and measures one-eighth of an inch. As soon as it enters your home on the tree, it mimics the conditions of springtime and activates their life cycle.

The most common variety is Cinara aphid, which lives in spruces, pines, balsam fir, Fraser fir, and white fir trees.


Spiders are harmless too, but most people find them creepy. Yet, they control the bug population of the tree under control. Most spiders die off not soon after being introduced to the indoors.

To keep insects at bay, especially over the holidays, you should carefully inspect the branches and trunk of the tree, in order to check for visible egg sacs or other infestations.

When you buy A Christmas tree, leave it in the garage for a day to give the bugs time to leave it. Then, spray some neem oil on it to destroy the ones who have remained. Avoid the use of pesticides, as they are flammable.

However, having a fake tree can be as festive, and is your best option if you want to be sure that your tree is bug-free.

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