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Many people say that a person is able to move mountains only if they have faith. But we think that faith makes the man even stronger than that if he uses prayer – because God can hear all our prayers.

The aim of this article is to share with you something wonderful that is becoming viral around the world.

We all know that if the prayer we say comes directly from our heart, it can cure a lot of diseases, or at least give peace. All you need to do is pray with faith, and you will be a witness of many changes in your life.

Just give it a try and you will be thankful, because God does listen to out prayers.

Here is the prayer that can cure many illnesses and diseases:

My dear Lord Jesus, I admire and adore you, I love you and I thank you with all my heart for the Cross, I stay in front of you and I know that you are always here with us, I know that you know everything, you see and hear everything and you’ve never abandoned us.

You who give loads of love, life, care and health, You who are the Good Shepherd and take good care of your flock, I beg you to come down and protect our loved one who suffers a lot from his disease, I ask for your Infinite Love, for your mercy and kindness, please give a grace of health for………. (name of the person).

Once You’ve Said:

“I am the Resurrection and the Life”, that you receive and take into yourself our diseases, you cured the sickness and diseases of those who came to you; I also come with great hope, and security, to beg your Sacred and Divine Heart.

Kind Jesus, when the blind man of Jericho, sitting on one side of the road said to you in a sad voice: “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me”, you immediately gave him an answer: “Recover your sight, your faith has saved you”, and in the same moment he was able to see. I beg you, with all the faith in my heart, Lord, cure our loved one ____________ (name of the sick person).

Supreme and everlasting God, please listen to my prayer, You who are the everlasting health of those who believe in you, I beg you for your help and Mercy. By Christ Our Lord So be it, AMEN.

Share this prayer to anyone who has a great need of it and give hope to those who may have lost it for a moment.

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