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This article is about a professor who spent more than two decades focused on studies linked to people suffering from cancer and he was finally able to come up with a shocking conclusion. Once again it turned out that the cancer industry has only one aim – more profit.

All doctors, healthcare facilities, and the Big Pharma, as well as all other participants in this industry share the profit whenever a patient accepts to practice a regular cancer treatment. The regular cancer treatments include taking chemotherapy toxins in the system, radiation of the body with ions or removal of certain body parts. Sometimes, the treatment includes all methods.

As statistics shows, we will see that chemotherapy is ineffective when it comes to curing cancer and, for some reason, the scientists ignore or hide this fact.

Doctor Hardin B. Jones used to work as a professor of medical physics and physiology at the well-known Berkeley College. As this doctor claims, the chemotherapy is inefficient. This is a conclusion he made after more than 20 years spent studying the effects of this therapy in cancer patients and analyzing their life expectancy.

According to Doctor Jones, most of the people who suffer from cancer are exposed to chemotherapy and their lives end in great pain. Moreover, he is stressing the fact that people who suffer from cancer and practice chemotherapy as a treatment method will most likely die faster and in greater pain compared to patients who have chosen any other treatment or no treatment at all.

His research has lasted for quite a long time, and it helped Doctor Jones to come up with a conclusion that conventional cancer therapy reduces life expectancy and speeds up the deterioration of the body system. The worst part of all of this is the fact that the cancer industry knows this very well, but still does not do anything and ignores everything, as they make billions of it.

Do You Know the Real Truth About Cancer?

According to Doctor Jones, cancer patients who do not practice chemotherapy live nearly twelve years longer (on average) compared to people who practice this treatment method. The study of Doctor Jones was first published in the reputable New York Academy of Sciences journal. It turned out that people who believed that chemotherapy is the best choice usually die three years after the cancer diagnosis. Moreover, some cancer patients die only after a month of two after the diagnosis.

The statistics of breast cancer patients shows that the patients who never practiced chemotherapy manage to live four times longer than those who did receive it. This fact is usually very well hidden from the public. Even the mass media hide this fact as they are also connected to the cancer industry.

A scientific study published in the American Medical Association in 1979 indicates that the majority of the popular techniques for treating and diagnosing breast cancer (the majority of them are being used nowadays too), did not have positive effects in the greatest part of the patients.

Furthermore, there are two other studies from the period when the influence of Big Pharma was not that big. One of these studies was published in Britain, Lancet, 35 years ago, and the other one was published in Israel, in 1978. Both studies have the same implications and same conclusion. The study that has been published in Lancet has revealed that even though more and more patients have received chemotherapy, the survival rate of patients with breast cancer had not decreased over the past ten years.

Another fact that the Big Pharma tries to conceal is that cancer patients die from the treatment itself (mostly from chemotherapy), not from the effects of cancer. Chemotherapy is a specific treatment method and its focus is getting rid of the healthy cells in order to prevent the spreading of cancer, and only after this comes the process of elimination of cancer cells.

Most cancer patients who have died from this disease are actually patients who died of malnutrition. The cells affected by cancer soak up all the nutrients from our body and block the function of the immune system. After a while, the body gets so weak that it cannot defend itself from any threat.

Allen Levin is an MD at UCSF, and he claims that the modern medicine already has the universal cure, as well as all the facts associated with cancer, but they are kept hidden from the public. The reason behind this is so clear – it is because of the cost of one treatment, which costs up to one million dollars. It has been shown that chemotherapy is not able to eliminate breast cancer, colon cancer, or lung cancer. Despite all the evidence, the healthcare professionals keep practicing this treatment method.

Ulrich Abel is a well-known German epidemiologist who has performed a thorough study and analysis of all the popular studies connected to chemotherapy from all over the world. He has come to some shocking conclusions, which must be read by people who are planning to receive chemotherapy. This doctor has issued a book under the name “The Doctor in the House”.


  • Only in the USA, there were 1,685,210 new cases of cancer, and 595,690 death cases.
  • The most common types of cancer in 2016 were prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung and bronchus cancer, skin melanoma, colon and rectum cancer, thyroid cancer, bladder cancer, leukemia, kidney and renal pelvis cancer, endometrial cancer, pancreatic cancer, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
  • A statistics from the period between 2008 and 2012 shows that the cancer incidence is 454.8 new cancer cases per 100,000 every year.
  • Statistics from the same period indicates that the cancer mortality is 171.2 per 100,000, and it is higher in men than in women.
  • According to 2008-2012 statistics, cancer mortality is lowest in Asian/Pacific islander women with 91.2 cancer deaths per 100,000, and highest in African American men, with 261.5 cancer deaths per 100,000.
  • According to the American Cancer Society, the number of cancer survivors in the United States is expected to rise from 14.5 million in 2014, to 19 million by 2024. According to the same estimations, about 39.6 percent of people will be diagnosed with this fatal disease at some point throughout their lifetimes.
  • In 2014, there were 15,780 new cancer cases and 1.960 death cases among kids and adolescents.
  • The US national expenditures for cancer care in 2010 were 125 billion dollars, a number expected to rise up to 156 billion dollars by 2020.

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