8 Effective Natural Home Remedies To Treat A Strep Throat Infection

Natural remedies are just as effective as any medication when treating a disease. They’ve been used as medicine for centuries and have helped people treat a variety of diseases and conditions. The best thing about them is that they work without any side-effects which are pretty common when taking medications.

In the past, people relied on natural remedies to treat simple and complex health problems. They used them for bacterial infections for example, but natural remedies were also used against cancer and similar diseases. One of the most common conditions people used natural remedies against was strep throat. Many people still rely on nature to fight this unpleasant infection even today.

Strep throat is a bacterial infection of the throat that is caused by the A. Streptococcus bacterium. It manifests through inflammation, swelling, and pain in the throat. The infection can affect everyone from children to adults and is easily spread through sneezing and coughing.

The severity of the symptoms may be mild in the beginning, but it will get worse if left untreated. The most common way of resolving the infection is with antibiotics and other medications, but you should know that strep throat is treatable with the help of natural remedies.

It’s not just one – in fact, there are many natural remedies that can defeat the bacterium and relieve your symptoms naturally and without side-effects. We compiled a combination of natural remedies that work great against strep throat as well as other bacterial infections – see them below.

Ginger Tea

What’s the simplest way of defeating any kind of infection? Ginger tea. The root has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and fever-reducing properties that can crush infections in mere days. Just brew some homemade ginger tea, sweeten it with honey, and drink a few cups per day – it’s all you need to get your throat sorted out.


ACV is probably the most widespread natural remedy of all times. It has been used for everything from infections to serious diseases, so strep throat is not a big challenge for it. Add 1 teaspoon of ACV in ½ a cup of warm water, then gargle the mixture 2-3 times per day for best results.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper works great against bacterial infections such as strep throat. Just mix some with a bit of honey in a cup of warm water, then drink the mix to relieve the pain in your throat.

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root contains a mucus-like substance that can soothe the irritation in your throat and reduce the swelling and pain. All you need to do is add a bit of dry marshmallow root to a cup of warm water and drink the remedy – it will do wonders for your throat.

Matcha Tea

Thanks to the presence of powerful antioxidants, matcha tea will reinforce your immune system and help your body fight the infection. Drinking a few cups of this tea per day is also a good way to prevent infections.

Slippery Elm

Just like marshmallow root, slippery elm will coat your throat in a thin layer of a soothing substance that will protect it from irritation. You can buy slippery elm supplements in the form of capsules in any health store. Just pop them in a glass of warm water and drink the mix – it’s a perfect way to relieve the symptoms of the infection.

Licorice Root

Add some licorice root in a cup of warm water and drink the tea – it will soothe your swollen throat and help defeat the infection away.

Honey and Pepper

It doesn’t get any easier than this. Mix some honey and black pepper in a glass of warm water and drink the mixture to get the infection under control and bring some much-needed relief to your throat.

Extra Tips for Treating Strep Throat

Steam inhalation works great for strep throat as well. We suggest using a few drops of some powerful essential oil for best results. Just inhale the steam and you’ll feel much better soon.

Of course, it goes without saying that you should avoid drinking and smoking during the infection. Both alcohol and tobacco will irritate your throat and make it harder for you to breathe, so it’s best to stay away from them.

Additionally, make sure you get plenty of rest. The body needs rest while it’s healing with the help of the aforementioned remedies, so sleep well and take things easy until the infection is gone.

You’re Not Fat – You’re Bloated! These Natural Remedies Will Easily Deflate Belly

Bloating happens usually after you’ve had a bit too much to eat or you’ve eaten something heavy and your stomach is having a hard time digesting it.

This is normal and usually goes away in a day, but there are some people who feel bloated all the time, which means that something is upsetting their digestive system.

According to doctors bloating is a result of trapped gases in the stomach which has a lot to do with how you eat and what you eat.

People don’t usually worry too much when their stomach is bloated, even if it happens more often than not. They believe that it’s normal and that it only affects the way their belly looks.

But in reality, bloating can happen as a result of a number of reasons and some of them should be treated.


1. Constipation

Constipation can be resolved by simply eating more fiber. When you’re constipated the gasses get trapped behind the blocked poop and can’t get out, leading to bloating.

Start increasing the amount of fiber in your diet gradually, because if you suddenly bomb your organism with fibers it may make matters worse.

Consume smoothies, berries and switch from white bread to whole grain.

2. Too much carbs

If your diet is rich in carbs and sugars, you will most definitely feel bloated.

Start cutting back on the carbs and opt for fruits and veggies instead of sugar and alcohol.

3. High levels of stress

Bloating can happen as a result of excessive stress. If you’re stressed out your brain doesn’t allow the digestive tract to function properly and it can lead to trapped gasses and bloating.

4. Insufficient amounts of water

If you want your body to function properly you need to make sure it’s hydrated.

If you’re dehydrated it can cause a number of health issues, bloating included.

The minimum daily amount of water, per doctor’s recommendations, is 6-8 glasses and everything short of this can be the reason why you feel bloated all the time. Start drinking more water and the condition should improve.

5. You eat too fast

If you’re one of those people who finish their meal before anyone has had the time to sit down and start you probably deal with bloating all the time. Start eating and drinking slower and chew your food properly.

Take small bites and chew, chew, chew! If you don’t chew your food enough it may cause digestive problems.


You’ll need:

– A tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel

– 1 cucumber

– 1/2 a glass of water

– 1 tbsp. of grated ginger

– 1 lemon

– a bunch of parsley

How to prepare it:

The preparation couldn’t be simpler. Toss all the ingredients in a blender, pulse until combined and pour it in a tall glass. Drink it right away and continue the treatment for as long as you feel necessary.

Helicobacter pylori

You’ve probably heard about Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), a bacterium that infects the lining of your stomach and causes all sorts of problems including gastric and duodenal ulcers. Aside from ulcers, H. pylori can cause a plethora of other health issues such as:

– loss of appetite

– nausea

– frequent burping

– burning sensation in the abdomen

– unexplained weight loss

– bloating

It’s usually managed with antibiotics but some people don’t like taking antibiotics for everything or they simply can’t handle the unwanted side-effects. So what other treatment is there?

Well, for all of you who prefer the natural approach here are a few remedies and treatments which can help you ease your digestive issues.


Manuka Honey

This rare type of honey was shown to have great results against these bacteria. According to a number of research studies this type of honey eliminates all the bacteria in your stomach. Consume it 3 times a day, a teaspoon of the honey spread on a piece of toast.

Cranberry Juice

According to a study conducted in China, consuming cranberry juice can reduce the bacteria count by 14%.


Probiotics are good for any digestive problem you might be having, including an overgrowth of Helicobacter pylori. It has helped many with this problem and plus it has no adverse side effects.

More natural remedies

Chinese and Indian medicine traditionally uses organic licorice as a treatment against many digestive issues, including gastric ulcers and Helicobacter pylori.

Red wine and green tea are also known to have a positive effect in the treatment of this bacterium mainly thanks to their natural antibacterial effects.

11 Natural Remedies to Eliminate Bed Bugs for Good – Recipes Included

Whenever we hear the word bedbugs, chills run down our spine, we know they’re a nightmare to get rid of and are simply disgusting.

Bedbugs are small parasites that feed on our blood and dead skin cells and are so tiny that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

They’re oval, brownish parasites with a flat body that turns red and swells when they’ve fed. Bed bugs are more active at night but are not entirely nocturnal.

The female bedbugs can lay thousands of eggs during one lifetime as they reproduce awfully quickly.

These eggs are as big as a speck of dust which can easily be brought to your home through used furniture, baggage, used bed, linens, clothing and so on.

Bed bugs can cause serious problems as they can cause rashes, allergies and even psychological problems in certain cases.

How to tell if you have bed bugs at home?

The most common symptom people with bed bugs experience is an itching sensation all over their body first thing they get up from bed.

The itching place is where the bug has bitten you and sometimes these places become reddish and swollen as a result. There can even be blood stains on your sheets and pillows from the bites.

The bed bugs’ feces are another sign that you’ve got a bed bug infestation.

Look for these among your sheets and mattress.

They secrete a musty odor from their scent glands, so this is another sign you probably have a problem with bed bugs.

Since they’re small and flat they can move rather quickly and hide in places like the mattress, the headboard, box springs and bed frames.

As time passes by they can scatter around the bedroom and cause serious infestation problems.

Getting rid of bed bugs

So you’ve got bed bugs? Don’t worry it’s not the end of the world, they may be a nuisance and difficult to eliminate but be patient, it may take a while but there’s a way to get rid of them.

The main thing you need to do is clean every corner of your house where you found these parasites. Wash and dry the linens, bedding, curtains, clothing and everything else you think needs washing.

Then vacuum your entire house thoroughly, including the furniture and furnishing. This needs to be done regularly. When you finish vacuuming remove the bag and throw it out in the garbage immediately.

You can also try freezing the infested items at -17C as they cannot survive these temperatures.

Steam is a good idea as well, as it can get into all the crack and crevices and terminates the bed bugs. Use 60C to clean the infested areas.

Home Remedies For Bed Bugs

You can get rid of bed bugs with certain alternative remedies as well, we recommend using essential oils as they are quite effective.

Here are the best natural remedies for bed bugs:

1. Diatomaceous Earth

This is a no-toxic insecticide that we commonly use against pests in the garden and the house. It’s completely safe and natural and can be used in the unreachable places around the house. Just sprinkle the food grade diatomaceous earth around the house, on the bed, the floor and everywhere where you think these pests may reside. Leave it on for 3 days and vacuum the entire house afterwards. Throw the vacuum bag in a garbage bag and throw it outside in the garbage.

2. Tea Tree Oil Spray

Studies show that tea tree oil is super effective against insects. Mix it with some water and create your own homemade anti-bed bugs spray. Combine 2tsp. of tea tree oil with 50ml of water and pour the mixture in a small spray bottle. Spray this mixture wherever you think bed bugs may live, spray it every day until there are no more bugs. Just shake the bottle before every use.

3. Clove Oil

Clove oil is a powerful insect repellent with insecticidal properties. Thanks to the clove’s acidic pH and its pungent smell it destroys these parasites effectively. Mix 1tsp. of clove essential oil with 1 cup of water and pour the mixture in a spray bottle. Spray as needed.

4. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is a powerful natural insecticide that is effective against bedbugs. Its bug-eliminating properties are mostly owed to its smell. But it also acts as a cytotoxin, killing the parasites almost instantly.

Mix 10-15drops of lavender oil with 50ml of water and pour the mixture in a spray bottle. Shake it well and spray it around the house.

A combination of peppermint and lavender is also very effective. Mix 15 drops of peppermint and 15 drops of lavender essential oil and transfer the mixture in a spray bottle. Shake well before use and spray it everywhere.

5. Thyme

Thyme oil or thymol concentrate is an excellent bed bug repellents and deterrents as well. Using thyme to repel insects is not as simple as the previous remedies but you’ll get the hang of it, we’re sure.

Tie a thyme stick in a cotton cloth and burn it in your bedroom or anywhere else where you feel there’s a bedbug infestation.

You can also put a bunch of thyme leaves in small net bags and place these bags in the infested areas. Replace the bags every three days and repeat the procedure for a month until the bedbugs are eliminated.

6. Citronella Spray

Citronella or lemongrass is an essential oil with amazing insecticide properties, killing both the bedbugs and their eggs. It increases the acidity within the bugs and eliminates them from within.

Add 10 drops of the oil in a small bowl with water and pour the remedy in a small spray bottle. Shake well and spray it all around the house.

7. Bean Leaves

Studies show that bean leaves contain trichomes, which are microscopic hairs, on the surface which hook onto the bedbugs’ legs and trap them.

Scatter some kidney bean leaves around the house everywhere you think bedbugs reside. Place some under your mattress as well. Leave them around for a few days before throwing them out and replacing them with new ones.

The bugs will be trapped in the leaves and thrown outside in the garbage, eliminating them for good.

8. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus essential oil is a widely used product in the cosmetic industry, in perfumes, pharmaceuticals and other products. But it’s also very powerful as an insect repellant.

Mix 30 drops of eucalyptus essential oil with 2 ounces of water and 1,5 ounces of witch hazel or vodka. Transfer the liquid in a spray bottle and spray every corner of your house. Continue spraying every 4 hours while you’re at home.

9. Sweet Flag

Sweet flag is a semi-aquatic, perennial plant, native to Eurasia and America. Its medicinal and insecticidal properties make is a rather popular plant.

Recent studies show that it has antimicrobial and antifungal properties which make it an effective bedbug destroyer.

Boil a liter of water and add 100gr. sweet flag and 50gr turmeric. Let it simmer for an hour and transfer the mixture in a container with a lid.

Store it for a day before you dilute the mixture with water in 1:10 ratio. Spray your entire house with the mixture.

10. Orange Essential Oil

Orange essential oil is the last powerful natural bedbug insecticide on our list.

To create your very own spray mix 2 ounces of orange essential oil, 4l of water, 1 ounce molasses and 1 cup of compost tea. Shake well and spray your house with the mixture. The bed bugs will be eliminated instantly.

11. Neem Oil

For a long time, the neem oil is used for different insecticidal and medicinal properties. In fact, the seeds, the leaf and the tree, everything is used for medicine and is very beneficial.

According to studies, the cold pressed neem oil can repeal a lot of pests, and it is highly toxic.

Also, it has high properties when it comes to larval growth inhibition.

How to Make

To make your own spray, in 4 ounces of water put 1 ounce of concentrated neem oil. Also, put ½ tsp. of soap to emulsify the mixture.

You will need to mix well. Take the mixture and put it in a spray bottle.

You can use it to spray and wipe walls, sheets, beds, and crevices. Use it in all places where the bed bugs hide.

In the first 3 days, you will need to spray 3 times per day. Then for 18 days, you will need to use this solution, but you will only need to do that every alternate day.

The essential oils are effective when it comes to eliminating bed bugs because they act as cytotoxins. Which means that they destroy the membranes of the bed bugs.

Start today and stay safe from bed bugs.