8 Effective Natural Home Remedies To Treat A Strep Throat Infection

Natural remedies are just as effective as any medication when treating a disease. They’ve been used as medicine for centuries and have helped people treat a variety of diseases and conditions. The best thing about them is that they work without any side-effects which are pretty common when taking medications.

In the past, people relied on natural remedies to treat simple and complex health problems. They used them for bacterial infections for example, but natural remedies were also used against cancer and similar diseases. One of the most common conditions people used natural remedies against was strep throat. Many people still rely on nature to fight this unpleasant infection even today.

Strep throat is a bacterial infection of the throat that is caused by the A. Streptococcus bacterium. It manifests through inflammation, swelling, and pain in the throat. The infection can affect everyone from children to adults and is easily spread through sneezing and coughing.

The severity of the symptoms may be mild in the beginning, but it will get worse if left untreated. The most common way of resolving the infection is with antibiotics and other medications, but you should know that strep throat is treatable with the help of natural remedies.

It’s not just one – in fact, there are many natural remedies that can defeat the bacterium and relieve your symptoms naturally and without side-effects. We compiled a combination of natural remedies that work great against strep throat as well as other bacterial infections – see them below.

Ginger Tea

What’s the simplest way of defeating any kind of infection? Ginger tea. The root has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and fever-reducing properties that can crush infections in mere days. Just brew some homemade ginger tea, sweeten it with honey, and drink a few cups per day – it’s all you need to get your throat sorted out.


ACV is probably the most widespread natural remedy of all times. It has been used for everything from infections to serious diseases, so strep throat is not a big challenge for it. Add 1 teaspoon of ACV in ½ a cup of warm water, then gargle the mixture 2-3 times per day for best results.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper works great against bacterial infections such as strep throat. Just mix some with a bit of honey in a cup of warm water, then drink the mix to relieve the pain in your throat.

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root contains a mucus-like substance that can soothe the irritation in your throat and reduce the swelling and pain. All you need to do is add a bit of dry marshmallow root to a cup of warm water and drink the remedy – it will do wonders for your throat.

Matcha Tea

Thanks to the presence of powerful antioxidants, matcha tea will reinforce your immune system and help your body fight the infection. Drinking a few cups of this tea per day is also a good way to prevent infections.

Slippery Elm

Just like marshmallow root, slippery elm will coat your throat in a thin layer of a soothing substance that will protect it from irritation. You can buy slippery elm supplements in the form of capsules in any health store. Just pop them in a glass of warm water and drink the mix – it’s a perfect way to relieve the symptoms of the infection.

Licorice Root

Add some licorice root in a cup of warm water and drink the tea – it will soothe your swollen throat and help defeat the infection away.

Honey and Pepper

It doesn’t get any easier than this. Mix some honey and black pepper in a glass of warm water and drink the mixture to get the infection under control and bring some much-needed relief to your throat.

Extra Tips for Treating Strep Throat

Steam inhalation works great for strep throat as well. We suggest using a few drops of some powerful essential oil for best results. Just inhale the steam and you’ll feel much better soon.

Of course, it goes without saying that you should avoid drinking and smoking during the infection. Both alcohol and tobacco will irritate your throat and make it harder for you to breathe, so it’s best to stay away from them.

Additionally, make sure you get plenty of rest. The body needs rest while it’s healing with the help of the aforementioned remedies, so sleep well and take things easy until the infection is gone.

These Are The 8 Health Benefits Of Drinking Ginger Tea With Honey Everyday

Ginger is an aromatic powerful root that we often use to give our food a nice flavor. However, the root also offers numerous health benefits.

In the past, it has been used as a natural remedy for colds and the flu, as well as for circulatory and digestive problems.

Although beneficial, some people just can’t stand the strong taste of ginger. It is quite tangy and heavy and can burn your tongue, but there’s another simple way of enjoying all the benefits of the root without eating it raw – ginger water.

This powerful beverage is pretty easy to prepare and will provide you with all the benefits of ginger which will boost your overall health. Here’s how to prepare it:


A cup of water

¼ teaspoon of ginger

¼ teaspoon of turmeric


Coconut milk


Boil a cup of water in a pot, then add the turmeric and ginger and simmer the mixture for a few minutes.

Take the pot off the heat afterwards, leave it to cool down, strain it, and add the honey and coconut milk. You should drink the beverage at least once a day, but twice would be perfect.

The benefits of ginger water are numerous. Drinking the beverage will reinforce your immune system and protect your body from colds, the flu and various infections.

It will also relieve your joint pain as ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, while cleaning and improving your digestive system as well. The ginger water will drain your clogged sinuses and is a perfect alternative for teas or a hot cup of cocoa in the winter.

If you want to improve the function of your body and stay healthy during the cold winter months, this drink is the perfect choice.

Don’t Throw Away Your Tea Bags – Here are 17 Things You Can Do Instead!

A cup of hot tea is my cup of tea! This healthy beverage is an incredibly delicious way to reduce stress and start or end the day.

Yet, if you are a tea-lover too, you probably do the same mistake as me, and throw the tea bag immediately after steeping. Well, apparently, there are numerous wiser ways to use the tea bags than just throwing them in the garbage.

Here are 17 excellent ways in which you can use them:

1. Keep Hands Smelling Fresh

After meals that leave a strong smell on your hands, like some spices, fish, garlic, or crabs, rub them with a moist tea, as it will absorb the scent and leave them smelling fresh.

Your best choice: You can use any kind, but tea bags with stronger scents, like peppermint, give the best results.

2. Compost Them

To nurture the soil with nutrients and deter pests, compost tea bags or even water the plants with a brew made from the leftover tea. Yet, you should get rid of the staples before throwing them in the compost pile.

Your best choice: Any used tea bags will be beneficial.

3. Quick Mouthwash

Soak an old tea bag in warm water and use it as a mouthwash to freshen your breath.

Your best choice: Sage and rosemary tea bags, as well as unused peppermint and spearmint tea bags.

4. Treat Infections

You can effectively treat topical afflictions, fever blisters, canker sores, and pink eye, by applying warm used tea bags on the place.

Your best choice: Any tea type can serve the cause, but herbal ones will provide stronger antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Eliminate bad smells

Tea leaves absorb odors and are perfect for absorbing the bad smell from the fridge, carpet, kitty litter, trash can, and more.

Fridge: Keep old used tea bags in the fridge.

Carpet: You should sprinkle dried tea leaves from your tea bags over the rugs and carpets, leave them a bit, and the vacuum them up.

Cat litter: To prevent the spread of the odor, mix the dried tea leaves directly in the kitty litter.

Trash: put the tea bags in the trash container.

Your best choice: Any kind will provide great effects.

6. Soothe Razor Burn

Moisten several tea bags up with warm water, and apply them as a compress on the razor burn to soothe the skin and diminish the rash.

Your best choice: Calming herbs like lavender and chamomile tea bags.

7. Hair Rinse

Old tea bags can be used as an incredibly nutritious hair rinse which will soften the hair, condition it, and provide lustrous shine.

Prepare a weak tea and rinse the hair with it after shampooing the hair.

Your best choice: Any tea bags will provide amazing effects.

8. A Portable Custom Air Freshener

Tie a tea bag in the car to give it a pleasant scent, or you can even add a few drops of some essential oil and hang it up in it to get a natural, non-toxic car freshener.

Your best choice: Lavender, mint, or jasmine tea bags.

9. Prevent Grease from Sticking to Your Dishes

The used tea bags break the grease and burned-on foods from the dishes and pots. Just soak a few of them in the dish, and wash it off in the morning.

Your best choice: Any used tea bags will give excellent effects.

10. Enrich Your Tub

You should just leave the bath water run over the used tea bag, or leave them to soak in the bath.

Your best choice: Rosemary, green, jasmine, chamomile, lavender, white, calendula, and peppermint are all great for the cause.

11. Keep Mice at bay

Mice, ants, and spiders detest the smell of mint, so you can use the old mint tea bag as a natural repellent. Just place it by the door, in the cabinets, in corners, and near mouse holes to keep them at bay.

Your best choice: Peppermint and spearmint tea bags.

12. Relaxation and Anti-inflammatory Properties

Tea bags have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, so they relax the body and treat toothaches, tired eyes, blisters, sunburn, bruises, bug bites, and more.

A toothache: To soothe a toothache, just put a warm teabag over the area on the outside.

Tired or puffy eyes: Moisten two old tea bags, and place them on the eyes to act for a few minutes.

Blister: You can use a warm teabag to help treat the blister.

Sunburn: Apply a few moistened tea bags over the affected area.

Bruises: To accelerate the healing of the bruises, moisten the tea bag with warm water and place it over the affected area.

Bug bites: Apply a moistened tea bag over the affected area to take the sting out of a bug bite and soothe the itching.

Your best choice: peppermint, calendula, lavender, and chamomile tea bags.

13. Healthier Plants

To boost the growth of your plants, put several used tea bags in the bottom of the flower pots, just at the draining site. This will supply nutrients and keep the soil moist.

Your best choice: Plants hate caffeine, so you should use herbal tea bags.

14. Treat Warts

Warts are unattractive and annoying, and plantar warts can also be painful, but the old tea bags will be of great here as well.  Moisten up an old tea bag with warm water and leave it on the wart to act at least once daily.

Your best choice: Green tea is one of the best choices.

15. A Homemade Dye

Steep old tea bags and use them to highlight the hair, and get brown, orange, and green tones. Moreover, they can also be used to dye cards, cloth, homemade crafts, paper for gifts, and more.

Old tea bags are the perfect non-toxic dye for kids! You can even use old tea bags to stain wood or dye your hair.

Your best choice: Hibiscus will give you reddish and pinkish highlight, black tea will give you brown color, and green tea provides a light green shade.

16. Prepare Gourmet Dishes

The old teabags can add flavor to your dishes, such as rice, pasta, and quinoa. Place an old tea bag in a pot with boiling water, and remove it after a while.

Your best choice: Cinnamon, jasmine, chai, and green tea.

17.Stop Poison Ivy

If you got poison ivy or got a blister from the rash on your skin, apply an old tea bag to the affected area to absorb the oil. Also, you can warm that tea bag up with a bit of warm water and then apply it on the site.

Your best choice: Peppermint soothes the skin and relieves the itching.

Storing old tea bags

To ensure that your old tea bags will provide the desired effects, you need to store them properly for the time you will need them. Therefore, keep them at room temperature for up to 24 hours, and afterward, refrigerate them. Their scent will indicate the time when you need to throw them away.

Therefore, these 17 ways to creatively use the old tea bags undoubtedly open new perspectives!

Why don’t you try them immediately after you have your cup of tea today?