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Ovarian cancer is also known as “silent killer” because the symptoms are subtle and look like common symptoms of menstruation. This silent killer is the most deadly for women.

According to American Cancer Study only 20-30% of women with the late stage of ovarian cancer will be alive five years later. From 10 women with ovarian cancer only two or three will survive this killer.

There is still no right screening test that will detect ovarian cancer at early stages. It is found at a late stage because there are only several symptoms that can show that something is not right.

Women feel symptoms similar to menstrual or bowel sluggishness but actually is mild congestion in the pelvis or lower abdominal bloating.With the age, the risk of ovarian cancer can increase. This cancer death rate is the highest in women than any other cancer.

So that’s why you should never ignore all suspicious symptoms that last more than two weeks. Visit your doctor and do not accept if they say that you have an inflammatory bowel syndrome or digestive problems, or your symptoms are normal menstrual symptoms.

Ask for a meticulous and thorough exam.The right way is to do a manual pelvic exam and transvaginal pelvic ultrasound. Also, you can check your blood including CA 125 and HE4.Try to seek for a gynecologic specialist if it is possible.

There are doctors specialized for women cancer (gynecologic oncologist and gynecologic oncology surgeons).According to researchers from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, women with a family history of breast, colorectal or ovarian cancers are at higher risk.

These women should take common exams including pelvic exam with ultrasound and CA 125 blood test.Below you can read the symptoms which are common for ovarian cancer and also for many other diseases. Characteristic for the cancer is the symptom persistence.

That’s why, if the symptoms are persistent more than two weeks, it is recommended to visit a doctor.Maybe you will have only one symptom but it can be a sign that can save your life.

10 warning signs of ovarian cancer

• Pelvic discomfort and pain ; • Pressure, fullness and bloating ;

• Increased urination frequency ;

• Fatigue ;

• Pain with sexual activity ;

• Indigestion or persistent gas ;

• Pain in the lower back ;

• Constipation ;

• Appetite loss or feeling full after eating ;

• Increase of your stomach size

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