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Pain is the most common health complaint these days, affecting more people than diabetes, cancer, and heart disease combined.

Acute pain is used to describe a pain that has a sudden onset and limited duration, while chronic pain refers to longer-lasting types of pain.

Most people reach for painkillers to address their problem, as these drugs reduce the painful sensation. The most common ones include opioids, NSAIDs, and paracetamol, all of which have been associated with a wide range of side effects.

To relieve pain without risking the onset of detrimental side effects, opt for natural remedies like herbs, spices, foods, or a simple exercise.

101 Ways To Reduce Pain Naturally

1. Ginger has been shown to alleviate pain as well as to reduce the secretion of cytokines, inflammation-causing compounds.

2. Ginger essential oil treats pain caused by autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and lupus.

3. Feverfew is native to Asia and has been long used to reduce the severity and frequency of migraine attacks.

4. Cayenne has been also long used to relieve pain naturally, particularly in the case of pain caused by Psoriatic arthritis and similar disorders.

5. Turmeric contains potent anti-inflammatory properties whose activity resembles the one of anti-inflammatory NSAIDs.

6. Valerian root works great for reducing the severity of premenstrual syndrome and muscle contractions.

7. White willow bark helps reduce both inflammation and pain, especially in the case of joint pain.

8. Devil`s claw is highly beneficial for relieving neck pain, back pain, and pain caused by osteoarthritis.

9. Cinnamon positively affects muscle soreness. When combined with a supplement like Traumeel, it provides long-term effects.

10. Peppermint oil is extremely effective when used topically, particularly in reducing lower back pain and headaches.

11. Tart cherries act as anti-inflammatory agent and effectively reduce muscle pain.

12. Lavender oil relaxes tense muscles, treats tension headaches, and reduces the severity of migraines.

13. Ginseng is particularly beneficial for those with fibromyalgia as it helps reduce fatigue ad musculoskeletal pain typical for the disease.

14. Bow pose is a yoga pose that helps reduce stomach cramps caused by menstruation.

15. The root of kava kava plant is effective in treating tension headaches and neuropathic pain.

16. Ginger essential oil is a potent natural remedy for pain caused by diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis.

17. Rosemary oil can be used to treat muscle soreness and tension headaches.

18. Helichrysum essential oil has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties which make it a potent pain reliever.

19. Yarrow essential oil contains salicylic acid which provides analgesic effects. It is typically used topically.

20. Wintergreen essential oil is used to alleviate muscle pain, joint pain, and neuralgia.

21. Sandalwood essential oil also helps treat muscle pain, joint pain, and neuralgia.

22. The cobra is a yoga pose that relieves back pain.

23. Supported warrior is a yoga pose that relieves knee pain.

24. Eucalyptus essential oil treats pain caused by muscle injury and sinus congestion.

25. Chiropractic treatments help reduce sciatica pain.

26. Chiropractic treatments involving spinal manipulation help reduce back pain.

27. Butterfly is a yoga pose that reduces pain caused by arthritis.

28. Clary sage essential oil can be used topically to relive stomach spasms or taken orally to alleviate tension headaches.

29. Clove oil helps alleviates throat pain and toothache.

30. Warm bath helps reduce muscle spasms and treats pain caused by arthritis and muscle injuries.

31. Probiotics reduce inflammation, hence treat pain caused by IBS.

32. A warm bath with Epsom salts relaxes the muscle and relieves muscle pain.

33. Heat therapy reduces pain by improving blood flow to the painful area.

34. Cold therapy reduces pain by reducing inflammation around the affected area.

35. Holy basis helps reduce inflammation and relieve pain caused by inflammation.

36. Arnica oil can be used topically to reduce acute pain caused by an injury.

37. A daily walk can alleviate back pain by strengthening the bones.

38. Daily exposure to sunshine increases vitamin D in the body, which in turn reduces pain in an all-natural way.

39. Vanilla extract reduces toothache by numbing the area.

40. Regular sexual intercourse has been associated with reduction in the severity of PMS cramps and reduced headaches.

41. Proper sleep relieves muscle pain and various types of chronic pain.

42. Massage therapy done by a professional helps treat both acute and chronic pain.

43. Stretching is extremely effective in reducing the severity of pain caused by muscle stiffness.

44. Staying hydrated aids with muscle pain and reduces stiffness. Aim at drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily!

45. Borage oil is often used to treat PMS symptoms, inflammation, and pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

46. Boswellia extracts can be used to reduce the severity of tension headaches and migraine attacks .

47. A combination of water and salt can be used to cleanse an infected area or alleviate a toothache.

48. Creams containing comfrey can be used to treat upper and lower back pain.

49. Taking magnesium supplements reduces pain when a person is deficient of this particular mineral.

50. Omega-3 fats reduce back pain and joint stiffness by reducing inflammation.

51. Taking glucosamine supplement can help relieve joint pain caused by collagen degradation or arthritis.

52. Strength training exercises are one of the best ways to reduce pain in the legs, backs, abs, shoulders, chest, and arms.

53. Blackstrap molasses is a beverage that has been shown to reduce pain caused by arthritis.

54. Supplements containing gamma-linolenic acid can notably reduce inflammation, joint stiffness, and pain.

55. Swimming is a good way to both improve muscle strength and reduce neck pain.

56. Extra virgin olive oil reduces inflammation and pain, which makes it beneficial for those suffering from osteoarthritis.

57. Bone broth has a robust nutritional profile and its compounds help relieve both inflammation and joint pain.

58. A cream containing capsicium alleviates pain, particularly back pain.

59. Gin reduces inflammation and relieves pain caused by the inflammation.

60. Dandelion root is a potent anti-inflammatory agent which regulates body`s inflammatory processes.

61. Chondroitin is a substance that relieves pain and improves joint movement.

62. Acupuncture can be used to alleviate migraines, treat pain caused by arthritis, back pain, and pain that occurs after surgery.

63. Grape juice is packed with pectin which reduces inflammation and alleviates pain caused by arthritis.

64. Taking vitamin E supplements supplies the body with antioxidants which reduce pain and fight off free radicals.

65. Qigong is a Chinese exercise method which helps reduce pain by up to 73 percent.

66. Consumption of vitamin C protects against free radicals, reduces inflammation, and relieves pain caused by arthritis.

67 Wild opium lettuce is an effective pain-reliever obtained from the sap from the extracted leaves of the plant.

68. Blue lotus is effective in reducing muscle spasms and migraines.

69. The leaves of eucommina trea can be used to treat both back and joint pain.

70. Avoiding commercially raised animals helps reduce pain as these animals are fed with ingredients that increase inflammation.

71. Green tea contains compounds that inhibit inflammatory responses and thus reduce pain.

72. Take a break , relax, and learn to recognize when your are pushing yourself way too much!

73. Putting on the radio and listening to your favorite song increase the amount of hormones involved in pain sensitivity, which in turn helps reduce pain.

74. Walking barefoot relieves up to 12 percent of the pressure applied to the knees, which is beneficial for those with osteoarthritis.

75. Check your blood sugar levels on a regular basis as this can help prevent pain caused by diabetes.

76. Walnuts are packed with omega-3 fats which have been already said to be effective in reducing pain experienced around inflamed areas.

77. Calcium is needed for healthy bones, so it is no wonder that it can also relieve pain among those with osteoarthritis.

78. Potassium is highly beneficial for people dealing with joint pain as it plays a significant role in joint health.

79. Black pepper combined with other herbs and spices improves the absorption of those spices and enhances their pain-relieving effects.

80. Eliminate foods from your diet which are known to cause inflammation and pain.

81. Sleep on the back and use a pillow to separate the knees if you are suffering from back pain.

82. Broccoli is packed with potassium and magnesium, both of which reduce inflammation.

83. Meditation is a good way to reduce pain caused by chronic diseases.

84. Resveratrol found in red wine, grapes, and berries has been shown to regulate pain at cellular level.

85. Chia seeds contain many nutrients and constituents that reduce inflammation.

86. Losing excess weight lowers the pressure on the joints, which in turn alleviates the pain.

87. Bok choy is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all of which work in synergy to relieve pain.

88. Caffeine helps reduce pain while performing difficult tasks.

89. Hypnosis is a good way to manage pain, particularly lower back pain.

90. Salmon is high in nutrients which are known to reduce inflammation and relieve the pain that comes with it.

91. Avoiding foods that are high in sugar is critical for reducing inflammation and thus reducing pain.

92. Thyme contains certain compounds that help the body manage pain better.

93. Osteopathic manipulation therapy is a good way to relieve musculoskeletal pain and reduce inflammation in the tissue.

94. Tomatoes are great inflammation-fighters, meaning that they are effective in relieving pain caused by inflammation.

95. Foods high in lean protein help detoxify the liver from detrimental compounds during the day, which may help reduce both inflammation and pain.

96. Choose filtered water over tap water as the latter contains chemicals that may contribute to inflammation and pain.

97. Cook meat at lower temperature as cooking at a high temperature produces chemicals that may worsen inflammation.

98. Practice stress-relieving techniques to manage stress and prevent inflammation.

99. Frankincense oil reduces stress, pain, and inflammation at the same time.

100. Eat larger amounts of unsaturated fats to prevent inflammation from worsening.

101. Light emitted from electronic devices like laptops, tablets and cellphones negatively affects sleep, which eventually causes inflammation and pain. Avoid using these devices in the bedroom.

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