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The consumption of processed foods triggers inflammation in the body, in contrary to whole foods, which have powerful anti-inflammatory qualities.

Inflammatory diseases weaken the immune system and lead to various diseases, and might even prevent weight loss even when you are dieting.

Chronic inflammation is often a result of poor diet, stress, and over-exercising.

Therefore, you should always maintain a healthy balance of all these things.

Inflammation is the defensive mechanism of the body, and if not treated on time, it leads to many diseases and conditions, such as heart disease, some cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, and periodontitis.

Additionally, when the muscular or vascular tissue swells in order to protect itself, it will decelerate some processes in the body.

Treating inflammation will help you prevent diseases, exercise consistently, and get lots of energy.

The following 9 tips will help you fight inflammation naturally:

Whole-grain Starches, Fruits, and Veggies

Whole grains, vegetables, and fruits are full of minerals and vitamins which will support overall health.

Skinless Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Legumes

You should increase the intake of these foods, as they are loaded with protein, calcium, vitamin D, probiotics and unsaturated fats. Moreover, consume more nuts and seeds, and fat-free Greek yogurt.

Monounsaturated and Omega-3 Fats

These “healthy fats” are found in olive oil, avocados, and nuts, and they neutralize inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.

You can consume them through tuna, walnuts, salmon, and ground flaxseed.

Limit the intake of Refined Starches

White starches and added sugars are low in nutrients, provide unhealthy energy, and cause inflammatory symptoms such as high blood sugar levels and weight gain.

Limit the intake of Red Meat

Avoid consuming too much red meat, especially bacon, sausage, and the high-fat prime rib, and processed meats as bologna, salami, and hot dogs, as they are rich in saturated fats which promote inflammation.

Limit the intake of Saturated Fat

You need to reduce the intake of cheese, butter, whole milk, high-fat red meat and skin of poultry, as they are very rich in fat.

Avoid Trans-fat

Trans-fat lower good cholesterol, and elevates and reuses “bad cholesterol”. Therefore, stay away from prepackaged baked goods, non-organic peanut butters, flavored coffee creamers, and chocolate- or yogurt-coated snacks, as they contain it.

Despite all this, make sure your diet is full of nutrient-dense foods, as vitamins and mineral support blood flow, muscle contraction, tissue repair, and the inflammatory response.

If you are trying to lose weight, follow a healthy and balanced diet, and exercise regularly, as this is the winning combination.

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