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Dealing with a drug addict is hard. It’s a hundred times harder when it’s a loved one. Read this 4-step guide for helping an addicted relative or friend.

Dealing with drug addiction is a very difficult thing to do. Research has shown that 1 in 10 Americans have had a drug abuse problem, and illicit drug use is on the rise. Something needs to change.

If your loved one is in the grip of addiction, you’ll be wondering what you can do to help them. Dealing with a drug addict isn’t easy, and it can leave you feeling exhausted.

But with your support and help, you can help them on their way to recovery. There are lots of things you can do to support them and help them break free from addiction.

Dealing with a Drug Addict

Those who suffer from addiction may also suffer from mental health issues too. They may also have physical pain, both of these may be short-term or could be long-lasting.

There are a lot of different drugs people can get addicted to. Everything from heroin to alcohol can wreck people’s lives. We’re aware of the opioid and benzodiazepine crisis America is facing right now. This addiction is damaging and although they’re prescribed, it doesn’t mean they’re safe.

No matter what they may be addicted to, you can do something to help. Here are 4 ways you can help.

1. Stage an Intervention

The first step is to let them know they have a problem and need help. They may be in denial about their addiction and need someone to open their eyes to it.

It doesn’t have to be like the interventions you see on TV where they gather everyone the addict knows. It can be one on one but you need to let them know they have a problem.

Seeing their family and friends so concerned may be the push they need to seek help.

2. Help Them Trust You

Addiction is a demon to battle with and can make people difficult to deal with. They may not want to admit that they’re addicted. They may find it embarrassing to discuss their problem. They may fear the repercussions of going public with their addiction.

But if you can help them trust you, they might open up more. Don’t judge them or put them down. Don’t nag or criticize them. Don’t engage in addictive behaviors yourself either. Don’t try to control them or they’ll pull away from you.

If they have someone to trust, it will help them through the battle.

3. Communicate Your Feelings

An addict won’t seek help unless they actually want it, and you can’t force them to seek it. But, you can communicate your feelings with them and encourage them to get better.

Remind them about how much you and others love them. Let them know that they have a problem and that you’re there to help them through the recovery process.

Don’t let them feel threatened by this. Be gentle and tell them that their addiction is hurting them and others around them. Keeping an open line of communication can help them open up and get them to seek help.

4. Seek Treatment

If your loved one does decide to get help, there are lots of treatment options you can choose.

There’s therapy, self-help, medication, rehabilitation and more. There are lots of ways to go depending on how severe the addiction is and you can help them through it. They may want to involve you with their recovery or they may not.

You need to respect their decision either way and let them know that you’re there for them. Respect their privacy and don’t put any big expectations on them. Be supporting and optimistic and in time, they could beat their addiction for good.

Help Them Beat Addiction for Good

Dealing with a drug addict isn’t easy, but you can help them get better. These four steps are great ways to show you love and care for them and want them to get better. With your support, you can help them break free from their addiction.

Find this article helpful? Check out Make Your Life Healthier’s blog for more health tips.

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