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Recent reports are coming out suggesting that copious amounts of toxic chemicals are frequently found in Dollar Store products.

HealthyStuff, in collaboration with the Campaign for Healthier Solutions, showed that in fact, more than 81% of the products tested returned positive results for toxic and hazardous chemicals!

The campaign tested 164 Dollar Store products, and 133 of those products returned a reading for at least one hazardous chemical (and in some cases, several hazardous chemicals were present).

The four largest Dollar Store chains – Family Dollar, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, and 99 Cents Only – total sales of greater than $36 billion, operating more stores nationwide than Wal-Mart.

As they largely serve impoverished areas already at a disadvantage, these chemicals are being forced upon the shoppers least able to avoid them.

Jose T. Bravo, National Coordinator for the Campaign for Healthier Solutions said:

“People struggling to make ends meet are confined to shopping at the Dollar stores. We are already disproportionately affected by pollution and lack of adequate medical care, and now we know we’re filling our homes and our bodies with chemicals released from Dollar store products. This needs to stop.”

Jeff Gearhart, HealthyStuff Research Director said:

“We’ve tested 1,000’s of products from dozens of retailers over the last ten years. And on average the dollar store products are some of the poorest peforming from a chemical hazard perspective. I am particularly concerned about the comparatively high percentage of products containing hazardous plasticizers. ”

Many of the chemicals found have been linked to cancer and other long-term health consequences, and while many companies (including such major brands as Target and Wal-Mart) have made changes to protect their consumers, dollar chains need to make the same reforms.

Toward that end, families and communities with dollar chains can let those companies know they want safer products, and join local and national efforts advocating for nontoxic products.

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