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Do you want some abdominal crunches? Yes, I know that. Then detoxify your organism and do parasite elimination left in your intestine as if you were passing a sweeping brush.

The wildness of the method is so effective, so calm, you will sit very well and will not make you suffer during the day.

Of course, it starts little by little.

The formula is simple, listen. To a glass with warm or cold water you add:

-1 or 2 garlics chopped into pieces.

-1 tablespoon overflowing with flaxseed

-Mix and stir in the glass with water

-You take everything 2 hours before your time to go to the bathroom – Or if it is not too strong for you, at any time of the day. Just get used to it you can do it with some food.

-Do it almost every day for 1 month. Then incorporate it into your diet whenever you want to feel that your stomach is clean and empty. It is a great food full of antioxidants.

-You do not have to chew it! For that you picasso, pass it with water.

-Take a lot of water in the day

What happens? That immediately you become a super powerful girl, young and healthy forever. The antioxidant properties of garlic and flaxseed together are a power pump in your body.

Garlic contains a substance called allicin , which has antibacterial and antioxidant ingredients. In addition, it has another compound, diallyl sulphide , which strengthens the immune system and helps lower blood pressure.

Flaxseed itself is full of omega 3 and has a huge amount of fiber. Clean your bowels like nothing or anyone in the world, sweeping away all the impurities and toxins that are stored in your gut.

If you suffer from constipation this combination can serve you enormously, and if not, be sure that it will regulate your digestion. Let the bad go so that good comes in! The cleanliness that is going to make this combination will leave you ready and ready to receive real food, nutritious, which feeds you.

After experiencing the cleaning of garlic and flaxseed you will only want to eat healthy food, I assure you.

It is proven that an intoxicated organism will not lose weight because it retains liquids and toxins. An intoxicated metabolism will not move at the same speed as a clean organism. Storing toxins is a safe way to gain weight. In the same way, detoxifying is the first step, if we are talking about losing weight.

Garlic can make you lose weight in a matter of days. As you hear it, do you know why? Because it helps you to unblock fluid retention. You can lay off up to 5 pounds of water in less than 1 week just by removing retained liquids full of toxins. Even with a weight of 200 pounds, you could lose up to 10 pounds just by removing water with toxins (and that does not mean dehydrating).

Conversely, in addition to garlic and flaxseed you have to drink up to 1 gallon of water daily to help the body unblock accumulated fluids and stay hydrated in the process).

Linseed also works with garlic. Garlic is a powerful antibacterial that spreads all its power from your stomach, and flaxseed helps by sweeping away all the excesses of the intestine (this is literal). With both, you have in your hands the perfect solution to detoxify your body, and also lose weight.

Consuming 1 or 2 chopped garlic with 1 or 2 tablespoons of flaxseed has an effect you did not know: they help you eat less .

You know why? When you experience it, you will understand me and recommend it to your friends. Your stomach ends so clean that you will be left with a feeling of lightness and lightness that you have never experienced before.

As you will not want to lose it, you only drink water to keep it that good, and when you eat, you always look for nutritious food.

Look at the perfect cycle that makes your glass of water with garlic and flaxseed. It feeds you, cleanses you, improves your health, and makes you eat less.

This way you will lose weight, but in addition, you will be healthier, and surely, if you have some chronic ailments, they will improve. Both garlic and flaxseed are good for controlling cholesterol, so they reduce the risk of heart disease, and can lower blood pressure.

What you should know before you start with parasite elimination and flatten your stomach

If you are not used to flaxseed, you have to start consuming small quantities and increase the quantity with the days.

Start with a small teaspoon for 3 days, then increase to 2 teaspoons another 2 or 3 days, and if you see that it does not cause difficulties sending you to the bathroom all day, start with 1 large spoonful and in a week you will be ready for one and a half or up to 2. When you are used to flaxseed, consuming it is normal.

Do the same with garlic. Start with ½ garlic, or a very small one, and increase the dose until you can add 3 small garlic or 2 large garlic.

After 1 time when your body has been cleansed, you will only need 1 tablespoon of flaxseed and 1 garlic each day. You will be so grateful with these 2 foods that you yourself will not let you ever miss.

Feeling so good, you will never sin with any appetite that harms your wonderful state of well-being, keep it safe.


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