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The Nail Fungus and the health in our hands and feet seem unnecessary to consider, however, this kind of discomforts can affect us much more than we think.

Our feet are quite prone to the formation of infections product of the humidity and darkness that surrounds them by the use of frequent footwear.

In the same way, we expose them to a series of bacteria and dirt when we walk barefoot or with open shoes like sandals.

Scientifically is called onychomycosis to this class of infections of the nails, product of a prolonged exposure to the environment where these crops are developed.

And they can cause quite unpleasant aches and pains, sometimes the infection ends up harming the health and quality of life of a person even more.

In addition to the problems involved in health, almost everywhere in the world, it is a very negative aesthetic disadvantage to show off the careless nails.

So you do not need to worry anymore, we have the right natural product for you.

Heal home infections of the nails with a simple natural remedy:

Those who have run with the misfortune of suffering this inconvenience, know that sometimes it can be quite complex to get rid of nail infections, so they resort to the applications of certain treatments that help achieve it.

In general, fungal infections of the nails are caused by showers, toilets, changing rooms, public swimming pools and any environment that accumulates sufficient moisture. It is important not to walk these barefoot sites very often.

Treatment is also relatively difficult due to the location of the feet, which, not being highly vascularized, do not receive sufficient circulation of nutrients, antibodies, and defense cells. All these factors complement each other for this kind of infections.

Oregano oil has been serving as one of the most effective treatments for mycosis and other types of skin infections. Derived from oregano and basically is the concentrated version of the properties that this plant possesses.

However, it is important to remember that it can produce irritating effects and should never be placed directly on the skin, this is quite sensitive to its effects.

If you want to use it as a treatment, you should dilute 3 drops of oregano essential oil in a teaspoon of olive oil, then apply to the area of the infection and keep it exposed, without touching the floor for as long as possible.

Do not stop sharing this economic treatment and get rid of infections on your nails. Improves aesthetics and of course, your health.

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