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You might have already heard or read about this recipe, which is all over the web, and many people claim that they had been cured from cancer with this recipe.

They also claim that they have been cured without chemotherapy and surgery and are now bursting with health.

The baseline of this recipe areginger and honey,and there are no side effects.

One of the testimonies is a woman that has been on life support for 20 days, because she had cancer of the endocrine glands, now claims to be cured without chemotherapy and surgery and is healthier than ever.

 Ingredients and Preparation Method:

– 2 larger ginger roots well cleaned and blended;

– After that mix 1 pound of organic honey with the ginger;

– Store the mixturein a jar and take 1 teaspoon 3 – 4 times a day;

– It is very important to use a wooden,plastic or ceramic spoon, because when using a metal spoon the recipe loses its healing properties immediately.

After 2 – 3 days you should feel the first effects. This remedy is so awesome that it is known all over the web as the recipe that has a healing power to “rise from the dead”.

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