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Today we want to give you a drink which can regenerate the cartilage of your knees without needing you to go to the doctor or supplement with some high-cost medicine.

The reason why our joints can wear out at that point is that either we have a problem of absorption of nutrients or because we practice some sport such as football, skiing, or movement that involves a strong movement in the opposite direction to where the leg was.

These injuries are the most difficult to cure because they need more than a remedy, they must be incorporated with rest and physiotherapy depending on the severity of it.

In case this has happened to you or perhaps to a loved one we are going to leave you here a drink which has been taking for years and the results have been great, you should only consume it for about two weeks so you can start feeling the change in your body.

To regenerate ligaments you can carry this drink

The great thing about this drink is that everyone can consume it, even if you have tension or sugar problems, which is common in people over 30 in the current times due to the decline that has existed with lifestyle and our feeding.

Pineapple, cinnamon and oatmeal smoothie


-A pinch of cinnamon

-50 gr of ground almonds

-50 gr of pure honey from bee

-1 cup of oatmeal

-1 cup of pineapple juice

-A quarter liter of drinking water


– Place the water in the heat, place the oats and stir for five minutes.

– Remove the heat and add the other ingredients and mix them

– Let it rest and it will be ready to be consumed.

Mode of use:

You can drink it natural or cold, you must consume it in fast or one hour before breakfast.

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