Squeeze 1 Lemon With 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil And You Will Remember Me For The Rest Of Your Life

Natural medicine has been widely used in recent times, thanks to that with very little money it can cure many diseases and the risk of side effects. The body collects larger amounts of toxins every day.

The liver, kidneys, intestines – all of these organs, and not just these, fight for purification of toxins and filtering of harmful substances entering the body.

Olive oil and lemon are two main ingredients that will help you to detoxify the entire body daily and protect yourself against diseases, infections, inflammations, and other dangerous conditions.The mixture of olive oil and lemon stimulates the immune system and makes it resistant to external and internal seizures.

Separately, the oil and lemon have powerful properties. And imagine together! Protective mechanisms work with full force for the health of the body.


Preparation of the mixture is mild. Olive oil and fresh lemon juice mixed with a ratio of 1: 1. Mix very well. The mixture is rich whit minerals and vitamins.


Fights constipation

This combination helps to lubricate the digestive mucosa and also activates the bladder function. This mixture contains antioxidants that help us get rid of toxins and help in any case to properly digest food.

Cardioprotective effect

Because olive oil is rich in fatty acids, it helps control and improve blood circulation and also removes bad cholesterol, which helps in blood flow, and is also anti-inflammatory and provides many vitamins.

It maintains balanced liver and gallbladder

We know that when we feel swollen, heavy and tired, most often because our body is poisoned, so with this mixture help the liver to expel these toxins.

Articular or rheumatic pains

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, every morning a teaspoon of this mixture fights these annoying pains.

To strengthen skin, nails, and hair

To strengthen weak, fragile or fragmented nails, you should make a mixture of 1 tablespoon olive oil with 1 tbsp. lemon juice, where you will soak your nails 10 minutes before falling asleep, and you can also sleep in fine cotton gloves to allow a mixture of lemon and olive oil to penetrate the nails overnight.

Also if you want healthy, strong and shiny hair and to control dandruff, olive oil and lemon can help make it, and while antiseptic and astringent lemon qualities can help treat skin diseases.

What you need to do is mix and drink 1 tbsp. olive oil with freshly squeezed lemon juice to maintain a healthy body, shiny hair and smooth skin.

As you can see the effects of lemon and olive oil is excellent, we recommend that you immediately start using this mixture and take advantage of the health benefits it offers.

Soak your feet in vinegar once a week,and you will see how all your diseases disappear

Apple cider vinegar, in addition to its very characteristic aroma, has substances that are biologically active, with which it is possible to eliminate bacteria and germs that can be very harmful to our organism.

This product will bring you incredible benefits just by using it once a week on your feet, yes, on your feet even if it sounds very strange.

Although its smell is a little uncomfortable for many, even if it is a stranger it turns out that this product will help you eliminate the bacteria and germs that can affect you.

To eliminate the calluses you should only soak your feet in a mixture with equal parts of vinegar and water. for 45 minutes (preferably warm water), and then exfoliate with your pumice stone, you will see how quickly the calluses are falling and your skin is becoming very soft.

If you want to know how to use it, keep reading this post that we bring to you today and find out about its benefits. We hope you like.


The protagonist in this recipe is nothing more and nothing less than the well-known apple cider vinegar. This foot soaking treatment in apple cider vinegar is called a foot bath.

Surely you have already heard about this technique and it has been used for many years in all parts of the world, and this thanks to the benefits it brings.

The vinegar as we can use it to fight against respiratory problems, digestive and even lose weight, it is wonderful to perform this natural treatment.

Depending on how we use it and with what we combine it, the results can be wonderful.

This foot bath is made with warm water to prevent our feet from suffering thermal shock, and the good thing is that if we prefer we can add herbs, spices or even aromatic salts.

The reasons for making a footbath with apple cider vinegar are that the feet are a place where a large part of the germs accumulate since they are not very exposed and lack a lot of oxygenation.

This type of germs or bacteria can cause these horrible calluses, dry feet, roughness and even infections.

When performing a foot bath your feet will be disinfected and you will be able to put an end to those fungi and microbes that cause the bad smell.


Heat the water, until it is lukewarm, between 15 to 18 degrees.

Not very hot, place this water in a tub or container where we can put our feet to soak and add a full glass of apple cider vinegar. If you prefer you can add a few drops of lavender essential oil to improve the smell and stimulate sleep.

Let soak for 30 minutes and you’re done.

Among other uses of apple cider vinegar we have that it helps us to fight dandruff, relieves a sore throat, eliminates bad smells from our home and reduces the bad smell of shoes.

9 Alkaline Foods That Will Help Clean and Remove All Acids From Your Body

Acidic and alkaline foods are necessary to keep the body acid balanced and above all healthy, however, there are certain foods or beverages that are consumed regularly and that imbalance the levels of acids needed by the body.

This leads to unhealthy results such as inflammation, accumulation of toxins and immune system and vulnerable organs. Therefore the importance of consuming acid and alkaline foods, as they help to purify the organism, eliminating toxic acid or excess to provide balance and regularity for its proper functioning.


These 9 acidic and alkaline foods named below should be consumed and added to your daily diet if you are looking for the well-being of your body in general.

1. Almonds: almonds and nuts are very easy to find anywhere and the best of them is that they are loaded with nutrients and essential fatty acids. It is an alkaline food that will not only be good for your body but for your hair, skin, and health of your brain, increase muscle mass, lower cholesterol levels and help lose weight.

2. Cucumbers: they are natural diuretics, which means that they help to hydrate the body, since they dissolve the excess water, balancing the acidity through cleaning and washing away the harmful toxins and acids stored in the body. Likewise, cucumber juice is effective in treating excess uric acid.

3. Cabbage: cabbage provides necessary nutrients to the body, such as magnesium and forage, which help maintain the digestive system, immunity, and alkalinity to balance the cellular level. It is also useful to prevent certain types of cancer due to its high fiber content, which serves to maintain low-calorie levels.

4. Plum tomatoes: plum tomatoes have vitamin A, C, and E and are great for treating skin disorders, keeping calories at bay and at the same time clean the urinary tract of infections, bladder problems and even cancers related to the bladder. All this is possible since they are high in water.

5. Grapefruit or grapefruit: for being rich in citrus fruits and natural properties that stimulate the metabolism, which helps to keep the weight under control and extract the unnecessary fat that is attached to the body. It is an alkaline fruit low in sugar, and despite its acid and acid tasting, it increases the alkaline levels that give immunity to vitamin C.

6. Files: the files are among citrus fruits and alkaline, high in vitamin C, effective to clean the urinary tract of toxins, excess acids, bacteria and the like. When the body accumulates uric acid, pain, inflammation is experienced and even the general health is compromised since this acid is able to gradually infect the rest of the internal organs.

7. Lemons: they are excellent for cleaning the digestive system from the inside out, they give a healthy balance to the acid again. They are used by superstars as one of the most powerful natural remedies for this purpose, and even to lose weight. Lemons contain citric acid, but it is an alkaline ally beneficial to health, precisely because of its acid nature, which lowers the body’s sugar levels.

8. Basil: the title of “king of herbs” was attributed to him for being full of nutrients that the organism normally needs. It is an Italian herb rich in vitamin K, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, vitamin C and more. All these properties are fantastic to detoxify the body by decreasing acid levels and even to fight the compounds that cause kidney stones.

9. Cantaloupes: they are from the same melon family, therefore, they have a lot of water, beta-carotene, phytochemicals and vitamin B, which help the body to fight and completely remove excess toxins and acids. In addition, it helps the immune system make white blood cells, in order to maintain toxic substances and balance the body’s alkaline levels.

With This Remedy and a Towel You Will Not Have To Operate Your Knees, You Can Run Out of the House if You Want

Today we want to give you a drink which can regenerate the cartilage of your knees without needing you to go to the doctor or supplement with some high-cost medicine.

The reason why our joints can wear out at that point is that either we have a problem of absorption of nutrients or because we practice some sport such as football, skiing, or movement that involves a strong movement in the opposite direction to where the leg was.

These injuries are the most difficult to cure because they need more than a remedy, they must be incorporated with rest and physiotherapy depending on the severity of it.

In case this has happened to you or perhaps to a loved one we are going to leave you here a drink which has been taking for years and the results have been great, you should only consume it for about two weeks so you can start feeling the change in your body.

To regenerate ligaments you can carry this drink

The great thing about this drink is that everyone can consume it, even if you have tension or sugar problems, which is common in people over 30 in the current times due to the decline that has existed with lifestyle and our feeding.

Pineapple, cinnamon and oatmeal smoothie


-A pinch of cinnamon

-50 gr of ground almonds

-50 gr of pure honey from bee

-1 cup of oatmeal

-1 cup of pineapple juice

-A quarter liter of drinking water


– Place the water in the heat, place the oats and stir for five minutes.

– Remove the heat and add the other ingredients and mix them

– Let it rest and it will be ready to be consumed.

Mode of use:

You can drink it natural or cold, you must consume it in fast or one hour before breakfast.

You’re Not Fat – You’re Bloated! These Natural Remedies Will Easily Deflate Belly

Bloating happens usually after you’ve had a bit too much to eat or you’ve eaten something heavy and your stomach is having a hard time digesting it.

This is normal and usually goes away in a day, but there are some people who feel bloated all the time, which means that something is upsetting their digestive system.

According to doctors bloating is a result of trapped gases in the stomach which has a lot to do with how you eat and what you eat.

People don’t usually worry too much when their stomach is bloated, even if it happens more often than not. They believe that it’s normal and that it only affects the way their belly looks.

But in reality, bloating can happen as a result of a number of reasons and some of them should be treated.


1. Constipation

Constipation can be resolved by simply eating more fiber. When you’re constipated the gasses get trapped behind the blocked poop and can’t get out, leading to bloating.

Start increasing the amount of fiber in your diet gradually, because if you suddenly bomb your organism with fibers it may make matters worse.

Consume smoothies, berries and switch from white bread to whole grain.

2. Too much carbs

If your diet is rich in carbs and sugars, you will most definitely feel bloated.

Start cutting back on the carbs and opt for fruits and veggies instead of sugar and alcohol.

3. High levels of stress

Bloating can happen as a result of excessive stress. If you’re stressed out your brain doesn’t allow the digestive tract to function properly and it can lead to trapped gasses and bloating.

4. Insufficient amounts of water

If you want your body to function properly you need to make sure it’s hydrated.

If you’re dehydrated it can cause a number of health issues, bloating included.

The minimum daily amount of water, per doctor’s recommendations, is 6-8 glasses and everything short of this can be the reason why you feel bloated all the time. Start drinking more water and the condition should improve.

5. You eat too fast

If you’re one of those people who finish their meal before anyone has had the time to sit down and start you probably deal with bloating all the time. Start eating and drinking slower and chew your food properly.

Take small bites and chew, chew, chew! If you don’t chew your food enough it may cause digestive problems.


You’ll need:

– A tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel

– 1 cucumber

– 1/2 a glass of water

– 1 tbsp. of grated ginger

– 1 lemon

– a bunch of parsley

How to prepare it:

The preparation couldn’t be simpler. Toss all the ingredients in a blender, pulse until combined and pour it in a tall glass. Drink it right away and continue the treatment for as long as you feel necessary.

Helicobacter pylori

You’ve probably heard about Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), a bacterium that infects the lining of your stomach and causes all sorts of problems including gastric and duodenal ulcers. Aside from ulcers, H. pylori can cause a plethora of other health issues such as:

– loss of appetite

– nausea

– frequent burping

– burning sensation in the abdomen

– unexplained weight loss

– bloating

It’s usually managed with antibiotics but some people don’t like taking antibiotics for everything or they simply can’t handle the unwanted side-effects. So what other treatment is there?

Well, for all of you who prefer the natural approach here are a few remedies and treatments which can help you ease your digestive issues.


Manuka Honey

This rare type of honey was shown to have great results against these bacteria. According to a number of research studies this type of honey eliminates all the bacteria in your stomach. Consume it 3 times a day, a teaspoon of the honey spread on a piece of toast.

Cranberry Juice

According to a study conducted in China, consuming cranberry juice can reduce the bacteria count by 14%.


Probiotics are good for any digestive problem you might be having, including an overgrowth of Helicobacter pylori. It has helped many with this problem and plus it has no adverse side effects.

More natural remedies

Chinese and Indian medicine traditionally uses organic licorice as a treatment against many digestive issues, including gastric ulcers and Helicobacter pylori.

Red wine and green tea are also known to have a positive effect in the treatment of this bacterium mainly thanks to their natural antibacterial effects.

Begin Eating Two Eggs Each Day And These 9 Things Will Happen To Your Body!

These days the actual healthy advantages of eggs are being doubted constantly. Because always a lot more people consumed this particular food.

In several ways, poultry eggs are distinctive in their structure. The optimal everyday dose is actually 2 to 3 eggs, in accordance with research.


For those who have eggs for breakfast, this will give you a just small amount of calories from fat and help you to definitely lose the surplus fat, US research came to the conclusion. If you eat this breakfast every day will keep anyone full for a long time of time as well as decrease the general food intake.


If you request people to choose from taking one tablespoon of fish oil or only consume 1 egg individuals will select the first choice. The best way to boost the vitamin D content in eggs only through feeding the actual chicken along with special add-ons. Vitamin D fortifies your teeth and bone fragments and also enhances the calcium mineral absorption.


Phospholipids are one of the most significant vitamins which comprise the mind. By usage of 2 eggs each day a person provides the body with the required amount of this particular nutrient. If that lacks, this leads memory space loss.


87 percent of women, 35 – 40 years old decreased wrinkles as well as skin scars due to consuming eggs, based on research within the Netherlands.


For your development of sex bodily hormones, B nutritional vitamins are of the great significance. Vitamin B9, or folic acid, offers power to assist in the development of nerve organs tube as well as red blood cells, therefore decreasing the risk of psychological retardation. One egg offers 7 micrograms of it.


Eggs are full of lutein, the substance which is accountable for razor-sharp and crystal clear vision, based on the latest studies. Lutein decrease vision to result in harmful issues.


Biotin, supplement B12, plus some other proteins are important for your skin as well as hair building up. Phospholipids present in eggs promote contaminant elimination through the liver.


Choline is definitely an essential component of the mind and decreases the possibility of cancer. Women that consumed eggs are much less likely to obtain breast cancer through 15%.


Cholesterol can be well balanced as a result of phosphatides, research supplies the fact. It is not bad for the health but it decreases cholesterol creation in your body.

They may be reducing the chance of cardiovascular disease simply because are full of omega three fatty acids that lower blood triglycerides.

The Recipe Doctors Will Not Tell You: Your Liver Will Be Like A New And You Will Look 10 Years Younger!

Our liver is an important organ that is in charge of eliminating toxins, burning fat and such.

Having an unhealthy diet and poor habits can pose a detrimental effect on your liver health. When impaired, it needs time to recover with the help of eating healthy food to aid in the elimination of waste.

This drink will provide your liver with benefits and some are: stronger immune system, detoxified body, cleaner body, healed liver, prevents inflammation and infection, antioxidant, improved metabolism, anti-cancer, healthy skin, reduced blood sugar and cholesterol.


-Two lemons;

-A cucumber;

-A handful of parsley;

-200ml of water


Mix the ingredients in a blender. When blended well, you can enjoy it for one month, from 1-2 times a day. You can take 2 weeks off from the drink, but keep doing the treatment after your break.

How to reduce your waist size without dieting! This will make your come true!

In this article, we’ve decided to present you several tips that are actually fantastic and you’ll manage to lose weight and reduce the size of your waist very fast! We all know that losing belly fat can be a very difficult process.

It takes a lot of time, effort and dedication. But, here are some tips that will help you remove that belly fat and boost your metabolism at the same time!


It is extremely important to drink water if you’re trying to lose weight. You need at least half a liter of water before every meal every day. Water will help you maintain your metabolism and make it run properly. It will also reduce your cravings.


Exercising regularly is also another very important thing if you want to reduce your waist size. Just do some appropriate exercises 5 times a week in order to obtain the best results.


We all love sweet things, but sugar is the worst thing you should intake if you want to lose weight. Make sure you avoid all sweet things. You can eat them sometimes, but not too often and too much. 

Here’s a video that will help you get started and learn more about these helpful tips:


Most of the fairy tales, cartoons, and movies we grew up with, teach us that at some point you’ll meet the right person, fall in love, overcome some obstacles and then you’ll marry and live happily after.

However, in reality, more than one-third of marriages are expected to end in divorce within 30 years.

So, there’s no doubt that living ‘happily ever after’ requires hard work. And, as it turns out, there are some surprising things that can make it even harder.

According to relationship experts, there are certain ‘risk factors’ which can allude to a troublesome marriage.

By no means do these cause divorce or guarantee that the marriage is turning sour. But, they do increase a couple’s probability of going separate ways.

Many of these factors can’t be controlled. Nevertheless, you can always try to make some little tweaks in order to strengthen your relationship.

These could be anything from exercising together to learning to communicate better or adjusting your financial expectations.

Read on below to see if you and your partner fit into any of the divorce scenarios.

1. You’re A Child Of Divorced Parents

Seeing your parents go through a divorce can contribute to the probability of you experiencing divorce yourself. However, according to a new study in Psychological Science, this may actually have more to do with nature than nurture.

Researchers found that the patterns of marriage and divorce of adults who had been adopted as kids were more similar to those of their biological parents, not their adoptive ones.

2. You Have Different Drinking Habits Than Your Spouse

There are always couples who have all of the same friends and have fun together at the same bars and restaurants. But, what happens when one person is fond of drinking and partying, while the other isn’t?

In a 2014 University of Buffalo study, researchers discovered that 45 to 55 percent of couples where one person was a heavy drinker and the other wasn’t, divorced before their 10th anniversary.

On the other hand, when both partners indulged in drinking or neither did, only around 35 percent of couples split up.

3. You Got Married Waiting Too Long

As it turns out, those parents who told their children to wait for marriage and make sure he/she is the right one, were completely right.

Recent statistics indicate that those who get married in their teens or early 20s are at a much higher risk of divorce than those who get married in their late 20s and early 30s. Yet, you don’t want to wait too long, since waiting after age 32 may once again increase your divorce risk.

4. You’re Very Good Looking

This can explain most of the shocking celebrity divorces. It seems partners who score high on the scale of attractiveness, have a harder time staying together.

A recent paper published in the journal Personal Relationships showed that physical attractiveness was truly associated with a higher likelihood of getting divorced. Good-looking married people were also more vulnerable to temptation than average-looking married people.

5. You Paid Lots Of Money For Your Wedding

Did your wedding cost a fortune? Emory University researchers found that those who spent more than $20,000 on their wedding are at a higher risk of divorce than those whose weddings cost between $5,000 and $10,000.

In general, couples who spent around $1,000 for their weddings were least likely to split up.

6. You Didn’t Waste Time Getting Pregnant

Apparently, how quickly you have a child may affect your marriage. According to data from the CDC, women who waited at least 8 months after their holy matrimony were more likely to make it to at least 15 years of marriage.

On the contrary, women who had a baby before the wedding day or within the first seven months were at a high risk of divorce.

7. Your First Child Is A Daughter

There is another data which suggests that couples whose first baby is a girl have a higher rate of divorce than couples with a firstborn son.

A provocative 2014 study argues that those marriages who are already on the rocks might actually produce baby girls thanks to a concept known as the female survival advantage. Allegedly, girls are more likely than boys to be born into already strained marriages.

8. You Don’t Have A College Degree

Research shows that those who have only a high school diploma or GED are more likely to end their marriage than couples who have finished college or higher education.

Therefore, earning at least a bachelor’s degree is not only good for yourself, but for your marriage too.

9. You Grew Up Without A Religious Father

Yet another study states that women who grew up in religious households are more likely to stay beside their husbands than women without a religious upbringing.

Those who were not part of any religion had only a 43% success rate of their marriage lasting 20 years. If you think about it, this could be due to the fact that many religions teach people to fight for their marriage to succeed and consider divorce only as a final option.

10. You’ve Already Been Divorced Before

Just because you’ve got one or two marriages behind you, doesn’t mean that all your relationships from that point onward are doomed.

Nevertheless, because you know what it’s like to go through a divorce, you may be more willing to do it again. According to CDC data, about 40 % of second marriages end within 10 years.

The Truth About Cancer and Essential Oils: What NO Oncologist Will Tell You

Even scientists now recognize the power agents that exist within some essential oils which stops cancer spreading, and which induces cancerous cells to close themselves down.

Their disease-preventing ability is no longer doubted, especially for cancer.

A healthy body, from head to foot, typically has a frequency ranging from 62 to 78 MHz, while disease begins at 58Hz.

During some testing with frequency and the frequency of essential oils it was measured that: Holding a cup of coffee dropped one man’s frequency from 66 Hz to 58 MHz in just 3 seconds. It took three days for his frequency to return to normal.

Other studies show that: Negative thoughts lower our frequency on average 12 MHz. Positive thoughts raises our frequency on average 10 MHz.

Studying some of the most popular essential oils in current use, such as mint, ginger, lemon, grapefruit, jasmine, lavender, chamomile, thyme, rose, and cinnamon, researchers sought out to discover how these oils may combat cancer.

They did so by testing antibacterial potency as well as in vitro toxicology against human cancer cell lines.

Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology and head of the Department of Agriculture at Eastern Washington University has developed a Calibrated Frequency Monitor (CFM) that has been used to measure the frequencies of essential oils and their effect on human frequencies when applied to the body.

Essential Oils laboratory uses a CFM, and another is located at Johns Hopkins University where it is used to study frequency in relationship to disease.

“Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cell’s nucleus becomes corrupted,” says Immunologist Mahmoud Suhail. It seems some essential oils have a re-set function. It can tell the cell what the right DNA code should be.

Must Be Therapeutic Grade

There are plenty of essential oils being sold, however most are of poor quality, synthetically produced and diluted with alcohol and other additives.

To be effective only 100% pure therapeutic grade quality essential oils must be used, otherwise you will not obtain the health benefits and in addition you need to change the combination every week with the right proportions of each of the oils.

Robert O. Becker, M.D., the author of the book, The Body Electric validates that the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person’s health can be determined by it.

Nikola Tesla said that if you could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered in our bodies, we would have greater resistance toward disease.

Dr. Otto Warburg was a two-time Nobel Laureate and winner of the Nobel Prize for cancer research, for discovering that human cells have an electrical voltage.

Beyond a doubt, certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease and other frequencies would destroy diseases.

Substances of higher frequency will destroy diseases of lower frequency.

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils begin at 52 and go as high as 320 MHz! For example: Rose 320 MHz, Helichrysum 181 MHz, Frankincense 147 MHz, Ravensara 134 MHz, Lavender 118 MHz, Myrrh 105 MHz, German Camomile 105 MHz, Juniper 98 MHz, Sandalwood 96 MHz, Angelica 85 MHz, Peppermint 78 MHz.

Many Healing Abilities

Breast cancer cells are mostly destroyed by cinnamon, thyme, chamomile and jasmine oils, with chamomile killing up to 93% of them in vitro.

Even more effective was thyme oil, which led to a 97% kill rate of the MCF-7 breast cancer cells.

Another study published in the journal Industrial Crops and Products found that chamomile oil harnesses powerful antioxidant properties.

The research, evaluating 11 essential oils including lavender, thyme, winter savory, rosemary, sage, peppermint, French tarragon, bitter, and sweet fennel, found Roman chamomile to have the highest antioxidant activity.

Frankincense Oil – A Cancer Killer

“Frankincense separates the ‘brain’ of the cancerous cell – the nucleus – from the ‘body’ – the cytoplasm, and closes down the nucleus to stop it reproducing corrupted DNA codes,” says Suhail.

Frankincense oil is effective because it contains monoterpenes, compounds which have the ability to help eradicate cancerous cells at the onset of their development, as well as their progression stages, making it ideal for those who discover their cancer regardless of when it’s found.

Working with frankincense could revolutionize the treatment of cancer. Currently, with chemotherapy, doctors blast the area around a tumor to kill the cancer, but that also kills healthy cells, and weakens the patient.

Treatment with frankincense could eradicate the cancerous cells alone and let the others live.

“There are 17 active agents in frankincense essential oil,” says Dr Suhail

Powerful stories of individuals with cancer and degenerative diseases and their experiences with using essential oils have been promoted at the budwig center.

Terminal liver cancer

A woman in Long Beach said her husband was told to put his affairs in order. His liver cancer had progressed so much so that the tumors were far too large for surgical removal. He was given six months to live.

She was introduced to the power of 100% pure frankincense oil shortly following the diagnosis. He applied it topically over his liver and under his tongue daily.

On their next visit with his physician, they discovered his tumors were miraculously shrinking.

They continued using frankincense. In April, his tumors had shrunk so much so that his physician agreed to surgery.

The cancer was removed, taking 3/4 of his liver. Today, he is in good health and enjoying life with his beautiful wife and family.

Five year old with brain cancer

A five year old with brain cancer used just one drop of frankincense , alternated with one drop of sandalwood applied to the bottom of her feet, along with lavender applied to her wrist helped. Now totally in perfect health!

Bladder Cancer

When Jackie Hogan was diagnosed with a rare bladder cancer, she was informed by doctors that she’d eventually need to have her bladder removed.

She discovered the healing abilities of frankincense oil, which University of Oklahoma researchers have found, especially in conjunction with sandalwood oil, has properties that kill off cancer cells.

So effective is the frankincense oil that experts say, “Frankincense essential oil may represent a candidate on a growing list of natural compounds selectively eradicating cancer cells.”

Lung Stage 4 – metastasis to bones, spine, ribs, hips, pelvis

Bebe’s mom had malignant tumors in her lungs, and it spread to her spine, her bones, her ribs, her shoulders, her hips and her pelvis.

After starting do the essential oils, four months later, she was thriving and her diseases cells were rapidly dying. She was back home and gardening and planning on going on vacation.

Seven months after being told by the doctors that she was would die from her stage 4, the doctors say that she in good health and no more cancer.

Bebe recommends: Frankincense : take liberally every 2-3 hours, both topically over affected areas and the bottom of the feet. If you can put numerous drops under the tongue, even better.

Bone Marrow Degeneration

Ellen was diagnosed with bone marrow degeneration and polyscithemia rubravera.

“After 3 months my blood tests are showing massive improvements placing most markers into the normal range! I have not had to do 2 of the last 3 phlebotomies that I was having every 2 weeks and are now every month or longer! I am feeling like a million dollars and no longer look like I am at death’s door! Do these oils and have faith that this will work. It does.”

Breast Cancer

I used frankincense to shrink a breast tumor. When I went for surgery, they couldn’t find any trace of cancer! I had a breast tumors in Feb. and just had it removed and am doing the oils.

I put frankincense and lemon grass on my breast every day and herbal supplements. I had my 6 month check up last month and he said everything looked great. No more cancer!

For me I will never do chemo or radiation the side effects are way to bad. He was very surprised I looked so good cause I didn’t have the treatments.

Cervical Cancer

My good friend just called to tell me that she found out that her sister’s cervical cancer came back for the 2nd time.

She was scheduled today to have her uterus removed. When she found out, she sent her sister wintergreen and frankincense.

She instructed her mother to make sure she applied the wintergreen and frankincense on the bottoms of feet every 3 to 4 hours for the pain along with applying directly on her abdomen.

A week ago, the diseased cells were still showing up in her blood work. Today [less than a month after first starting the oils] was her surgery to remove her uterus removed and they couldn’t find any cancer.


My brother’s son, who had a second re-occurrence of leukemia…was taking essential oils as well as the chemo & went into remission much quicker than the doctor had advised, and didn’t have any of the nasty side-effects.


My mom’s dear friend has been battling throat degeneration that was spreading to other areas of his body.

Last October, he started using the oils! Frankincense and natural remedies. Today he went from an MRI and he was given a true miracle.


A friend had pancreatic degeneration and was given 3-4 weeks. He did the following, 3 drops frankincense, 1 drop each lemon grass, lavender, peppermint, sandalwood and natural remedies. He is now in great health… It’s been 8 months now.


This morning I got a call from a good friend of ours who has been battling prostate cancer. For the last 3-4 months, he has been taking the essential oils.

Today he called to say that at his doctor appointment yesterday, he was told that he is totally clear!

Basal Cell

My friends dad had Basal cell growths on his nose. It had gone through the thickness of his nostril and the oncologist wanted to remove a big section of the nostril, down to his upper lip and over a finger width into his cheek, by the time he contacted me.

I hadn’t worked with cancer before with the oils and wanted to help as much as possible. He also eliminated sugar from his diet, increased water intake, ate more raw foods and believed he could beat this.

Within a couple weeks it appeared closed, another week and the weeping stopped completely and the redness around the area started lightening.

After six weeks, that side of his nose looked healthier than the other unaffected side!! That was 15 months ago and he has had no signs of it coming back.


“I went for a routine eye exam in Feb 2013. The Dr told me the growth over my eye is what I had suspected a form of skin degeneration: basil cell cancer. Yikes!

One year prior to that eye exam I was at the Dermatologist office to have a few suspicious spots removed from my face, neck and back.

Having gone through that invasive experience lead me to ask is there a safer way to remove this spot (mind you this spot is right above my eye).

I did a bit of reading about essential oil use for skin cancer and it seemed less invasive than dermatologist plus I did not have to miss time from work.

So I got a bottle of Frankincense and applied it as recommended topically 3 times a day and did 2 drops under my tongue morning and night.

The first week no real significant change just a tingling sensation in that area after applying topically and taking it internally.

The second week I did notice it getting smaller. During the third week the spot started to ooze a bit but it was getting smaller. The fourth week is when it seemed to IMPLODE on itself and oozed more but still it was getting smaller.

The fifth week it was much, much smaller and formed a scab. Week six the scab fell off while washing my face and was the size of a tiny whitehead.

In 6 weeks a gigantic spot was reduced to the size of a pin head all from applying and ingesting an essential oil – Frankincense. I was ASTOUNDED, AMAZED & THRILLED!!!! Essential oils worked for me!!!”


I applied frankincense morning and night and covered with a band aid. In 3 days the mole had shrunk. Day 5 it bled a little and half fell off.

Day 7, gone! I had a little bit of pink skin and I worried it was a scar. A few days later, totally gone! My husband had a stage 4 malignant melanoma removed last year from his back…another melanoma came up on his nose…before we started using essential oils we did radiation on that one.

It has since grown back…and we have since become educated using essential oils. He started using lavender frankincense, and Immortelle on the melanoma and it is SHRINKING!