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Citrus reticulat is the Latin name for tangerines, or Mandarin oranges. This fruit is rich in nutrients, including vitamin C, B12, A, potassium, and it is also beneficial as it helps the absorption of iron.

One of the many health benefits tangerines provide us with is their amazing taste and aroma. In addition, tangerines are a powerful ally against pathogens, which is especially beneficial in winter, as they considerably boost the immune system. These fruits are also great when it comes to nourishing the skin and hair and slowing down the aging process.

Here we offer several guidelines that will help you grow tangerines at home, without using the harmful pesticides they usually use in the process of their growth:

– Buy the seeds or save some from the fresh fruits you have bought. Then, take a small pot and find some commercial potting mixture.

– Place a few stones and some sand at the base of the pot, and then fill it with natural soil, like compost, or peat greenery.

– Once you put the soil in the pot, pour some water over it so that you provide the needed moisture, and then set the pot aside to drain until the mixture is lightly moist but not soggy. Having this done, place the seeds into the soil, making sure that you do not press them too hard in it. Add some more soil in order to cover the seeds.

– Now you would need to place the pot in a plastic bag or cover it using clear plastic, so that you make sure that the moisture and the warmth are preserved. This will accelerate the germination process.

– The tangerine needs plenty of warmth, so you would need to place the pot in a warm place. You should also water it on a regular basis, because the soil should not be dry, or soggy.

– The first seedlings should appear in about twenty days. Once they appear, uncover the pot and put it in a place with indirect sunlight, at a temperature of about 70 degrees F.

– Fertilize the plant three times a month approximately during spring and summer. If you want to get the best results, we recommend that you use a liquid fertilizer, because it contains magnesium, iron, and zinc.

– When the plant becomes taller and grounded, transfer it into a bigger pot. You will probably need to change the pot several times as the plant grows, or, you can plant it in your garden in the spring, in some warmer area.

– Do not forget to cut off the withered branches.

– This is it.

All you need is just a little work and enthusiasm to have your own, organic tangerine tree in your own garden. Now you will be able to enjoy its healthy and delicious fruits whenever you want.

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