7,000 Studies Confirm Turmeric Can Change Your Life: Here Are 7 Amazing Ways To Use It

Used in Asian cooking, this spice has been used by centuries for healers long before the scientific explanation was discovered.

Turmeric is said to have been the ‘gold’ that was brought to baby Jesus by the wise men, and references to it in ancient medicine goes even further back than that.


Turmeric is so powerful because of the wealth of beneficial compounds that are present within it. It has antibacterial, anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antimutagenic, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is rich in many healthy nutrients such as iron, dietary fiber, niacin, magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, potassium, protein, calcium, copper, and zinc.

Prevents cancer

In studies it has been shown that turmeric can help prevent prostate cancer and against radiation-induced tumors. It has also been shown to actually prevent growth of tumor cells like T-cell leukemia, colon cancer and breast cancer.

Treats depression

The active ingredient in turmeric, circumin is full of antioxidants, which are clinically proven to be an effective anti-depressant.

Relieves arthritis

Because of its excellent anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is great for treating rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and general joint pain.

Boosts the immunity

Turmeric contains lipopolysaccharide which has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects which helps strengthen the immune system. Taken on a regular basis, turmeric will ensure you don’t catch as many colds or viruses.

Heals wounds

Turmeric has strong antiseptic and antiviral properties, meaning it is effective at treating wounds, burns and other skin conditions such as psoriasis.

Maintains healthy heart

Turmeric is great for maintaining a healthy heart as it breaks down fat and cholesterol which can lead to heart diseases.

Maintains the ideal weight

Turmeric can help you maintain a healthy weight as it breaks down bile which is main component in dietary fat.

Also, it’s delicious and unique flavor gives life to vegetable-based meals that will help you feel fuller without reaching for bad foods.

Prevents Alzheimer’s disease

Turmeric has properties which are essential to healthy blood and oxygen flow in the body. Alzheimers is caused by a build up of proteins in the brain, which could be helped by keeping blood flow in the brain at a healthy level.

Protects the liver

Turmeric is full of enzymes which detoxify the body. Give your liver a boost by introducing turmeric to help it function at it’s best.




• 1 cup hot water

• ½ tsp fresh grated turmeric

• dash of black pepper

• raw honey to taste

• squeeze of lime (makes turmeric more bioavailable)


Heat up the water until it boils. Add turmeric and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Remove the water from the stove and strain the tea. Add the remaining ingredients. Let it sit for 10 minutes then serve.



• ½ lemon

• 1 teaspoon turmeric powder or ½ inch turmeric root

• sea salt


Juice the lemon and turmeric, spice it with a pinch of salt, pour it in a glass and drink it. If you don’t have a juicer you can use fresh lemon, squeeze it and add turmeric powder and salt in it.


Add some turmeric on your traditional eggs in the morning.



• 1 knuckle chopped/grated turmeric

• 4 cups veggie or organic bone broth


Heat up some water until it boils. Add both turmeric and broth and simmer for 15 minutes, strain chunks out, add some black pepper and enjoy in the new flavor of your soup.


Add some turmeric in your favourite smoothie or try this recipe


1 tsp turmeric powder/fresh turmeric

½ coconut or almond milk

1 tsp hemp seed hearts

1 ½ cups frozen pineapple or mango

1 tsp maca root

2 tbsp coconut flakes

dash of black pepper


Add all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.


If you are in a hurry you can simply mix some warm milk with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder. If you have some time to spare then try the recipe below.


• 1 tsp turmeric powder/fresh grated

• ¼ cup water

• ¼ tsp ginger powder/fresh grated

• ¼ tsp vanilla

• dash of cardamom

• dash of clove

• dash of cinnamon

• 1 cup coconut or almond milk

• 2 tsp raw honey


Put all ingredients in a pot and simmer them for 1 min. Pour in a cup and enjoy.



• 1 gallon Filtered or Spring Water

• 1 cup of fresh Turmeric or ⅓ cup dried whole root

• 1 cup organic sugar or rapadure

• 1 cup of fresh Ginger

• ½ cup Water Kefir Grains


1. First you need to peel the ginger and turmeric and roughly chop.

2. Then pour the water into a pan, put it on the stove and bring to a boil.

3. Put the ginger and turmeric into the pot.

4. Lover the temperature, cover the pot and cook for an hour.

5. When is done move to the refrigerator to cool.

6. When it cools, strain out the ginger and the turmeric.

7. Then pour the liquid into a large one gallon glass jar.

8. Then add the sugar or rapadura and mix up until it is dissolved.

9. Lastly add the water kefir grains.

10. Cover the glass with a dish towel and let it sit for 3-5 days.

11. Try it- if it tastes tangy, a bit sour and is fizzy then it’s done.

12. Keep it in the refrigerator and enjoy it whenever you want.

Source: www.InTheHouseOfHealth.info

Amazing Anti-Inflammatory, Gut Healing, Blood Purifying Sleepytime Drink

The traditional Ayurvedic and Indian drink that is usually consumed before bedtime is the turmeric milk. In the United States there is a similar custom using warm milk before going to bed.

Even though, when I was a kid I did not love this drink now I definitely enjoy it. It offers a warming effect on the body that calms you and puts you to sleep.

In order to improve the anti-inflammatory properties I actually include some ginger in it. You can also use honey to sweeten the taste… but it also offer additional healthy benefits.

My choice is coconut milk that it is abundant in lauric acid and has lots of healthy fats, capric acid and antimicrobial lipids, that provide antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

I think you will love this just as much as I do

Turmeric offers numerous beneficial healing properties and has the ability to:

– Aids in detoxifying the liver by improving its work, and also promotes the bile flow and thus prevents gallstone

– Soothe and heal the digestive tract and because of the antiseptic properties in can hinder ulcers

– Reduces arthritis pain because of the content of powerful anti-inflammatory properties

– Improves blood circulation and makes the blood thinner (people who are on blood-thinning meds need to be careful)

– Lowers the fever and torment linked to illness

It can also…

One host from scientific researches has analyzed the capacity of curcumin in the cancer fight. Curcumin has the ability to battle few cancer cell types in the lab.

Curcumin also hinders and decelerates cancer in the colon, fore-stomach, breast, duodenum, liver and skin in animals.

Curcumina also possesses anti-angiogenic properties which mean that it can decelerate the formation of new blood cells in tumors, leads to asphyxiation of tumors and as result it hinders their metastases and growth.

Here is the recipe to prepare this amazingly beneficial drink:


– 1 teaspoon turmeric

– raw honey to sweeten, if desired

– 2 cups coconut milk (or milk of your choice)

– 1/4 teaspoon black pepper (black pepper can improvethe absorption of turmeric)

– 1 piece of ginger sliced

Note: you should not use black pepper if you have ulcerative intestinal issue.

Black pepper is also been associated with small cuts I the bowels of those who suffer from Crohn’s disease.


– Put all the fixings in a saucepan, but leave out the honey and mix nicely

– Put on medium heat until it begins to boil

– Reduce the heat to low and leave it for five minutes to simmer in order to meld the flavors

– After that you need to strain the ginger

– Put in the honey and mix

– This is enough for 2 portions so there is an extra to share it

Here is the way I always have it on hand for utilization:

Put in a small jar:

– To use: Mix 1 teaspoon of the powdered mix with 1 cup of milk

– Cover the jar and shake to combine

– 3 Tbsp turmeric

– 1 Tbsp powdered ginger

– 2 tsp black pepper

Lose Back, Thighs, Arms And Belly Fat With These 5 Baking Soda Recipes

The baking soda is great for alleviating the indigestion. It might serve as perfect supplement for improving energy, endurance and stamina.

It helps the digestion, the weight loss process and it neutralizes the stomach acids.

It cannot be used to prevent weight gain.  If you want better results from baking soda consumption, you should consume low calorie diet.

You have to avoid refined grains, saturated fats, sweets and soda.

By cutting the calorie intake you can improve the losing weight chances. You also need to be more active and strengthen the metabolism and muscles so you can be able to safely consume baking soda.

Here are few recipes that can help you in the weight loss process:

*Green tea and baking soda*

The green tea can help you lose some weight, lower the risk of developing type2 diabetes and improve the dental health and the brain health.

If you mix it with baking soda, you will accelerate the process of weight loss.

Needed ingredients:

-Green tea;

-Quarter tbs. of baking soda;

-One glass of water;

You should add the tea to the water and combine with the baking soda. Leave it so the fizz ends and then, you can consume it.

*Baking soda and sports drink*

Studies have shown that baking soda can boost the energy levels and the exercising performance. If you want to lose some weight, you should add it to the diet.

Needed ingredients:

-Quarter cup of honey;

-1/2 cup of lemon juice;

-Quarter tbs. of baking soda;

-Five cups of coconut water;

-1/2 tbs. of sea salt (unprocessed);

You should put the water on a low heat and heat it. Add the baking soda slowly and mix until it dissolves.

Add the other ingredients and the drink can be consumed.

*ACV and baking soda*

This combination is great boost for the health and the body.

They are low in calories and their combination can improve the metabolism, stimulate the appetite and help you avoid weight gain.

Needed ingredients:

-One glass of water;

-1/2 tbs. of baking soda;

-Two tbs. of ACV;

Mix all of the ingredients and consume the mixture half an hour before the breakfast in the morning.

*Lemon juice and baking soda*

According to the studies, the lemon juice is great for the metabolism. If it is mixed with baking soda is can help you lose some weight.

Needed ingredients:

-One glass of water;


-1/2 tbs. of baking soda;

Add the lemon juice in the water and then, add the baking soda. Mix it and consume it every morning.

*Strawberry smoothie and baking soda*

This drink can help you lose weight, boost the metabolism and suppress the appetite. Here is what you need to make this amazing drink:

Needed ingredients:

-Two cups of water;

-One lemon (large);

-One cup of strawberries;

-1/2 tbs. of baking soda;

-Mint leaves (few);

You should add all of the ingredients into a blender and blend them. Consume this beverage on a daily basis.

You do not need to drink more than one beverage a day, even its taste is very refreshing.

– You should not use the baking soda as only and quick way to lose weight.

Instead, you should maintain a healthy lifestyle and include physical activities which can help your body to accept the baking soda as supplement that is very helpful.

– You should also consider not using baking soda if you suffer from some kind of chronic illness.

– You should always consult your doctor before you add it into your daily diet.

Normalize Your High Blood Pressure In Five Minutes With This Amazing Technique

High blood pressure occurs when the walls of your arteries receive excessive pressure. It may cause severe health issues such as kidney diseases, heart failure, loss of vision and stroke if the increase of this pressure has been untreated and overlooked.

Many different factors can affect your normal blood pressure. Alcohol, lack of sleep, obesity and smoking are just some of them.

Blood pressure has been divided in 5 categories: stage 2 hypertension, stage 1 hypertension, prehypertension, normal and low blood pressure.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Dyspnea, palpitation, epistaxis, double vision, blurred vision, dizziness, vomiting, nausea and headaches are the symptoms for this issue.

The older people have the higher danger of having it, but even children are prone to this condition.

You have to get rid of the excess pounds, sleep not less than 7 hours, decrease the intake of alcohol and salty foods, consume healthy foods and do regular exercises on a regular basis in order to maintain normal blood pressure!

Surprisingly, there are some techniques that will normalize your blood pressure thanks to the pressure points consisted in your body.

Touching the muscles and tissues is the best way to normalize your blood pressure according to Dr. Lu Hens from the Spartak ball club.

Here is how to maintain your blood pressure immediately:

Point 1

This point ranges from the middle of your clavicle to the back of the earlobe.

With the help of your fingertips, massage this point and repeat it for at least ten times on both sides.

Point 2

Begin from the nose and extend to the ear. Massage each side for a few minutes and lower your blood pressure in just 5 min!

Amazing: He ate garlic on an empty stomach every day! Here’s what happened…

The medicinal properties of garlic have been known and used as part of natural medicine for thousands of years. For one thing, it’s a powerful antibiotic as well as antioxidant, which effectively fights infections and diseases.

The best time to consume this vegetable is first thing in the morning because your stomach is empty and can fully absorb the nutrients in garlic.

Garlic is a powerful antibiotic and antioxidant, but also protects your stomach from infections and diseases.

You need to eat it before you have anything else to eat, so that there is nothing in the stomach which would mix and assimilate nutrients in garlic.

The health benefits of garlic are numerous. For those who complain of high blood pressure, this is the easiest and safest way to keep blood pressure under control.

Best of all, you take it once a day and there are no side effects, as is the case with various medications.

Inflammation of any kind can be prevented and cured by garlic. Those who suffer from arthritis can have immense benefits of garlic.

Consuming garlic on an empty stomach will not only help you to fight the symptoms of arthritis, but the pain in this regard.

This miraculous plant keeps you at a distance of infection fungus, warts, bacteria, and all other bacterial infections.

In case you are already a victim of some of these infections, take garlic once a day and you will feel much better within a few days.

Weak immune system is now a common thing. Due to the decline of the immune system, there often comes to colds, flu, nasal allergies, and serious illnesses.

When your immune system is strong, it is able to protect you.

Garlic gives you strength. One clove of garlic has 12 mg of potassium, 5 mg of calcium and 100 sulfur compounds.

Garlic is very beneficial for the lungs. It will help in the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases. It can even prevent pneumonia, bronchitis, congestion, cough, and much more.

Garlic is the best natural medicine for hypertension as it keeps blood pressure under control without incurring any side effects.

Soak 4 Almonds Overnight And Eat Them After Waking Up. Amazing For The Body

Almonds are extremely beneficial nuts, full of vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, magnesium, calcium vitamin E, and omega 3 acids.

Yet, not many are aware of the fact that by soaking them, you can boost the health benefits of almonds.

Apparently, the skin of dry almonds contains an inhibitor for enzymes, which protects the seed from germination moisture. Soaking releases this inhibitor, and the consumption of soaked almonds provide a myriad of nutrients and boosts digestion.

These are the health benefits of the daily intake of soaked almonds:

Healthy bones – The high vitamin and mineral content, including phosphorus, strengthens the bones and prevents osteoporosis.

Regulates cholesterol – Almonds are rich in calcium and vitamin E so they regulate cholesterol levels.

Promote brain health – Almonds contain riboflavin and L-carnitine which improve the function of the brain and lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Supports heart health – They also contain protein, potassium, and mono-unsaturated fats which improve heart health and treat inflammation in the arteries. Furthermore, magnesium prevents heart attacks, and vitamin A treats heart issues.

Regulating pressure – Since they are high in potassium, almonds regulate blood pressure.

Boost energy levels – By eating a handful of almonds daily, you increase the metabolic rate, as they are rich in riboflavin, manganese, and copper.

7,000 Studies Confirm Turmeric Can Change Your Life: Here are 7 Amazing Ways to Use It


Used in Asian cooking, this spice has been used by centuries for healers long before the scientific explanation was discovered.

Turmeric is said to have been the ‘gold’ that was brought to baby Jesus by the wise men, and references to it in ancient medicine goes even further back than that.


Turmeric is so powerful because of the wealth of beneficial compounds that are present within it. It has antibacterial, anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antimutagenic, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is rich in many healthy nutrients such as iron, dietary fiber, niacin, magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, potassium, protein, calcium, copper, and zinc.

Prevents cancer

In studies it has been shown that turmeric can help prevent prostate cancer and against radiation-induced tumors. It has also been shown to actually prevent growth of tumor cells like T-cell leukemia, colon cancer and breast cancer.

Treats depression

The active ingredient in turmeric, circumin is full of antioxidants, which are clinically proven to be an effective anti-depressant.

Relieves arthritis

Because of its excellent anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is great for treating rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and general joint pain.

Boosts the immunity

Turmeric contains lipopolysaccharide which has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects which helps strengthen the immune system. Taken on a regular basis, turmeric will ensure you don’t catch as many colds or viruses.

Heals wounds

Turmeric has strong antiseptic and antiviral properties, meaning it is effective at treating wounds, burns and other skin conditions such as psoriasis.

Maintains healthy heart

Turmeric is great for maintaining a healthy heart as it breaks down fat and cholesterol which can lead to heart diseases.

Maintains the ideal weight

Turmeric can help you maintain a healthy weight as it breaks down bile which is main component in dietary fat. Also, it’s delicious and unique flavour gives life to vegatable-based meals that will help you feel fuller without reaching for bad foods.

Prevents Alzheimer’s disease

Turmeric has properties which are essential to healthy blood and oxygen flow in the body. Alzheimers is caused by a build up of proteins in the brain, which could be helped by keeping blood flow in the brain at a healthy level.

Protects the liver

Turmeric is full of enzymes which detoxify the body. Give your liver a boost by introducing turmeric to help it function at it’s best.




• 1 cup hot water

• ½ tsp fresh grated turmeric

• dash of black pepper

• raw honey to taste

• squeeze of lime (makes turmeric more bioavailable)


Heat up the water until it boils. Add turmeric and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Remove the water from the stove and strain the tea. Add the remaining ingredients. Let it sit for 10 minutes then serve.



• ½ lemon

• 1 teaspoon turmeric powder or ½ inch turmeric root

• sea salt


Juice the lemon and turmeric, spice it with a pinch of salt, pour it in a glass and drink it. If you don’t have a juicer you can use fresh lemon, squeeze it and add turmeric powder and salt in it.


Add some turmeric on your traditional eggs in the morning.



• 1 knuckle chopped/grated turmeric

• 4 cups veggie or organic bone broth


Heat up some water until it boils. Add both turmeric and broth and simmer for 15 minutes, strain chunks out, add some black pepper and enjoy in the new flavor of your soup.


Add some turmeric in your favorite smoothie or try this recipe


1 tsp turmeric powder/fresh turmeric

½ coconut or almond milk

1 tsp hemp seed hearts

1 ½ cups frozen pineapple or mango

1 tsp maca root

2 tbsp coconut flakes

dash of black pepper


Add all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.


If you are in a hurry you can simply mix some warm milk with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder. If you have some time to spare then try the recipe below.


• 1 tsp turmeric powder/fresh grated

• ¼ cup water

• ¼ tsp ginger powder/fresh grated

• ¼ tsp vanilla

• dash of cardamom

• dash of clove

• dash of cinnamon

• 1 cup coconut or almond milk

• 2 tsp raw honey


Put all ingredients in a pot and simmer them for 1 min. Pour in a cup and enjoy.



• 1 gallon Filtered or Spring Water

• 1 cup of fresh Turmeric or ⅓ cup dried whole root

• 1 cup organic sugar or rapadure

• 1 cup of fresh Ginger

• ½ cup Water Kefir Grains


1. First you need to peel the ginger and turmeric and roughly chop.

2. Then pour the water into a pan, put it on the stove and bring to a boil.

3. Put the ginger and turmeric into the pot.

4. Lover the temperature, cover the pot and cook for an hour.

5. When is done move to the refrigerator to cool.

6. When it cools, strain out the ginger and the turmeric.

7. Then pour the liquid into a large one gallon glass jar.

8. Then add the sugar or rapadura and mix up until it is dissolved.

9. Lastly add the water kefir grains.

10. Cover the glass with a dish towel and let it sit for 3-5 days.

11. Try it- if it tastes tangy, a bit sour and is fizzy then it’s done.

12. Keep it in the refrigerator and enjoy it whenever you want.

12 Amazing Benefits of Moringa For Health. They Call it the “Tree of Life”

This plant has been a great source of food for indigenous cultures for thousands of years.

It is rich in nutrients, minerals and provides the essential amino acids that the body needs to grow stronger, these compounds are also found in quinoa and meats, but in less manageable amounts.

Not only can it consume its leaves in the form of tea, also its seeds can be ingested. In addition, on the other hand, they contain abundant amounts of vitamins and minerals.

Regardless of how it is consumed, whether it be tea leaf or seed, Moringa will generate the following benefits to the body:

Benefits of Moringa

1. Blood pressure

Increasingly is becoming a common condition in people, therefore, consuming this plant will help lower blood pressure, in addition, reduces oxidized lipids and protect the heart tissues from structural damage.

2. Control blood sugar levels

Its rich zinc content helps regulate the secretion of insulin. Regularly returning the amount of sugar that circulates in the body.

3. High fiber

In other words, it helps the body maintain a healthy digestive system, thus avoiding constipation and other intestinal problems.

4. Regulate cholesterol

Having no trace of it will help reverse the effects of high amounts. Therefore, it is an excellent medicine to benefit the heart.

5. Beautiful skin

Different oils can be extracted from the seeds to create a series of cosmetic products. They contain antioxidants and a good amount of vitamin A, just what the skin needs to be healthy.

6. Weight Loss

The moringa decomposes the saturated fats that are ingested and works with the digestive system to get rid of those we do not need. Doing this will greatly reduce the weight and fat in the belly.

7. Cancer

According to some scientists, its anticancer qualities can accelerate the count of cancer cell death, stopping its growth and development.

8. Anti-inflammatory

Could not miss, the plant is well known as a natural anti-inflammatory, reducing pain and increasing the health of our joints.

9. Improve eyesight

Vitamin A found inside it strengthens the immune system and repairs the mucous membrane. That is, it is useful for our eyes and helps maintain a good vision.

10. Helps the immune system

We are all aware of the amazing benefits of vitamin C. The plant by containing a large amount of it, makes its consumption is ideal to boost the immune system.

11. Teeth and Bones

Being rich in zinc, calcium and many other minerals, it will keep bones and teeth strong. In addition, it helps the male libido because it facilitates spermatogenesis, the process of sperm production in men.

12. Stimulates hair growth

Vitamin C present can promote and improve blood circulation through the scalp to help grow and strengthen hair follicles.