Herb That Is 100 Times Stronger Than Chemo Drugs And Kills Cancer!

The root of this plant is able to eliminate cancer cells and protects the rest of the cells.

This is an amazing news for people who are suffering from cancer. Under a scientific study, it is observed that the consumption of dandelion tea can help you to dissolve the cancer tumor in just 2 days.

It is a very welcoming news for the cancer patient. Dandelion is well known for its medicinal properties and health benefits.

It is very simple to make dandelion tea. And additionally along with cancer dandelion tea is capable of curing many other ailments.

Researchers have found that dandelion root is more efficient than chemotherapy.

An experimental study led by researchers at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, the University of Windsor, Canada has affirmed that the foundation of this plant can take out tumor cells and secures whatever is left of the cells. There is most likely this data will fulfill tumor patients.

The base of dandelion can successfully wipe out disease cells in under 2 days.

On account of the outcome they have, these researchers could get support for another study that will give more replies about the proficiency of dandelion root and how we can get the greater part of it.

The 72 year old John DiCarlo, had benefits of this root. He had cancer and treated it for almost a month. But he changed something when he tried the dandelion tea. He was in remission after 4 months.

Pass on this outstanding information among your loved once so that maximum cancer patient can take advantage of this simple treatment.

The advantage of this treatment is that it is free from side effects and cure cancer quickly as compared to the conventional methods.

Apple Seeds and Cancer: This is What the Government Has Been Hiding From Us for Years

You have probably heard the saying that one apple a day can keep the doctor away. This is certainly true because an apple is one of the healthiest and nutrition-dense fruits in the world.

One apple provides an estimated 10 percent or more of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C and fiber.

Moreover, these nutrients have anti-cancer properties, boost the immune system, aid in weight loss, and prevent free radical damage.

Furthermore, apples contain phytochemicals, powerful vitamins and nutrients, and a wide range of antioxidants.

The fleshy part and the peel of the apple have proven to prevent and help with many health conditions, including heart disease, lung cancer, asthma, obesity, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, among others.

The apple peel contains triterpenoids, which have significant anti-cancer capabilities, particularly when it comes to preventing liver, colon and breast cancer.

Moreover, regular consumption of apples can lower the risk of particular types of cancers. However, did you know that the apple seed can also help with this dreadful issue?

Apple Seeds and Cancer

Apple seeds are rich in vitamin B-17, something we don’t get a lot of. This nutrient can also be found in apricot kernels, buckwheat, strawberries, cashews, and other natural foods.

The vitamin B-17 can help in the prevention of cancers. Moreover, it can even inhibit or reverse tumor growth.

Vitamin B17, also known as amygdalin or laetrile, is a glycoside nutrient which is often associated with cancer prevention. It comes from natural food sources and most abundant in the seeds of plants from the prunasin family, such as apricots and apples.

This vitamin interacts with other antioxidants and vitamins and eliminates harmful cells from the body. However, this vitamin is a natural cyanide-containing substance.

Small amounts of cyanide can be detoxified by enzymes in your body, but large amounts can be dangerous.

Apple seeds contain amygdalin, a substance that releases cyanide into the bloodstream when chewed and digested. However, small amounts of apple seeds do not contain enough cyanide to cause harm.

This powerful vitamin becomes released in the body and targets mutated cells. Moreover, it may help with the regression and growth of cancerous cells and tumors.

The compounds of vitamin B17 have the ability to kill cancer cells instead of the healthy ones.

8 Cancer Causing Products to Remove From Your Home

As a parent and spouse, you try to ensure your family is healthy and happy, and you do everything within your power to keep them safe. It doesn’t cross your mind that the products that you are using to keep them safe may actually be placing them in harm’s way.

When you think of health and well-being, proper nutrition and supplementation are often on the top of the list of ways to keep your family safe. You don’t consider analyzing the products you use for cleaning purposes, for example.

The truth is that there are a number of known carcinogens in our homes lurking in the shower, the toilet, the kitchen cupboard, and the rest of the house that have the potential to substantially increase the risk of you or your family developing cancer.

Here is a list of potential dangers, from air-fresheners to shower curtains, which you can look out for to make your home safe again.

Air Fresheners

According to a report published by the Natural Resources Defense Council, many of the air-fresheners we use in our homes on a regular basis contain compounds with carcinogenic potential.

The vast majority of air-fresheners, even some marked “all-natural” or “unscented,” contain compounds called phthalates.

Different types of phthalates have different health consequences although the majority of them affect reproductive health. Many of them can exacerbate respiratory conditions like asthma.

Homemade air fresheners are one of the simplest products to make. Distilled water and a few drops of your favorite essential oils in a spritz bottle is all you need to keep your home smelling great.

Shake well before each use and mist the spray around your home whenever you want to freshen the air. Or you can use it in an aromatherapy diffuser.


The other possibly dangerous and toxic product in your home could be hidden within your favorite scented candles.

We all know that lead can be dangerous and lead poisoning can be disastrous for health, but when you see descriptions like essential oil and aromatherapy, you automatically assume that these products are healthy.

Although the US Consumer Council has banned the sale of candles containing lead wicks, it is still a good idea to check your candles to make sure they don’t contain this potentially dangerous substance.

Many scented products also contain dozens of harmful toxins and carcinogens. So check the chemicals used to create the scents of your products too.

A simple way to check your candles is to use a piece of paper. Holding the wick, try to draw a line on the paper. If there is no line, then the wick most likely does not contain lead.

You can also light the candle and hold the paper high above the flame. If a gray soot residue forms, your candles may contain lead.

Shower Curtains and Other Plastics

The next danger comes from the plastic toxins that seem to be all over the house. You may recognize polyvinyl chloride by its abbreviation: PVC. PVC is the third highest produced type of plastic in the world.

Although PVC may be harmless for certain applications, like sewer pipes for example, but when used in environments that can release the toxic carcinogenic compounds of PVC, this plastic polymer could become a ticking time bomb.

Shower curtains contain PVC and other toxic compounds that can be released as you shower. These toxins can affect the reproductive system, the respiratory system, and may be carcinogenic as well.

Some of the plastic products used to make children’s toys, containers, and other plastics may also be a health hazard .

Healthier alternatives for shower curtains include natural cotton curtains (like this one) or EVA curtains (EVA is a non-toxic alternative to PVC) like this one. Check your children’s toys and your plastic containers to make sure they are PVC free.

Carpet Cleaners and Fabric Shampoos

Many carpet shampoos and fabric cleaners that are designed to offer superior stain removal power use a product called perchloroethylene. Perchloroethylene, also called Tetrachlorethylene, has been linked to increased risks of developing lung cancer.

Carpet cleaners and fabric shampoos also sometimes contain a compound called naphthalene. Naphthalene is the main ingredient in mothballs, and naphthalene exposure is linked to an increased risk in developing throat and lung cancers.

Baking soda is a great odor remover and white vinegar is effective for removing dirt and stains. If you want to get rid of your carpet shampoo, sprinkle your carpets with baking soda, add vinegar to your water to shampoo, and then wait for your carpets to dry.

Sprinkle with baking soda again if necessary and then vacuum any powder that remains.

Steam cleaning is another healthy option for keeping your carpets clean without the chemicals in carpet shampoo.

Dry Cleaning Products

According to the American Cancer Society, another carcinogen hidden in your cupboards could be Tetrachlorethylene or Perchloroethylene that has been used on your dry-cleaned items. These chemicals are often included as solvents in products like dry cleaning products.

Wearing clothes that were dry-cleaned can unintentionally expose you to these harmful substances. Make sure your local cleaner doesn’t use perchlorethylene to clean your cloths.

Insecticides and Pesticides

The term family usually extends to our furry friends. One would think that the products promoted as pet friendly would indeed be pet and human friendly.

However, like your cleaning materials, there are a number of potentially carcinogenic chemicals in many of the tick, flea, and lice control products too.

Some tick and flea products contain organophosphate insecticides, permethrin, and carbamates. These products are listed as likely to be carcinogenic to humans.

Antibacterial Products

We are often fooled into thinking that certain products are automatically safe. This is particularly true of products like antibacterial products that are supposedly designed to make our environments safer.

Recent concerns about an ingredient used in many antibacterial products have led to a ban in the use of this product in areas like the EU.

Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal ingredient found in many cosmetics, soaps, detergents and even in this top selling toothpaste.

Evidence suggests that Triclosan may be carcinogenic. Although initial tests were only done on mice, there were enough concerns to ban the product in the EU.

Products like silver have been used for their antibacterial and antimicrobial properties (for example, advancing biotechnology incorporates ionizable silver into fabrics for clinical use to reduce the risk of infections), and the use of silver does not seem to pose any major danger to humans.


I’ve already mentioned that your deodorant may contain a harmful neurotoxin, but did you know that it can also cause cancer?

Dr. Philip Harvey, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Applied Toxicology looked into the ways cosmetics interact with your body. He says that wiping the chemicals found in deodorants under your arms and on the sides of your chest or breasts “could provide a route of almost direct exposure to underlying tissue containing estrogen receptors.”

This is concerning because, both parabens and aluminum, found in deodorants, are “estrogenic” chemicals-which means that they interact with your body’s hormones or cells in ways similar to estrogen.

According to the National Cancer Institute, excess estrogen plays a role in promoting the growth of cancer cells which is a great concern because of our daily exposure to deodorants.

Harvey says that his calculations suggest these cosmetic chemicals may “significantly add to estrogenic burdens.”

Don’t Take Safety for Granted

The above list of products is just a sampling of the potential dangers of the products we take for granted.

You need to take an active interest in the products you rely on to keep your family safe. Research the products you use regularly and search the ingredients.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Cancer: This is what you MUST know

Cancer is dangerous. Don’t flirt with disaster. Don’t eat it and don’t go near it.

Don’t drink it. Don’t put it on your skin. Yes, this is a warning not to put cancer on or inside your body. Cancer is in GMO pesticide DNA seed designs and the treatments used on vegetables and fruit.

Cancer is in sun block lotions full of toxins that hold in your sweat and block out the vitamin D you would normally get from the sun. Cancer is in cosmetics, makeup, soaps, toothpaste and shampoos.

Cancer may be lurking in your refrigerator, your pantry and in your medicine cabinet, but it has an archenemy.

Cancer has a rival that destroys it like an M-60 leveling a field of enemy soldiers.

It’s called “hydrogen peroxide,” and the “lame-stream,” mainstream media will tell you how “dangerous” it is at 35%, but they won’t tell you that you can drip a couple drops in a glass of water each day and end cancer.

Yes, it’s true.

Cancer thrives in an acid-heavy system, where the blood and the organs are flooded with processed salt, sugar, animal fat and artificial food.

The heart and brain struggle to filter out the toxins found in most conventional forms of food, like antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, bleach, ammonia, fluoride, heavy metals and much more.

This is why the doctors and oncologists tell chemo patients not to eat alkalizing foods like kale, because it will “interfere with the chemotherapy.”

God forbid you should try to alkalize all that acid that’s killing your GOOD cells. Most cancer patients die as a result of the chemotherapy and radiation damage to their non-cancerous cells.

In other words, your good cells that are trying to help your body beat cancer are deprived of oxygen also, leading to new cancers and often death within 5 years.

“The most overlooked solution to all manner of illness and disease is perhaps the simplest. All pathogens, viruses, and parasites are anaerobic. They thrive in the absence of oxygen, but cannot survive with an abundance of oxygen. Even cancer cells cannot exist in oxygen. They depend on fermenting glucose to survive and multiply.”

What should you do, whether you have cancer or not? Alkalize your body, that’s what.

Now keep in mind, hydrogen peroxide does not rebuild the immune system or repair the cells damaged by toxic chemo; however, there’s no better time to welcome that “change of season” for the regeneration of new cells, skin, hair and organ cells than right now. This is preprogrammed in your DNA. Men and women have the same schedule:

120 Days – NEW Red Blood Cells

90 Days – NEW Skeleton

60 Days – NEW Brain Cells, Tissue

49 Days – NEW Bladder

45 Days – NEW Liver, NEW DNA Cell Material

30 Days – NEW Hair, NEW Skin

5 Days – NEW Stomach Lining

Getting enough hydrogen peroxide inside the cancer cells is key

It has been clinically demonstrated that the spread or metastatis of cancer is “inversely proportional to the amount of oxygen around the cancer cells.” That means that the more oxygen, the slower the cancer spreads.

Conversely, the less oxygen, the faster the cancer spreads. If cancer cells get enough oxygen, they will die! Hydrogen peroxide kills cancer cells, because cancer cells do not have the mechanism to break down the hydrogen peroxide and stop it from doing its work.

The key to curing cancer with hydrogen peroxide is getting ENOUGH hydrogen peroxide INSIDE the cancer cells.

There is a scientific description of this: Proteolytic enzymes, also called pancreatic enzymes, literally cut apart the thick protein coating that covers cancer cells, so the immune system can recognize the cells as cancerous.

Well, you don’t have to be a scientist to understand that!

By cutting apart the protein coating, the hydrogen peroxide then gets inside the cancer cells. You won’t hear about that on any CNN “cancer special” or on “Dr. Oz.”

Science has known this for 50 years

Nobel prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg demonstrated OVER 50 YEARS AGO the basic difference between normal cells and cancer cells.

Both derive energy from glucose, but the normal cell requires oxygen to combine with the glucose, while cancer cells break down glucose without oxygen, yielding only about 1/15 of the energy per glucose molecule that a normal cell produces.

This is why cancer cells have such a huge appetite for sugar and why people who are obese get cancer more often. It’s called the “biochemical cascade.”

Hydrogen peroxide and several other oxygen therapies are proven to be safe and effective. Pay attention to what you buy though, because 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide is the only grade recommended for internal use.

Beware of the 3% “Pharmaceutical Grade.” This is the grade sold at your local drugstore or supermarket. This product is not recommended for internal use, because it contains an assortment of stabilizers which shouldn’t be ingested.

Home use advice: Some individuals add a cup of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to a bathtub of warm water and soak for 20 to 30 minutes. The hydrogen peroxide is absorbed through the skin, which is your largest organ.

Others drink a glass of water with several drops of food or reagent grade hydrogen peroxide. Also look into digestive enzymes.

Researchers have noted for years a correspondence between low levels of enzymes and cancer; in fact, enzyme therapy has been used with good results against cancers in Europe and by some doctors in the United States.

Dandelion Cures Cancer, Hepatitis, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach … Here’s How To Prepare

Even though considered a weed, dandelion root has a long history of therapeutic use. In fact, this extremely beneficial plant has the ability to treat allergies, lower cholesterol levels, stimulate the production of bile, and detoxify the liver.

It also has diuretic properties and it is especially beneficial for pregnant and menopausal women.

The best time to harvest dandelion root is in the spring, especially in the beginning of April. Make sure you pick it from places which are less polluted, such as areas away from the town and the road.

The best part about dandelion is that all parts of it have medicinal properties.

For instance, the leaves are abundant in vitamins and can be used in a salad, along with potatoes and eggs.

The stem relieves stomach issues, stimulates the gallbladder function, regulates the metabolism, and purifies the blood.

Moreover, the stem can be used to treat diabetes while the milk from the stem can be used to remove warts.

Ultimately, people use dandelion flowers to prepare homemade dandelion syrup which purifies the blood, relieves a cough, and improves digestion.


Get 400 yellow dandelion flowers and pour 3 liters of water over them. Then, cut 4 oranges and 4 lemons into slices and add them to the mixture. Leave the mixture for 24 hours.

After 24 hours, strain the mixture and pour the liquid into a pot. Add 2 cups of sugar into the pot and cook for about half an hour.

Once the mixture boils and gets thick enough, remove from heat and transfer the syrup into sterilized jars. Use the dandelion syrup to treat cold, cough, or bronchitis.


Dandelion has been long used and appreciated for its medicinal properties.

Today, the modern medicine confirms its health benefits and suggests that it is even capable of curing cancer. Keep reading to learn more about preparing and storing dandelion roots for future use.

You need to peel, cut, and dry the dandelion roots on a fresh air. Let them dry for about two weeks or until they become brittle under the fingers. Once dried, put them into a jar and store in a dark and cool place.

Dandelion root has the ability to clean the kidneys, liver, lymph and gallbladder, which makes it effective at treating gallstones, constipation, hepatitis, acne, edema, and rheumatism.

Moreover, it is very beneficial for women, especially for prevention and treatment of issues related to breastfeeding as well as cysts, tumors, and cancer.


Pick some dandelion leaves, dry, chop and mince them well. Store the mixture in a jar and keep for future use. To prepare dandelion tea, you need to add half a teaspoon of the mixture into a glass of water. As simple as that!

Another option is to mix 60 grams of a fresh mixture and 30 grams of dried dandelion root. Put this mixture into a pan along with 2.5 ounces of water with a pinch of salt.

Bring the boil, cover the pan, and simmer for about 20 minutes. Strain the liquid afterward and consume three cups daily.

Remove All Toxins From The Body In 3 Days A Method That Prevents Cancer, Removes Fat And Excess Water!

We are all aware how harmful and unhealthy processed foods are, however we can’t avoid them completely.

In order to avoid the negative effects that of processed foods as well as to detox your body you should try the following 3-day cleansing treatment. It will also change your diet and help you become healthier.

Two days before you start with the treatment, you ought to stop consuming dairy products, as they are slowly digested and can prevent the cleansing treatment.

Before you start cleansing your lungs, your body must be clean from toxins found in dairy products.

The night before you start with the cleansing method, you need to drink 1 cup of herbal laxative (e.g. Black Forest) tea, as it will help in cleaning the intestines from toxins that can cause constipation.


The next morning, prepare a drink with lemon juice from 2 whole lemons and a 1/2 cup of water and drink it before breakfast.

This will help in digestion of powerful alkaline foods which, on the other hand, will help your lungs to regenerate.

Then, you need to drink 1.5 cup of grapefruit juice when you consume your breakfast. If you do not like the taste of this juice, you may replace it with pineapple juice or dilute it with fresh water.

Both these juices, grapefruit and pineapple juice, are rich in antioxidants that keep the health of your respiratory system.

Moreover, between your breakfast and your lunch, drink 1 to 1.5 of pure carrot juice. This juice will aid in alkalizing your blood during the detoxification treatment.

Carrots are beneficial for the respiratory tract, since they are rich in beta-carotene which the body turns into vitamin A.

Next, prepare a juice rich in potassium, by squeezing celery, parsley, sea greens, carrots and spinach. Drink 1.5 cups of potassium juice with your lunch, as potassium is powerful antioxidant which is great for cleaning the body, especially if consumed as a liquid.

Also, you can substitute this juice with pure Noni juice mixed with one cup of water. You can buy Noni juice in healthy food stores.

In the evening, drink 1 cup of mucus-cleansing tea an hour before dinner. This tea is rich in ginger, rose hips and peppermint, which are amazing against mucus build up, stuffy nose and congestion. You can also find this tea in supermarkets and healthy food stores.

Afterwards, before going to bed, drink 340ml of pure cranberry juice. The cranberry juice helps against bacteria in the lungs which can cause infection.

Cranberries are potent antioxidants, which are extremely beneficial for your blood and urine.

The procedure is the same during the 3 day of the treatment. The results will be invaluable: eliminated toxins, fat and water, clean lungs and completely detoxified body!

Sugar Industry Hid Evidence of Links to Cancer and Heart Disease For Half a Century

The sugar industry sat on health risk information for 50 years.

The rise of obesity in almost every country in the world has been attributed to a lack of understanding about the foods that we eat on a daily basis.

The blame however has shifted from high fat foods, which were once thought to be the worst, to sugar.

Many doctors now agree that sugar is worse for you than a high fat or high salt diet, and has been linked to many chronic, avoidable illnesses like diabetes and cancer.

New information has now surfaced which reveals that the sugar industry knew exactly how dangerous their products were in tests found back in 1967, but they buried the facts in order to keep their sugar train going for as long as possible.

Sugar has been found to be physically addictive and people have real and severe withdrawal symptoms when cutting it out of their diet.

Sugar has also been linked to cancer, tests have shown that cancer cells ‘feed’ off sugar and they thrive when in a body which has been fed with a high sugar diet.

The JAMA Internal Medicine have reported how the Sugar Research Foundation was set up in 1967 to test the effects of this new wonder-food.

In the post-war world, high sugar and high calories diets were a novelty, and were encouraged to give people as much energy as possible, something that had not been available to much of the world during the war years.

But the results of the studies conducted were not what the sugar industry wanted to hear.

As PLoS Biology have reported, The Sugar Research Foundation linked sugar to bladder cancerwhen tested on mice and suggested a link between sugar and coronary heart disease. The study was promptly stopped and the results were never published.

Vitamin D Deficiency Causes Headaches, High Blood Pressure, and even Cancer. Here are the signs

Vitamin D is often called the “sunshine vitamin” as it is produced in the skin in response to sunlight. It is a fat soluble vitamin whose family of compounds includes vitamin D1, D2, and D3.

This vitamin is of utmost importance because it may impact up to 2,000 genes in the body.

Some of its major functions include aiding absorption of nutrients like phosphorus and calcium, which in turn ensures strong immunity and strong bones. Here are the major benefits of vitamin D:

1. Vitamin D Fights Disease

According to a 2006 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, vitamin D lowers the risk of multiple sclerosis.

Another study has found that it reduces the risk of developing heart disease as well.  Ultimately, a 2010 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that it helps reduce the change of developing the flu.

3. Vitamin D Reduces Depression

It has been scientifically shown that vitamin D plays a role in regulation mood and preventing depression.

One particular study found that those with depression who received vitamin D supplementation experienced a notable improvement in their condition.

Another study found that vitamin D deficiency is more common in people with depression and anxiety.

3. Vitamin D Boosts Weight Loss

According to one study, regular vitamin D supplementation helped people improve their heart disease risk factors.

Another study found that those taking vitamin D supplements and calcium lost more weight compared to those taking placebo supplements.  As explained by the researchers, vitamin D and calcium had appetite- suppressing effect.

Vitamin D Deficiency

The major symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include constipation or diarrhea, bladder problems, general fatigue, muscle cramps, restless sleep, muscle pain or weakness, joint pain, headaches, and inability to concentrate.

As noted by Michael F. Holick, a leading vitamin D expert, muscle weakness typically stems from vitamin D deficiency as this vitamin is needed for the skeletal muscles to function optimally.

Vitamin D and Sunlight Exposure

Vitamin D is produced in response to sunlight, meaning that putting chemically-loaded sunscreens basically depletes us of this precious nutrient.

Sunscreens are designed to block UVB rays which are directly included in the production of vitamin D by our bodies.

UVB rays have the ability to penetrate the outer layers of the skin and the cholesterol in the tissue skin then absorbs it to make vitamin D.

On the other hand, sunscreens allow UVA rays which are associated with DNA damage and onset of most skin cancers.

But, vitamin D3 cannot get into the bloodstream right away! It takes time for it to be absorbed from the skin into the blood.

Therefore, washing the skin after sun exposure has to be delay as you can wash the skin`s oil which have initiated the vitamin D process.

Unfortunately, science dictates us to use sunscreens that are packed with cancer-causing substances and avoid the sun which actually protects against skin cancer. What a shame!

How To Make Sure You’re Getting Enough Vitamin D

UVB rays are strongest during summer and are at their peak during mid day. It has been scientifically proven that 8,000 to 10,000 IU in dosages are generally safe for everyone.

Person`s ability to produce D3 heavily depends on the skin color. Light skinned individuals need to be exposed to full sun from 10 to 45 minutes while dark skinned individuals from 2 to 2.5 hours.

Your Lipstick Is Full Of Cancer-Causing Heavy Metals & Chemicals – Avoid THESE 18 Brands

Billions of dollars each year are pulled in by major cosmetic companies and the majority of these products aren’t tested.

In actual fact, they may be one of the most harmful things you can use on your body, not to mention the cacophony of chemicals but also, many makeups are full of cancer-causing heavy metals.

Do you have any idea of what’s in your makeup?

Most personal care products don’t undergo any sort of regular testing, and is only loosely regulated – in fact, if you check, you’ll note that most don’t even include a list of ingredients.

Chemicals don’t have to be ingested to be dangerous. Sometimes, they are absorbed through your skin which can prove to be worse. It’s a nasty cocktail you might be subjecting yourself to every time you apply makeup.

As the Canada-based Environmental Defense group noted when they tested 49 different makeup items in a report titled “Heavy Metal Hazard: The Health Risks of Hidden Heavy Metals In Face Makeup” the heavy metals present in lots of widely available commercial makeups is truly astonishing.

Researchers studied many major cosmetic brands and found serious heavy metal contamination in virtually all of the products;  96% contained lead, 90% contained beryllium, and 61% contained thallium. An additional 51% contained cadmium, while 20% contained arsenic.

Those are not things you want to be absorbing through your skin.

Cadmiun, for instance, is a known carcinogenic material, and any of these heavy metals, when absorbed regularly, can cause long-term heath effects to develop over time. With consistent use, they may increase your risk of cancer, reproductive disorders, and many other health issues.

In particular, be aware of these eighteen most dangerous makeups:

1. Maybelline Color Sensational (#125 Pink Petal)

2. L’Oreal Colour Riche (#410 Volcanic)

3. NARS Semi-Matte (#1005 Red Lizard)

4. CoverGirl Queen Collection Vibrant Hues (#580 Ruby Remix)

5. NARS Semi-Matte (#1009 Funny Face)

6. L’Oreal Colour Riche (#165 Tickled Pink)

7. L’Oreal Intensely Moisturizing Lipcolor (#748 Heroic)

8. CoverGirl Continuous Color (#025 Warm Brick)

9. Maybelline Color Sensation (#475 Mauve Me)

10. Stargazer Lipstick (#103c)

11. Revlon Matte (#009 Fabulous Fig)

12. Sonia Kashuk Luxury Lip Color (#27 Mauvey)

13. Avon Beyond Color (#558 Mad for Mauve)

14. L’Oreal Endless (#530 Mauve Amour)

15. Revlon ColorStay (#375 Ripened Red)

16. Burt’s Bees Lip Shimmer (Toffee)

17. Revlon Super Lustrous Peal (#631 Luminous Pink)

18. Revlon Super Lustrous Peal (#643 Satin Plum)

Instead, consider safer alternatives – or learn to make your own natural makeups!

Check out the video below for some lead-free lipstick ideas:

Johnson & Johnson Finally Admits: Our Baby Products Contain Cancer-Causing Ingredients

Johnson and Johnson is well-known for their family products. They have recently faced lawsuits and public outrage over their baby products.

Moms go through a lot to protect their children during pregnancy. Once your children are born, you obsessively protect them from every threat under the sun.

But sometimes, by simply trusting the product labels meant to protect your family, you unknowingly put your child in the path of danger.

Johnson and Johnson’s Questionable Ingredients

Johnson and Johnson  label many of their bath products as being “baby-safe”.

However, their shampoos, soaps and lotions contain questionable ingredients detrimental to the health of babies and their parents.

The Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit environmental research organization, lists concerns over Johnson and Johnsons’s multiple additive exposure sources; skin, eye, and lung irritants; cytotoxic ingredients; endocrine disruptors; neurotoxins; and bioaccumulative carcinogens.

Two of the most concerning ingredients are Quaternium-15 and 1,4 dioxane.

Quaternium-15 releases formaldehyde, a well-known carcinogen that causes watery eyes; burning sensations in the eyes, nose, and throat; coughing; wheezing; nausea; and skin irritation. Daily exposure is linked with leukemia and brain cancer.

Other formaldehyde-releasing chemicals used by Johnson & Johnson include DMDM hydantoin, imidazolidinyl urea, and Diazolidinyl urea.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, inhaling 1,4 dioxane causes vertigo, drowsiness, headache, anorexia and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs, while topical application may irritate the skin. It’s also a possible carcinogen.

To avoid this chemical, keep an eye out for ingredients like PEG-100 stearate, sodium laureth sulphate, sodium myreth sulphate, polyethylene and ceteareth-20, which produce 1,4 dioxane as a byproduct.

Public Backlash

After the public became aware that theses ingredients were lurking in their children’s soap and cream, outraged parents wrote to the company demanding more transparency and a change in their formula.

Additionally, on October 31, The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics sent Johnson and Johnson a letter signed by 25 environmental and medical groups, demanding they “commit to removing the chemicals from all of its products by November 15, 2016.” The Campaign also urged consumers to boycott Johnson and Johnson until they complied.

Johnson and Johnson responded:

“We have been phasing out the use of preservatives that release tiny amounts of formaldehyde to guard against bacterial contamination.

These preservative technologies, which are used widely in our industry are all safe and approved in the countries where they are sold…

Over the past couple of years, we already have reduced the number of formulations globally with these ‘formaldehyde releaser’ preservatives by 33% and in the U.S. by over 60%.

We are completing this reformulation as quickly as we can safely and responsibly do so.

As part of the manufacturing process, we have extensive monitoring to ensure that the amount of a trace byproduct known as “1,4 dioxane” in any of our products is well below the level that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and regulatory agencies around the world consider safe.

…We have introduced new product formulations for consumers who prefer natural products, such as JOHNSON’S® NATURAL®, a line that is 98% natural, and contains no formaldehyde releasing preservatives or traces of 1,4 dioxane.”

This new line of baby products is too little too late, and cost nearly twice as much as other products produced by the company. Johnson and Johnson faced lawsuits in the past over their baby powder products, which were found to cause ovarian cancer.

After exposing babies and children to deadly ingredients for decades, can this company really be trusted to produce safe products?

Always Read your Labels

Johnson and Johnson isn’t the only company to sell dangerous baby products.

The Environmental Working Group summarizes this problem:

  • 82% of children are exposed every week to one or more ingredients with the potential to harm the brain and nervous system.
  • 69% of children are exposed every week to one or more ingredients that may disrupt the hormone system, and 3.6% of children are exposed to ingredients with strong data linking them to cancer, including chemicals classified as known or probable human carcinogens.
  • 80% of children’s products marked as gentle and non-irritating contain ingredients linked to allergies and skin or eye irritation according to government and industry sources.

Common sources of chemical exposure include baby shampoo, lotion, diaper cream, sunscreen, and a number of other children’s body care products.

Your Children are more at Risk

Because a child’s skin is 30 percent thinner than an adult’s, children can absorb up to 10 times more chemicals from bath products than their parents.

Jane Houlihan, EWG’s vice president for research explains why children are exposed to so many toxins on a daily basis. “Children are more at risk than adults from many chemical hazards, but we have no special standards to protect them.”

“The safety of baby products falls under the purview of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but unlike for drugs and food additives, the FDA has no power to require that cosmetics are tested for safety before they are sold. And due to other loopholes in the law, manufacturers are free to use any claim they wish, such as ‘safe’ and ‘ultra mild’ without proof, and many do just that.”, warns the EWG.

Most surprisingly, many countries banned these harmful chemicals from their imported products, and Johnson and Johnson respects these guidelines.

This means that most companies already have manufacturing facilities and recipes that respect the sensitivities and needs of children.

While Denmark, Finland, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Sweden and the U.K. have access to safer products, the company insists on providing American families with carcinogen-loaded soaps.

What You as A Parent Can do

You should always read the labels on all the products you expose your children to, whether it be food, hygiene products or toys.

Always use all organic 100% natural products on your baby’s skin. You can also try making your own household products like shampoo or toothpaste. Instead of using baby oil and baby powder, try applying coconut oil to prevent chafing, hydrate skin, and cure diaper rash.