10 DIY Skin Care Tricks That Will Make You Look GORGEOUS and Nourished At Any Time Even Without Makeup

Every girl wants to be beautiful and attractive. Luckily, you do not have to spend much money on expensive products to achieve that. We have prepared some home beauty products for you that will save you time and money.

1. Salty water will help you get rid of the swelling and will make your face look fresher

Dilute some salt into some water (making sure that the solution is highly concentrated), soak a towel in it and apply it onto your face, holding for about ten minutes.

2. Make your lips look fuller with the help of oil and toothbrush

Apply a small amount of any cosmetic oil onto your lips – peach oil, almond oil, or a regular lip balsam. Then, take a soft toothbrush and gently rub your lips with it for about a minute.

3. Massaging your face with olive oil will help you make your skin cleaner, softer, and smoother

First, wash your face well and then massage it with olive oil for about seven minutes. In order to get the best results, repeat the procedure every four to five days.

4. A completely natural makeup remover

Mix some clean water and some olive oil in the ratio 1:3 in a glass jar and stir well until the ingredients merge well. This is it!

5. Use baking soda to solve the problem of ingrown hair

This is very easy to do. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to a small container, a teaspoon of grinded oatmeal, and a teaspoon of water. Mix everything well until you get a thick paste. Apply the mixture onto your skin and leave it for about five minutes. In the end, wash your skin off using warm water.

6. Use baking soda to get rid of the bags under your eyes

Add a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of warm water or tea and mix well. Soak a cotton ball into this solution and apply it onto the area under your eyes. Wait for ten to fifteen minutes, and wash off the remainder. In the end, apply some hydrating face cream. Repeat this procedure on a daily basis and the first results will become visible very soon.

7. Banana hair mask for shiny hair

For the preparation of this mask you will need: one banana, one egg, one tablespoon of honey, and half a glass of beer. Mix all ingredients together and stir until you get a smooth mixture. Apply this mask onto your hair and hold it for a couple of hours. Then, wash it off using warm water. Use this mask once a week and very soon you will get amazing results.

8. Use coconut and lavender oil to speed-grow your eyelashes

Combine half a teaspoon of coconut oil with two to four drops of essential lavender oil. Using cotton, gently apply this mixture onto your eyelashes, from the roots to the tips. Repeat this three times a week and your eyelashes will become thicker and shinier. You can also use castor oil and lemon.

9. Honey can help you reduce the inflammation and get rid of the acne

In case that some pimple or acne appears on your face before some important meeting or date, there is a way for you to get rid of it in no time. Apply some honey directly onto the pimple and let it on for about fifteen minutes. Then, wash off using warm water. This will help you reduce its size and make it less noticeable, which is a lot easier to cover with makeup.

10. Use eye drops to reduce the inflammation of your face skin

Another way that can help you get rid of the pimples is to use eye drops. Soak a cotton ball into these drops and put it into the freezer for about three to five minutes. Then, gently press it onto the inflamed area and the pimple will become almost unnoticeable.

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From people captured with technological devices centuries before being made, or famous celebrities pictured before they were even born – these images are just some of the best examples.

But recent research has cast doubt on their reliability in certain cases and even raised questions as to whether some may even have been hoaxed.

But what do YOU think?

1. Swiss watch found in ancient Chinese tomb

Did this tiny

Chinese archaeologists were alleged to have found a small, but perfectly formed metal watch when they opened a previously undisturbed giant coffin in the 400-year-old Si Qing tomb in Shangsi County, China in December 2008.

They were reportedly shocked to find the object with its time frozen at 10:06 and ³Swiss² engraved on the back.

Suggestions were made at the time that the only plausible explanation was a time traveler had gone back from the future with the watch, and somehow, who over’s tomb it was had at some point obtained the futuristic timepiece from the time traveler.

However, it is now widely accepted the watch was a clever and original digitally-edited addition.

Despite, this the picture still makes it onto several sites as “proof of time travel”.

2. Time-traveling trendy

Does someone look out of place here?

Does someone look out of place here?

At first glance, nothing seems to odd about this old black and white photo which turned up on the Virtual Museum of Canada website.

It was said to be of the early 1940s reopening of South Fork Bridge in Gold Bridge, British Colombia.

On closer inspection, one of the crowd appears to be out of place with modern urban clothing, complete with shades and logo-emblazoned top.

It was also billed as being proof of time travel, as surely no one from that era would have been dressed like that.

But further research concluded his appearance may not have been so unusual for the time.

It was established that the style of sunglasses had been available from the 1920s – so 20 years earlier.The “modern printed T-shirt” was also found to probably be a sweater with a sewn-on emblem, and of the type worn by sports teams of the period.

It was even found to be similar to one used by the Montreal Maroons, an ice hockey team of the day.

Or was he just a trend setter for his time?

Or was he just a trend setter for his time?

3. Woman on mobile phone in 1928

“Can I call back? We are in the middle of filming.”

In October 2010 a YouTube film claiming to prove time travel went viral and led to many TV news and newspaper reports.

George Clarke from Northern Ireland uploaded the clip entitled “Chaplin’s Time Traveler”.

It was made from a new DVD release of the Charlie Chaplin film The Circusbonus, inclusing previously unreleased footage.

This included recordings taken at the film’s Los Angeles premiere at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in 1928.

During these scenes, a woman walks by, holding an object to her ear.

Mr Clarke concluded she was speaking into a modern mobile phone, so could possibly be a time traveller caught on camera.

But Nicholas Jackson, associate editor for The Atlantic, later decided it was probably a portable hearing aid, as the technology, including rectangular-shaped ear trumpets, was just being developed back then.The picture was later found to have been hoaxed

Dupont [who owns the factory in the video] had a telephone communications section in the factory.” “They were experimenting with wireless telephones. Gertrude and five others were given the phones to test out for a week

Planetcheck, alleged granddaughter of the 1938 woman on a mobile phone

Read More: An Ordinary Dinner Fork Could Protect You While You’re At Home Or Traveling

1 Tablespoon Deactivates Sciatic Nerve Pain In Record Time, If You Do Not Give You More

The sciatic nerve is one of the nerves with more extension in our body, so much that it extends from the lumbar zone and low by the legs until reaching the tip of the foot. This nerve is in charge of directing the movements that we do with our extremities.

Since this is its function, it becomes one of the most important nerves in our body, and when affected by some factor, it can cause a strong pain, sometimes accompanied by a tingling sensation and some burning.

If you do not treat this pain in time, the pain can reach a higher level of intensity and can immobilize it that is why it is recommended to receive medical treatment.

However this can disappear with only one natural remedy, and we are talking about garlic milk. If you want to know more about this remedy, continue reading this post that we bring you today.

This remedy is the solution to pain

As we told you before, there is a remedy to combat that pain in the sciatic nerve and the best part is that it is natural, and it is also very easy to prepare.

We are talking about garlic milk, which although it does not sound very appetizing has many properties that help us to relieve inflammation and pain in the legs, however to eradicate this pain and get the results that we hope to be consistent.

If you want to know how to prepare this remedy, then we leave you the steps that you must follow.


– 5 cloves garlic

– Honey to sweeten

– 1 cup almond or rice milk


First of all you should take the garlic and remove the peel, once you have done that you will proceed a garlic puree, this will do you crushing them. You can help from a stone or pylon or from a garlic grinder.

Once you have this paste you will mix it with the vegetable milk of your choice and then add the honey. All this you should mix well until you get a homogenous substance.


This remedy can be taken either cold or hot, and it is advisable to ingest between 200 to 250 ml of garlic milk per day. This amount can be divided into two parts.

It is important to know that this treatment does not replace any medicine recommended by a specialist.

Before you go we want you to know that garlic milk has a lot of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C, and minerals like potassium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, zinc, selenium and copper, plus proteins, flavonoids , enzymes and antioxidants so it helps us treat diseases such as asthma, also controls cough, regulates cholesterol, relieves fatty liver and strengthens our immune system.

As you could see, this garlic milk guarantees you are the solution to a few ailments and that is why we encourage you to prepare and take advantage of its results. Do not forget to share this information with your contacts.

Source: www.InTheHouseOfHealth.info

12 Ways Your Body Tries To Tell You That Your Liver Is Being Damaged

The liver which is located in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen is the largest solid organ in your body. It is protected by the ribs and responsible for many function in your body system. Simply put, you cannot live without your liver.

With that being said, it is important for you to take care of your liver the best way you can. Another thing you also need to know is the early symptoms of liver damage so you can prevent a more advance health issue.

12 Early Symptoms of Liver Damage

When it comes the liver, there are many different kinds of disease that can affect the health of your liver. Each of it has its out signs. Some of those disease are hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, fatty liver disease, and cirrhosis of the liver. Unfortunately, the early symptoms of liver disease are non-specific and tend to be easily overlooked. If you experience any of the symptoms below, the best option for you is to visit your medical expertise and ask for further examination.

So here are some common early symptoms of liver damage:

1. Disruption in the Stomach

Nausea and nausea can be a symptoms of various disease including food poisoning, migraines, motion sickness, vertigo, early pregnancy and depression. It can also be a sign of kidney problems and also liver damage. People who suffer from early liver damage may feel nauseous continuously. It can happen due to the decrement in liver’s ability to cleanse the body from toxins.

Another two factor that can also cause this condition are ongoing metabolism and changes in digestion. If this condition still remain after a few days and you cannot figure out the reason, then you better go visit your doctor.

2.Feeling Fatigue and Weak Most of the Time

While feeling tired and weak may be caused by lack of sleep and rest, it can also be a sign of liver damage. The damage in your liver will require the body to work harder which also mean you will need to have more rest.

When the function of your liver got disrupted, its ability to remove toxins from your body will decrease and cause the increment of toxins in your bloodstream. So if your fatigue doesn’t go away after you have enough rest, you definitely need to seek medical advice as soon as you can.

3.Loss of Appetite

Damage in the liver will cause a reduction in the bile production. Bile responsible to help fat digestion and when your food isn’t digested properly, it may resulted in loss of appetite and a drop in body weight. If this condition happened for a long time, consult to your doctor to get further examination.

4.Problems with Digestion

Liver plays an important role in digestion process because it produce bile. The bile helps the small intestine to process and absorb nutrients better. Damage in the live can lead to dyspepsia and diarrhea.

Some other digestion problem that may occur when the bile is not produced properly are fatty food intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal bloating, alcohol intolerance, constipation and gallstones.

5.Changes in Color of Your Urine

Normally, when you drink enough water the color of your urine should be bright and more transparent. However, if your urine is still dark in color after your drink enough water, then it may be the early sign of liver damage.

The elevated level of bilirubin in the bloodstream can cause the urine to look brown, amber or orange in color. The amount of bilirubin in the bloodstream may raise because liver is unable to get rid of the bilirubin so it is excreted through the kidneys.

So, though dark color in your urine may also be a result of dehydration, taking B vitamin supplements, side effects of antibiotics, enzyme deficiencies, urinary tract infection, or kidney abnormalities, you better consult to your doctor if the problem remain after some period of time.

6.Alteration in Stool Coloration

Malfunction in the liver will make the amount of bile becomes insufficient and cause alteration in stool coloration. If the color of your stool usually brown, it may turn into clay colored, pale yellow, or gray. If this only happens occasionally, there is nothing you should be worry about. However, if you experience it more than a few times, then you need to consult to your doctor.


Jaundice is a yellow coloration to the skin, tongue, fingertips, and eyes as the result of increasing bilirubin in the bloodstream and bodily tissue which normally will be excreted in the bile. This condition cause the skin becomes yellow. Jaundice can also be a sing of problem in the pancreas or gallbladder. If you experience it, you need to consult to your doctor immediately.

8.Changes in the Abdomen

The feeling of pain, cramping, or bloating in the lower part of the abdomen can mean that you have ascites and malfunction in your liver. Ascites is the condition where fluid has built up inside the abdominal cavity. This may happen when there is damage to the liver of liver cirrhosis.

Liver disease may cause high blood pressure in the arteries and veins of the abdomen. Visit your doctor immediately once you notice this symptom.

9.Retention of Fluid

Damage in the liver can lead to retention of fluid, especially in the ankles and feet. This condition is similar to ascites, the difference is the fluid buildup in the outer tissues in the lower extremities. Fluid retention can also be a sign of hormonal imbalance, kidney problems, heart failure, and lymphatic disease.

10.Problems with The Skin

Liver deficiency can cause the skin to be more sensitive, itches, flakes and becomes hypersensitive to touch. You may see some bruises on your skin and notice that your veins become more visible. If the problems with your skin happens because of the liver damage, then you need to identify the problem get proper treatment. Because moisturizing your skin will not help unless the actual issue has treated.

11.Pain in the Abdomen

You may feel pain in the right upper quadrant of the rib cage where the liver is located. When the liver is malfunctioning, the affected area may fell painful and tender.

12.Diarrhea, Constipation, or Intestinal Bleeding

The liver plays an important role in the production of the clotting factors. So when the liver damaged, you may suffer from bleeding of intestines which is associated with diarrhea or constipation.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you need to seek for medical advice immediately. However, please remember that this is not a full list of liver damage symptoms. Some other signs like imbalance sex hormone where men can develop breast, and both men and women suffer from loss of libido may also occur.

Don’t forget to adopt health eating habit since what you eat can greatly affect the health of your liver.

25 Tips To Have A Happy & Fulfilling Life

Life can be beautiful besides the many difficulties and struggles we need to deal with. But, it depends on our focus. When you have a beautiful life, you feel filled with inspiration, creativity, and you are simply feeling alive.

In this article, we offer you 25 tips that can help you have an amazing life.

1. Take Walks

Make sure to find 10 or 30 minutes each day to go for a walk while you are in a good mood. When you have a smile on your face it can serve you as a natural antidepressant.

2. Silence

No matter how busy is your life, you need to find at least 10 minutes in a day to sit and relax in complete silence.

3. Pray

Each morning after waking up pray to God and ask for guidance in order to achieve your aim for the day.

4. No Manufactured Foods

Try eating more natural foods, and stay away from processed foods.

5. Eat Healthy Foods

You should drink green tea and a lot of water. Also, eat broccoli, almonds, and blueberries.

6. Make Others Happy

Life is better when we make other people happy. So, put a smile on at least three people’s faces each day.

7. Don’t Waste Your Energy

Do not waste your time or energy on gossiping, energy vampires, negative thinking, and problems from your past. It is always better to focus on the presence.

8. The Good Old Rule

You should eat your breakfast alone, eat your lunch with a friend, and give the dinner to your enemy.

9. No Hate

Since life is short you would not like to spend it on hating others.

10. Accept Life

Even though sometimes life is not fair, it is good. No matter how hard things are, there is always a better day.

11. Relax

There are not many people who take life seriously. Just relax.

12. Agree to Disagree

You will feel calmer when you accept that you cannot and you should not win every argument. Sometimes you just need to agree to disagree.

13. No Comparisons

Never waste time or energy on comparing your life to others. Each life is unique and special in its own way. We all have different journeys filled with happiness and sorrow.

14. No Past Regrets

Do not waste time on thinking about what happened in the past, just focus on your present.

15. You Are in Control

You should not blame other people for your unhappiness. No matter what happens, life is in your own hands, and you are the one in control. It is your decision if you are going to listen to the positive thoughts or the negative ones.

16. Disasters Need to be Finished

We all have disasters in our lives, but they should be finished in about 5 years.

17. Offer Help

When we are helping others we are helping ourselves too. Being able to give without expecting anything in return is a great trait.

18. Other Opinions Are Not Important

Do not pay attention to what people think of you. Also, you need to accept that not everyone is going to like you.

19. You Need Time

No matter what happens, you need to keep in mind that time will heal you.

20. Situations Change

In our life nothing is permanent. No matter how good or bad something is, it is going to change sooner or later.

21. Stay in Touch With Family and Friends

Of course, you should work, but do not forget about your beloved ones because once you are sick they will be there for you, not your job.

22. Do Not be Jealous

Jealousy will never get you anywhere. Do not waste your time envying others for what they have.

23. Be Thankful

Each day you need to think of the things you are grateful for. Do this before going to be.

24. No Stress

Whenever you feel stressed, make sure to find a way in which you will relax.

25. Share

Make other people happy by telling them what you have learned about how to have a great life.

Source: www.InTheHouseOfHealth.info

Baby Born Deaf Gets Life-Changing Surgery, Moment He Hears Music For First Time Goes Viral

The ability to see and hear is a gift and it opens up so many doors and pleasures in life, that it’s hard to imagine life without being able to use our eyes and ears to get through the days.

Like most things in life, we don’t appreciate these gifts until we lose them or in some cases if we are born without them.

Fifteen-month-old Owen Montoya was born deaf, which was exceptionally difficult for his musically-inclined parents. Naturally, they hoped he would follow in their footsteps and appreciate music in the same way that they did.

Learning a parent’s voice is one of the first things that a baby does when it comes to recognizing their caretakers and it doesn’t take long for most babies to pick up on the inflections and tones of their mom and dad’s voice.

Babies don’t even have to be facing the parent for them to recognize that they are in the room and will show feelings of excitement and happiness when they hear that memorized voice.

But, Owen never had the chance to learn his mom and dad’s voice, until recently, after he underwent surgery to place a cochlear implant in his left ear.

And from that moment on, the boy’s life changed forever.

In the video below, you can witness Owen experiencing sound for the first time and it’s clear that this added sense is bringing him joy, right along with his parents.

He can be seen smiling at simple things that we take for granted every day, like the gurgling sound made from lips. Owen is clearly in awe when he smiles at the noises erupting from his caretaker’s lips.

He even points to the lips, recognizing where the noise is coming from. And then, he is seen sitting at the dinner table while listening to music.

This is where Owen really shows his newfound love for music, and he starts dancing in his seat as if its the most natural thing in the world for him.

He’s bouncing side to side and waving his arms around showing off his love of the tunes. The entire time, he is bobbing his head up and down with a huge grin on his face.

This surgery was certainly a life changer for both Owen and his family.

“We were so excited to see him enjoying music this much, it was the craziest moment ever,” said his mother, Janae Montoya, 26.

“When we found out Owen was deaf, it was very hard for us, because our family is very musical. I’ve always wanted him to experience it.”

It’s like witnessing someone opening up a gift for the first time and luckily his parents will be able to watch these videos forever and show Owen how happy he was when he was blessed with the newfound ability to hear.

All of our senses are given to us as a gift in life and because we are born with them and they are all we know, we sometimes take them for granted.

1 Tablespoon Deactivates Sciatic Nerve Pain In Record Time, If You Do Not Give You More

The sciatic nerve is one of the nerves with more extension in our body, so much that it extends from the lumbar zone and low by the legs until reaching the tip of the foot. This nerve is in charge of directing the movements that we do with our extremities.

Since this is its function, it becomes one of the most important nerves in our body, and when affected by some factor, it can cause a strong pain, sometimes accompanied by a tingling sensation and some burning.

If you do not treat this pain in time, the pain can reach a higher level of intensity and can immobilize it that is why it is recommended to receive medical treatment.

However this can disappear with only one natural remedy, and we are talking about garlic milk. If you want to know more about this remedy, continue reading this post that we bring you today.

This remedy is the solution to pain

As we told you before, there is a remedy to combat that pain in the sciatic nerve and the best part is that it is natural, and it is also very easy to prepare.

We are talking about garlic milk, which although it does not sound very appetizing has many properties that help us to relieve inflammation and pain in the legs, however to eradicate this pain and get the results that we hope to be consistent.

If you want to know how to prepare this remedy, then we leave you the steps that you must follow.


– 5 cloves garlic

– Honey to sweeten to sweeten

– 1 cup almond or rice milk 


First of all you should take the garlic and remove the peel, once you have done that you will proceed a garlic puree, this will do you crushing them. You can help from a stone or pylon or from a garlic grinder.

Once you have this paste you will mix it with the vegetable milk of your choice and then add the honey. All this you should mix well until you get a homogenous substance.


This remedy can be taken either cold or hot, and it is advisable to ingest between 200 to 250 ml of garlic milk per day. This amount can be divided into two parts.

It is important to know that this treatment does not replace any medicine recommended by a specialist.

Before you go we want you to know that garlic milk has a lot of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C, and minerals like potassium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, zinc, selenium and copper, plus proteins, flavonoids , enzymes and antioxidants so it helps us treat diseases such as asthma, also controls cough, regulates cholesterol, relieves fatty liver and strengthens our immune system.

As you could see, this garlic milk guarantees you are the solution to a few ailments and that is why we encourage you to prepare and take advantage of its results. Do not forget to share this information with your contacts.

Study Shows The More Time You Spend With Your Mom, The Longer She’ll Live

Has it been awhile since you’ve seen your mom? A 2012 study says you should invite her over for dinner soon.

The study concluded that loneliness is a significant factor in the decline of quality of life in older adults, including risk of depression, cognitive impairment and health problems like coronary artery disease, and may even lead to an earlier death.

Specifically, the study looked at 1,600 adults with an average age of 71. Researchers found that 23 percent of participants who reported being lonely died within six years of the study, while only 14 percent of those who reported having companionship died during the same six year period.

The results, which were published in the JAMA Internal Medicine, remained consistent even after controlling for health and socioeconomic status.

Another study published in the journal PLoS Medicine in 2010 found that social ties can be as important to extending life as losing weight if you are obese and getting active if you are sedentary.

“Our social relationships are important not only to our quality of life, but also our longevity,” said study author Julianne Holt-Lunstad, PhD, associate professor of psychology at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, to WebMD.

“Throughout human history, we have relied on others for survival such as protection and food, and despite modern advancements that may [help with] certain aspects of survival so that we can live more independently, it appears that our relationships nonetheless still impact odds of survival,” she says.

Research has shown that loneliness and social isolation is downright terrible for our health. In fact, it’s been called a bigger health risk than smoking or obesity.

Spending time with loved ones or friends often leads to laughter. Laughing is a powerful antidote to declining health, having been shown to boost immunity, lower blood pressure and stimulate both blood flow and mental activity.

So, what are you waiting for? Plan a visit to your mom, and by all means, bring a few good jokes along with you!