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Did you look in the mirror today and find that you had warts on your neck? We imagine your face of disgust. No one likes to have this skin condition that is unattractive and often bothersome and painful.

But how did the wart originate? The causes that cause the appearance of warts can be varied: obesity, a genetic predisposition and even diabetes can cause the appearance of these harmless skin conditions but that we should definitely eliminate.

They also usually appear during pregnancy because of the hormonal changes that occur in the body.

Usually they appear in the adult age and in very specific zones where the pink skin with the own skin, like for example, the armpits, the English, the neck, the chest and the eyelids.

The methods that dermatologists use to remove warts can be painful and costly and that is why today we want to help you eliminate these annoying warts from your skin in an economical, simple and effective way.

You’re just going to need some apple cider vinegar, some cotton and a swab.

Simply take the hyssop, cover one end with a piece of cotton equivalent to the surface of the wart you want to remove and soak it in apple cider vinegar.

Drain the excess vinegar and apply the cotton on the wart for a few moments and then let it dry.

Repeat this procedure a couple of times a day for every day until the wart turns dark and after five days or a week it peels off the skin.

If there is some type of rest attached, do not worry because it will surely disappear in the following days.

It is important to note that this treatment should not be used on warts on the eyelids of the eyes as it could cause irritation.

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