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The product we are talking about has reached sales records; It is widely distributed throughout the world and why not say it; we all love it Frequently, they are used as snacks at parties and social gatherings. Its delicious flavor and crispy texture make it impossible to stop eating them. Today you will know a product that although it is delicious, it is highly toxic.

We are talking about the famous potato chips: Pringles. These potato chips have become one of the most popular snacks in the world. Today we will explain to you why we say that this product is highly toxic; like other similar brands in the market.

Highly toxic and carcinogenic, do not let your children eat them

Actually, if we knew what we are eating, it would not seem so delicious, much less we would give it to our children.

To know why we make this statement we will explain how these chips are made. Keep reading so you can find out why this product is highly toxic.

How are the famous Pringles made?

Initially, the base ingredients such as rice, wheat, corn and potatoes mix and form a kind of pasta or dough. This paste is spread in very thin layers that are placed on a conveyor belt, where they are pressed with the molds that give them their characteristic shape, to be then passed through boiling oil.

Once they are cooked, they are blown with industrial devices to remove and dry excess fat; and finally, they are sprinkled with the powders of the flavors that we know: cheese, bacon, BBQ, and others.

Why is it a highly toxic product?

It could be thought that since its origin is vegetable there is nothing wrong with it. The problem is that it has been shown that starches, when passed through boiling oil, can generate a large number of toxic substances.

According to a report prepared by the EU, it was demonstrated that the cooking at high temperatures of the potatoes, generates more than 800 different substances; of which 52 are highly carcinogenic. In particular, a compound called Acrylamide was detected that is generated during the cooking of the Pringles.

Acrylamide is a toxic chemical component that is produced by cooking high-starch foods at high temperatures. In addition to being a neurotoxin, this component can cause male infertility, genetic malformations in babies and cancer.

It has been proven that in certain doses, Acrylamide can affect the nervous system of animals and humans. The doses of Acrylamide contained in Pringle’s potatoes exceed the safe amounts.

In 2005, the state of California sued the manufacturers of potato chips for not warning consumers of the risks that can lead to consuming the acrylamide present in their products.

After knowing this interesting fact, do not they seem so delicious? This information motivates us to be more alert regarding the consumption of chemically processed products. We always choose to consume healthy snacks and educate our children in a conscious way about the damages that these products can cause to the organism.

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