Stop Spending Money On Expensive Make Up To Cover Pimples And Learn 7 Ways To Remove Them With This Natural Masks

How much it can bother a horrible mud in the half of the forehead or a pimple in the end of the nose before an appointment or an important event! You try to cover them with makeup, the strains and you wash and those hateful points keep protruding from your face. That day everyone talks to you watching your skin fixedly…

Has it happened to you? Well, if your answer is yes, I want to tell you that you are not the only one…

54% of women in the whole world suffer from it, especially in the forehead, nose and chin, known as the “T zone”.

Pimples occur when the pores are blocked by excess oil production, particles in the air and dead cells that remain in your skin.

These are harmless but the truth is that having them is quite annoying, as they make the skin look oily and irregular.

Not in vain there are hundreds of commercial masks to get rid of these, like the famous black masks that do not have much effect.

But you know what? You do not have to use chemicals, you do not even have to invest your money in this type of products that sometimes are quite expensive because… you can combat pimples in the way I like the most: with natural ingredients!

And it is that I found in Step to Health , powerful, delicious and natural masks that I want to buy and that if you use them regularly they will take care of leaving your skin smooth and without imperfections.

Pineapple and honey mask to cover pimple and remove them naturally

Combining pineapple and honey results in an incredible restoration and cleansing treatment to say goodbye to those annoying pimples, as both ingredients regulate the natural pH of the skin without causing excess dryness or other unwanted effects.

And this mask has an extra benefit: it also helps prevent premature aging thanks to its incredible antioxidant content. Are you ready?


-1 slice of pineapple

-2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)


-Put the ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth.

-Apply to the affected areas and let stand for 15 to 20 minutes.

-After this time, rinse and repeat 2 or 3 times a week.

2. Gelatin milk mask

Bella, gelatin is not only eaten, it is also used for beauty! This is a rich ingredient in

Nutrients that helps eliminate waste that block the pores.

Also, if you combine it with milk, you can have a powerful mask that eliminates black spots and any accumulation of dead skin cells.


-1 spoonful of unflavored gelatin (7 g)

-6 tablespoons of milk (60 ml)


-Wet the gelatin with the milk and form a thick paste.

-Put it in the microwave oven for 10 seconds, and once it is cold enough, apply it over the areas affected by black dots.

-Let it dry for 15 minutes and carefully remove.

-Rinse with warm water and repeat 3 times a week.

3. Aloe vera and tomato mask

The antioxidants in tomatoes and the moisturizing power of aloe vera come together in this home treatment to provide deep cleansing to your skin.


-1 ripe tomato

-2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (aloe) (30 g)


Put the ingredients in a blender and mix until well blended.

Apply over the entire face and let dry for 20 minutes.

Rinse with warm water and repeat every two days.

4. Clay mask and egg white

Both egg whites and clay have exfoliating properties that help deep clean your skin to eliminate pimples and better, all kinds of imperfections.


-1 egg white

-2 tablespoons of clay (24 g)


-Beat the egg white and mix vigorously with the two tablespoons of clay.

-Rub the mixture in the fatty areas of your face, especially where you have pimples.

-Let stand for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

-Repeat up to 3 times a week.

5. Honey and cinnamon mask

Cinnamon and honey create a moisturizing and revitalizing product to protect your skin and reduce the appearance of acne and pimples.

Both ingredients are rich in antioxidants and active agents that, if used regularly, also prevent premature cell aging.


-1 teaspoon of cinnamon (5 g)

-2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)


-Mix the teaspoon of cinnamon with the two tablespoons of honey and rub on your skin.

-Let it dry for 30 minutes and rinse.

-Repeat every two days before going to bed.

6. Mask of baking soda

Baking soda is not just for baking, or keeping your refrigerator smelling fresh, because its antiseptic qualities make it a wonderful product for your skin.

It works as an exfoliant to remove dead skin cells, leaving it soft, and quickly eliminates pimples


-2 teaspoons baking soda


-Mix the two teaspoons of baking soda with mineral water to make a paste.

-Apply the pasta generously over the affected skin area

7. Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal is more than a popular breakfast cereal.

This grain rich in nutrients is safe and effective to treat skin conditions, such as pimples and sensitive and irritated skin.

It works as a gentle natural cleanser and exfoliator, freeing clogged pores that lead to pimples. It also contains powerful antioxidants and some anti-inflammatory properties, and calms irritation, removes dead skin cells, and absorbs excess oil to help clear up the complexion.




-Cook enough oats according to the instructions of the package that reaches you to cover the entire area of ​​your face with pimples.

-Allow the oatmeal to cool to room temperature before applying to the affected areas.

-Apply to black spots, and let it work for 10 to 20 minutes before rinsing your face with warm water.

-Apply this mask at least once a day to get the best results.

Ready for healthier skin? Then try these natural masks and beat the annoying pimples!


7 Most Dangerous Drugs in the World! Are You Using Them?

Ladies and gentlemen, can I ask you something?! Well, I’ll do it anyways – did you know that prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death in the world?

The answer is YES and we can easily say that the pharmaceutical industry is committing a silent holocaust around the globe.

How this works?! Well, people are getting sick because they are not getting the proper nutrients. Then they are covering up their sickness with prescription drugs. But, UNFORTUNATELY, this “healing method” can cause serious side effects, leading their doctors to prescribe more pills to conceal those side effects.

These 7 prescription drugs are very dangerous for you and your health.

1. Vaccine against chicken: did you know that this vaccine has caused cancer in a large proportion of people who have received it? Well yes and it has crippled millions of children in India for life.

2. Vaccine against mumps, rubella and measles: This vaccine can cause serious disorders in our neurological system, especially in children. It’s very dangerous for you and your health.

3. Antibiotics: Antibiotics can destroy the good bacteria in your body and weaken your immune system.

4. Antidepressant drugs: this type of drugs might destroy serotonin (happiness hormone) and cause suicidal thoughts and increasing depression.

5. Flu shot: This vaccine contains high amounts of mercury and aluminum, and it’s capable of causing miscarriage.

6. HPV vaccines: Many adolescents who have received this vaccine have gone into shock or even coma.

7. Chemotherapy: This treatment is responsible for gradually destroying the immune system, causing the formation of new types of cancer in the organism, particularly leukemia.

Read More: Herb That Is 100 Times Stronger Than Chemo Drugs And Kills Cancer!

7,000 Studies Confirm Turmeric Can Change Your Life: Here Are 7 Amazing Ways To Use It

Used in Asian cooking, this spice has been used by centuries for healers long before the scientific explanation was discovered.

Turmeric is said to have been the ‘gold’ that was brought to baby Jesus by the wise men, and references to it in ancient medicine goes even further back than that.


Turmeric is so powerful because of the wealth of beneficial compounds that are present within it. It has antibacterial, anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antimutagenic, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is rich in many healthy nutrients such as iron, dietary fiber, niacin, magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, potassium, protein, calcium, copper, and zinc.

Prevents cancer

In studies it has been shown that turmeric can help prevent prostate cancer and against radiation-induced tumors. It has also been shown to actually prevent growth of tumor cells like T-cell leukemia, colon cancer and breast cancer.

Treats depression

The active ingredient in turmeric, circumin is full of antioxidants, which are clinically proven to be an effective anti-depressant.

Relieves arthritis

Because of its excellent anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is great for treating rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and general joint pain.

Boosts the immunity

Turmeric contains lipopolysaccharide which has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects which helps strengthen the immune system. Taken on a regular basis, turmeric will ensure you don’t catch as many colds or viruses.

Heals wounds

Turmeric has strong antiseptic and antiviral properties, meaning it is effective at treating wounds, burns and other skin conditions such as psoriasis.

Maintains healthy heart

Turmeric is great for maintaining a healthy heart as it breaks down fat and cholesterol which can lead to heart diseases.

Maintains the ideal weight

Turmeric can help you maintain a healthy weight as it breaks down bile which is main component in dietary fat.

Also, it’s delicious and unique flavor gives life to vegetable-based meals that will help you feel fuller without reaching for bad foods.

Prevents Alzheimer’s disease

Turmeric has properties which are essential to healthy blood and oxygen flow in the body. Alzheimers is caused by a build up of proteins in the brain, which could be helped by keeping blood flow in the brain at a healthy level.

Protects the liver

Turmeric is full of enzymes which detoxify the body. Give your liver a boost by introducing turmeric to help it function at it’s best.




• 1 cup hot water

• ½ tsp fresh grated turmeric

• dash of black pepper

• raw honey to taste

• squeeze of lime (makes turmeric more bioavailable)


Heat up the water until it boils. Add turmeric and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Remove the water from the stove and strain the tea. Add the remaining ingredients. Let it sit for 10 minutes then serve.



• ½ lemon

• 1 teaspoon turmeric powder or ½ inch turmeric root

• sea salt


Juice the lemon and turmeric, spice it with a pinch of salt, pour it in a glass and drink it. If you don’t have a juicer you can use fresh lemon, squeeze it and add turmeric powder and salt in it.


Add some turmeric on your traditional eggs in the morning.



• 1 knuckle chopped/grated turmeric

• 4 cups veggie or organic bone broth


Heat up some water until it boils. Add both turmeric and broth and simmer for 15 minutes, strain chunks out, add some black pepper and enjoy in the new flavor of your soup.


Add some turmeric in your favourite smoothie or try this recipe


1 tsp turmeric powder/fresh turmeric

½ coconut or almond milk

1 tsp hemp seed hearts

1 ½ cups frozen pineapple or mango

1 tsp maca root

2 tbsp coconut flakes

dash of black pepper


Add all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.


If you are in a hurry you can simply mix some warm milk with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder. If you have some time to spare then try the recipe below.


• 1 tsp turmeric powder/fresh grated

• ¼ cup water

• ¼ tsp ginger powder/fresh grated

• ¼ tsp vanilla

• dash of cardamom

• dash of clove

• dash of cinnamon

• 1 cup coconut or almond milk

• 2 tsp raw honey


Put all ingredients in a pot and simmer them for 1 min. Pour in a cup and enjoy.



• 1 gallon Filtered or Spring Water

• 1 cup of fresh Turmeric or ⅓ cup dried whole root

• 1 cup organic sugar or rapadure

• 1 cup of fresh Ginger

• ½ cup Water Kefir Grains


1. First you need to peel the ginger and turmeric and roughly chop.

2. Then pour the water into a pan, put it on the stove and bring to a boil.

3. Put the ginger and turmeric into the pot.

4. Lover the temperature, cover the pot and cook for an hour.

5. When is done move to the refrigerator to cool.

6. When it cools, strain out the ginger and the turmeric.

7. Then pour the liquid into a large one gallon glass jar.

8. Then add the sugar or rapadura and mix up until it is dissolved.

9. Lastly add the water kefir grains.

10. Cover the glass with a dish towel and let it sit for 3-5 days.

11. Try it- if it tastes tangy, a bit sour and is fizzy then it’s done.

12. Keep it in the refrigerator and enjoy it whenever you want.


Diet With Eggs And Grapefruit – Lose 20 Pounds For 7 days

This diet is becoming more actual because with this diet are burning fats and is reducing a lot of weight within a few days. Realistically you can lose weight up to 20 pounds in just 7 days!

Why to choose this diet ?

Grapefruit belongs to the group of foods that burn fats . In other words grapefruit has nutrients that break down and remove fat from the body.

Grapefruit also improves metabolism and stimulates digestion.

Egg especially whites have a lot of proteins . When you combine these two foods the efficiency of weakening  is assumed to increase multifold.

Diet with eggs and grapefruit is pretty strict , so it is not recommended for people with serious health problems !

Basic principles of the diet

This diet can last up to 7 days! I recommend only 3-4, because it will give you good results, and the body will not starve.


Eat 5 grapefruit daily combining with 5-9 egg whites. In the ideal case there should be 10 serving per day ½ grapefruit and an egg white on every hour.

Make sure you drink plenty of water and have to stay moderately active, for example by walking 45 minutes every day.

As you can see this diet excludes 100% of fat from nutrition. Contains only protein and simple sugars from grapefruit, so results are guaranteed.

My advice is to drink a cup of green tea on morning  without sugar, and before you go to bed, drink another cup of tea, to clean the body of toxins and to use the benefits of green tea, especially powerful antioxidant and effect for reducing weight.

We Should All Know These 7 Things About Our Blood Type!

Humans have four blood type categories, each blood type tells a story of an individual’s ancestry, what foods are best, and even what exercises render the best results for mind, body, and soul.

There are four principle types: A which is for Agrarian, B for Bavarian, O for Original hunter, and AB is the most modern blood type and has the best immune system.

Still there exists another 400 subcategories for blood types, these all determine an individual’s health profile, it is also important to note that these aspects will refine ones directional compass.

Therefore the following is mostly an outline to help you get started in understanding your health in relation to your blood type.

Foods that benefit your blood type:

-Blood type A: Vegetarian based diet with fish, chicken, and yogurt. Avoid legumes, spicy foods, dehydration, and coffee. 

-Blood type B: Dairy, mutton, fish, vegetables, tea and grains suit this blood type best. Avoid alcohol, preservatives, and excessive noise. 

-Blood type O: Meat, fish, vegetables, and fasting. Avoid dairy, processed foods, and over-eating. 

-Blood type AB: This is considered the modern blood type, therefore they can digest anything efficiently. Its is recommend to eat organic, fresh live foods, as eating fried (etc) foods take away from your energy.

Blood type and personality:

– Blood type A: compassionate, organized, efficient, leaders

– Blood type B: meditative, flexible, friendly, action oriented

– Blood type O: practical, assertive, attentive, empathetic

– Blood type AB: rational, calm, strong, forward thinking

Blood type and stress:

– Blood type A: Highly susceptible to high cortisol and takes longer to recover from stress. Drinking water helps to calm down.

– Blood type B: Mostly calm, but reaches the limit and has an extreme swing to high levels of cortisol. Breathing helps to return to harmony.

– Blood type O: Susceptible to an outburst of anger, because of their primordial ancestry. Visualizing something peaceful helps to restore peace. 

– Blood type AB: Handles stress very well, can become frustrated at the worst. Activity like walking helps release built-up tension. 

Blood type and fat:

– Blood type A: Will accumulate fat from meats and sugars.

– Blood type B: Is ill affected by fried foods and breads.

– Blood type O: Gains fat from eating irregularly.

– Blood type AB: Gains fat from inactivity.

Blood type and Mate:

– RH Factor is the second most important blood group system, after ABO consist of 50 defined blood-group antigens, of which D, C, c, E, e are the five most important. A.K.A. RH Factor, RH Positive, RH Negative which refers to the D antigen only. 

– RH positive has the D antigen and RH negative does not have the D antigen.

In pregnancy, the RH factor can cause complications such as:

– Hemolytic Disease- breakdown of red blood cells

– Erythroblastosis Fetalis- producing immature red blood cells, in the fetus

This occurs when the fetus or the fathers’ blood type is incompatible with that of the mothers (i.e.. typically the mother being RH-negative and the father RH-positive). 

The mother is to receive an injection called RhoGAm or Rho (D) which is a sterile solution (made from human blood plasma) at 28 weeks of gestation and within 72 hours after birth to avoid the development of antibodies from the mother towards the fetus (an allergic reaction could be possible).

The injection works like a vaccine, it contains RH-positive blood, the mothers’ body then detects these antibodies and reacts as though the immune system had already taken action against the “foreign” Rh-positive red blood cells.

Therefore distracting the mothers’ immune system from attacking the fetus.

Blood types and transfusions:

Blood type compatibilities

– AB is the universal blood type receiver, but can only donate to AB.

– A can receive blood type from A or O, and can donate to A or AB.

– B can receive blood type from B or O, and can donate to B or AB.

– O can only receive from blood type O, and is the universal blood type donor. 

– Individuals with type O RH D negative blood type are often called universal donors, and those with type AB RH D positive are called universal recipients.

Plasma compatibility

– AB can only receive plasma from AB, and is the universal plasma donor to any blood group.

– A can receive from A and AB, but can only donate to A and O.

– B can receive from B and AB, but can only donate to B and O.  

– O  is the universal plasma receiver, but can only donate plasma to O.

– Type O plasma containing both anti-A and anti-B antibodies can only be given to O recipients. Conversely, AB plasma can be given to patients of any ABO blood group, due to not containing any anti-A or anti-B antibodies. 

7 Ways To Grow New Brain Cells Regardless Of Your Age

Sandrine Thuret, a well-known neuroscientist, claims that everyone can grow new brain cells. She provides researches and advice on how to enhance neurogenesis, improve your mood, enhance memory information, and reduce decline associated with age.

Opposed to the common belief, the human brain can be fixed, which indicates that loss brain cells can re-grow.


The brain is composed of numerous brain regions. Neurogenesis is the process of forming new brain cells. It usually happens after pre-natal development.

Only in two regions of the brain, neurogenesis is thought to go on into adulthood. In addition, these two regions are known as sub ventricular and the hippocampus.

In 1962 – 1963, Joseph Altman found out something extraordinary. In fact, how work was under constant observation. In 1990s, neurogenesis was regarded as a priority.

In addition, learning and memory may be important brain functions, which may be enhanced by growing up new brain cells.

What is more important is the fact that some neuronal effects were present in the regulation of stress and in the beneficial mechanisms of some antidepressants.

So, the process of growing new brain cells which may show advance in treating depression and Alzheimer’s.


Here is how to grow new brain cells:

These methods are cheap and do not need surgery. You can use them to improve cognitive potential and enhance neurogenesis.

1. Do regular exercise

Increased neurogenesis is related to walking. According to a recent study, walking for 45 minutes a day may lead to increased growth of the hippocampus tissues.

In addition, other studies have shown that doing exercise is also beneficial for neurogenesis. Moreover, doing exercise may lower the risk of experiencing Alzheimer’s.

2. Eat more blueberries

It is essential to eat more blueberries as their consumption improves the mood, neurogenesis and cognitive ability.

Blueberries are rich in flavonoids that make them a great food. While supporting neurogenesis, you should regulate your sugar levels.

This is another reason why blueberries are healthy, as they do not contain high amounts of sugar.

3. Avoid consuming food rich in calories and practice fasting

Avoiding the consumption of calorie-rich foods and practicing fasting contribute to survival of brain cells. In fact, you can eat turmeric, avoid calories and practice fasting.

4. Use curcumin in your diet

Using curcumin will help you to enhance the growth of the brain cells. In addition, curcumin is an active compound found in Indian spice turmeric.

Numerous animal studies have shown its connection to neurogenesis.

Moreover, other studies have shown that curcumin can decrease brain-derived neurotrophic expression factor, which is essential for numerous brain functions.

5. Take omega-3 fatty acids or consume wild-caught fish

Dososahexaenoic acid (DHA) is the most effective type of omega-3 fats in enhancing neurogenesis.

According to the studies, it can help to enhance neurogenesis. So, consume wild-caught fish or take omega-3 fatty acids to support neurogenesis.

6. Drink green tea

Drinking green tea is thought to support neurogenesis. In fact, epigallocatechin (EGCG) compound, which is found in the green tea, enhances the growth of new brain cells.

According to the studies, this compound has positive effects on neurogenesis in mice. Therefore, drinking green tea or taking EGCG as a supplement can increase the growth of new brain cells.

If we compare human to animal studies, we will conclude that the data is relevant. It means that you can take dose-relevant amounts. Moreover, EGCG extract or green tea is thought to have positive effects on neurogenesis.

7. Eat dark chocolate

Eating dark chocolate is thought to increase longevity. In addition, it is also beneficial for supporting neurogenesis, or growing new brain cells, due to its high amounts of flavonoids.


Even though neurogenesis have positive effect on your overall health, it is really significant to realize its side effects, too.

According to the experts, increased neurogenesis may lead to negative effects as well as decreased neurogenesis.

However, some new neurons born during neurogenesis might die in 14 days. In addition, some new neurons may be transported to the molecular layer.

To sum up, it is really important to include supplements and food that improves neurogenesis in your diet.

7 Psychological Problems That Are Linked To Poor Parenting

Being a parent is the most responsible and difficult job ever, as parents need to raise their children properly and help them grow up to be kind, educated, smart, loving human beings with good manners.

Children absorb every word said, every action, and behavior, and these affect the way they feel, act, and think.

Poor parenting causes multiple issues in the lives of children, and these are 7 psychological problems that may occur:

1.Suppression of emotions

Children will imitate their parents, so if you suppress your emotions and feeling, your child will start hiding the way it feels, and it will become an introvert and closed person.

2.Low self-esteem

Parents should never compare their child to someone else, as this leads to low self-esteem and inferior behavior.

3.Anxiety and depression

Children that have been often criticized often become depressed and anxious, as they lack independence, and become fearful in life.

4.Suppression of talents and lack of initiative

Allow your children to dream, and do not suppress their talents. They should grow into initiative adults and never give up on their dreams.

5.Trust issues

Your child will trust no one if you keep telling him/her that nobody can be trusted.

6.Lack of independence

Your child will be immature and irresponsible if you over-control or overprotect it. It should not grow dependent on you or others, as it won’t be able to make his most important decisions in life.

7.Depression and guilt

When you keep repeating that you have sacrificed a lot for your children, they will start feeling depressed and guilty, and will believe that they are unworthy when adults.

We Are Born 7 Times In This World. Find Out Which One You Are On Based On Its Characteristics

Very often people complain that they were born during the wrong age, or in the wrong country. Why does this happen?

There are many explanations, and many people believe that we live on this planet more than once, the tricky part is that very often we have no memories of our previous lives, just some lingering, indefinite aftertaste.

What if we tell you that according to this research, there are seven lives you are bound to live on this planet, would you like to know which one you are living right now?

Then you have an amazing opportunity to find out. Read through these seven descriptions and find the one that is the closes to your way of living right now and that will be it!

#1 Baby

You are just a baby to this world, this is indeed your first time being in this world.

There is no wonder why everything seems so difficult and challenging for you, you know nothing and life is tough on you, but you shouldn’t give in to despair, it will get better next time!

#2 Student

This one is more interesting. This is your second birth. You are amazed by everything and everyone around you.

Everything you do, you do to understand the world around you better. You spend almost all of your time trying to learn something new, to understand the world deeper.

This is a stage that prepares you for something greater ahead.

#3 Adventurer

Now, that you know what you can expect from life it is time to explore. But this time you want to explore the world around you, new places are like magnets for you, staying in one place is definitely not for you.

So much to see, to experience and so little time… Nevertheless, this is a very exciting phase, your third life.

#4 Lover

Your forth life means that you have already learned and explored everything you had to and now it is time to settle down, and look for your true love.

If you constantly think about finding that one true love – this is it, the forth life.

For sure, you will succeed, and once you find your soul mate it will be forever!

#5 Taker

This is the life that will bring you success and fame, and you know that.

Everything you do, you know how it is going to work and you expect it to bring your recognition any day now.

If you feel that way – great, in case not, do not worry this is simple one of the previous stages.

#6 Giver

This is the time you return the favor. Your sixth life is completely devoted to helping others, but you like it more than anything.

So if you find yourself thinking about the others more than you think of yourself, then this is it – sixth time you being here!

#7 Transcendence

Seventh life is the last one, but you are no upset by it, all that you want is some greater knowledge that waits for you somewhere beyond.

If anything that happens around you makes no sense to you and you think that this is completely trivial – you are ready for the great beyond!

7,000 Studies Confirm Turmeric Can Change Your Life: Here are 7 Amazing Ways to Use It


Used in Asian cooking, this spice has been used by centuries for healers long before the scientific explanation was discovered.

Turmeric is said to have been the ‘gold’ that was brought to baby Jesus by the wise men, and references to it in ancient medicine goes even further back than that.


Turmeric is so powerful because of the wealth of beneficial compounds that are present within it. It has antibacterial, anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antimutagenic, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is rich in many healthy nutrients such as iron, dietary fiber, niacin, magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, potassium, protein, calcium, copper, and zinc.

Prevents cancer

In studies it has been shown that turmeric can help prevent prostate cancer and against radiation-induced tumors. It has also been shown to actually prevent growth of tumor cells like T-cell leukemia, colon cancer and breast cancer.

Treats depression

The active ingredient in turmeric, circumin is full of antioxidants, which are clinically proven to be an effective anti-depressant.

Relieves arthritis

Because of its excellent anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is great for treating rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and general joint pain.

Boosts the immunity

Turmeric contains lipopolysaccharide which has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects which helps strengthen the immune system. Taken on a regular basis, turmeric will ensure you don’t catch as many colds or viruses.

Heals wounds

Turmeric has strong antiseptic and antiviral properties, meaning it is effective at treating wounds, burns and other skin conditions such as psoriasis.

Maintains healthy heart

Turmeric is great for maintaining a healthy heart as it breaks down fat and cholesterol which can lead to heart diseases.

Maintains the ideal weight

Turmeric can help you maintain a healthy weight as it breaks down bile which is main component in dietary fat. Also, it’s delicious and unique flavour gives life to vegatable-based meals that will help you feel fuller without reaching for bad foods.

Prevents Alzheimer’s disease

Turmeric has properties which are essential to healthy blood and oxygen flow in the body. Alzheimers is caused by a build up of proteins in the brain, which could be helped by keeping blood flow in the brain at a healthy level.

Protects the liver

Turmeric is full of enzymes which detoxify the body. Give your liver a boost by introducing turmeric to help it function at it’s best.




• 1 cup hot water

• ½ tsp fresh grated turmeric

• dash of black pepper

• raw honey to taste

• squeeze of lime (makes turmeric more bioavailable)


Heat up the water until it boils. Add turmeric and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Remove the water from the stove and strain the tea. Add the remaining ingredients. Let it sit for 10 minutes then serve.



• ½ lemon

• 1 teaspoon turmeric powder or ½ inch turmeric root

• sea salt


Juice the lemon and turmeric, spice it with a pinch of salt, pour it in a glass and drink it. If you don’t have a juicer you can use fresh lemon, squeeze it and add turmeric powder and salt in it.


Add some turmeric on your traditional eggs in the morning.



• 1 knuckle chopped/grated turmeric

• 4 cups veggie or organic bone broth


Heat up some water until it boils. Add both turmeric and broth and simmer for 15 minutes, strain chunks out, add some black pepper and enjoy in the new flavor of your soup.


Add some turmeric in your favorite smoothie or try this recipe


1 tsp turmeric powder/fresh turmeric

½ coconut or almond milk

1 tsp hemp seed hearts

1 ½ cups frozen pineapple or mango

1 tsp maca root

2 tbsp coconut flakes

dash of black pepper


Add all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.


If you are in a hurry you can simply mix some warm milk with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder. If you have some time to spare then try the recipe below.


• 1 tsp turmeric powder/fresh grated

• ¼ cup water

• ¼ tsp ginger powder/fresh grated

• ¼ tsp vanilla

• dash of cardamom

• dash of clove

• dash of cinnamon

• 1 cup coconut or almond milk

• 2 tsp raw honey


Put all ingredients in a pot and simmer them for 1 min. Pour in a cup and enjoy.



• 1 gallon Filtered or Spring Water

• 1 cup of fresh Turmeric or ⅓ cup dried whole root

• 1 cup organic sugar or rapadure

• 1 cup of fresh Ginger

• ½ cup Water Kefir Grains


1. First you need to peel the ginger and turmeric and roughly chop.

2. Then pour the water into a pan, put it on the stove and bring to a boil.

3. Put the ginger and turmeric into the pot.

4. Lover the temperature, cover the pot and cook for an hour.

5. When is done move to the refrigerator to cool.

6. When it cools, strain out the ginger and the turmeric.

7. Then pour the liquid into a large one gallon glass jar.

8. Then add the sugar or rapadura and mix up until it is dissolved.

9. Lastly add the water kefir grains.

10. Cover the glass with a dish towel and let it sit for 3-5 days.

11. Try it- if it tastes tangy, a bit sour and is fizzy then it’s done.

12. Keep it in the refrigerator and enjoy it whenever you want.

7 Days – 7 Glasses: A Powerful Method That Burns Abdominal Fat!

Having too much weight is a real problem. Its impact on health is incalculable, not to mention that it can be the cause of a series of diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension.

People who are overweight usually follow a strict diet or even choose to do liposuction when there are no alternatives.

There is always an exit, and often, it is much simpler than we think. Why not try something natural and very effective? If you are looking to lose weight without affecting your health, we have good news for you. Take note!


Today we show you a drink recipe that literally makes is very beneficial. Start the day with that juice, and the problem of abdominal fat will stop bothering you.

Plus, it tastes amazing, and the most important thing is that all components are easy to find.

If your goal is to feel good and be in good physical shape, try to pay attention to what you eat.

Normalize your rations, choose only healthy foods, use more fruits, vegetables and whole grain products and completely exclude sweets and sugar. And, of course, include in your diet this green juice to burn fat.

What do you need:

–Cucumber (1 unit)
–Pineapple (3 pieces)
–Celery (a stem)
–Parsley leaves (a glass)

Method of preparation:

The first thing to do is to carefully wash the fruits and vegetables with plenty of cold water.

Then, cut the cucumbers in circles, also cut celery and parsley into small pieces. Finally, add all the ingredients to the blender. Beat them very well!

How to use:

Drink this juice in the morning on an empty stomach. Do not add sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Drink it no later than 15 minutes after its preparation, so that it does not lose its useful properties.

This amazing juice is a rich source of vitamins. Drink it for seven days and forget about abdominal fat.

In a very short time you will notice the result and you will feel healthier and stronger. Slimming with pleasure is possible.

Keep in mind that this juice is clean, so its prolonged consumption is not acceptable for months.

Watch carefully the response of the body, and any unpleasant reaction of the body, stop using it.

Thank you for reading this information.