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Are you suffering from hair loss? You just have to try using eggs! This protein bomb will help you to grow long silky hair. By using different egg masks you will not only treat your hair gently but also prevent skin irritation and heart problems.

Eggs consist of protein and that is why it helps to strengthen your strands and accelerate their growth. Egg whites are full of enzymes that destroy germs and cleanse the scalp, egg yolk deeply moisturizes the hair strands, making them look healthy and thick.

You are able to mix eggs with peppermint, ripe avocado, lavender and natural yogurt to make effective remedies that can be used in hair care.

We would like to show you these wonderful recipes that use eggs to maintain the beauty of your hair. When you see the results you will definitely start to use eggs in your daily care.

#1. Egg mask for strengthening your hair

Hair and eggs both consist of protein so it makes this component the best thing to treat your brittle locks. Eggs are also rich in vitamin D which nourishes the scalp and makes your hair grow faster.


– two eggs (you can use more eggs if you have thick and long hair)

What to do:

Whisk the eggs and rub them into your scalp. Rinse off the mask after thirty minutes of use.

#2. Egg+peppermint mask that treats hair loss

Are you concerned about your hair loss? This remedy will reduce inflammation at the scalp, improve circulation and accelerate hair growth.


– two eggs

– six drops of peppermint oil

What to do:

Whisk eggs and add six drops of oil, mix this well and rub it into your scalp. Rinse off the mask after thirty minutes of use.

#3. Egg+lavender mask that will make your hair grow longer

Lavender oil is an essential remedy for your hair! It perfectly cleanses the scalp, removes dandruff, activates hair growth and restores hair follicles.


– two eggs

– six drops of lavender oil

What to do:

Whisk eggs and add six drops of oil, mix this well and rub it to your scalp. Rinse off the mask after thirty minutes of use.

#4. Egg+yogurt mask to make your hair look shiny

Natural yogurt restores dry, damaged strands, renewing their natural shine and thickness.


– One egg

– Two tablespoons of natural yogurt

What to do:

Whisk an egg and add yogurt, mix these components and rub the mixture into your scalp. Rinse off this mask after thirty minutes of use.

#5. Egg+avocado mask to untangle your hair

Avocado is an excellent stimulator of hair growth. It possesses regenerating and restoring properties which protect hair follicles from damage.


– half of a ripe avocado

– one egg

What to do:

Whisk an egg and mash an avocado, mix these components and rub the mixture into your scalp. Rinse off this mask after thirty minutes of use.

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