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Ginger is an aromatic powerful root that we often use to give our food a nice flavor. However, the root also offers numerous health benefits.

In the past, it has been used as a natural remedy for colds and the flu, as well as for circulatory and digestive problems.

Although beneficial, some people just can’t stand the strong taste of ginger. It is quite tangy and heavy and can burn your tongue, but there’s another simple way of enjoying all the benefits of the root without eating it raw – ginger water.

This powerful beverage is pretty easy to prepare and will provide you with all the benefits of ginger which will boost your overall health. Here’s how to prepare it:


A cup of water

¼ teaspoon of ginger

¼ teaspoon of turmeric


Coconut milk


Boil a cup of water in a pot, then add the turmeric and ginger and simmer the mixture for a few minutes.

Take the pot off the heat afterwards, leave it to cool down, strain it, and add the honey and coconut milk. You should drink the beverage at least once a day, but twice would be perfect.

The benefits of ginger water are numerous. Drinking the beverage will reinforce your immune system and protect your body from colds, the flu and various infections.

It will also relieve your joint pain as ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, while cleaning and improving your digestive system as well. The ginger water will drain your clogged sinuses and is a perfect alternative for teas or a hot cup of cocoa in the winter.

If you want to improve the function of your body and stay healthy during the cold winter months, this drink is the perfect choice.

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