Study: Drinking Wine is More Important than Exercise to Living Past 90

Living long enough to see your children and grandchildren grow is priceless.  Unfortunately, not many people are lucky enough for this to happen.

Living Longer With…Wine?

Although medicine has significantly progressed over time and has done great jumps in keeping us healthy, this is not the only thing keeping us going.

So, what`s the secret? A study named 90+ Study started in 2003 with the goal of analyzing the oldest-old which is turning into the fastest growing age group worldwide.  The participants in this study were initially part of another study named The Leisure World Cohort Study (LWCS) which started in 1981.

Utilizing the information from these participants, the team of researchers working on the 90+ Study were able to ask, ‘What allows people to live to age 90 and beyond?’

The goals of the study were to:

– Determine factors associated with longevity

– Determining modifiable risk factors for mortality and dementia

– Examine rates of cognitive and functional decline in the oldest-old

– Examine the epidemiology of dementia in the oldest-old

– Examine clinical pathological correlations in the oldest-old

The participants in the study are visited two times annually for neurophysiological and neurological tests.

By The Glass Or By The Bottle?

Drinking wine can help, but this doesn’t mean that you should drink a whole bottle with dinner.  Moderation is the key! According to Mayo Clinic, for healthy adults older than 65, moderation is one drink.  For those under 65, it is two drinks. A standard drink is 12 fluid ounces of beer, 5 fluid ounces of wine, or 1.5 fluid ounces of distilled spirits.

It was shown that moderate alcohol consumption provides the following benefits:

– Lower chances of ischemic stroke

– Possible reduction of your risk of diabetes

– Reduced risk of developing or dying from heart disease

A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine looked at how physical activity can counteract the negative effects of drinking. Senior author of the study, Dr. Emmanuel Stamatakis studied data gathered from heath surveys from England and Scotland and then divided their 36, 370 participants in three groups.

The groups were divided into those weren’t very active, those with moderate amount of exercise, and those who exercised on a regular basis. Then, the team of researchers looked at how much alcohol the people in each group consumed, respectively.

Calculating 5,735 total deaths over a follow-up period of 10 years per person, the researchers found that compared with lifelong abstinence from alcohol, hazardous drinking was associated with an increased risk of death from all causes. They also noted that the more drinks had weekly, the greater the risk of death from cancer.

When they compared the weekly recommended amount of exercise for adults, they discovered that it “appeared to wipe off completely” the risk of cancer deaths due to alcohol.

These Are The 8 Health Benefits Of Drinking Ginger Tea With Honey Everyday

Ginger is an aromatic powerful root that we often use to give our food a nice flavor. However, the root also offers numerous health benefits.

In the past, it has been used as a natural remedy for colds and the flu, as well as for circulatory and digestive problems.

Although beneficial, some people just can’t stand the strong taste of ginger. It is quite tangy and heavy and can burn your tongue, but there’s another simple way of enjoying all the benefits of the root without eating it raw – ginger water.

This powerful beverage is pretty easy to prepare and will provide you with all the benefits of ginger which will boost your overall health. Here’s how to prepare it:


A cup of water

¼ teaspoon of ginger

¼ teaspoon of turmeric


Coconut milk


Boil a cup of water in a pot, then add the turmeric and ginger and simmer the mixture for a few minutes.

Take the pot off the heat afterwards, leave it to cool down, strain it, and add the honey and coconut milk. You should drink the beverage at least once a day, but twice would be perfect.

The benefits of ginger water are numerous. Drinking the beverage will reinforce your immune system and protect your body from colds, the flu and various infections.

It will also relieve your joint pain as ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, while cleaning and improving your digestive system as well. The ginger water will drain your clogged sinuses and is a perfect alternative for teas or a hot cup of cocoa in the winter.

If you want to improve the function of your body and stay healthy during the cold winter months, this drink is the perfect choice.

Why the Drinking of Iced Water is so Dangerous For You?

Not many people understand why warm water is far better than ice cold. Hopefully, this article will help you see things better.

But, first, try this:

Close your eyes and imagine yourself being on a wooden dook that extends into a mountain lake. Sun is shining, birds are singing. Spring is awesome. The top layer of the lake has just melted. You decide to dive in the lake.

Now, how does your body react? Are you relaxed or constricted?

If by any chance you did not know it, warm water loosens skin and opens pores, and cold water constricts it and closes pores. The same happens to your digestive tract when you drink ice cold water.

What does cold water do to your body?

— Body spends more energy to regulate its temperature instead of absorbing nutrients and digesting food. This may result in water loss.

— Cold drinks restrict digestion, shrinks blood vessels and hinders hydration.

— When drinking cold drinks while eating food, cold temperature solidifies fat from the food you eat and your body cannot digest undesired fats from the body properly.

— If you prefer drinking cold water after your meals, your body deals with excess mucus, which affects the function of your immune system, so you are likely to catch a cold or struggle with a disease.

People believe that cold water helps in burning calories. But, you sure do not need your digestive system working harder, and try to make things a bit different. You can burn calories in many other ways, without affecting vital functions in your body.

Why is warm water better for you?

– Stimulates digestive enzymes and enhances digestion

– Hydrates tissues faster

– Improves better bowel movement. Try warm lemon water in the morning

– Your body breaks down food more efficiently

– Boosts natural detoxification in your body and cleanses blood via kidneys, skin and lymphatic system

Once you decide to go for warm water or water at room temperature, you will experience better digestion and your body will feel much lighter after or during meals. Some people claim that drinking warm water has reduced their sugar cravings.

Drinking A Beer Per Day Will Be Beneficial For These 10 Reasons. Number # 9 Is Very Important.

Many people especially women, choose to drink a couple of cocktails instead of beer when going out.

Considering that cocktails can be more expensive and can contain much more sugar and types of alcohol, switching to a beer can be a great idea.

Even if the beer doesn’t have that yummy taste, it can be very beneficial for your health.

But this doesn’t mean that you should consume beer without control. The consumption of one beer per day can be really advantageous for your health.

Beer is higher in vitamin B and protein than wine and has the equal amount of antioxidants with wine.

Beer is high in flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants, as well as minerals that are crucial for various metabolic processes. If consumed moderately, beer can boost health in various ways.

These are 10 Good Reasons Why You Should Drink “ONE” Beer a day:

1. Beer can lower bad cholesterol, as it contains fiber that effectively reduces LDL cholesterol levels.

2. Beer has been shown to effectively prevent the formation of blood clots.

3. Beer supports the health of your kidneys, and a bottle of this drink daily lowers the risk of developing kidney stones by 40%.

4. Beer strengthens your bones, as the high silicon content leads to higher bone density.

5. Beer boosts the vitamin B levels, as it is a rich source of several B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, and B12). Experts also claim that people who drink beer have 30 percent higher levels of vitamin B6 than their non-drinking counterparts, and double the levels of wine drinkers. Beer is also high in vitamin B12.

6. Beer greatly lowers the risk of a heart attack, and scientists have shown that beer drinkers have a 40 to 60 percent lowered risk of suffering a heart attack in comparison to non-beer drinkers.

7. Beer contains lactoflavin and nicotinic acid, which helps you fall asleep easily.

8. Beer supports the proper function of the brain, and beer drinkers have a lowered risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

9. Beer will make your skin healthy, youthful and smooth, as its vitamins have a beneficial effect on pigmentation and regenerate the skin.

10. Beer helps you fight stress. The findings of a study conducted at the University of Montreal showed that the consumption of two glasses of beer daily reduces work-related stress or anxiety.

Drinking Water On Empty Stomach Immediately After Waking Up!

Did you know that Japanese people have a habit of drinking water immediately after waking up. It’s an ancient tradition for healing many diseases that became very popular around World War 2 after being published in a Japanese newspaper.

The advantages of drinking water on empty stomach immediately after waking up have been also backed up by many studies. It is a treatment that is proven to give excellent results in fighting many serious diseases.

Some of the difficulties this water treatment can help with are: headache, body aches, heart system, accelerated heart beat, epilepsy, blood fat, bronchitis, asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney disease and urinary tract, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, diseases of the uterus, menstrual disorders, diseases of the ear, nose and throat.


As soon as you wake up in the morning, before brushing your teeth, drink 4 glasses (200 ml) of water. Wash your teeth, but do not eat nor drink anything in the next 45 minutes.

After 45 minutes you can eat and drink as you would every day. After your breakfast, lunch or dinner do not eat or drink anything for the next two hours.

Those that are old and sick and unable to drink 4 glasses of water on an empty stomach, can begin with drinking water as much as they can, and then each day increase the amount until they reach the required 4 glasses of water.

This method will help with many diseases, and a healthy person will enjoy the new energy acquired from the water therapy.

As the story goes, doing this method has the power to heal high blood pressure in 30 days, gastritis in 10 days, diabetes in 30 days, constipation in 10 days and will also make you feel much more energized and improve your entire body function.

This method should not only be used for helping with some of the diseases above, but should also be implemented as a part of your life. It has no side effects at all and it has the power to do wonders for your Health.