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Modern diets are full of processed ingredients and sugar, so it is quite difficult to avoid them completely. Yet, it is not impossible.

A two- and- a- half-year-old baby girl, Grace Cooper, has never tried processed sugar yet, and her parents managed to keep her away from all products that contain hidden sugar.

Apparently, many products on the market contain hidden sugar, and a study by found that leading baby formula products are rich in harmful chemicals.

Namely, baby formulas were discovered to contain melamine, which is a chemical used in the production of plastics. Moreover, many babies in China died as a result of the chemically polluted baby formulas.

Even though all baby food products are said to be completely organic, safe, and natural, they are often high in processed sugar and preservatives.

Therefore, it might take some time to research and gain the knowledge needed to find the best organic products for your baby, it is worth it in the long run.

Grace’s mom, Shan, says that as soon as her daughter grows old enough to understand her preferences in terms of their diet, she will give her the opportunity to choose whether she will continue with the healthy diet or not.

When Grace was only 13 months, her mom told the Daily Mail:

“If she eats a piece of bread I’m not going to have a conniption. She’s going to go to kids’ parties and eat what’s there. I’m never going to go to Grace, ‘You can’t eat anything at this party, but I packed you some kale, here you go.’

Shan has fought with food allergies all of her life, so she needed to make her own diet in order to prevent such issues and function normally. She stopped eating gluten, dairy, and processed foods.

She believes that their diet rich in nutrients is the main reason for the strong immune system of her baby. Grace is not prone to coughs and colds as other children, and she has had a cold only once in her life.

 “She’ll be old enough to know she can choose whatever she wants to eat. She’ll probably come home jacked up on sugar and cake and say, ‘mum I don’t feel very well’

And next time instead of eating 12 cupcakes she might only eat three. Females particularly have enough problems with eating disorders… I want Grace to eat what makes her feel good.”

We all want out children to eat what makes them happy, and more and more people are becoming aware that this is definitely not sugar. Yet, not everyone is so determined to make the switch. Are you?

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