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Detoxing the body through the feet is a very effective treatment. It is believed that our feet have natural energy zones that are connected to important organ system. This means that through your feet you are able to detox your whole body.

Foot Detox Pads

If you want to detox your body, we recommend you a very simple method.

Before going to bed, put the foot detox pad. Remove the pad when you wake up. You are toxin-free if the pads are dark. Every health store has these pads.

Ionic Foot Bath

If you want to remove all of the toxins from the body, we recommend you to try ionic foot bath. Based on electrolysis, it makes chemical reaction using electrical current.

Salt is an anti-inflammatory astringent. Warm water is very essential since it is able to open your pores.

The detoxification is successful and you have eliminated the toxins when the water becomes black. This happens because you absorb the ions through your feet.

 We recommend you to try the following recipes:

1. Salt Detox Bath

Necessary Ingredients:

– 1 cup of sea salt

– Essential oil (depending on your taste)

– 1 cup of Epsom salt

– 2 cups of baking soda


In order to dissolve the ingredients, put them in boiling water. Add warm water and apple cider vinegar in a tub.

The next thing you need to do is to add salt and essential oil. You will have to let them sit for half an hour. Do not be surprised if you feel tired or weak after the bath. Besides soothing the skin irritation and detoxing the body, this recipe also increases the levels of magnesium.

2. Oxygen Detox Bath

Necessary Ingredients:

– 1 tablespoon of dried ginger powder

– 2 cups of hydrogen peroxide


Fill a tub with hot water and then add the dried ginger powder and hydrogen peroxide. Now, you need to relax your body in the tub for 30 minutes.

Besides making your skin smooth and flawless, this bath also helps you with allergies and irritations.

3. Clay Detox Bath

Necessary Ingredients:

– Essential oils (depending on your taste)

– ½ cup of bentonite clay

– ½ cup of Epsom oil


You need to dissolve the essential oils and the Epsom salt in hot water. Mix the clay by using small amounts of water. While doing this step, you should not use metal.

Add the clay in the hot tub. Soak for 20 minutes. Besides detoxing your whole body, this bath will also help you increase the levels of magnesium.

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