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In case you love essential oils, and have some, you already know that they are extremely beneficial for health and have intense relaxing and calming properties.

These oils despite being amazing for aromatherapy, also offer other benefits as well.

Essential oils can be applied to the feet at bedtime and ensure you get a healthy sleep during the night, according to reflexologists.

In fact the soles of the feet have 5 skin layers and no hair follicles. The pores are absorbent and quickly absorb the essential oil into the bloodstream.

It was shown that as soon as the essential oil is applied to the foot, its traces can be found throughout the body in less than 20 minutes.

The palms and soles are the only body areas without sebaceous glands and these glands produce sebum, which is an oily substance that protects and weakens the skin’s ability to absorb foreign materials.

When the soles and palms lack these glands, they can easily absorb essential oils.

Important is that the feet have 72,000 nerve endings each, which is more per square centimeter than any other body part. According to this to this fact, the East Asian medicine has treated various diseases and illnesses by stimulating certain foot points.

It is believed that body organs and systems are linked through meridians of energy that end in the feet, hands, ears and face. This healing tradition is known as reflexology.

According to reflexology the application of essential oils on the feet helps the properties of the oil to reach the body organs and systems and assist healing.

These oils are too concentrated to be applied directly on the body, so you need to dilute them with water or coconut oil to lower the risk of swelling or irritations.

The feet skin is the least sensitive, so you can freely apply any kind of essential oil on the soles.

If you use of essential oils topically it helps the active compounds to directly enter the bloodstream, instead of going through the digestive system and the liver, when ingested.

Consult a naturopath about the most beneficial essential oil to use in order to treat your health issue and gain most health benefits. Apply it on your feet and experience quick health improvements!

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