Maca Powder: The Perfect Food For Hormone Imbalance, Anxiety, Energy, Sleep, And Libido

Maca comes from the brassica (mustard) family, similar to turnip, cabbage, and watercress. This superfood was first used by the Incans who grew this hearty plant high in the Andes Mountains of Peru.

The Incans valued maca, which they commonly called Peruvian ginseng, for its incredible sources of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, tannins and amino acids, as well as a number of complex alkaloids and up to 20 essential fatty acids, along with numerous other phytochemicals.

I really think that you’ll be amazed when we tell you that the Incan imperial warriors regularly ate maca prior to battle to help increase their “fighting spirit,” strength, stamina, and libido. Although relatively small, this vegetable was so potent that its use was restricted mainly to royalty and their court. Incans respected the value of this plant so much they even used it as a form of payment.

Even today, many athletes and even bodybuilders still use maca to help build their strength, stamina and overall performance.

But, ladies and gentlemen, you should know that maca has another, lesser known benefit that researchers are only beginning to understand. This potent vegetable has the ability to balance hormones, which makes it invaluable for both men and women in various stages of life.

According to the experts, maca is especially good for women during menopause. Take a look at the article below and find out more about this.

Maca for Women

1. Regulates Hormonal Imbalances

First of all, you should know that maca is considered to be an endocrine adaptogen. Maca doesn’t contain any hormones, but it does contain the necessary nutrients to support normal hormone production within your body.

One of these nutrients is DIM (Diindolylmethane), a phytochemical that is found in many cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cabbage. DIM has been found in numerous studies to greatly improve hormone balance (both estrogen and testosterone) in both men and women.

Maca is also effective against some forms of cancer. A recent study has revealed that maca can help to normalize hormone levels by working with your endocrine system.

For women, maca can be a lifesaver, especially when most conventional options typically involve synthetic forms of hormones that are proven to be dangerous, even causing such things as ovarian cancer, stroke, and asthma, among other things.

Bottom line – maca provides the nutrients your body needs to naturally produce its own hormones to effectively restore balance. The conventional hormone treatments introduce synthetically made chemicals that can wreak havoc on your endocrine system. Hormone regulation is vital as these substances are responsible for virtually every process in your body.

2. Reduces Symptoms of Menopause

As we said, maca can help you balance your hormones, which means that it’s extremely helpful for women to reduce the typical symptoms associated with menopause.

A recent study has discovered that maca can help to alleviate the negative physiological and psychological symptoms experienced by women in perimenopause, such as the frequency of hot flashes, the incidence of night sweats, interrupted sleep, nervousness, depression, and heart palpitations.

The lead researcher said:

“It appears that Maca-GO may act as a toner of hormonal processes, leading to alleviation of discomfort felt by perimenopausal women, hence, its potential use as non-hormonal alternative to HRT program.”

Another study revealed that for women, maca is able to successfully restore hormone balance. The researchers have concluded that the changes in hormone levels was accompanied by a substantially-reduced feeling of discomfort associated with menopause.

Unfortunately, many women complain of “brain fog” during menopause, which has been linked to fluctuating hormones levels. Maca can improve this type of memory loss and it’s a potent neuroprotective agent, which makes it a potential treatment to help prevent or slow disease, and possibly, even in the case of injury, halt or at least slow, the loss of neurons.

3. Lowers Cholesterol Levels

You should know that maca is loaded with plant sterols, including sitosterol, campestrol, ergosterol, brassicasterol, and ergostadienol. According to the experts, these chemicals are essentially the equivalent of the cholesterol found your body.

These sterols help to form the cell membranes in plants. YES, there are different types of plant sterols, but they all have a similar chemical structure and have been shown by researchers to help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol in humans as well as combat three of the most common types of cancer.

4. Lowers Glucose Levels

Study has revealed that after just two weeks, subjects who took maca experienced significantly improved glucose tolerance, and lowered levels of glucose in their blood.

5. Reduces High Blood Pressure

Study confirms – maca can significantly inhibit the hypertension relevant angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE).

Maca for Women… And Men?

– Reduces Prostate Size

As we said, this super healthy powder is very beneficial for men as well. Study – a specific type of maca (red maca) can suppress prostatic growth and even reduce prostate size, which makes it a valuable tool for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a problem older men often face.

A group of experts have revealed that maca may be as potent as finasteride (a popular drug used to treat BPH) in reducing prostate size.

– Increases Fertility

Maca can also be a potential treatment for male infertility, especially if it is a result of lead exposure. Maca can effectively improve sperm production and motility.


If You Are Diabetic You Should Definitely Avoid These 20 Foods

Diabetic food should be well controlled if you really want to balance your blood sugar, if you have diabetes the secret in your diet lies in keeping you out of high sugar foods, however, there are certain drinks and foods that They seem healthy but they are the opposite. Here we will specify the 20 foods of which you must stay away in the end.

20 foods that must be kept out of diabetic food

1. Dry fruits: fiber and nutrients make some fruits dry and look like the healthiest option but you should consider it twice before consuming it if you suffer from diabetes 2 since the nuts have dehydration, which means that the sugars concentrate more. Substitute with strawberries or grapefruit.

2. White rice, bread and flour: low quality carbohydrates such as rice and those made with white flour, such as:

breads and pasta; they act in the same way as sugar, that is, they will interfere with glucose levels in your body just like sugar, it is preferable that you change them for whole grains like oats, barley, and brown rice.

3. Full-fat dairy: full-fat dairy contains fatter, increases bad cholesterol ( LDL ), the risk of heart disease and insulin resistance, so if you’re diabetic say goodbye to dairy products like creams , fat yogurt, ice cream and cream cheese.

4. Thick cuts of meat: fatty meats should be avoided at all costs for the same reason as dairy products since they are high in saturated fats that increase cholesterol and generate inflammation throughout the body at the same time that diabetics increase them. the risk of heart disease. Change meats for chicken without skin, turkey, pork loin, lean meat

5. Breakfast cakes: all baked goods such as cakes, muffins, donuts, cinnamon rolls contain high amounts of sodium and trans fats if you want to consume them, try to find the healthiest options, those without fat and without sugar. Without a doubt, the best option is to make them at home.

6. Fried foods: this kind of food is not good for those who suffer from diabetes 2, because they are soaked with large amounts of oil and in various cases are covered with flour to be breaded, which has more calories, you must be very careful with these foods.

7. Alcohol: alcohol interferes with blood sugar levels and if you have diabetes, you should consult before taking it with your doctor.

8. Fruit juice: the juices are full of fiber and healthy carbohydrates since fruits are always the best option when treating diabetics, however, when it comes to fruit juices you should be alert because even more nutritious than soda, the juices contain concentrated sugar that causes your sugar levels to increase.

9. Sugary foods: As explained above, they contain high amounts of sugar classified as low in carbohydrate quality, with a low nutritional value that generate high blood sugar jumps.

10. Cereals: it is usually one of the easiest and fastest options when breakfast is concerned but most cereals contain a lot of sugar.

11. Energy bars: they are not so bad but for diabetics yes, they should be more careful about what they choose to eat, both carbohydrates and sugars are two main sources of energy for the body as long as you choose those that contain minimum.

12. Bananas and melons: some fruits are more sugary than others and are just the most sugary ones that you must avoid in order not to increase your sugar levels, bananas, melons, and peaches contain a lot of sugar.

13. Mixed coffees: mixed coffees are very popular but they have syrup, sugar and whipped creams that are heavy in sugar and fat, always choose coffee without sugar and with little milk to satiate your impulses of caffeine.

14. Processed meat: processed meats are full of sodium and high salt diets are associated with double risk of heart attacks, strokes in diabetics, so reducing their intake is vital.

15. Smoothies purchased: they are marketed as the healthiest drinks on the market, however, they are far from being that way because they have a lot of sugar and are served in extra large portions.

16. Chinese food: it is high in calories, fat, sodium, and carbohydrates, increases blood sugar levels and keep it high for a long time.

17. Flavored waters: just like smoothies are sold as healthy but that’s not the case because containing flavor means more sugar than normal.

18. Frozen / commercial pizza: they are preferred for speed and convenience, especially in America but they are not convenient for health, they are high in calories and they add to your diet large portions of fat.

19. Nachos: preferred by many people without being aware of the high-calorie content they possess, a regular order of classic chili nachos contributes 830 calories, 59 grams of fat and 39 of carbohydrates, so they are far from healthy for the diabetics.

20. Hamburger restaurants: they are certainly tempting and delicious but they are loaded with saturated fats, responsible for raising cholesterol, it is far from being suitable as food for diabetics.

We wanted to dedicate a space to diabetic food because we know how difficult it is for them to have and live a normal life but once you learn to know and control everything you can and can not do, administering your blood sugar will be a matter to eat and listen to your body well.


25 Tips To Have A Happy & Fulfilling Life

Life can be beautiful besides the many difficulties and struggles we need to deal with. But, it depends on our focus. When you have a beautiful life, you feel filled with inspiration, creativity, and you are simply feeling alive.

In this article, we offer you 25 tips that can help you have an amazing life.

1. Take Walks

Make sure to find 10 or 30 minutes each day to go for a walk while you are in a good mood. When you have a smile on your face it can serve you as a natural antidepressant.

2. Silence

No matter how busy is your life, you need to find at least 10 minutes in a day to sit and relax in complete silence.

3. Pray

Each morning after waking up pray to God and ask for guidance in order to achieve your aim for the day.

4. No Manufactured Foods

Try eating more natural foods, and stay away from processed foods.

5. Eat Healthy Foods

You should drink green tea and a lot of water. Also, eat broccoli, almonds, and blueberries.

6. Make Others Happy

Life is better when we make other people happy. So, put a smile on at least three people’s faces each day.

7. Don’t Waste Your Energy

Do not waste your time or energy on gossiping, energy vampires, negative thinking, and problems from your past. It is always better to focus on the presence.

8. The Good Old Rule

You should eat your breakfast alone, eat your lunch with a friend, and give the dinner to your enemy.

9. No Hate

Since life is short you would not like to spend it on hating others.

10. Accept Life

Even though sometimes life is not fair, it is good. No matter how hard things are, there is always a better day.

11. Relax

There are not many people who take life seriously. Just relax.

12. Agree to Disagree

You will feel calmer when you accept that you cannot and you should not win every argument. Sometimes you just need to agree to disagree.

13. No Comparisons

Never waste time or energy on comparing your life to others. Each life is unique and special in its own way. We all have different journeys filled with happiness and sorrow.

14. No Past Regrets

Do not waste time on thinking about what happened in the past, just focus on your present.

15. You Are in Control

You should not blame other people for your unhappiness. No matter what happens, life is in your own hands, and you are the one in control. It is your decision if you are going to listen to the positive thoughts or the negative ones.

16. Disasters Need to be Finished

We all have disasters in our lives, but they should be finished in about 5 years.

17. Offer Help

When we are helping others we are helping ourselves too. Being able to give without expecting anything in return is a great trait.

18. Other Opinions Are Not Important

Do not pay attention to what people think of you. Also, you need to accept that not everyone is going to like you.

19. You Need Time

No matter what happens, you need to keep in mind that time will heal you.

20. Situations Change

In our life nothing is permanent. No matter how good or bad something is, it is going to change sooner or later.

21. Stay in Touch With Family and Friends

Of course, you should work, but do not forget about your beloved ones because once you are sick they will be there for you, not your job.

22. Do Not be Jealous

Jealousy will never get you anywhere. Do not waste your time envying others for what they have.

23. Be Thankful

Each day you need to think of the things you are grateful for. Do this before going to be.

24. No Stress

Whenever you feel stressed, make sure to find a way in which you will relax.

25. Share

Make other people happy by telling them what you have learned about how to have a great life.


This Plant In Your Home Works As A Magnet For Positive Energy And Wealth: Here Is How To Activate It!

Surely you remember some of the things your grandmother did for the welfare of the family. Among those things that the grandmothers always had in mind are the home remedies with them healing almost any disease that we had.

But that’s not all, since they always had an amulet of good luck. With him they counted so that the family always had sustenance and with what to cover one of these sacred objects for the grandmothers was the “plant of the currency”.

Although they moved several times from home, they always took that tree wherever they wanted. This bush was untouchable and whoever harmed it would see it with her. And the fact is that the faith he had in her made her see beyond what we can perceive.

Scientifically, this plant is known as “CrassulaOvata”. Many people have attributed to this tree magical powers that attract prosperity, money and positive energy.

This shrub is native to southern Africa, where it is known as “Jade” “plant of money”. From there it is from where it comes dragging its fame to attract the money.

In many homes they use it as a decorative plant either. And it is not for less, since it adapts very well to the environment of the interiors. In addition, its white roses with pink are quite attractive to those who observe it.


This small tree has a legend that is known to everyone who owns it, and perhaps that is why it has it. The legend says that a poor farmer worked tirelessly. All this was done just to have a better future.

One day while walking back home, he came across this plant and tripped over it. Then she decided to take her home, because her Jade-like leaves reminded her of the money. In addition, this plant has beautiful features.

Every day when he got up, he looked at that beautiful and radiant plant. Then he prayed to his god to give prosperity to him and his family.

Everything seems to indicate that his prayer was heard, because soon after he got a real fortune. At that moment he remembered the plant, which, for him, was responsible for his life change.

This story of faith, where dreams are pursued despite the fact that they seem impossible, has accompanied the plant. This became a kind of tradition where some give this plant to others and vice versa.

When they do, their intention is the desire to convey their feelings of finding a fortune and finding prosperity and positive energy.


10 plants to bring positive energy and good fortune into your home

You probably know what Feng Shui is, right? This ancient technique of placing objects in certain spots can influence the energy flow in your home and make you more positive and happy.

According to Feng Shui, plants contain energy just like all inorganic things. Even science has confirmed that plants make a difference – according to NASA sponsored research, plants can destroy dangerous toxins and chemicals in the air and make it easier and safer for you to breathe.



Even the name of the plant is enough to bring good vibes. The peace lily can neutralize dangerous toxins in the air and is pretty easy to care for. Putting one in your home also enrich the look of your home.


The incredible size of palm tress makes them great for dividing rooms, and they can also eliminate formaldehyde and xylene from the air.


Rosemary has a pleasant aroma and can clean the air of toxins. Furthermore, only a whiff of the plant can bring positive energy and is enough to boost your memory as well.


Orchid looks wonderful and release oxygen overnight, which makes the plant an ideal addition for your bedroom. It will absorb the carbon monoxide and other harmful substances from your bedroom, helping you fall asleep easier and wake up full of energy.


The lucky bamboo is one of the symbols of Feng Shui. It is believed that the plant brings positive energy and prosperity in your home, and will also boost your energy levels. Bamboos are pretty easy to care for – just put the reeds in a bowl with a bit of water and you can forget about it.


Jade is also known as the Money Tree due to its supposed ability to bring prosperity and wealth. It requires almost no care except for regular watering, and looks great wherever you put it.


Ficus is a low-maintenance plant that can purify the air and eliminate formaldehyde, ammonia and benzene. It’s also a great room divider thanks to its size and shape.


According to Feng Shui, putting the African violet in the southeast corner of your home can bring financial prosperity and wealth. The petals of the plant resemble coins and are powerful symbols of wealth, so you may want to put one in your home.


The climbing leaves of the English ivy can eliminate negative energy, especially in your bedroom while you sleep. The plant can also purify formaldehyde from the air and remove other harmful substances as well.


Citrus plants such as lemon or tangerine symbolize prosperity and health, and their wonderful aroma will make your home smell great.