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Bloating happens usually after you’ve had a bit too much to eat or you’ve eaten something heavy and your stomach is having a hard time digesting it.

This is normal and usually goes away in a day, but there are some people who feel bloated all the time, which means that something is upsetting their digestive system.

According to doctors bloating is a result of trapped gases in the stomach which has a lot to do with how you eat and what you eat.

People don’t usually worry too much when their stomach is bloated, even if it happens more often than not. They believe that it’s normal and that it only affects the way their belly looks.

But in reality, bloating can happen as a result of a number of reasons and some of them should be treated.


1. Constipation

Constipation can be resolved by simply eating more fiber. When you’re constipated the gasses get trapped behind the blocked poop and can’t get out, leading to bloating.

Start increasing the amount of fiber in your diet gradually, because if you suddenly bomb your organism with fibers it may make matters worse.

Consume smoothies, berries and switch from white bread to whole grain.

2. Too much carbs

If your diet is rich in carbs and sugars, you will most definitely feel bloated.

Start cutting back on the carbs and opt for fruits and veggies instead of sugar and alcohol.

3. High levels of stress

Bloating can happen as a result of excessive stress. If you’re stressed out your brain doesn’t allow the digestive tract to function properly and it can lead to trapped gasses and bloating.

4. Insufficient amounts of water

If you want your body to function properly you need to make sure it’s hydrated.

If you’re dehydrated it can cause a number of health issues, bloating included.

The minimum daily amount of water, per doctor’s recommendations, is 6-8 glasses and everything short of this can be the reason why you feel bloated all the time. Start drinking more water and the condition should improve.

5. You eat too fast

If you’re one of those people who finish their meal before anyone has had the time to sit down and start you probably deal with bloating all the time. Start eating and drinking slower and chew your food properly.

Take small bites and chew, chew, chew! If you don’t chew your food enough it may cause digestive problems.


You’ll need:

– A tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel

– 1 cucumber

– 1/2 a glass of water

– 1 tbsp. of grated ginger

– 1 lemon

– a bunch of parsley

How to prepare it:

The preparation couldn’t be simpler. Toss all the ingredients in a blender, pulse until combined and pour it in a tall glass. Drink it right away and continue the treatment for as long as you feel necessary.

Helicobacter pylori

You’ve probably heard about Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), a bacterium that infects the lining of your stomach and causes all sorts of problems including gastric and duodenal ulcers. Aside from ulcers, H. pylori can cause a plethora of other health issues such as:

– loss of appetite

– nausea

– frequent burping

– burning sensation in the abdomen

– unexplained weight loss

– bloating

It’s usually managed with antibiotics but some people don’t like taking antibiotics for everything or they simply can’t handle the unwanted side-effects. So what other treatment is there?

Well, for all of you who prefer the natural approach here are a few remedies and treatments which can help you ease your digestive issues.


Manuka Honey

This rare type of honey was shown to have great results against these bacteria. According to a number of research studies this type of honey eliminates all the bacteria in your stomach. Consume it 3 times a day, a teaspoon of the honey spread on a piece of toast.

Cranberry Juice

According to a study conducted in China, consuming cranberry juice can reduce the bacteria count by 14%.


Probiotics are good for any digestive problem you might be having, including an overgrowth of Helicobacter pylori. It has helped many with this problem and plus it has no adverse side effects.

More natural remedies

Chinese and Indian medicine traditionally uses organic licorice as a treatment against many digestive issues, including gastric ulcers and Helicobacter pylori.

Red wine and green tea are also known to have a positive effect in the treatment of this bacterium mainly thanks to their natural antibacterial effects.

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