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The baking soda is great for alleviating the indigestion. It might serve as perfect supplement for improving energy, endurance and stamina.

It helps the digestion, the weight loss process and it neutralizes the stomach acids.

It cannot be used to prevent weight gain.  If you want better results from baking soda consumption, you should consume low calorie diet.

You have to avoid refined grains, saturated fats, sweets and soda.

By cutting the calorie intake you can improve the losing weight chances. You also need to be more active and strengthen the metabolism and muscles so you can be able to safely consume baking soda.

Here are few recipes that can help you in the weight loss process:

*Green tea and baking soda*

The green tea can help you lose some weight, lower the risk of developing type2 diabetes and improve the dental health and the brain health.

If you mix it with baking soda, you will accelerate the process of weight loss.

Needed ingredients:

-Green tea;

-Quarter tbs. of baking soda;

-One glass of water;

You should add the tea to the water and combine with the baking soda. Leave it so the fizz ends and then, you can consume it.

*Baking soda and sports drink*

Studies have shown that baking soda can boost the energy levels and the exercising performance. If you want to lose some weight, you should add it to the diet.

Needed ingredients:

-Quarter cup of honey;

-1/2 cup of lemon juice;

-Quarter tbs. of baking soda;

-Five cups of coconut water;

-1/2 tbs. of sea salt (unprocessed);

You should put the water on a low heat and heat it. Add the baking soda slowly and mix until it dissolves.

Add the other ingredients and the drink can be consumed.

*ACV and baking soda*

This combination is great boost for the health and the body.

They are low in calories and their combination can improve the metabolism, stimulate the appetite and help you avoid weight gain.

Needed ingredients:

-One glass of water;

-1/2 tbs. of baking soda;

-Two tbs. of ACV;

Mix all of the ingredients and consume the mixture half an hour before the breakfast in the morning.

*Lemon juice and baking soda*

According to the studies, the lemon juice is great for the metabolism. If it is mixed with baking soda is can help you lose some weight.

Needed ingredients:

-One glass of water;


-1/2 tbs. of baking soda;

Add the lemon juice in the water and then, add the baking soda. Mix it and consume it every morning.

*Strawberry smoothie and baking soda*

This drink can help you lose weight, boost the metabolism and suppress the appetite. Here is what you need to make this amazing drink:

Needed ingredients:

-Two cups of water;

-One lemon (large);

-One cup of strawberries;

-1/2 tbs. of baking soda;

-Mint leaves (few);

You should add all of the ingredients into a blender and blend them. Consume this beverage on a daily basis.

You do not need to drink more than one beverage a day, even its taste is very refreshing.

– You should not use the baking soda as only and quick way to lose weight.

Instead, you should maintain a healthy lifestyle and include physical activities which can help your body to accept the baking soda as supplement that is very helpful.

– You should also consider not using baking soda if you suffer from some kind of chronic illness.

– You should always consult your doctor before you add it into your daily diet.

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