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High blood pressure occurs when the walls of your arteries receive excessive pressure. It may cause severe health issues such as kidney diseases, heart failure, loss of vision and stroke if the increase of this pressure has been untreated and overlooked.

Many different factors can affect your normal blood pressure. Alcohol, lack of sleep, obesity and smoking are just some of them.

Blood pressure has been divided in 5 categories: stage 2 hypertension, stage 1 hypertension, prehypertension, normal and low blood pressure.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Dyspnea, palpitation, epistaxis, double vision, blurred vision, dizziness, vomiting, nausea and headaches are the symptoms for this issue.

The older people have the higher danger of having it, but even children are prone to this condition.

You have to get rid of the excess pounds, sleep not less than 7 hours, decrease the intake of alcohol and salty foods, consume healthy foods and do regular exercises on a regular basis in order to maintain normal blood pressure!

Surprisingly, there are some techniques that will normalize your blood pressure thanks to the pressure points consisted in your body.

Touching the muscles and tissues is the best way to normalize your blood pressure according to Dr. Lu Hens from the Spartak ball club.

Here is how to maintain your blood pressure immediately:

Point 1

This point ranges from the middle of your clavicle to the back of the earlobe.

With the help of your fingertips, massage this point and repeat it for at least ten times on both sides.

Point 2

Begin from the nose and extend to the ear. Massage each side for a few minutes and lower your blood pressure in just 5 min!

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