12 Items in Your Home That Cause Cancer

Unfortunately, the number of people suffering from some type of cancer is constantly on the rise. This is why it is crucial to know the things that can trigger the growth of cancerous cells. In order to lower your exposure to cancer, you should check out the list below comprised of the items that can cause cancer and avoid them as much as possible.

Cancerous Items in Your Home

Artificial sweeteners

Aspartame, sorbitol, and saccharin can lead to cancer so you should replace them with healthier variants like yacon or stevia.

Non-stick cookware

Although their use is widespread in today’s world, this type of cookware emits chemicals into the food you cook upon heating up. This results in eating food full of dangerous toxins. A safer option is ceramic cookware.

Plastic containers

According to experts, chemicals from plastic leaks into the foods and drinks we consume and eventually, into the bloodstream. BPA plastic is one of the worst plastics because it is cancerous, according to the FDA. Opt for glass and metal containers.

Talcum powder

One study showed that ovarian tumors contained talc. Avoid using it at all costs!

Store-bought cleaning products

A lot of the products we use on a regular basis in our homes to clean it actually cause asthma and contain dangerous substances like triclosan, phthalates, and parabens. An alternative option that will not harm you and your loved ones is baking soda in combination with vinegar. They are a great in eliminating bad bacteria.


Unfortunately, most of the store-bought toothpastes we use have fluoride and saccharin that are known carcinogens.


This frequently used item has naphthalene which may cause serious damage to the kidneys and liver and trigger the occurrence of cancer and anemia.


The Head & Shoulders shampoo is filled with mutagens and ammonium laureth sulfate that can have a negative effect on the overall health and well-being by leading to the development of cancer.


According to different studies, deodorants and antiperspirants contain parabens that are known causers of breast cancer.

Antibacterial soap

Though we use it with the aim to get rid of bad bacteria, these soaps actually have triclosan that is an ingredient linked to cancer, but to infertility, puberty issues, and hormonal complications too.

Flea repellents

They are known to contain fipronil which is capable of causing headaches, vomiting, seizure, tiredness, and irritation.

Read More: Warning! These 5 Snacks are Made Out of Petroleum-Based, Cancer-Causing Chemicals!

12 Ways Your Body Tries To Tell You That Your Liver Is Being Damaged

The liver which is located in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen is the largest solid organ in your body. It is protected by the ribs and responsible for many function in your body system. Simply put, you cannot live without your liver.

With that being said, it is important for you to take care of your liver the best way you can. Another thing you also need to know is the early symptoms of liver damage so you can prevent a more advance health issue.

12 Early Symptoms of Liver Damage

When it comes the liver, there are many different kinds of disease that can affect the health of your liver. Each of it has its out signs. Some of those disease are hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, fatty liver disease, and cirrhosis of the liver. Unfortunately, the early symptoms of liver disease are non-specific and tend to be easily overlooked. If you experience any of the symptoms below, the best option for you is to visit your medical expertise and ask for further examination.

So here are some common early symptoms of liver damage:

1. Disruption in the Stomach

Nausea and nausea can be a symptoms of various disease including food poisoning, migraines, motion sickness, vertigo, early pregnancy and depression. It can also be a sign of kidney problems and also liver damage. People who suffer from early liver damage may feel nauseous continuously. It can happen due to the decrement in liver’s ability to cleanse the body from toxins.

Another two factor that can also cause this condition are ongoing metabolism and changes in digestion. If this condition still remain after a few days and you cannot figure out the reason, then you better go visit your doctor.

2.Feeling Fatigue and Weak Most of the Time

While feeling tired and weak may be caused by lack of sleep and rest, it can also be a sign of liver damage. The damage in your liver will require the body to work harder which also mean you will need to have more rest.

When the function of your liver got disrupted, its ability to remove toxins from your body will decrease and cause the increment of toxins in your bloodstream. So if your fatigue doesn’t go away after you have enough rest, you definitely need to seek medical advice as soon as you can.

3.Loss of Appetite

Damage in the liver will cause a reduction in the bile production. Bile responsible to help fat digestion and when your food isn’t digested properly, it may resulted in loss of appetite and a drop in body weight. If this condition happened for a long time, consult to your doctor to get further examination.

4.Problems with Digestion

Liver plays an important role in digestion process because it produce bile. The bile helps the small intestine to process and absorb nutrients better. Damage in the live can lead to dyspepsia and diarrhea.

Some other digestion problem that may occur when the bile is not produced properly are fatty food intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal bloating, alcohol intolerance, constipation and gallstones.

5.Changes in Color of Your Urine

Normally, when you drink enough water the color of your urine should be bright and more transparent. However, if your urine is still dark in color after your drink enough water, then it may be the early sign of liver damage.

The elevated level of bilirubin in the bloodstream can cause the urine to look brown, amber or orange in color. The amount of bilirubin in the bloodstream may raise because liver is unable to get rid of the bilirubin so it is excreted through the kidneys.

So, though dark color in your urine may also be a result of dehydration, taking B vitamin supplements, side effects of antibiotics, enzyme deficiencies, urinary tract infection, or kidney abnormalities, you better consult to your doctor if the problem remain after some period of time.

6.Alteration in Stool Coloration

Malfunction in the liver will make the amount of bile becomes insufficient and cause alteration in stool coloration. If the color of your stool usually brown, it may turn into clay colored, pale yellow, or gray. If this only happens occasionally, there is nothing you should be worry about. However, if you experience it more than a few times, then you need to consult to your doctor.


Jaundice is a yellow coloration to the skin, tongue, fingertips, and eyes as the result of increasing bilirubin in the bloodstream and bodily tissue which normally will be excreted in the bile. This condition cause the skin becomes yellow. Jaundice can also be a sing of problem in the pancreas or gallbladder. If you experience it, you need to consult to your doctor immediately.

8.Changes in the Abdomen

The feeling of pain, cramping, or bloating in the lower part of the abdomen can mean that you have ascites and malfunction in your liver. Ascites is the condition where fluid has built up inside the abdominal cavity. This may happen when there is damage to the liver of liver cirrhosis.

Liver disease may cause high blood pressure in the arteries and veins of the abdomen. Visit your doctor immediately once you notice this symptom.

9.Retention of Fluid

Damage in the liver can lead to retention of fluid, especially in the ankles and feet. This condition is similar to ascites, the difference is the fluid buildup in the outer tissues in the lower extremities. Fluid retention can also be a sign of hormonal imbalance, kidney problems, heart failure, and lymphatic disease.

10.Problems with The Skin

Liver deficiency can cause the skin to be more sensitive, itches, flakes and becomes hypersensitive to touch. You may see some bruises on your skin and notice that your veins become more visible. If the problems with your skin happens because of the liver damage, then you need to identify the problem get proper treatment. Because moisturizing your skin will not help unless the actual issue has treated.

11.Pain in the Abdomen

You may feel pain in the right upper quadrant of the rib cage where the liver is located. When the liver is malfunctioning, the affected area may fell painful and tender.

12.Diarrhea, Constipation, or Intestinal Bleeding

The liver plays an important role in the production of the clotting factors. So when the liver damaged, you may suffer from bleeding of intestines which is associated with diarrhea or constipation.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you need to seek for medical advice immediately. However, please remember that this is not a full list of liver damage symptoms. Some other signs like imbalance sex hormone where men can develop breast, and both men and women suffer from loss of libido may also occur.

Don’t forget to adopt health eating habit since what you eat can greatly affect the health of your liver.

Children Who Eat 12 or More Hot Dogs Per Month Have 9 Times the Normal Risk of Leukemia

Processed meats no doubt contribute to a large number of childhood cancers. According to the National Cancer Institute, over 1,500 children die each year in the United States from childhood cancer (http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet…).

According to a L.A. Times article:

Children who eat more than 12 hot dogs per month have nine times the normal risk of developing childhood leukemia, a USC epidemiologist has reported in a cancer research journal. Two other reports in the same issue of Cancer Causes and Control suggest that children born to mothers who eat at least one hot dog per week during pregnancy have double the normal risk of developing brain tumors, as do children whose fathers ate hot dogs before conception.

Hot Dog Cancer Risks

Here are the chemical additive ingredients that cause cancer and other diseases. Here are the ingredients for Oscar Meyer hot dogs:


Message from The Hearty Soul: Processed meats like hot dogs pose an unnecessary health risk to children, but they are dangerous for adults too!

We’ve added the following section to shed more light on the effects of hot dogs and other processed meats on the body over time.

Peter Clifton, professor of nutrition at the University of South Australia, puts it this way: “All data says processed meat is bad: more diabetes, higher mortality, more cardiovascular disease.” Clifton has run studies that found a direct correlation between processed meat consumption and type 2 diabetes (he compared them to regular red meat consumption- and processed was far worse).

Mariana Stern, a cancer epidemiologist at the University of California says about the questionable chemical found n processed meats, “Regardless of where the nitrates come from,” says Stern, “they can be converted by oral bacteria intro nitrites, which in turn can react in the stomach … to form N-Nitroso compounds, which are well-established cancer-causing agents.”

Americans eat roughly 20 billion hot dogs a year, as well as large amounts of bacon, cold cuts, and other processed meats.

Each daily serving of processed meats increases the risk of dying prematurely by 20 percent, including from cancer, according to a study from the Harvard School of Public Health.

Every year, more than 140,000 Americans are diagnosed with colorectal cancer and more than 50,000 die of it.

Eating processed meats increases the risk of colorectal cancer, according to a large number of studies, including the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study.

Studies also show a strong link between other types of cancer and processed meats. An NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study, for example, found that processed red meat was associated with a 10 percent increased risk of prostate cancer with every 10 grams of increased intake.

A study in Taiwan showed that consumption of cured and smoked meat can increase children’s risk for leukemia. A study in Australia found that women’s risk for ovarian cancer increased as a result of eating processed meats.

What to Eat Instead

So the next time you’re tempted to grill up some hot dogs for yourself and the kids, or line everybody’s sandwiches with processed turkey, you’d better think twice about it.

But that doesn’t mean goodbye to convenient lunches for good! Try some of these recipe and meal prep ideas to help keep you out of the kitchen, but full of nutritious, non-cancer-linked food.

1. Make a batch of chia seed pudding the day before and top with whatever you like! We’re big fans of coconut chips, pumpkin seeds, and berries.

2. Fill up on plant-based protein sources– no need for processed meats here!

3. Craving bacon? You might want to try this famous seaweed that tastes uncannily like bacon (and it’s even better for you than kale).

4. There’s nothing wrong with a peanut butter sandwich! Choose raw, organic peanut butter (not the stuff from you know who) or any of your favorite nut butters, for that matter. Almond butter or cashew butter, topped with some slices of banana? Delicious.

5. Use your slow cooker!

12 Foods That Help Your Liver Detox Your Body

Our liver is absolutely crucial to our health and well-being.

The body depends on the liver to remove and purge toxins, break down hormones, detoxify the blood, digest fat, and store essential minerals and vitamins. Indeed, it is one of the hardest working organs.

Because of an increasing amount of pollutants and toxins in the air and our foods, it’s becoming both (a) more essential to take care of our liver, and (b) harder to do so.

In this article, we’re going to discuss some of the essential functions of the liver, risk factors for an unhealthy liver, and the best foods for maintaining liver health!

Liver functions

Here are some of the essential functions of the liver:

– breaks down and metabolizes alcohol and medications.

– eliminates old red blood cells.

– produces cholesterol and essential proteins.

– regulates blood composition.

– removes toxins from the bloodstream.

– stores vitamin A, iron, and minerals.

Potential liver problems

For the liver to properly care for the body, it must be in optimal condition.

It’s unfortunate how many people do not understand the importance of having a healthy liver.

Furthermore, it is common for individuals to think of liver cirrhosis – or scarring – as the only significant problem. And of alcohol as the main problem.

It is much more complicated than this, of course.

Alcohol-induced cirrhosis is a severe disease, but alcohol is not the only cause.

Disease of the liver can stem from many things, including chronic malnutrition, certain medications (OTC and prescription), chemical exposure, eating raw seafood, and tobacco use.

WebMD lists the following “surprising” things that can damage your liver. Here they are, as presented:

– Sugar: All simple sugars, which are abundant in processed foods, are bad for the liver.

– Herbal supplements: These include the popular supplement, kava kava and others.

– Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): As the name implies, this fatty liver disease doesn’t stem from alcohol. Per Hepatitis Australia, “A poor diet, unhealthy weight, lack of exercise, high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease” are all risk factors.

– Excess Vitamin A from supplements: Check with your doctor if you need to supplement vitamin A. You probably do not.

– Soda: Soft drinks increase the risk of developing NAFLD.

– Acetaminophen: Also known as paracetamol (generic) or Tylenol (brand), too much of this stuff can harm your liver.

– Trans Fats: Trans fats are manufactured fats that are plentiful in some baked goods and packaged foods. Look for the term “partially hydrogenated.”

– Autoimmune disorder: Hepatitis C is a big concern here.

– Excess alcohol intake: WebMD recommends no more than one drink a day for women and two for men.


Now that we’ve discussed a few important things about the liver, we’ll turn to the main topic: 12 foods (and drinks!) that will help your liver detox:


A great source of vitamin E, almonds may help protect against fatty liver disease. Almonds – and other nuts – are beneficial for your heart, too.


Bananas are rich in potassium (~ 470 mg), which makes them a staple in many diets. Bananas also aid in digestion, which expedites the release of metals and toxins – this helps out the liver.


Blueberries contain nutrients (polyphenols) that help protect against NAFLD. Other foods in rich in polyphenols include dark chocolate, olives, and plums.


Broccoli isn’t the sexiest of foods, but it sure is healthy for you. It’s one of the best veggies for the liver. (Not sure about broccoli and cheese, but hey…)


The health benefits of coffee are often debated – and there are valid points on both sides. That said, studies show that 2-3 cups per day may lower the risk of liver cancer.


Some folks swear by green tea, and for a good reason. Green tea is loaded with catechins – an antioxidant that protects against many forms of cancer, including the liver.


There are a bunch of herbs and spices to include. Cinnamon, cumin, curry powder, oregano, rosemary and sage are all excellent for liver health.


Oatmeal contains a heavy dose of fiber, which is terrific for keeping us feeling full. Research shows it can also help shed some extra pounds, which decreases the risk of liver disease.


Raw veggies aren’t everyone’s thing; which is one reason why juicers have become so popular. Eating (or juicing) raw vegetables – including beets, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, and leafy greens – are great for liver health.


Spinach is loaded with glutathione, an antioxidant that may help keep your liver in working order. Whether you eat spinach raw or as a base for a dinner salad, your liver thanks you.


Sweet potatoes are another food rich in potassium. In fact, one medium-sized sweet potato contains 700 milligrams. It’s also high in fiber and – while sweet – is a slow-digesting, complex carbohydrate. All of these things are good for the liver.


No health list would be complete without H2O. Water is excellent for your liver in so many different ways. Besides helping the liver flush toxins, water keeps us full for a longer time. Of course, this can help us shed a few pounds – and we all know this is a great thing!

12 Amazing Benefits of Moringa For Health. They Call it the “Tree of Life”

This plant has been a great source of food for indigenous cultures for thousands of years.

It is rich in nutrients, minerals and provides the essential amino acids that the body needs to grow stronger, these compounds are also found in quinoa and meats, but in less manageable amounts.

Not only can it consume its leaves in the form of tea, also its seeds can be ingested. In addition, on the other hand, they contain abundant amounts of vitamins and minerals.

Regardless of how it is consumed, whether it be tea leaf or seed, Moringa will generate the following benefits to the body:

Benefits of Moringa

1. Blood pressure

Increasingly is becoming a common condition in people, therefore, consuming this plant will help lower blood pressure, in addition, reduces oxidized lipids and protect the heart tissues from structural damage.

2. Control blood sugar levels

Its rich zinc content helps regulate the secretion of insulin. Regularly returning the amount of sugar that circulates in the body.

3. High fiber

In other words, it helps the body maintain a healthy digestive system, thus avoiding constipation and other intestinal problems.

4. Regulate cholesterol

Having no trace of it will help reverse the effects of high amounts. Therefore, it is an excellent medicine to benefit the heart.

5. Beautiful skin

Different oils can be extracted from the seeds to create a series of cosmetic products. They contain antioxidants and a good amount of vitamin A, just what the skin needs to be healthy.

6. Weight Loss

The moringa decomposes the saturated fats that are ingested and works with the digestive system to get rid of those we do not need. Doing this will greatly reduce the weight and fat in the belly.

7. Cancer

According to some scientists, its anticancer qualities can accelerate the count of cancer cell death, stopping its growth and development.

8. Anti-inflammatory

Could not miss, the plant is well known as a natural anti-inflammatory, reducing pain and increasing the health of our joints.

9. Improve eyesight

Vitamin A found inside it strengthens the immune system and repairs the mucous membrane. That is, it is useful for our eyes and helps maintain a good vision.

10. Helps the immune system

We are all aware of the amazing benefits of vitamin C. The plant by containing a large amount of it, makes its consumption is ideal to boost the immune system.

11. Teeth and Bones

Being rich in zinc, calcium and many other minerals, it will keep bones and teeth strong. In addition, it helps the male libido because it facilitates spermatogenesis, the process of sperm production in men.

12. Stimulates hair growth

Vitamin C present can promote and improve blood circulation through the scalp to help grow and strengthen hair follicles.