Nowadays, we often hear about coconut oil, coconut water, coconut shreds, coconut butter, coconut cream, coconut milk and coconut flour. This list seems endless!

Recently, there is no doubt that the popularity of coconut oil has skyrocketed, and there is a great reason for that.

Actually, there are at least 127 good reasons for it! Coconut (C. Nucifera) is a part of the Arecaceae (Palmae) family and belongs to the subfamily Cocoideae.

Its flesh is rich in healthy acids, and its composition of fat may vary depending on its processing process and type.

Namely, medium-chain saturated fatty acids are around 90% of its content, combined with a small portion of polyunsaturated and mono-unsaturated fatty acids. The human body easily digests, absorbs and uses medium-chain saturated fatty acids (MCFA’s), as they freely cross the blood-brain barrier in the unbound form, meaning that they may be used to promote neurological health and provide energy.

Virgin (unrefined) coconut oil is extremely useful, and at the same time, it is tasty, cheap, readily available, and entirely natural.

Moreover, it has powerful health-promoting properties, such as:

– Anti-inflammatory properties

Antioxidant properties (prevents the formation of free radicals and the damage they cause)

– Anti-microbial/ Infection-fighting properties ( it effectively kills viruses, yeast, bacteria, protozoa and parasites)

– It enhances the absorption of nutrients (it is easily digestible; and makes fat-based vitamins, like vitamin K, E, D, A, more available to the body)

– It is nontoxic to both, animals and humans,

– Powerful anti-carcinogenic properties (inhibits the spread of cancer cells and boosts the immune system)

Therefore, this oil is absolutely remarkable for use in numerous cases.

Internal Health Problems If taken internally, coconut oil prevents, alleviates and helps numerous health issues, as follows:

1.Chronic and adrenal Fatigue

2.Diabetes – coconut oil prevents food cravings

3. Stabilizes blood sugar levels

4.Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchial Infections

5.Asthma – in both, adults, and children

6.Acid Reflux/ Indigestion – In this case, consume coconut oil after meals

7.Mild Depression and Cognitive Disease –In this case, take coconut oil in combination with fish oil, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), and other treatment methods

8.Bowel function –gut infections, constipation, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease)

9.Cancer – Studies have demonstrated that coconut oil prevents breast and colon cancer


11.Candida Albicans

12.Allergies – seasonal hay fever

13.Cholesterol – improves the ratio of HDL (‘good’ cholesterol) to LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) in individuals with high cholesterol levels

14.Gas – The imbalance of bacteria in the gut often leads to foul gas. This oil has mild anti-microbial properties and thus re-establishes healthy gut flora

15.Colds and Flues – Coconut oil has potent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and is extremely useful in case of colds and flu

16.Flaky, dry skin- Insufficient amounts of oil lead to dandruff and dry skin

17. Poor Circulation – If you constantly feel cold or in the case fo edema, particularly in the extremities, apply this oil to the skin in a circular motion towards the heart.

18.Gallbladder Disease – Dietary oils raise the bile flow, which is beneficial in the case of gallbladder problems

19.Kidney Disease and Stones – it is really helpful as it dissolves small stones in the kidneys

20.H. pylori – In this case, take coconut oil orally.

Continue Reading: How to Mix Coconut Oil and Baking Soda for a Face-Cleaning Like You’ve Never Had Before

9 Alkaline Foods That Will Help Clean and Remove All Acids From Your Body

Acidic and alkaline foods are necessary to keep the body acid balanced and above all healthy, however, there are certain foods or beverages that are consumed regularly and that imbalance the levels of acids needed by the body.

This leads to unhealthy results such as inflammation, accumulation of toxins and immune system and vulnerable organs. Therefore the importance of consuming acid and alkaline foods, as they help to purify the organism, eliminating toxic acid or excess to provide balance and regularity for its proper functioning.


These 9 acidic and alkaline foods named below should be consumed and added to your daily diet if you are looking for the well-being of your body in general.

1. Almonds: almonds and nuts are very easy to find anywhere and the best of them is that they are loaded with nutrients and essential fatty acids. It is an alkaline food that will not only be good for your body but for your hair, skin, and health of your brain, increase muscle mass, lower cholesterol levels and help lose weight.

2. Cucumbers: they are natural diuretics, which means that they help to hydrate the body, since they dissolve the excess water, balancing the acidity through cleaning and washing away the harmful toxins and acids stored in the body. Likewise, cucumber juice is effective in treating excess uric acid.

3. Cabbage: cabbage provides necessary nutrients to the body, such as magnesium and forage, which help maintain the digestive system, immunity, and alkalinity to balance the cellular level. It is also useful to prevent certain types of cancer due to its high fiber content, which serves to maintain low-calorie levels.

4. Plum tomatoes: plum tomatoes have vitamin A, C, and E and are great for treating skin disorders, keeping calories at bay and at the same time clean the urinary tract of infections, bladder problems and even cancers related to the bladder. All this is possible since they are high in water.

5. Grapefruit or grapefruit: for being rich in citrus fruits and natural properties that stimulate the metabolism, which helps to keep the weight under control and extract the unnecessary fat that is attached to the body. It is an alkaline fruit low in sugar, and despite its acid and acid tasting, it increases the alkaline levels that give immunity to vitamin C.

6. Files: the files are among citrus fruits and alkaline, high in vitamin C, effective to clean the urinary tract of toxins, excess acids, bacteria and the like. When the body accumulates uric acid, pain, inflammation is experienced and even the general health is compromised since this acid is able to gradually infect the rest of the internal organs.

7. Lemons: they are excellent for cleaning the digestive system from the inside out, they give a healthy balance to the acid again. They are used by superstars as one of the most powerful natural remedies for this purpose, and even to lose weight. Lemons contain citric acid, but it is an alkaline ally beneficial to health, precisely because of its acid nature, which lowers the body’s sugar levels.

8. Basil: the title of “king of herbs” was attributed to him for being full of nutrients that the organism normally needs. It is an Italian herb rich in vitamin K, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, vitamin C and more. All these properties are fantastic to detoxify the body by decreasing acid levels and even to fight the compounds that cause kidney stones.

9. Cantaloupes: they are from the same melon family, therefore, they have a lot of water, beta-carotene, phytochemicals and vitamin B, which help the body to fight and completely remove excess toxins and acids. In addition, it helps the immune system make white blood cells, in order to maintain toxic substances and balance the body’s alkaline levels.