If Your Doctor Orders You To Have a Colonoscopy, Just Say The Following:

One of the most common procedures in the world of medicine is the colonoscopy, it is also one of the most feared and with more myths around it.

In this test the doctor can see inside the state and health of your intestines, both thick and thin, but it is not clear if it is really the only way to do it.

This test has the purpose of detecting some problem, whether it is ulcers, polyps, tumors, hemorrhages or certain inflammations that do not allow your intestines to function as they should.

Each year millions of healthy people around the world undergo this test in the hope of detecting any problem in this area of the body in time.

Although it is true that it could detect certain problems, the question arises: Is it really necessary that you submit to this test?

Today you will know the answer to this and you will know if it is really effective as your doctor is telling you. Continue reading and learn much more about such a delicate subject.

When the doctor orders you to have a colonoscopy, do this:

What you may not know is that this procedure is really dangerous, it even becomes deadly.

It is said that 0.5% of people who undergo it are left with an injury in this area of the body or even come to die because of it. This figure is 22% higher than people who die from the type of cancer that arises in this area.

When you perform this test there is also the possibility of leaving infected with a disease such as HIV, HPV, tuberculosis, hepatitis B, and V, salmonella, among others. Because of all this, we want to clarify that the colonoscopy is a scam, an unnecessary procedure that enriches the doctors.

f what you want is to leave doubts you can perform a non-invasive rectal immuno-chemical test which is equally effective and has no risk to your health.

You know, the next time your doctor asks you to take this test, you tell him about the unnecessary dangers involved and ask him to perform the other non-invasive or dangerous exam.

Share with your friends so that no one should go through this terrible test again!

People Who Prefer To Be Alone Have These 6 Special Personality Traits

When someone who prefers having a smaller circle of friends and do not mind spending time alone, they are called loners. People perceive them as individuals who are very lonely and depressed. Unlike those who actually feel lonely, these types of individuals never actually feel lonely.

In fact, being with their own company is exactly what makes them feel fulfilled.

They feel more in touch with themselves and do their best thinking, making them more self-aware of things. This is probably why they prefer to be alone.

It’s not often that people get to become friends with a loner, mainly because they are very picky with whom they choose become close with. With that said, what are other traits that make a person a loner? Read on to find out!

Firm Boundaries: A loner always emphasizes healthy, strong boundaries.

They always realize that they’re never alone, even if they were the last person living on earth.

Because of this, they always respect the boundaries of others, and expect that same respect in return. If others cross those boundaries, they will be the first to let you know. They believe that if you cannot be faithful to yourself, than you cannot be faithful to others.

Loyalty: Unlike those who need to be in the spotlight, a loner does not crave attention. But, once they find someone they want to become close friends with, they become the most loyal friend you’ll ever have.

They know their worth, and if they find you to also be worthy of being in their life, they will give you everything whenever you need it. This goes for all fields of life, relationships, family, friends, and work.

Keeps an Open Mind: Just because they enjoy the company of themselves over others, this does not mean that they are rigid and close minded, it’s the total opposite. They are very open-minded, and are constantly up for new adventures and activities.

Even though they enjoy new and exciting things, they will always make sure they have their alone time to collect their thoughts before taking up things with new people. 

Level-Headed: When adversity and challenges come into play, loners do not panic or run, they are strong willed individuals. Their self-reflection time is what has prepared them for situations like this.

They may feel stressed and overwhelmed in some situations, but rather than waste time with distractions, they will spend some time alone and recharge their batteries.

Self-Awareness: While many people are frightened by their emotions, loners choose to focus on them and be aware of them. Become aware of one’s self is a very difficult talk to achieve.

Because of this, no one knows them better than they do and this allows them to understand people around them better. Granted, there will be times of depression and anxiety, but loners always have the ability to get through them and learn their lesson. 

They Value Time: If there is one thing that is extremely important to a loner, it’s time. The most important asset for success in life is time, and loners are well aware of that.

They Know No One is Perfect: Everyone has flaws and ways to improve those flaws. So rather than make a big fuss about them, they know to just go with the flow.

Loners always do what they feel is right for themselves and for others and always make sure that they do whatever they can to address each flaw. They are always completely honest with themselves and with others and will try and help improve those flaws.

Very Empathetic: Loners are able to feel and sympathize with others on the same level that they are. Being able to feel everyone’s sorrow can be a curse to have, but loners know how to handle it.

Because they are so empathetic, it’s very easy for them to find the bright side out of any negative situation.

Do You Have Warts? We Have The Remedy You Need To Eliminate Them In 5 Days

Did you look in the mirror today and find that you had warts on your neck? We imagine your face of disgust. No one likes to have this skin condition that is unattractive and often bothersome and painful.

But how did the wart originate? The causes that cause the appearance of warts can be varied: obesity, a genetic predisposition and even diabetes can cause the appearance of these harmless skin conditions but that we should definitely eliminate.

They also usually appear during pregnancy because of the hormonal changes that occur in the body.

Usually they appear in the adult age and in very specific zones where the pink skin with the own skin, like for example, the armpits, the English, the neck, the chest and the eyelids.

The methods that dermatologists use to remove warts can be painful and costly and that is why today we want to help you eliminate these annoying warts from your skin in an economical, simple and effective way.

You’re just going to need some apple cider vinegar, some cotton and a swab.

Simply take the hyssop, cover one end with a piece of cotton equivalent to the surface of the wart you want to remove and soak it in apple cider vinegar.

Drain the excess vinegar and apply the cotton on the wart for a few moments and then let it dry.

Repeat this procedure a couple of times a day for every day until the wart turns dark and after five days or a week it peels off the skin.

If there is some type of rest attached, do not worry because it will surely disappear in the following days.

It is important to note that this treatment should not be used on warts on the eyelids of the eyes as it could cause irritation.

6 Signs That You May Have High Cholesterol

Why is it so important that cholesterol is at the normal levels and how to maintain it within the health limits? Cholesterol is a vital, fat-like substance that is contained in each cell of our body, as well as in our blood.

Most of the cholesterol is produced by the liver, and the rest is procured through food.

Cholesterol has extremely important reasons for our body and functions: it participates in the construction of cell membranes and in the formation of sexes and adrenal hormones; without cholesterol, the body can not synthesize vitamin D, which is indispensable to healthy bones, nor produces bile acid, without which fat in the body cannot be processed properly.

When an excess of cholesterol accumulates in the body, it can not be broken down and this hides the risks to our health.

The main danger is the onset of atherosclerosis, which in turn is the cause of most cardiovascular diseases such as a heart attack for example.

The causes of increased levels of cholesterol in the blood are different: hereditary predisposition, chronic liver disease and thyroid gland, diabetes.

A sure way to maintain a normal cholesterol level is regular testing. Specialists recommend except for total, to monitor still poor (LDL) and good (HDL) cholesterol, as well as triglycerides.

It is known that 20 years is the age in which the first examination for determining the values of cholesterol should be done.

Revealed in time, increased cholesterol can be overcome and can not lead to serious health problems later.

However, there are certain things that can show that you have high levels of cholesterol in the blood.

Keep in mind that some of these signs and symptoms can also be associated with all kinds of health problems, and therefore only if your blood is examined in a laboratory, you can confirm whether the cholesterol level is high or not.

1. Yellow Growths on Your Eyelids

Did you know that yellowish eyelid can be a sign of high cholesterol? Take a good look at the eyelids, if you notice yellow spots, make a doctor’s appointment, check your cholesterol levels and your heart’s health.

Also, do you notice painless yellow growths of the upper and lower eyelids?

This phenomenon is called “xanthelasma” and it is a clear indication that you have high blood cholesterol levels.

2. Gray-Colored Ring Around Your Cornea

Often this is a sign of aging, so it should not be a cause for worry. But if you are far from retired, the gray circle around the iris may indicate high cholesterol and blood fat, which very often means a risk of heart attack or stroke.

This gray colored ring or lacquer is actually composed of cholesterol that collects in the deeper parts of your cornea.

3. Tingling Sensation in the Hands and Feet

The tingling sensation of the hands and feet may indicate a problem in your body. This should be taken seriously because these symptoms can be caused by serious health problems.

If the blood vessels are blocked by cholesterol, it is likely that you will feel tingling in your hands and feet, because your peripheral nerves (nerves in the limbs) do not get enough blood oxygen and nutrients for their proper functioning.

4. Pain in the Neck and Back of the Head

Because cholesterol levels that are too high can cause some of your blood vessels to block, it’s very possible that your circulation is obstructed. Such can leave your neck sensitive and deteriorate from time to time.

The shoulder can also be felt in the same way. Medical practitioners say that high blood cholesterol levels can also make you have a headache, especially in the back of your head.

5. Rapid or Pounding Beating of the Heart

When a person says that she has heart palpitations, she thinks of the inner feeling that her heart beats something different from the usual one.

Or, it simply has the awareness of the heartbeat. Most of the time, heart palpitations are harmless and they are often experienced after exercise or engaging in the intense physical activity.

Sometimes they are due to anxiety, stress, and the intake of certain drugs.

Palpitations may also indicate problems with the cardiovascular system, but and high cholesterol levels are one of them.

Clogging the blood vessels due to cholesterol can lead to an accelerated operation of your heart.

6. Unhealthy Diet and Lifestyle

If you eat plenty of fatty foods and avoid fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of fiber if you are a smoker and if you drink alcohol in excessive amounts, if you are overweight and do not exercise regularly, then there is a great chance that your cholesterol level is already high.

But sometimes high cholesterol depends on our genes. About 1 in 500 people have a specific genetic mutation that leads to the accumulation of cholesterol in their blood.

These people suffer from high cholesterol regardless of their lifestyle.

Never Use Ginger If You Have Any Of These Conditions – It Can Cause Serious Health Problems

Ginger is a flowering plant, native to China, and it is considered to be one of the healthiest herbs on the planet. Its scientific name is Zingiber officinal and is a member of the family Zingiberaceae.

It is extremely high in nutrients and bioactive compounds and thus has a beneficial effect on the entire body, and it can be used in both, cooking and medicine.

Due to the fact that it is especially effective in the case of ailments with the digestive system, it is considered to be “a cure for everything”. The high amounts of enzymes in its content help the decomposing and digestion of food and detoxification of the body.

However, despite the fact that it is useful in the case of countless health issues and conditions, ginger is not recommended in the following cases:

Blood disorders

This root boosts the blood flow and stimulates circulation, so it is beneficial in the case of obesity, diabetes, Raynaud’s disease or peripheral artery disease, but should be avoided by people who suffer from hemophilia.

This is a genetic disorder in which the clotting ability of the blood is reduced, meaning that even a small bleeding injury can lead to death.

Therefore, ginger can neutralize the effects of the medications used in this case and might aggravate the situation and cause deadly hemorrhaging.

Certain types of medications

People who take high blood pressure or diabetes medications belong to the special risk group as ginger can change their effects on the body.

The combinations of ginger with anticoagulants, beta-blockers or insulin drugs can be extremely harmful. Namely, ginger stimulates blood thinning and reduces blood pressure, and these properties lower the effects of these medications.

Underweight people

In case you need to gain some weight, you should not consume ginger nor take ginger based supplements. As this root is high in fibers and raises the pH of the stomach and stimulates digestive enzymes.

Therefore, it leads to fat burning and lowers the cravings for food. It might lead to weight loss, menstrual irregularities, hair loss, and poor muscle mass.


Ginger is abundant in stimulants which support muscle health and help digestion. However, its use during pregnancy might lead to premature contractions and preterm labors.

Note: It is especially forbidden in the last trimester of pregnancy. Also, consider the fact that it inhibits the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and dietary iron.

Yet, you can use it is small amounts a sit effectively alleviates morning sickness. But make sure you consult your doctor beforehand.

Ginger substitutes

In case you belong to some of the groups of people mentioned above, you can substitute ginger with sweet peppers, cayenne pepper, or red paprika.

Milka Raicevic, a world-famous nutritionist, claims that the effects of peppers are similar to the ones of ginger. You can consume red paprika if you love spicy foods, or sweet peppers if you don’t. You can prepare cleaning drinks by adding these to your lemonade.

10 Facts About The Blood Types You Have To Know!

We realize that good and healthy diet plans as well as healthy living habits by using a lot of clean produce is vital for our general health.

But, even now lots of people are not aware that our blood type is likewise vital for the health variables and issues. 0, AB, A and B would be the only 4 blood kinds and they are established while growing inside the womb. So, there is no changing after that purely natural process.

Many specialists say that each and every blood kind is unique but also carries dangers for some illnesses like losing weight or even character! Find out more on your blood types and prepare decent nutrition for your health and wellbeing.

Blood types link to nutrition

During the whole day, within the entire body there happens a chemical kind of reaction to everything we all ingest and that is essential for our nutrition and digestive function. Let us say, those with type 0 need to eat plenty of proteins such as fish and also meat.

Type A of people usually do not depend on meats and choose more vegetables.

Type B requires a large amount of red meat, however, not a lot of chicken and the people of the AB type ought to eat many kinds of seafood and lean meat.

Blood type and connections to diseases

Because so many antigens shape in red blood cells, each and every blood kind differs from the other. Therefore every kind is actually resistant to some conditions, however sensitive for others.

Know even more on your own blood kind and prevent health issues.

Blood types and connection to character

It is possible for the blood types to affect the personality. Those with 0 blood type are truly extravagant, creative, sociable and very confident. The A blood type is actually confidential, peaceful and creative.

The B blood type is usually dedicated, powerful, goal focused and people with AB are very shy, nice and dependable, responsible as well as empathetic.

Blood types with pregnancy

Some women get bigger odds of getting pregnant and some do not, and that is based on the blood type. Individuals with AB get less bodily hormones intended for the follicle that helps with conceiving.

Stress with blood types

The very tolerance to stress differs along with every type. Individuals with A convey more cortisol, the very stress hormone. If there is someone that is set off very easily, it is definitely a type 0.

They have more adrenaline and need more time to relax after stressful events.

Antigens within the blood

Antigens in the blood and antigens within digestive organs can be found constantly. They actually move coming from the mouth towards the colon then your lungs and then the nostrils.

Blood types and the abdomen

Do not be concerned too much on the belly fat. A few blood kinds are prone to get this plus some less prone. Type A digests carbohydrates easily and also has almost no stomach fat. But , people with 0 have a hard time with carbs digesting and have much more belly fat.

Blood types with marriage

Ask for your partners’ blood type if you really want to know if they are relationship material. For children ambitions, it’s not good when some specific blood types tend to be mixed. Type A with B aren’t the best combination.

Also the actual RH+ as well as RH- tend to be bad combination too. Because of this, lots of states require evidence of blood test for partners who want kids.

Blood types and exercises

Type A stresses very easily as we stated before and they require relaxation, exercises, and soothing activities.

Yoga exercise and deep meditation are really ideal for type A. Type B needs nature and entire body activities like balances, martial arts, hill climb as well as tennis.

Emergencies and blood type

It really is recommended by many specialists to always have along with your ID along with other info, blood type information as well. Just in case something occurs and you should visit the medical center, the blood type info is essential now!

Think about this!

Partners Who FART In Front Of Each Other Are More Likely To Have A Long Relationship

Do you find this shocking? Farting, the thing you try to avoid so frantically in front of other people particularly your partner, can actually be beneficial for your relationship.

You may wonder how that is plausible, and isn’t your partner going to be bothered by the very deed, but read on, and you might change your view.

Mamy people try to show the best of themselves in front of their partner in order to make them fall in love.

This doesn’t mean just avoiding letting one go in front of them, but also to do many other normal, everyday activities.

But, a lasting relationship is formed on sincerity and trust, and you can only accomplish that by being as natural as you can.

This is even confirmed by Leah Decesare in her book called Naked Parenting. She explains the secrets of parenting and maintaining a lasting relationship.

Leah Decesare on Farting in Front of Your Partner

The author describes the moment when she accidentally farted in front of her husband for the first time. In fact, he remembers this moment even though it was over 20 years ago.

Obviously, her husband’s first impression after hearing her fart was “I want to marry this woman.”

He felt closer than ever, and he knew he’d always be with her. He enjoyed the fact that she let him into a different personal space. The moment she crossed the Toot-Line, her husband felt free to fart in front of too.

A solid marriage should be built on honesty, acceptance, and truth. In other words, a cozy spot where you can be free and completely yourself to the tiniest detail. It’s unlike other relationships. Women are normally too shy to fart even in a public restroom because somebody may hear them.

They hold it and wait until alone to ultimately let it out. However, this should be different with your partner. Be free and natural in front of them and don’t be shy of passing gas. Of course, we don’t say you should do it in front of strangers, but only when you two are alone.

Leah reveals that farting in front of your partner creates empathy, making you closer and even more charming to them. It’s a test to see if you can be 100% you, in front of each other.

Farting is Healthy

What’s more, farting is a normal process just like laughter and tears. It’s even unhealthy to hold it in. Dr. Oz describes it can cause stomach pain, cramps, and even bloating. Plus, you shouldn’t hide or ignore that part of you even though you share the most private things with your partner.

The average person passes about half a liter of gas in a day. So, this amount of gas has to come out at some point.

A Part of the Marriage

That’s right. You vow to stick together in sickness and health and to share everything. This is thought to bring you closer and make you stronger. Be honest to make your marriage steady and lasting. Be natural and don’t abstain yourself from doing normal stuff in front of each other.

This way, you’ll build and keep a solid foundation. This includes farting in front of your partner. It’s just a sign of your close and intimate connection with them. What’s more, they can make you laugh together, and a couple who laughs when alone is eternally a happy couple.

9 Foods You Should Never Eat If You Have Arthritis

Arthritis affects over 50 million Americans, forcing them to struggle with the pain and inflammation on a daily basis.

However, medications do not target the root of the issue, so the only ease the pain.

On the other hand, if you start consuming anti-inflammatory foods, you will soon treat the arthritis pain in a completely natural and safe way.

These are the 9 foods you must avoid in the case of arthritis:

1. Fried & Processed Foods

The 2009 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism published a study which revealed that fried foods are rich in toxins called advanced glycation end products, which boost the oxidation in the cells and thus aggravate inflammation.

Therefore, make sure you avoid all kinds of fried and processed foods.

2. Refined Carbohydrates

Processed carbohydrates from white flour products, like bread, crackers, white rice or white potatoes have a high GI and thus trigger inflammation.

3. Gluten/Wheat

Wheat and gluten cause inflammation in many people, especially in those who are intolerant or suffering from a leaky gut, since it allows toxins and waste to enter the bloodstream through your intestines, and this leads to an immune response and inflammation.

4. Sugar

Processed sugar triggers the release of inflammatory messengers, called cytokines, so you should stay away from candy, sodas, processed fruit juices, pastries, and all sweets.

5. Dairy

Most dairy products contain casein, which is a protein type that leads to inflammation, as it irritates the tissues around the joints.

6. Corn Oil

Corn oil is high in omega-6 fatty acids, and this makes it inflammatory. Therefore, you should avoid all oils derived from seeds, such as soybean, sunflower, grapeseed, and canola oil.

7. Alcohol

Tobacco and alcohol have been related to the development of certain types of arthritis. Drinking alcohol overburdens the liver, disrupting its function, and leading to inflammation.

8. Salt

Excessive salt intake causes water imbalances in the body, leading to edema and boosted pressure on the blood vessels. This worsens arthritis and results in pain and inflammation.

9. Nightshades

Nightshades contain alkaloids, which in arthritis patients show pro-inflammatory properties, and thus intensify the pain and inflammation. Therefore, you should avoid white potatoes, tomatoes, and pepper, paprika, and eggplants.