10 DIY Skin Care Tricks That Will Make You Look GORGEOUS and Nourished At Any Time Even Without Makeup

Every girl wants to be beautiful and attractive. Luckily, you do not have to spend much money on expensive products to achieve that. We have prepared some home beauty products for you that will save you time and money.

1. Salty water will help you get rid of the swelling and will make your face look fresher

Dilute some salt into some water (making sure that the solution is highly concentrated), soak a towel in it and apply it onto your face, holding for about ten minutes.

2. Make your lips look fuller with the help of oil and toothbrush

Apply a small amount of any cosmetic oil onto your lips – peach oil, almond oil, or a regular lip balsam. Then, take a soft toothbrush and gently rub your lips with it for about a minute.

3. Massaging your face with olive oil will help you make your skin cleaner, softer, and smoother

First, wash your face well and then massage it with olive oil for about seven minutes. In order to get the best results, repeat the procedure every four to five days.

4. A completely natural makeup remover

Mix some clean water and some olive oil in the ratio 1:3 in a glass jar and stir well until the ingredients merge well. This is it!

5. Use baking soda to solve the problem of ingrown hair

This is very easy to do. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to a small container, a teaspoon of grinded oatmeal, and a teaspoon of water. Mix everything well until you get a thick paste. Apply the mixture onto your skin and leave it for about five minutes. In the end, wash your skin off using warm water.

6. Use baking soda to get rid of the bags under your eyes

Add a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of warm water or tea and mix well. Soak a cotton ball into this solution and apply it onto the area under your eyes. Wait for ten to fifteen minutes, and wash off the remainder. In the end, apply some hydrating face cream. Repeat this procedure on a daily basis and the first results will become visible very soon.

7. Banana hair mask for shiny hair

For the preparation of this mask you will need: one banana, one egg, one tablespoon of honey, and half a glass of beer. Mix all ingredients together and stir until you get a smooth mixture. Apply this mask onto your hair and hold it for a couple of hours. Then, wash it off using warm water. Use this mask once a week and very soon you will get amazing results.

8. Use coconut and lavender oil to speed-grow your eyelashes

Combine half a teaspoon of coconut oil with two to four drops of essential lavender oil. Using cotton, gently apply this mixture onto your eyelashes, from the roots to the tips. Repeat this three times a week and your eyelashes will become thicker and shinier. You can also use castor oil and lemon.

9. Honey can help you reduce the inflammation and get rid of the acne

In case that some pimple or acne appears on your face before some important meeting or date, there is a way for you to get rid of it in no time. Apply some honey directly onto the pimple and let it on for about fifteen minutes. Then, wash off using warm water. This will help you reduce its size and make it less noticeable, which is a lot easier to cover with makeup.

10. Use eye drops to reduce the inflammation of your face skin

Another way that can help you get rid of the pimples is to use eye drops. Soak a cotton ball into these drops and put it into the freezer for about three to five minutes. Then, gently press it onto the inflamed area and the pimple will become almost unnoticeable.

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Nowadays, we often hear about coconut oil, coconut water, coconut shreds, coconut butter, coconut cream, coconut milk and coconut flour. This list seems endless!

Recently, there is no doubt that the popularity of coconut oil has skyrocketed, and there is a great reason for that.

Actually, there are at least 127 good reasons for it! Coconut (C. Nucifera) is a part of the Arecaceae (Palmae) family and belongs to the subfamily Cocoideae.

Its flesh is rich in healthy acids, and its composition of fat may vary depending on its processing process and type.

Namely, medium-chain saturated fatty acids are around 90% of its content, combined with a small portion of polyunsaturated and mono-unsaturated fatty acids. The human body easily digests, absorbs and uses medium-chain saturated fatty acids (MCFA’s), as they freely cross the blood-brain barrier in the unbound form, meaning that they may be used to promote neurological health and provide energy.

Virgin (unrefined) coconut oil is extremely useful, and at the same time, it is tasty, cheap, readily available, and entirely natural.

Moreover, it has powerful health-promoting properties, such as:

– Anti-inflammatory properties

Antioxidant properties (prevents the formation of free radicals and the damage they cause)

– Anti-microbial/ Infection-fighting properties ( it effectively kills viruses, yeast, bacteria, protozoa and parasites)

– It enhances the absorption of nutrients (it is easily digestible; and makes fat-based vitamins, like vitamin K, E, D, A, more available to the body)

– It is nontoxic to both, animals and humans,

– Powerful anti-carcinogenic properties (inhibits the spread of cancer cells and boosts the immune system)

Therefore, this oil is absolutely remarkable for use in numerous cases.

Internal Health Problems If taken internally, coconut oil prevents, alleviates and helps numerous health issues, as follows:

1.Chronic and adrenal Fatigue

2.Diabetes – coconut oil prevents food cravings

3. Stabilizes blood sugar levels

4.Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchial Infections

5.Asthma – in both, adults, and children

6.Acid Reflux/ Indigestion – In this case, consume coconut oil after meals

7.Mild Depression and Cognitive Disease –In this case, take coconut oil in combination with fish oil, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), and other treatment methods

8.Bowel function –gut infections, constipation, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease)

9.Cancer – Studies have demonstrated that coconut oil prevents breast and colon cancer


11.Candida Albicans

12.Allergies – seasonal hay fever

13.Cholesterol – improves the ratio of HDL (‘good’ cholesterol) to LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) in individuals with high cholesterol levels

14.Gas – The imbalance of bacteria in the gut often leads to foul gas. This oil has mild anti-microbial properties and thus re-establishes healthy gut flora

15.Colds and Flues – Coconut oil has potent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and is extremely useful in case of colds and flu

16.Flaky, dry skin- Insufficient amounts of oil lead to dandruff and dry skin

17. Poor Circulation – If you constantly feel cold or in the case fo edema, particularly in the extremities, apply this oil to the skin in a circular motion towards the heart.

18.Gallbladder Disease – Dietary oils raise the bile flow, which is beneficial in the case of gallbladder problems

19.Kidney Disease and Stones – it is really helpful as it dissolves small stones in the kidneys

20.H. pylori – In this case, take coconut oil orally.

Continue Reading: How to Mix Coconut Oil and Baking Soda for a Face-Cleaning Like You’ve Never Had Before

Squeeze 1 Lemon With 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil And You Will Remember Me For The Rest Of Your Life

Natural medicine has been widely used in recent times, thanks to that with very little money it can cure many diseases and the risk of side effects. The body collects larger amounts of toxins every day.

The liver, kidneys, intestines – all of these organs, and not just these, fight for purification of toxins and filtering of harmful substances entering the body.

Olive oil and lemon are two main ingredients that will help you to detoxify the entire body daily and protect yourself against diseases, infections, inflammations, and other dangerous conditions.The mixture of olive oil and lemon stimulates the immune system and makes it resistant to external and internal seizures.

Separately, the oil and lemon have powerful properties. And imagine together! Protective mechanisms work with full force for the health of the body.


Preparation of the mixture is mild. Olive oil and fresh lemon juice mixed with a ratio of 1: 1. Mix very well. The mixture is rich whit minerals and vitamins.


Fights constipation

This combination helps to lubricate the digestive mucosa and also activates the bladder function. This mixture contains antioxidants that help us get rid of toxins and help in any case to properly digest food.

Cardioprotective effect

Because olive oil is rich in fatty acids, it helps control and improve blood circulation and also removes bad cholesterol, which helps in blood flow, and is also anti-inflammatory and provides many vitamins.

It maintains balanced liver and gallbladder

We know that when we feel swollen, heavy and tired, most often because our body is poisoned, so with this mixture help the liver to expel these toxins.

Articular or rheumatic pains

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, every morning a teaspoon of this mixture fights these annoying pains.

To strengthen skin, nails, and hair

To strengthen weak, fragile or fragmented nails, you should make a mixture of 1 tablespoon olive oil with 1 tbsp. lemon juice, where you will soak your nails 10 minutes before falling asleep, and you can also sleep in fine cotton gloves to allow a mixture of lemon and olive oil to penetrate the nails overnight.

Also if you want healthy, strong and shiny hair and to control dandruff, olive oil and lemon can help make it, and while antiseptic and astringent lemon qualities can help treat skin diseases.

What you need to do is mix and drink 1 tbsp. olive oil with freshly squeezed lemon juice to maintain a healthy body, shiny hair and smooth skin.

As you can see the effects of lemon and olive oil is excellent, we recommend that you immediately start using this mixture and take advantage of the health benefits it offers.

A Powerful Homemade Recipe That Makes All The Mosquitoes and Cockroaches Fall Dead Immediately!

Our ecosystem is very rich in all kinds of species. Some of these species live far from the society and our environment, but, there are some that are in constant contact with us and that can be pretty annoying. Mosquitoes and cockroaches are the best example.

These organisms are everywhere and are not only annoying, but they can also e a risk for our health as they carry an infinite number of diseases because of they come into contact with the human blood and other debris from the streets or places with poor hygiene.

On the topic of hygiene, we need to mention the fact that mosquitoes and flies in general are on sites where they can get food and put their offspring, usually in dirty places or places with standing water. The real problem actually is getting rid of these.

Luckily, there is this natural remedy that will help you eliminate the mosquitoes and flies in an efficient way. Numerous products on the market claim to be helpful in eliminating them, but the chemicals they contain have certain side effects that should be avoided in our life, meaning that this natural remedy is the best choice for you.

Here is what you need for the preparation of this remedy:

– Half a cup of shampoo

– Half a cup of natural vinegar (with 9 percent concentration)

– Half a cup of vegetable oil

Preparation process:

Combine all ingredients and make sure that they are very well mixed into a homogenous mixture. Then, pour the mixture in a spray bottle so that you can spray it onto all the areas where you want these hateful and pesky mosquitoes or flies to disappear. This remedy can be used in any room as it is safe thanks to the all-natural ingredients it is made of. Moreover, you can use it in the garden or even apply it onto your skin and make it work as a natural repellent.

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Source:  www.MakeYourLifeHealthier.com

When You Mix Olive Oil and Salt You Can Say Goodbye to Pain For the Next 5 Years

Unfortunately, almost all people, at least most of them, use prescribed drugs and medications all the time, for any issue or health problem. However, this is not good at all because the drugs and meds will show side effects later in life. This is why you are recommended to use natural cures which have more benefits and no dangers. Natural remedies provide better results that do not come with side effects. For example, in case you have neck osteochondrosis, a painful condition, you are recommended to treat it using home remedies instead regular medications.  Here is a remedy that is very easy and simple to prepare if you follow these simple rules.


  • Twenty tablespoons of unrefined olive oil or sunflower oil
  • Ten tablespoons of good quality salt


Here is what you are supposed to do: mix both ingredients in a glass bowl, and seal or cover it. Two days later, the remedy is ready to use.


Apply this mixture on the affected area every morning right after you wake up. All you have to do is rub it against the skin. Do not forget that you should begin with two or three minutes and increase the time of rubbing with time. According to the experts, a twenty minute massage will provide you with more than enough benefits. Once you are done rubbing, wipe the mixture off your skin using wet or dump towel. In case that your skin gets pink or irritated, apply some baby powder on to soothe it.

After a while, you will notice the amazing results of this treatment. Ten days after you started applying it, your blood circulated will be improved and the muscles, as well as the bones and the cartilages will start regenerating. Only in ten days you will be able to tell a huge difference and a significant improvement. It will eliminate the migraines and the bad circulation, even the blurred vision.

Moreover, this remedy will help you eliminate the toxins from your body and accelerate your metabolism. Once you rub the remedy onto your skin, you will feel light headed or a little bit dizzy, but you should not panic because this is completely normal and totally worth it. It does not have side effects. This is why you need to try this remedy for treating any mentioned issue.

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Source: www.MakeYourLifeHealthier.com

11 Natural Antibiotics That Kill Bacteria in Your Body

Unlike today, in the past people had to rely on the land to provide natural remedies and antibiotics. Although we cannot help but thank modern medicine for increasing the human lifespan, there is still a place for natural remedies.

As science shows that 1 in 0 people experience side effects that harm the digestive system after taking conventional antibiotics, it is no wonder that natural antibiotics are becoming all the rage these days.

11 Natural Antibiotics That Kill Bacteria in Your Body

1. Garlic and Onion

Both garlic and onion contain anti-cancer, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.  According to the journal publication Pharmacognosy Reviews, “At the time when antibiotics and other pharmacy products did not exist, a bulb of garlic itself represented a whole pharmacy industry due to the broad spectrum of effects.”

2. Ginger Root

Ginger can be eaten fresh, dried, or powdered.  You can also take it as an extract, tincture, oil, lozenge, or capsule. It is a potent antibiotic, pain-reliever, and anti-inflammatory agent, capable of relieving motion sickness and nausea, among other things.

3. Coconut Oil

As a natural antibiotic, coconut oil helps cure candida, warts, inflammation, and coughs. It is also a potent antifungal, antiviral, and antimicrobial agent which prevents dangerous pathogens from entering the digestive system.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, a potent anti-inflammatory. It helps reduce the symptoms of various conditions, including gout, arthritis, and acne.

5. Honey

Honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which is often used to treat cuts and minor injuries.  Amazingly, studies show that honey kills more than sixty different types of bacteria!

6. Echinacea

Echinacea is a member of the sunflower family and known as one of the best natural antibiotics for cold. It has been scientifically shown that Echinacea supplements reduce the severity of cold symptoms for up to 50%.  Other antibiotic uses include hay fever, ear infections, sinus infections, and athlete`s foot.

7. Thyme

Thyme essential oil is a natural antimicrobial and antiseptic agent which can be used to prevent eczema, acne, and similar skin conditions.  Make sure you combine it with olive or coconut oil prior applying it topically, due to its potency.

8. Cloves

Cloves kill off bacteria, plaque, and gingivitis, which reduces inflammation of the gums and improves oral health.  In one study, a mouth rinse made of tea tree, basis, and clove oil killed more oral bacteria than conventional mouth rinse.

9. Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is a potent antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory agent which treats infections, parasites, and the common cold.  Taking it as a supplement protects the skin from harmful bacteria.

10. Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit seeds extract has been long used to treat infections of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to its antibiotic properties, it also increases circulation, reduces joint pain, and protects the skin from UV damage.

11. Goldenseal

Typically used to treat urinary tract infections and bacteria diarrhea, goldenseal is yet another potent antibiotic.

Recent studies show that it can be used to prevent MRSA from damaging tissue too.

14 Reasons This Oil Is Called ‘Liquid Gold’: from cancer prevention to fighting stretch marks

Argan oil is rightfully called “liquid gold” considering the health benefits it offers.

The oil contains a lot of essential nutrients including fatty acids and vitamin E, and can be either consumed or used as a beauty product. No matter what you choose, you will definitely feel its effects.

There are 4 types of Argan oil, depending on their use: edible Argan oil, Beauty Argan oil, Enriched Argan oil and Cosmetic Argan oil. Here are the top health and beauty benefits of this miraculous natural product:

Relives premature aging

Thanks to the high fatty acid content, argan oil can regenerate your skin cells and erase the signs of aging from your skin.

Prevents environmental damage to the skin

Due to the rich antioxidant content, argan oil can protect the skin from damage and improve its quality.

Treats various skin disorders

The triterpenoids in the oil can treat any skin disorder including eczema and dermatitis.

Anti-inflammatory agent

Using argan oil on your skin can relieve the inflammation within and resolve numerous problems.

Regulates cholesterol

Consuming argan oil regularly will lower your cholesterol levels and prevent a variety of cardiovascular problems.

Anti-cancer agent

According to recent studies, the oil contains potent antioxidants which can prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Improves digestion

Consuming argan oil can improve your digestion and prevent a variety of digestive problems.

Reduces the appearance of stretch marks

The oil will strengthen your skin and keep it soft, effectively preventing stretch marks.

Dry heels and feet

If your heels are dry and cracked, you can apply some argan oil on them to keep them hydrated.

A great conditioner

Rub a few drops of the argan oil on your hair to hydrate it and protect it from external factors.

Lip moisturizer

Rubbing argan oil on your lips will hydrate them and protect them in the winter.

Gives your hair shine

Add a few drops of the oil in your shampoo and wash your hair with it regularly to make your hair shine.

Gives you a nice bronze tan

Did you know you can use argan oil to give your skin a nice bronze tan? Add some in your bronzer and you’ll be amazed by the results.

A great skin toner

Add a few drops of argan oil in your skin toner to hydrate your skin and give it a nice tone.

This Is Why You Need To Put Essential Oils On Your Feet Every Night Before Bed

In case you love essential oils, and have some, you already know that they are extremely beneficial for health and have intense relaxing and calming properties.

These oils despite being amazing for aromatherapy, also offer other benefits as well.

Essential oils can be applied to the feet at bedtime and ensure you get a healthy sleep during the night, according to reflexologists.

In fact the soles of the feet have 5 skin layers and no hair follicles. The pores are absorbent and quickly absorb the essential oil into the bloodstream.

It was shown that as soon as the essential oil is applied to the foot, its traces can be found throughout the body in less than 20 minutes.

The palms and soles are the only body areas without sebaceous glands and these glands produce sebum, which is an oily substance that protects and weakens the skin’s ability to absorb foreign materials.

When the soles and palms lack these glands, they can easily absorb essential oils.

Important is that the feet have 72,000 nerve endings each, which is more per square centimeter than any other body part. According to this to this fact, the East Asian medicine has treated various diseases and illnesses by stimulating certain foot points.

It is believed that body organs and systems are linked through meridians of energy that end in the feet, hands, ears and face. This healing tradition is known as reflexology.

According to reflexology the application of essential oils on the feet helps the properties of the oil to reach the body organs and systems and assist healing.

These oils are too concentrated to be applied directly on the body, so you need to dilute them with water or coconut oil to lower the risk of swelling or irritations.

The feet skin is the least sensitive, so you can freely apply any kind of essential oil on the soles.

If you use of essential oils topically it helps the active compounds to directly enter the bloodstream, instead of going through the digestive system and the liver, when ingested.

Consult a naturopath about the most beneficial essential oil to use in order to treat your health issue and gain most health benefits. Apply it on your feet and experience quick health improvements!

How to Mix Coconut Oil and Baking Soda for a Face-Cleaning Like You’ve Never Had Before

There is a lot of trust placed into the claims of skin care products. They advertise ‘flawless skin,’ ‘disappearing acne,’ and ‘natural beauty,’ and we buy the products to try it for ourselves.

Examining the back of a facial cleanser is a bit nerve-wracking. What do all those terms mean?

Even if you ask someone with knowledge on the subject, you won’t get a proper answer since many of the words are unrecognizable.

Who can say what these treatments are really doing to your face?

The Inside View on What You Are Rubbing On Your Face

When it specifically comes to your skin care, in addition to the unhealthy ingredients, many products are put on the market without proper testing:

“There are industry trade secrets and formulations that for industry reasons are kept from the consumer,” says Elizabeth Sword, executive director of the Children’s Health Environmental Coalition. “This prevents the consumer from making fully informed decisions.”

There is a way to separate yourself from these health risks and to eliminate skin blemishes at the same time: making your own facial scrub.

Coconut Oil as a Facial Moisturizer

Coconut oil has antimicrobial and moisturizing abilities that are perfect for cleaning your face. It will kill the bacteria that creates pimples. The oil will moisturize the skin and won’t make it feel like sandpaper as many other products do.

It is also an anti-inflammatory which can alleviate the symptoms of eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions. Viva Naturals makes a fantastic organic coconut oil that will leave your skin glowing.

Baking Soda for the Skin

We know baking soda to be a rising agent in foods, but it is also an excellent face exfoliator, which is particularly helpful for removing blackheads. Your skin will feel very soft after rubbing this scrub on your face.

Since baking soda also soothes sunburns, this facial cleanser is a good choice for those who burn easily. Need more reasons to use baking soda? It’s inexpensive!

DIY Coconut Oil and Baking Soda Facial Scrub

Using coconut oil as a facial moisturizer will change the way you view your skin.

An added bonus is that you probably have these ingredients in your kitchen already. You just didn’t realize how beneficial they are for your skin.


– 1/2 cup coconut oil

– 1/2 cup baking soda

– That’s it!


If your coconut oil is warm and more liquidy, it will be easier to use. Simply mix the two ingredients together until they are completely combined, and the texture is a bit gritty.

Place it in a shallow jar for easy access. Scrub your face as usual, but feel the enormous difference!

The Oils That Can Help You Fix Your Hormones

Herbs possess numerous health benefits and they are mostly beneficial in regulating the hormonal balance. Some of the most beneficial herbs used for hormonal balance include: myrtle, sandalwood, clary sage, lavender, holy basil and thyme.

What does hormonal balance mean? We are taking about:

– Thyroid hormones: thyroxin and triiodothyronine are produced by the thyroid gland, and their function is to regulate the metabolic processes.

– Sleep hormones: sleep hormones, such as: melatonin produced by the pineal gland, may greatly affect the overall health if they are imbalanced. Bad sleep quality can make the human body weak and prone to diseases.

– Adrenal hormones: cortisol, produced by the adrenal glands, aids the metabolic processes and regulates stress levels.

– Reproductive hormones: progesterone and estrogen regulate menstrual cycles, vaginal pH and female fertility.

Testosterone regulates male fertility, libido, bone mass and the production of red blood cells. In fact, men and women have 3 hormones, and any hormonal imbalance may increase the risk of cancer.

The function of the endocrine system is to maintain the hormonal balance. If one of the hormones is out of balance, it may affect the others, thus causing numerous symptoms, including weight gain, pain, fatigue, etc.


Some of the most common symptoms of hormonal imbalance are:

– Insomnia

– Low libido

– Weight loss or weight gain

– Irregular menstrual periods or infertility

– Anxiety and depression

– Appetite changes

– Fatigue

– Digestive issues

– Hair thinning and hair loss


Hormonal imbalances are caused by numerous factors, like medical history, diet, stress levels, genetics, and exposure to toxins in the environment. Some of the most common contributors of hormonal imbalance are:

– Gut issues and food allergies

– Being obese or overweight

– Increased levels of inflammation caused by sedentary life and an unhealthy diet

– Genetic susceptibility

– Lack of rest and poor sleep quality

– Toxicity (exposure to toxins, pesticides, cigarettes, viruses, alcohol and chemicals)


The five most beneficial herbs used for hormonal balance include:

1. Holy basil for reducing anxiety

According to the studies, holy basil possesses properties, which reduce the cortisol levels, the stress hormone. It has been also shown that the extract of holy basil aids in reducing the levels of anxiety.

In addition, it is also beneficial for treating memory issues, exhaustion, sexual issues, and sleep quality.

2. Myrtle for improved sleep quality

Even though myrtle has been used as a hypnotic herb and a sedative by some cultures, its effects on the humans are still not known. Nevertheless, there have been numerous studies on its effects on mice and rats.

According to the findings of the study, the animals that took extract of myrtle slept more often and their muscles were relaxed. It has also shown that the myrtle extract has anti-anxiety properties.

In addition, another study has shown that the extract of myrtle has relaxing properties on some animals. In fact, mice that took myrtle essential oil had prolonged sleeping activity, which slowed down the function of the brain.

3. Clary sage for healthier menopause

Clary sage has the ability to reduce the levels of cortisol. A recent study has shown that 50-year old women, who inhaled oil of clary saga, experienced reduced levels of cortisol. In addition, even though the reducing was rather slightly, there was also a decrease in the thyroid hormones.

It is also considered that clary saga can increase the levels of estrogen in women, who have menopausal symptoms as a result of decreases estrogen levels.

4. Thyme for preventing breast cancer

In vitro study evaluated the effects of a few herbs extracts on breast cancer.

The herb that was able to act with progesterone, a female sex hormone produced in pregnancy and menstrual cycle, was thyme.

According to the researchers, thyme has a great number of phytoprogestins and phytoestrogens, which were tested to find out of they have effects on the growth of the breast cancer cells.

Interestingly, the findings of the study have shown that the thyme had the same effects in inhibiting the breast cancer cell growth and preventing the function of the progesterone.

5. Sandalwood for lowering stress

A recent study assessed the effects of aromatherapy on women, who underwent breast biopsy, a test to find out if a lump is malignant. Undergoing breast biopsy may be rather stressful for most women.

Therefore, participants in the study were told to try a combination of two essential oils.

The findings of the study have shown that the combination of peppermint oil and orange oil was less effective than the combination of lavender oil and sandalwood, which has shown calming effects in the participants and reduced anxiety.

In addition, another study has shown that patients with poor sleep quality experienced improved sleep by inhaling different types of essential oils.

One of the essential oils used in this combination was sandalwood. Nearly 64 % of the participants experienced a slightly imropved sleep quality.

6. Ashwagandha

It can be especially effective at regulating hormonal balances. It is beneficial for the thyroid as it promotes elimination of free radicals, which lead to cellular damage. In addition, it can be also used to enhance an overactive thyroid gland, and aids in overcoming adrenal fatigue.

7. Fennel

Gut health issues have been considered to cause autoimmune reactions, as well as thyroid disorders. You can use the fennel oil to calm down your body, enhance digestive processes, and improve metabolism and lower inflammation.

All you have to do is to rub two drops of fennel essential oil on the stomach or pour 1 – 2 drops of the oil in lukewarm water or tea.

8. Lavender

Lavender oil enhances emotional balance, because it significantly treats depression, anxiety, stress and mood swifts. In addition, it is used to improve sleep quality, which in turn helps to regulate hormones.


You can use herbs in many ways. The simplest way to experience their benefits is to include them in your smoothies or diet, even though you can find them in essential oils, teas, and extracts. You can use medicinal herbs in ointments and poultices.

Extract forms represents concentrated doses of medicinal herbs, which can be found in powder form (loose powder and capsules) when the water is eliminated completely from the herb or tinctures (liquid). It is best to use tinctures on an empty stomach for 1 – 2 ml.

Essential herbal oils can be used in numerous ways:

– Mix it with a carrier oil, such as: coconut oil, and apply it on the skin

– Add several drops to a warm bath

– Use it as a diffuser. Put a few drops in a distilled water and place it in place it in somewhere in your home.

When you prepare or buy herbals teas, you should look for herbal ones.

Moreover, you should buy whole leaf teas instead of teabags, which may often contain pesticide residues. Consume the herbal teas three times on a daily basis.